Langer Et Al-2024-Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Langer Et Al-2024-Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Langer Et Al-2024-Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
ABSTRACT..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
PLAIN LANGUAGE SUMMARY....................................................................................................................................................................... 2
SUMMARY OF FINDINGS.............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
BACKGROUND.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
OBJECTIVES.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
METHODS..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 1.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 17
Figure 2.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
Figure 3.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
RESULTS........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 20
Figure 4.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 21
Figure 5.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 24
Figure 6.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 30
Figure 7.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 31
Figure 8.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 31
Figure 9.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 32
Figure 10................................................................................................................................................................................................ 33
Figure 11................................................................................................................................................................................................ 33
Figure 12................................................................................................................................................................................................ 34
Figure 13................................................................................................................................................................................................ 35
Figure 14................................................................................................................................................................................................ 35
Figure 15................................................................................................................................................................................................ 37
Figure 16................................................................................................................................................................................................ 38
Figure 17................................................................................................................................................................................................ 39
DISCUSSION.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 40
AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS........................................................................................................................................................................... 41
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS................................................................................................................................................................................ 41
REFERENCES................................................................................................................................................................................................ 43
CHARACTERISTICS OF STUDIES.................................................................................................................................................................. 52
RISK OF BIAS................................................................................................................................................................................................ 129
DATA AND ANALYSES.................................................................................................................................................................................... 132
Analysis 1.1. Comparison 1: Prevention: energy, protein and micronutrients versus standard diet, Outcome 1: Incidence of 133
pressure ulcers......................................................................................................................................................................................
Analysis 2.1. Comparison 2: Prevention: protein, arginine, zinc and antioxidants versus placebo, Outcome 1: Incidence of 133
pressure ulcers......................................................................................................................................................................................
Analysis 3.1. Comparison 3: Prevention: L-carnitine, L-leucine, calcium, magnesium and vitamin D versus standard diet, 134
Outcome 1: Incidence of pressure ulcers............................................................................................................................................
Analysis 4.1. Comparison 4: Prevention: EPA, GLA and antioxidants versus standard diet, Outcome 1: Incidence of pressure 134
Analysis 5.1. Comparison 5: Prevention: protein versus standard diet, Outcome 1: Incidence of pressure ulcers.......................... 135
Analysis 5.2. Comparison 5: Prevention: protein versus standard diet, Outcome 2: At least one adverse gastrointestinal effect..... 135
Analysis 6.1. Comparison 6: Prevention: disease-specific versus standard diet, Outcome 1: Incidence of pressure ulcers............ 136
Analysis 7.1. Comparison 7: Treatment: energy, protein and micronutrients versus standard diet, Outcome 1: Pressure ulcers 137
Analysis 7.2. Comparison 7: Treatment: energy, protein and micronutrients versus standard diet, Outcome 2: At least one 137
adverse gastrointestinal effect.............................................................................................................................................................
Analysis 8.1. Comparison 8: Treatment: protein, arginine, zinc and antioxidants versus standard diet or placebo, Outcome 1: 138
Pressure ulcers healed..........................................................................................................................................................................
Analysis 8.2. Comparison 8: Treatment: protein, arginine, zinc and antioxidants versus standard diet or placebo, Outcome 2: 138
Change in pressure ulcer area (cm2)...................................................................................................................................................
Analysis 8.3. Comparison 8: Treatment: protein, arginine, zinc and antioxidants versus standard diet or placebo, Outcome 3: 138
PUSH score............................................................................................................................................................................................
Analysis 8.4. Comparison 8: Treatment: protein, arginine, zinc and antioxidants versus standard diet or placebo, Outcome 4: At 139
least one adverse gastrointestinal effect.............................................................................................................................................
Analysis 9.1. Comparison 9: Treatment: arginine and micronutrients versus standard diet or placebo, Outcome 1: Pressure 140
ulcers healed.........................................................................................................................................................................................
