Mediating Role of Strategic Orientations
Mediating Role of Strategic Orientations
Mediating Role of Strategic Orientations
How to cite: Abdulrab, M., Al-Mamary, Y.H.S., Alwaheeb, M.A. et al. (2021), “Mediating role of strategic
orientations in the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and performance of Saudi SMEs”, Brazilian
Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol. 18, No. 04, e20211113.
Goal: This study aims to examine the mediating role of strategic orientations in the relationship
between entrepreneurial orientation and performance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in
Saudi Arabia.
Design / Methodology / Approach: Quantitative analysis techniques is used in this study. Data from
206 KSA owners / managers of SMEs is obtained and analysed using Partial Least Squares Structural
Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM).
Results: Findings indicate that strategic orientations mediate the relationship between
entrepreneurial orientation and performance of SMEs in Saudi Arabia.
Limitations of the investigation: The proposed model may not be generalised and must be applied
in other contexts and cultures.
Practical implications: This study indicates that KSA managers should maintain emphasis on
entrepreneurship and establish unique strategic techniques to improve efficiency. Policymakers are
recommended to establish entrepreneurship initiatives for SMEs to form entrepreneurship.
Additional recommendations are also provided.
Originality / Value: This study adds to the current body of knowledge by addressing the mediating
role of market and technology orientation in the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation
and performance of Saudi SMEs.
According to the World Bank (2020), small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are
mandated to be productive and to pursue creative and proactive techniques towards analytical
thought in the current complex market climate. SMEs account for approximately 90% of firms
worldwide and 99.41% of the Saudi Arabia private sector (Monshaat, 2020). Particularly in
advanced countries, SMEs are regarded as the key drivers of competition, fuelling jobs and
promoting financial growth (Ndubisi et al., 2020). SME strategies play a critical role in advancing
the corporate mission, maintaining vision and establishing the competitive advantages of a
Financial support: This research has been funded by Scientific Research Deanship at University of Ha’il- Saudi Arabia through
project number RG-191349.
Conflict of interest: The authors have no conflict of interest to declare.
Corresponding author:
Received: 23 November 2020
Accepted: 03 March 2021
Editor: Julio Vieira Neto.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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Mediating role of strategic orientations in the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and performance of Saudi SMEs
company (Jardioui et al., 2019). These businesses do not need to devote massive marketing
budgets or pursue large resources to gain competition. Even so, effective methods need to be
implemented to meet higher objectives for greater performance. SMEs must implement
innovative initiatives leading to potential advantages when existing strategies are obsolete
(Liñán et al., 2019). SMEs should be able to challenge conventional management styles in
developed countries and pursue efforts to convert these into constructive, highly successful and
value-added strategy. In the Saudi context, SMEs need to implement solutions that generate
value-added technologies for consumers and companies (Alrubaishi & Robson, 2019).
In this strategy, orientation is one of the most critical aspects. Previous research
demonstrated the value of entrepreneurial, market and technological orientations to boost
efficiency in SMEs (Alnawas & Farha, 2020). Corporations have to pursue a competitive
strategy that can anticipate and respond to external developments in their market climate. In
practice, strategic advice cause repercussions for SMEs by creating new and creative
perspectives into their sector (Rizan et al., 2019). At present, the crucial position that
entrepreneurial orientation plays in creativity, positive action and risk taking for SMEs is
recognised. Entrepreneurial orientation helps grow a given organisation’s competitive
advantage, increases innovation performance (Ferreira et al., 2020) and encourages
organisational reaction speed and corporate agility (Kohtamäki et al., 2020). In addition,
strategy plays a significant impact on economic development and in organisational growth
(Alhakimi & Mahmoud, 2020).
The influence of entrepreneurial, market and technology orientations on SME efficiency
in developing economies have been studied over the last two decades (Jogaratnam, 2017;
Martin & Javalgi, 2016, Abdulrab et al., 2020). Although this area has attracted extensive
research, few studies have investigated the mediating effect of entrepreneurial orientation
between strategic orientation and SMEs (Ali et al., 2020). Consequently, these gaps will be
resolved in addition to the absence of earlier research on the effects of entrepreneurial,
market and technology orientations on the performance of Saudi SMEs. The current research
attempts to investigate the mediating role of strategic orientations in the relationship between
entrepreneurial orientation and performance of Saudi SMEs.
