Notice of Extra-Ordinary General Meeting - 06092021
Notice of Extra-Ordinary General Meeting - 06092021
Notice of Extra-Ordinary General Meeting - 06092021
"RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Section 152 and Section 160 of
the Companies Act, 2013, Mr. Yatrik Vin (DIN-07662795), be appointed as a
Director of the Company under 'Shareholder Directors' category liable to retire by
rotation, subject to the approval of SEBI and effective from the said date"
Chirag S Nagda
Company Secretary
ACS - 23491
Place: Mumbai
Date: September 6, 2021
NSE Clearing Limited I Exchange Plaza, C-1, Block G, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai- 400 051,
India I+9122 26598100 ICIN U67120MH1995PLC092283
2. The meeting is being convened at shorter notice, after obtaining the consent,
in writing, by majority in number of members entitled to vote and who represent
not less than ninety-five per cent of such part of the paid-up share capital of the
company as gives a right to vote at the meeting , pursuant to the provisions of
Section 101 of the Companies Act, 2013.
3. NSE Clearing Limited (NCL) shall conduct the Meeting through video
conferencing by using ‘Microsoft Teams application’ and the members are
requested to follow the below-mentioned instructions for participating in the
Meeting through ‘Microsoft Teams application’:
(I) The Company Secretary shall send a meeting invite at the registered email
addresses of the persons entitled to attend the Meeting, for joining the Meeting
through Microsoft Teams application.
(II) For joining through laptop/ desktops, the instructions are as follows:
(a) Select ‘Join Microsoft Teams Meeting’ in the meeting invite sent to you on
your email address/calendar. Thereafter, a page will be displayed where you can
choose to either join on the web or download the desktop app. If you already have
the Microsoft Teams app, the meeting will open on the app automatically.
NSE Clearing Limited I Exchange Plaza, C-1, Block G, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai- 400 051,
India I+9122 26598100 ICIN U67120MH1995PLC092283
(b) If you do not have a Teams account, select ‘Join as a guest’ and enter your
name to join the meeting as a guest. If you have a Teams account, select ‘Sign in
and join’.
(III) For joining through mobile phone/iPads, the instructions are as follows:
(a) For easy and efficient access to the Microsoft Teams meetings (including
audio, video, and content sharing) on mobile, it would be advisable to download
and install the Microsoft Teams mobile app.
(b) If you have the app, select the ‘Join Microsoft Teams Meeting’ in the meeting
invite sent on your registered email address to open the app and join the meeting.
If you do not have the app, you will be taken to the app store where you can
download the same.
(c) If you do not have a Microsoft Teams account, select ‘Join as a guest’ and
enter your name to join the meeting as a guest. If you have a Teams account,
select ‘Sign in and join’.
(i) It would be advisable to download and install the app before the meeting starts.
It might take a minute or two, depending on your internet connection.
(ii) Members who need any assistance or clarification while using the video
conferencing facility can send an email at or can call at
the helpline number: 022- 2659 8100.
4. The Explanatory Statement under Section 102 of the Companies Act, 2013,
as amended, in respect of the special business and disclosure pursuant to
Regulation 26(4) and 36(3) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing
Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (“Listing
Regulations”) and the Secretarial Standard - 2 issued by the Institute of Company
Secretaries of India, with respect to Directors seeking appointment at the Meeting
is attached herewith.
NSE Clearing Limited I Exchange Plaza, C-1, Block G, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai- 400 051,
India I+9122 26598100 ICIN U67120MH1995PLC092283
7. Members attending the EGM through VC / OAVM shall be counted for the
purpose of reckoning the quorum under Section 103 of the Act.
8. Members can raise questions during the meeting. It is requested to raise the
queries precisely and in short at the time of the meeting to enable us to answer the
same. Members are also requested to send their queries, if any, to
10. The video conferencing facility allows two-way conferencing and members
can pose questions concurrently during the Meeting.
11. A member entitled to attend and vote at the Meeting is not entitled to appoint
a proxy to attend and vote instead of himself. Since the MCA Circular permits the
holding of the Meeting through video conferencing and dispenses the physical
attendance of the members at the Meeting, there is no requirement for appointment
of proxies by the members. Accordingly, the facility of appointment of proxies
by the members will not be available for the Meeting and hence the Proxy Form
and Attendance Slip are not annexed to this Notice.
13. The Notice of EGM is being sent in electronic mode to Members whose e-
mail IDs are registered with the Company or the Depository Participant(s).