Analysis 9.2. Comparison 9: Treatment: arginine and micronutrients versus standard diet or placebo, Outcome 2: Change in 140
pressure ulcer area (cm2).....................................................................................................................................................................
Analysis 9.3. Comparison 9: Treatment: arginine and micronutrients versus standard diet or placebo, Outcome 3: Change in 140
pressure ulcer area (percentage).........................................................................................................................................................
Analysis 9.4. Comparison 9: Treatment: arginine and micronutrients versus standard diet or placebo, Outcome 4: Change in 141
PUSH score............................................................................................................................................................................................
Analysis 9.5. Comparison 9: Treatment: arginine and micronutrients versus standard diet or placebo, Outcome 5: DESIGN-R 141
Analysis 9.6. Comparison 9: Treatment: arginine and micronutrients versus standard diet or placebo, Outcome 6: At least one 141
adverse gastrointestinal effects...........................................................................................................................................................
Analysis 9.7. Comparison 9: Treatment: arginine and micronutrients versus standard diet or placebo, Outcome 7: Costs (EUR).... 142
Analysis 9.8. Comparison 9: Treatment: arginine and micronutrients versus standard diet or placebo, Outcome 8: Acceptability: 142
non adherence......................................................................................................................................................................................
Analysis 10.1. Comparison 10: Treatment: different doses of arginine, Outcome 1: PUSH score.................................................... 143
Analysis 10.2. Comparison 10: Treatment: different doses of arginine, Outcome 2: At least one side effect................................... 143
Analysis 10.3. Comparison 10: Treatment: different doses of arginine, Outcome 3: Acceptability: non adherence........................ 143
Analysis 11.1. Comparison 11: Treatment: EPA, GLA and antioxidants versus standard diet, Outcome 1: Pressure ulcers healed.... 144
Analysis 11.2. Comparison 11: Treatment: EPA, GLA and antioxidants versus standard diet, Outcome 2: PUSH score.................. 144
Analysis 12.1. Comparison 12: Treatment: protein versus standard diet, Outcome 1: Pressure ulcers healed............................... 145
Analysis 12.2. Comparison 12: Treatment: protein versus standard diet, Outcome 2: Pressure ulcer episodes.............................. 145
Analysis 12.3. Comparison 12: Treatment: protein versus standard diet, Outcome 3: PUSH score................................................. 146
Analysis 12.4. Comparison 12: Treatment: protein versus standard diet, Outcome 4: Diarrhoea episodes.................................... 146
Analysis 12.5. Comparison 12: Treatment: protein versus standard diet, Outcome 5: Costs (EUR)................................................. 146
Analysis 13.1. Comparison 13: Treatment: collagen versus standard diet or placebo, Outcome 1: Change in pressure ulcer area 147
Analysis 13.2. Comparison 13: Treatment: collagen versus standard diet or placebo, Outcome 2: PUSH score............................. 147
Analysis 13.3. Comparison 13: Treatment: collagen versus standard diet or placebo, Outcome 3: DESIGN-R score...................... 148
Analysis 13.4. Comparison 13: Treatment: collagen versus standard diet or placebo, Outcome 4: At least one adverse 148
gastrointestinal effect...........................................................................................................................................................................
Analysis 14.1. Comparison 14: Treatment: specialised amino acid mixture (arginine-enriched) versus standard diet or placebo, 149
Outcome 1: PUSH score........................................................................................................................................................................
Analysis 14.2. Comparison 14: Treatment: specialised amino acid mixture (arginine-enriched) versus standard diet or placebo, 149
Outcome 2: At least one adverse gastrointestinal effect....................................................................................................................
Analysis 15.1. Comparison 15: Treatment: ornithine alpha-ketoglutarate versus placebo, Outcome 1: Change in pressure ulcer 150
area (cm2)..............................................................................................................................................................................................
Analysis 15.2. Comparison 15: Treatment: ornithine alpha-ketoglutarate versus placebo, Outcome 2: Change in pressure ulcer 150
area (percentage)..................................................................................................................................................................................
