GBT Unit Iii A
GBT Unit Iii A
GBT Unit Iii A
Embodied energy is the energy consumed by all of the processes associated with
the production of a building, from the mining and processing of natural resources to
manufacturing, transport and product delivery. Embodied energy does not include
the operation and disposal of the building material, which would be considered in a
life cycle approach. Embodied energy is the ‘upstream’ or ‘front-end’ component of
the life cycle impact of a home. A complex combination of many processed materials
determines a building’s total embodied energy. Every building is a complex
combination of many processed materials, each of which contributes to the building’s
total embodied energy. Renovation and maintenance also add to the embodied
energy over a building’s life.
Life cycle energy analysis is an approach that accounts for all energy inputs to a
building in its life cycle. The system boundaries of this analysis include the energy
use of the following phases: manufacture, use, and demolition. Manufacture phase
includes manufacturing and transportation of building materials and technical
installations used in erection and renovation of the buildings. Operation phase
encompasses all activities related to the use of the buildings, over its life span.
These activities include maintaining comfort condition inside the buildings, water use
and powering appliances. Finally, demolition phase includes destruction of the
building and transportation of dismantled materials to landfill sites and/or recycling
Life cycle energy of the building is the sum of the all the energies incurred in its life
cycle. It is thus expressed as sum of Embodied Energy, Operating Energy and
demolition Energy.