14. Members may also note that the Notice of EGM will be made available on
the Company’s website at
15. The deemed venue for the EGM shall be the registered office of the company
i.e. Exchange Plaza, Plot C-1, Block G, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East),
17. All the documents referred to in this Notice will be made available for
inspection by the Company and as such the Members are requested to send an
email to
NSE Clearing Limited I Exchange Plaza, C-1, Block G, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai- 400 051,
India I+9122 26598100 ICIN U67120MH1995PLC092283
18. Since the EGM will be held through VC / OAVM, the Route Map is not
annexed in this Notice.
Chirag S Nagda
Company Secretary
ACS - 23491
Place: Mumbai
Date: September 6, 2021
NSE Clearing Limited I Exchange Plaza, C-1, Block G, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai- 400 051,
India I+9122 26598100 ICIN U67120MH1995PLC092283
Annexure to Notice
An application was made to SEBI vide NCL email dated August 16, 2021, for
re-appointment of Mr. K. S. Somasundaram as a Director in the category of
Shareholder Director on the Governing Board of NCL, after obtaining the approval
from the NRC, Board and the Shareholders of NCL. However, SEBI, vide its email
dated September 03, 2021 has advised NCL to nominate another name for
appointment of Shareholder Director on the Board of NCL. Accordingly, Mr. K. S.
Somasundaram ceased to be a Shareholder Director w.e.f. August 9, 2021.
In view of the above, NSE, the holding company, has proposed the name of Mr.
Yatrik Vin, Group CFO and Head- Corporate Affairs- NSE, as Director on the Board
of NCL under ‘shareholder director’ category subject to the approval of Board,
Shareholders and SEBI.
Having been associated with NSE for more than 20 years, he has played an
instrumental role in building this institution. He is currently heading the Finance,
Commercial, Legal, Secretarial, Strategy & Group Investments, Investor Relations,
Infrastructure as well as CSR functions of NSE Group. He has over 32 years of
overall corporate experience. As the CFO, he played a key role in establishing and
positioning NSE as one of the world's largest and the most successful exchange.
Currently, he is on the Board of various companies within the group and is also a
part of various committees and task forces, both, internally and externally. He also
engages himself actively with various agencies on policy matters pertaining to the
capital markets, taxation, financial literacy etc.
Mr. Vin holds a master’s degree in commerce from the Mumbai University and is
also a university rank holder. He is also a member of the Institute of Cost
Accountants of India. He is an alumnus of the Kellogg School of Business, USA.
NSE Clearing Limited I Exchange Plaza, C-1, Block G, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai- 400 051,
India I+9122 26598100 ICIN U67120MH1995PLC092283
He has also served on the Accounting Standards Board (ASB) of the Institute of
Chartered Accountants of India.
His name has been entered in the “ROLL OF HONOUR “of Top 100 CFOs of the
country by CFO India, he is also awarded as CFO of the year 2014 by “ABP News
BFSI Awards” and is recognized as the Most Influential CFO of India by CIMA, UK.
On academic front, he was associated with various Business Schools and
Educational Institutions of high repute as visiting Faculty in Finance and
Management Accounting for more than two decades.
Mr. Yatrik Vin holds 8 equity shares jointly with the National Stock Exchange of
India Limited (NSE), with NSE being the first holder to comply with the requirement
of minimum number of 7 shareholders as per the Companies Act, 2013.
Except, Mr. Yatrik Vin none of the other Members or Directors of the Company
and Key Managerial Personnel of the Company and their relatives are concerned
or interested, financially or otherwise in the proposed resolution.
The Board recommends the Ordinary Resolution as set forth in Item No. 1 of the
Notice for approval of the Members.
Chirag S Nagda
Company Secretary
ACS - 23491
Place: Mumbai
Date: September 6, 2021
NSE Clearing Limited I Exchange Plaza, C-1, Block G, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai- 400 051,
India I+9122 26598100 ICIN U67120MH1995PLC092283
NSE Clearing Limited I Exchange Plaza, C-1, Block G, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai- 400 051,
India I+9122 26598100 ICIN U67120MH1995PLC092283
Memberships/Chairmanships None
of committees of Board of
other companies
Remuneration drawn, if any Nil
No. of Board Meetings NA
attended during 2020-21
Chirag S Nagda
Company Secretary
ACS - 23491
Place: Mumbai
Date: September 6, 2021
NSE Clearing Limited I Exchange Plaza, C-1, Block G, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai- 400 051,
India I+9122 26598100 ICIN U67120MH1995PLC092283