Analysis 15.3. Comparison 15: Treatment: ornithine alpha-ketoglutarate versus placebo, Outcome 3: Side effects...................... 150
Analysis 16.1. Comparison 16: Treatment: vitamin C versus placebo, Outcome 1: Pressure ulcers healed..................................... 151
Analysis 16.2. Comparison 16: Treatment: vitamin C versus placebo, Outcome 2: Change in pressure ulcer area (percentage)...... 151
Analysis 17.1. Comparison 17: Treatment: zinc sulphate versus placebo, Outcome 1: Pressure ulcers healed.............................. 152
Analysis 17.2. Comparison 17: Treatment: zinc sulphate versus placebo, Outcome 2: Change in pressure ulcer volume (mL)....... 152
APPENDICES................................................................................................................................................................................................. 152
WHAT'S NEW................................................................................................................................................................................................. 172
HISTORY........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 172
CONTRIBUTIONS OF AUTHORS................................................................................................................................................................... 172
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST..................................................................................................................................................................... 173
SOURCES OF SUPPORT............................................................................................................................................................................... 173
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PROTOCOL AND REVIEW.................................................................................................................................... 173
INDEX TERMS............................................................................................................................................................................................... 173
[Intervention Review]
Gero Langer1, Ching Shan Wan2,3, Astrid Fink4, Lukas Schwingshackl5, Daniela Schoberer6
1Institute of Health and Nursing Sciences, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale), Germany. 2Nursing Research
Institute, St Vincent’s Health Network Sydney, St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne & Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, Australia.
3National Health and Medical Research Council Centre of Research Excellence in Wiser Wound Care, Menzies Health Institute
Queensland, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia. 4Department of Health, District administration Groß-Gerau, Groß-Gerau, Germany.
5Institute for Evidence in Medicine, Medical Center - University of Freiburg, Faculty of Medicine, University of Freiburg, Freiburg,
Germany. 6Institute of Nursing Science, Medical University Graz, Graz, Austria
Citation: Langer G, Wan CS, Fink A, Schwingshackl L, Schoberer D. Nutritional interventions for preventing and treating pressure ulcers.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2024, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD003216. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD003216.pub3.
Copyright © 2024 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Pressure ulcers are localized injuries to the skin or the underlying tissue, or both, and are common in older and immobile people, people
with diabetes, vascular disease, or malnutrition, as well as those who require intensive or palliative care. People with pressure ulcers often
suffer from severe pain and exhibit social avoidance behaviours. The prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers involves strategies to
optimize hydration, circulation, and nutrition. Adequate nutrient intake can reduce the risk factor of malnutrition and promote wound
healing in existing pressure ulcers. However, it is unclear which nutrients help prevent and treat pressure ulcers. This is an update of an
earlier Cochrane Review.
To evaluate the benefits and harms of nutritional interventions (special diets, supplements) for preventing and treating pressure ulcers in
people with or without existing pressure ulcers compared to standard diet or other nutritional interventions.
Search methods
We used extensive Cochrane search methods. The latest search was in May 2022.
Selection criteria
We included randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in people with or without existing pressure ulcers, that compared nutritional interventions
aimed at preventing or treating pressure ulcers with standard diet or other types of nutritional interventions.
Main results
We included 33 RCTs with 7920 participants. Data for meta-analysis were available from 6993 participants.
Eleven studies (with 12 arms) compared six types of nutritional interventions for the prevention of pressure ulcers.
Compared to standard diet, energy, protein and micronutrient supplements may result in little to no difference in the proportion of
participants developing a pressure ulcer (energy, protein and micronutrient supplements 248 per 1000, standard diet 269 per 1000; RR
0.92, 95% CI 0.71 to 1.19; 3 studies, 1634 participants; low-certainty evidence).
Compared to standard diet, protein supplements may result in little to no difference in pressure ulcer incidence (protein 21 per 1000,
standard diet 28 per 1000; RR 0.75, 95% CI 0.49 to 1.14; 4 studies, 4264 participants; low-certainty evidence). The evidence is very uncertain
about the gastrointestinal side effects of these supplements (protein 109 per 1000, standard diet 155 per 1000; RR 0.70, 95% CI 0.06 to 7.96;
2 studies, 140 participants, very low-certainty evidence).
