Geography Practice Answer Paper - 2

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Practice Answer Paper - 2

Q.1) Select the correct option and rewrite the sentence : 4

1) According to Census 2011, the average population density of
India is 382 persons per
2) The rate of urbanization in Brazil has reduced after the 2000
3) Brazil’s economy is also of Mixed type like that of India.
4) The westernmost point of Brazil is Nascente do Rio Moa.
Q.2) Match the column. 4
A group B group
1) The southernmost point of India 1) Indira Point
2) The highlands in eastern Brazil 2) The Great Escarproent
3) The origin of Ganga 3) Gangotri
4) the origin of Amazon 4) Andes mountains

Q.3) Answer in one sentence.

1) The population distribution in India is highly uneven.
2) Portuguese settlers established the early settlements in Brazil.
3) Between India and Brazil, India’s per capita income is less.
4) Parana, a south-flowing river, is good for navigation.
5) Deltas are found on the eastern coast of India.

Practice Answer Paper 2 - Geography (English Medium) ¨¨ 1

Q.4 A) Fill the following in the given outline map and also prepare an

Practice Answer Paper 2 - Geography (English Medium) ¨¨ 2

Q.4 B) Read the following map and answer the given questions.
1) Answer - Dot method
2) Answer - Roraima
3) Answer - Rio de Janeiro
4) Points - Highly dense population distribution.
- Most of the Brazilians live on the coast
5) Points - highly sparse
- dense forest, uneven topography
- no development
6) Points - sparse in the west, north
- dense in the south east

Q.5) Give geographical reasons. (important points)

1) Points - Tropic of cancer passes through the middle of the
- mostly high temperatures in summer which reaches upto
50 degrees celcius in desert areas. India lie in tropical
- perpendicular sunrays.
2) Points - since 150 years Brazil Is the leading coffee producer
- introduced by the Portuguese
- favourable climate, suitable soil, vast area of land
available for fazendas
3) Points - earlier low life expectancy
- high incidence of diseases and epidemics like chicken pox,
malaria, cholera, etc.
- with improvement in access to medical facilities and
improvement in technology life expectancy is increasing
- death due to epidemics is decreasing
- awareness regarding good health is increasing, improved
standard of living, nutritious food
4) Points - Amazon basin is not as populated as the Ganga basin
- pollution in the Ganga river will affect the
population living on its banks. On Ganga river banks
high development in industries.

Practice Answer Paper 2 - Geography (English Medium) ¨¨ 3

Q.6 A) Prepare a multiple bar graph on the basis of the given information
and answer the questions.
Scale -
India and Brazil - Urban population (%)
1 cm = 10%



2015 2016 2017


1) Answer - 32.8 %
2) Answer - Brazil
3) Answer - Rate of urbanisation is low in Brazil and high in India.
Q.6 B) Read the following graph and answer the questions.
i) Answer - 85%
ii) Answer - 1991-2001
iii) Answer - 30%
iv) Answer - 30%
v) Answer - 10 years
vi) Points - Brazil has a higher literacy rate than India
- increasing every decade

Practice Answer Paper 2 - Geography (English Medium) ¨¨ 4

Q.7) Answer in detail. (Important Points)
1) Points - Highly populated areas
- northern plains, coastal regions
- examples, urban areas
- sparsely populated regions
- North east, north-west, remote places, forested regions
- medium populated – Narmada valley,
2) Points - list of items to be taken together
- maps of where we are going
- questionnaire as per the aim of visit
- means of travelling
3) Points - Preference for male child
- ignorance of nutrition with respect to girls
- higher deaths during maternity phase
4) Points - coasts in the northern and eastern part
- total length - about 7400 km.
- high population
- industries, urban areas

Practice Answer Paper 2 - Geography (English Medium) ¨¨ 5

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