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Mediating role of strategic orientations in the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and performance of Saudi SMEs
vast amount of risks can adversely affect overall organisational successes, entrepreneurial
advancement or creativity; on the other hand, low risk-taking willingness and low propensity
for complexity in cultures of high uncertainty-avoidance (Ozaralli & Rivenburgh, 2016). Pro-
activeness is also a significant contributor to the success of SMEs (Kreiser & Davis, 2010).
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Mediating role of strategic orientations in the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and performance of Saudi SMEs
component. Businesses can reach full market orientation potential if they are guided by
entrepreneurial orientation (Slater and Narver, 1995). Matsuno et al. (2002) found that
entrepreneurial orientation drives business orientation; the higher the degree of
entrepreneurial orientation, the higher the level of market orientation. This can be
demonstrated by the fact that entrepreneurial orientation encourages the potential and
desire of the company to understand the need to minimise ambiguity, contribute to business
learning practices and to take more measured risks.
Technology orientation is a primary source for corporate growth and market
advancement in various business forms (Masa’deh et al., 2018). Gatignon and Xuereb (1997)
have described technology orientation as being able and committed to obtaining and using
considerable technical experience in innovative technologies. Lei et al. (2019) also described
technology orientation as the company ability to suggest or incorporate new technology,
products or inventions. This description implies that the importance of consumers and long-
term enterprise performance rely on the introduction of innovative technical solutions, goods,
facilities or procedures (Kumar et al., 2018). A technology-based business strives to create new
goods or services by acquiring the newest innovations. Technology orientation thereby
contributes to financial and non-financial performance (Masa’deh et al., 2018).
The use of the most current technologies decide the technological strategy of an
organisation, particularly as its technical resources and skills are gathered and dispersed.
Furthermore, the growth, development and implementation of technologies are essential to
the advancement of SMEs. Technology in low-tech businesses is mainly based on the
implementation and advancement of technical innovation, but is a significant determinant for
potential success in high-tech companies (Enjolras et al., 2019). Efficiency levels of SMEs using
the same technology may also differ according to the implementation techniques applied
given its initial introduction (Ruiz-Jiménez and del Mar Fuentes-Fuentes, 2016). A favourable
association suggests that entrepreneurial orientation has a clear positive effect (Hakala, 2011)
and a significant correlation with technology orientation. Moreover, Baker and Sinkula (2009)
states a close connection between entrepreneurial and market orientations, and a correlation
between entrepreneurial orientation and SMEs performance. Therefore, Matsuno et al. (2002)
concluded that the market orientation exists particularly at the level of corporate culture. As
such, the impact of entrepreneurial orientation on marketing and technology orientations may
also be illustrated by the improved results of SMEs.
Based on the above discussion, the following hypotheses are proposed:
H2: Entrepreneurial orientation has a significant positive effect on market orientation.
H3: Entrepreneurial orientation has a significant positive effect on technology orientation.
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Mediating role of strategic orientations in the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and performance of Saudi SMEs
Quantitative approach is used to gather information on the mediating role of
strategic orientation in the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and
performance of SMEs. This study uses a survey questionnaire, which was less boring and
available regardless of location. Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling
(PLS-SEM) using Smart PLS software is applied to examine the research hypotheses
(Ramayah et al., 2018). Likert-style scales are used to measure all indicators.
Entrepreneurial orientation is measured using a 9-item scale, which includes three
dimensions adopted from Covin and Slevin (1989). Market orientation is measured using
a 15-item scale that comprises three dimensions adopted from Narver and Slater (1990).
A sample item is ‘Our competitive advantage is based on understanding customers’
needs.’ Furthermore, technology orientation is measured using a 12-item scale adopted
from Gatignon and Xuereb (1997). Moreover, the performance of SMEs is measured
using 10 items adopted from Anwar and Shah (2020) and Danso et al. (2016). The
efficiency of SMEs is measured relative to their main competitors or industry over the
last three years (1 = ‘extremely declining’; 5 = ‘extremely improved’). An online survey is
shared through social networks including email groups, Twitter and WhatsApp to owners
and managers of Saudi SMEs. Google Forms are used to gather details, and the Arabic
questionnaire is requested to be completed by the respondents. Data collection took
approximately two months in 2020. The online survey yields a total of 230 participants,
and after deletion of incomplete answers, the final dataset contained 206 participants.