The evidence is very uncertain about the effects of protein, arginine, zinc and antioxidants; L-carnitine, L-leucine, calcium, magnesium and
vitamin D; EPA, GLA and antioxidants; disease-specific supplements on pressure ulcer incidence when compared to standard diet (1 study
each; very low-certainty evidence for all comparisons).
Twenty-four studies (with 27 arms) compared 10 types of nutritional interventions or supplements for treatment of pressure ulcers.
Compared to standard diet, energy, protein and micronutrient supplements may slightly increase the number of healed pressure ulcers
(energy, protein and micronutrients 366 per 1000, standard diet 253 per 1000; RR 1.45, 95% CI 1.14 to 1.85; 3 studies, 577 participants, low-
certainty evidence). The evidence is very uncertain about the effect of these supplements on gastrointestinal side effects.
Compared to standard diet, the evidence is very uncertain about the effect of protein, arginine, zinc and antioxidant supplements on
pressure ulcer healing (pressure ulcer area: mean difference (MD) 2 cm2 smaller, 95% CI 4.54 smaller to 0.53 larger; 2 studies, 71 participants,
very low-certainty evidence). The evidence on side effects of these supplements is very uncertain.
Compared to standard diet, supplements with arginine and micronutrients may not increase the number of healed pressure ulcers, but the
evidence suggests a slight reduction in pressure ulcer area (MD 15.8% lower, 95% CI 25.11 lower to 6.48 lower; 2 studies, 231 participants,
low-certainty evidence). The evidence is very uncertain about changes in pressure ulcer scores, acceptability, and side effects of these
Compared to placebo, collagen supplements probably improve the mean change in pressure ulcer area (MD 1.81 cm2 smaller, 95% CI 3.36
smaller to 0.26 smaller; 1 study, 74 participants, moderate-certainty evidence). The evidence is very uncertain about the effect of these
supplements on side effects.
The evidence is very uncertain about the effects of vitamin C, different doses of arginine; EPA, GLA (special dietary fatty acids) and
antioxidants; protein; a specialized amino acid mixture; ornithine alpha-ketoglutarate and zinc supplements on pressure ulcer healing (1
or 2 studies each; very low-certainty evidence).
Authors' conclusions
The benefits of nutritional interventions with various compositions for pressure ulcer prevention and treatment are uncertain. There
may be little or no difference compared to standard nutrition or placebo. Nutritional supplements may not increase gastrointestinal side
effects, but the evidence is very uncertain. Larger studies with similar nutrient compositions would reduce these uncertainties. No study
investigated the effects of special diets (e.g. protein-enriched diet, vegetarian diet) on pressure ulcer incidence and healing.
Which diets or supplements are most effective for preventing and treating pressure ulcers and do they cause unwanted effects?
Key messages
• Due to a lack of robust evidence, the benefits and unwanted effects of most diets and supplements for the prevention and treatment of
pressure ulcers are unclear.
• Energy, protein and micronutrients; protein, arginine, zinc and antioxidants; arginine and micronutrients; and collagen supplements may
be better than a standard diet alone for healing pressure ulcers.
• We need more and better studies with larger samples, and longer follow-up times, which examine the same outcomes, to determine the
real effect of nutritional interventions for the prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers.
Nutritional interventions are special meals or supplementary food in addition to a person's normal diet to help with general health or
specific conditions. They may be extra calories, macronutrients (like proteins) or micronutrients (like vitamins or minerals). They can be
given by mouth or through a tube (called tube feeding). They can also be given via an infusion or injection (parenteral nutrition).
Why is nutrition important for people with pressure ulcers or at risk of developing pressure ulcers?
Pressure ulcers are also known as pressure sores, bedsores and decubitus ulcers. They are an injury to the skin or underlying tissue, or
both, caused by pressure, shear and friction. Pressure on the skin reduces circulation; shear is when layers of skin and tissue slide over
one another, when the patient moves in bed, for example; and friction is when the skin rubs against bedsheets or clothing. Pressure ulcers
usually form on bony parts of the body, such as the heels or tail bone. People who are immobilized, by a fall or surgery, for example, or who
have conditions like diabetes or vascular disease are at risk of getting pressure ulcers. If they have poor nutrition, they may be at greater
risk of getting pressure ulcers and these may be more severe.
We wanted to know whether nutritional interventions help to prevent people developing pressure ulcers and to promote the healing of
existing pressure ulcers.
We searched for studies that investigated any form of nutritional intervention compared with a normal diet, placebo (dummy medicine)
or another type of nutritional intervention. We compared and summarized the results of studies that examined similar nutritional
interventions and assessed our confidence in the evidence based on factors such as study methods and sample sizes.
We found 33 studies that involved 7920 people. Eleven studies looked at the effects of nutritional interventions on preventing pressure
ulcers and 24 studies evaluated nutritional interventions for treating pressure ulcers. Amongst those, two studies investigated the effects
on both preventing and treating pressure ulcers.
Main results
• Energy, protein and micronutrient supplements may make little to no difference to the development of a pressure ulcer (3 studies, 1634
• A protein supplement may make little to no difference in pressure ulcer development (4 studies, 4264 people). It is unclear if the protein
supplement causes any unwanted effects.
• Energy, protein and micronutrient supplements may increase the number of people whose pressure ulcers healed, but we are very
uncertain about this result (3 studies, 577 people). It is unclear if the energy, protein and micronutrient supplements cause any unwanted
• Compared to a standard diet, we are uncertain whether protein, arginine, zinc and antioxidant supplements improve the healing of
pressure ulcers, (2 studies, 71 people). We do not know if protein, arginine, zinc and antioxidant supplements cause any unwanted effects.
• Arginine and micronutrient supplements may not increase the number of pressure ulcers healed, but they may slightly increase pressure
ulcer healing (2 studies, 231 people). It is unclear if the intervention has an effect on acceptability and unwanted effects.
• Collagen supplements probably increase pressure ulcer healing (1 study, 74 people). The intervention may increase unwanted effects,
but we are very uncertain about this result.
We have little to very little confidence in our findings because many of the studies were small, of low quality, and did not provide data on
everything we were interested in. About half of the studies were funded or supported by pharmaceutical companies, which might have
influenced the results. We could not use data from studies about some types of nutritional interventions because the diet or supplement
was only examined in one study.
Summary of findings 1. Summary of findings table - Energy, protein and micronutrients compared to standard diet for the prevention of pressure
Energy, protein and micronutrients compared to standard diet for the prevention of pressure ulcers
Patient or population: inpatients who are mildly or seriously malnourished or at risk of being malnourished, elderly patients at risk of developing pressure ulcers
Setting: hospitals in Uruguay and France, and university hospital long-term care clinic in Sweden
Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.
Intervention: energy, protein and micronutrients
Comparison: standard diet
Outcomes Anticipated absolute effects* (95% Relative effect № of partici- Certainty of Comments
CI) (95% CI) pants the evidence
(studies) (GRADE)
Risk with stan- Risk with energy,
dard diet protein and mi-
Incidence of pressure ulcers 269 per 1000 248 per 1000 RR 0.92 1634 ⊕⊕⊝⊝
follow-up: range 2 to 26 weeks (191 to 321) (0.71 to 1.19) (3 RCTs) Lowa
a Downgraded by two levels for risk of bias since we rated all included studies at overall high risk of bias.
Summary of findings 2. Summary of findings table - Protein compared to standard diet for the prevention of pressure ulcers
Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.