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Mediating role of strategic orientations in the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and performance of Saudi SMEs
for the construct should be 0.7 or above. Table 1 reveals that all constructs in this study
attained a minimum value of 0.7 for composite reliability and Cronbach’s alpha, suggesting
adequate internal reliability.
Cronbach’s Composite
Constructs Indicators Loading Variance
alpha Reliability
Inn1 0.846 0.806 0.885 0.720
Inn2 0.851
Inn3 0.849
Pro1 0.880 0.837 0.902 0.755
Pro2 0.888
Pro3 0.837
Rit1 0.910 0.844 0.906 0.764
Rit2 0.902
Rit3 0.805
Cuo1 0.868 0.937 0.950 0.761
Cuo2 0.853
Cuo3 0.911
Cuo4 0.882
Cuo5 0.894
Cuo6 0.826
Com1 0.913 0.932 0.952 0.831
Market Orientation Com2 0.932
Com3 0.954
Com4 0.844
Inc1 0.785 0.827 0.878 0.591
Inc2 0.762
Inc3 0.780
Inc4 0.715
Inc5 0.799
TO1 0.790
TO2 0.882
TO3 0.782
TO4 0.852
TO5 0.880
Technology TO6 0.798
0.960 0.965 0.697
Orientation TO7 0.774
TO8 0.819
TO9 0.850
TO10 0.915
TO11 0.901
TO12 0.761
Perf1 0.814
Perf2 0.725
Perf3 0.751
Perf4 0.823
Perf5 0.910
Performance 0.949 0.956 0.687
Perf 6 0.898
Perf7 0.854
Perf8 0.759
Perf9 0.882
Perf10 0.851
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Mediating role of strategic orientations in the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and performance of Saudi SMEs
Hair Junior et al. (2017) also suggested the investigation of discriminant and convergent
validity. Convergent validity could be evaluated using other indicators, including the load factor
and average variance extracted (AVE). All indicators attained values of loading above 0.7, which
is appropriate in multivariate analysis (Hair Junior et al., 2014). AVE values ranged 0.591–0.831
and were greater than 0.5 nominal value (Fornell & Larcker, 1981). Two tests for discriminant
validity were administered, namely, the heterotrait–monotrait test (HTMT), to assess the
discriminant value of constructs (Henseler et al., 2015). The values of the HTMT relation should
be less than 0.85 to show discriminant validity. The results showed that all values were below
the 0.85 criterion, indicating proper discriminatory validity (Henseler et al., 2015). On the basis
of such analyses, PLS-SEM predictions were considered verified by the dataset.
The bootstrap method is used to evaluate the structural model (Chin, 2010). Following
the determination of the measurement model, the assessment was carried out to confirm the
hypotheses. Path coefficients and R2 values for accessing a structural model are used in PLS-
SEM. Figure 2 and Table 2 indicate the verification of the five direct hypotheses.
Entrepreneurial orientation shows significant impact on performance of SMEs (β = 0.370,
t = 2.600, p < 0.05), Thus, H1 is accepted. Likewise, entrepreneurial orientation shows a
significant effect on market orientation (β = 0.856, t = 27.789, p < 0.05) and technology
orientation (β = 0.544, t = 9.510, p < 0.05). Thus, H2 and H3 are accepted. Furthermore, market
orientation shows a significant influence on performance of SMEs (β = 0.308, t = 2.042,
p < 0.05). Thus, H4 is accepted. Technology orientation also shows a significant effect on the
performance of SMEs (β = 0.211, t = 3.009, p < 0.05). Thus, H5 is accepted. Moreover, the
bootstrapping method is used to validate the mediating effect investigated in the present
study. This method has been used and suggested for research that evaluates these indirect
effects (Hayes, 2009). Based on the results in Table 3, entrepreneurial orientation has
significant indirect effect on the performance of SMEs through market orientation (β = 0.264,
t = 2.055, p < 0.05). Similarly, technology orientation has a significant role in mediating the
relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and SMEs performance (β = 0.115, t = 2.772,
p < 0.05). Acceptable R2 standards vary; nevertheless, the R2 value proposed by Chin (1998) is
0.60 and higher as substantial, (0.33–0.59) as moderate and (0.19–0.32) as weak. Figure 2
indicates that all independent variables clarify 64.9% of the performance variance.
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Mediating role of strategic orientations in the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and performance of Saudi SMEs
adapt and respond to evolving consumer demands by providing new goods and services
(Ali et al., 2020). Technology orientation also exhibits a significant effect on the performance
of SMEs (β = 0.211, t = 3.009, p < 0.05), supporting the results of Hsu et al. (2014) and Lei et al.
(2019). Therefore, technology orientation may encourage risk-taking, create innovative ideas
that shape consumer behaviour and contribute to the growth of developing markets (Ali et al.,
2020). The present findings are consistent with earlier literature (Adegbuyi et al., 2018;
Ali et al., 2016) that indicates technology orientation has a significant effect on the
performance of SMEs. Technology orientation has often been viewed as optimistic, with its
capacity to strengthen the use of digital technologies in the mixed marketing elements (e.g.
commodity, price, delivery and promotions) (Adams et al., 2019).
Furthermore, the results reveal that market orientation mediates the relationships
between entrepreneurial orientation and the performance of Saudi SMEs (β = 0.264, t = 2.055,
p < 0.05). This research illustrates the indirect effect of entrepreneurial orientation on the
performance of SMEs as mediated by market orientation, and highlights the role of
entrepreneurial orientation in the performance of SMEs. The results are consistent with
previous papers (Baker and Sinkula, 2009; Kohli and Jaworski, 1990; Slater and Narver, 1995)
and clarified that in the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and SME efficiency,
market orientation plays a mediating role. For example, Matsuno et al. (2002) demonstrated
that market orientation fully mediates the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation
and company efficiency, and that companies that already have a high entrepreneurial
orientation should similarly cultivate market orientation. As a result, the characteristics of
market orientation require the inter-functional orientation in the organisation to satisfy
market demands, and the ability to consider the view of rivals in an environment of economic
competition, which is vital for SMEs to increase their performance. Likewise, the results
revealed that technology orientation mediates the relationships between entrepreneurial
orientation and performance of Saudi SMEs (β = 0.115, t = 2.772, p < 0.05). This finding is
consistent with the results of Hakala and Kohtamäki (2010). However, this finding contradicts
a related study by Shim and Seo (2019), who found that technology orientation did not
significantly mediate the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and the
performance of Saudi SMEs.
In brief, this analysis reveals a significant relationship between entrepreneurial orientation
and the performance of SMEs. In addition, market and technology orientations mediate the
relationships between entrepreneurial orientation and the performance of Saudi SMEs. While this
study focuses on current literature, previous findings have been discussed in various
environments and contexts. Therefore, this study helps to recognise the value of introducing
various strategic directions, which can increase the efficiency of Saudi SMEs.
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Mediating role of strategic orientations in the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and performance of Saudi SMEs
the budget, SMEs face difficulties in aligning time and expertise with various strategic
orientations. Managers must then first evaluate their current position to explain future
directions and then establish suitable procedures. Generally, these results reinforce
guidelines for introducing technology orientation with visionary qualities and market-oriented
practices that can enhance the efficiency of SMEs.
While the goals of this study are well accomplished, certain limitations remain to be
discussed. Numerous recommendations for future studies also require mention. First, this
study analyses only the combined impact of entrepreneurial, market and technology
orientations on the performance of SMEs in Saudi Arabia. Future studies must also explore
other variables that can affect the performance of SMEs, and the mediating role of other
factors. Moreover, this study only uses the expectations of SME owners and managers to
assess their performance, which may have had an effect on the metrics. Future studies are
also urged to concentrate on measures of objective performance. Consequently, this study
uses a cross-sectional design in which the data are obtained at one point in time. Future
studies should also conduct a longitudinal study to explore the impact of entrepreneurial
orientation on performance of Saudi SMEs, and the mediating role of strategic orientations in
such relationship.
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