Protein compared to standard diet for the prevention of pressure ulcers
Patient or population: patients (> 65 years) following hip fracture; patients with a recent stroke
Setting: hospitals in Israel, Spain, The Netherlands, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Hong Kong, India, Italy, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal,
Republic of Ireland, Turkey, and UK
Intervention: protein
Comparison: standard diet
Outcomes Anticipated absolute effects* (95% Relative effect № of partici- Certainty of Comments
CI) (95% CI) pants the evidence
(studies) (GRADE)
Risk with stan- Risk with pro-
dard diet tein
Incidence of pressure ulcers 28 per 1000 21 per 1000 RR 0.75 4264 ⊕⊕⊝⊝
follow-up: range 1 days to 14 days (14 to 32) (0.49 to 1.14) (4 RCTs) Lowa,b
Side effects: at least one adverse gastrointestinal 155 per 1000 109 per 1000 RR 0.70 140 ⊕⊝⊝⊝
*The risk in the intervention group (and its 95% confidence interval) is based on the assumed risk in the comparison group and the relative effect of the intervention (and
its 95% CI).
substantially different.
Low certainty: our confidence in the effect estimate is limited: the true effect may be substantially different from the estimate of the effect.
Very low certainty: we have very little confidence in the effect estimate: the true effect is likely to be substantially different from the estimate of effect.
Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.
a Downgraded by one level for risk of bias since our rating for overall risk of bias for three of the four included studies was some concerns.
b Downgraded by one level for imprecision since the 95% CI overlaps the null effect and includes potential benefit (RR < 0.75), and the number of events was low (n = 99).
c Downgraded by one level for risk of bias since we rated the two included studies as some concerns.
d Downgraded by two levels for imprecision since the 95% CI overlaps the null effect and includes potential benefit (RR < 0.75) and potential harm (RR > 1.25), and also a very
low number of events (n = 26) and participants (n = 140).
Summary of findings 3. Summary of findings table - Energy, protein and micronutrients compared to standard diet for treating pressure ulcers
Energy, protein and micronutrients compared to standard diet for treating pressure ulcers
Patient or population: long-term care patients; inpatients without dehydration with energy intake by tube feeding; patients with pressure ulcers
Setting: hospitals in Japan and China, and long-term care clinic in Sweden
Intervention: energy, protein and micronutrients
Comparison: standard diet
Outcomes Anticipated absolute effects* (95% Relative effect № of partici- Certainty of Comments
CI) (95% CI) pants the evidence
(studies) (GRADE)
Risk with stan- Risk with energy,
dard diet protein and mi-
Costs - not reported - - - - -
*The risk in the intervention group (and its 95% confidence interval) is based on the assumed risk in the comparison group and the relative effect of the intervention (and
Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.
its 95% CI).
a Downgraded by two levels for risk of bias since we rated all included studies at overall high risk of bias.
b Downgraded by one level for risk of bias since we rated the included study at overall high risk of bias.
c Downgraded by two levels for imprecision since the 95% CI overlaps the null effect and includes potential benefit (RR < 0.75) and potential harm (RR > 1.25), and also a very
low number of events (n = 13) and participants (n = 60).
Summary of findings 4. Summary of findings table - Protein, arginine, zinc and antioxidants compared to standard diet or placebo for treating
pressure ulcers
Protein, arginine, zinc and antioxidants compared to standard diet or placebo for treating pressure ulcers
Outcomes Anticipated absolute effects* (95% CI) Relative effect № of partici- Certainty of Comments
(95% CI) pants the evidence
Risk with standard Risk with protein, (studies) (GRADE)
diet or placebo arginine, zinc and
Copyright © 2024 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Nutritional interventions for preventing and treating pressure ulcers (Review)
Pressure ulcers healed 161 per 1000 202 per 1000 RR 1.25 61 ⊕⊝⊝⊝
follow-up: 8 weeks (79 to 508) (0.49 to 3.15) (2 RCTs) Very lowa,b
Time to complete healing of pressure ulcers - - - - - -
not reported
Pressure ulcer area (absolute) The mean pressure MD 2 cm2 lower - 71 ⊕⊝⊝⊝
follow-up: 8 weeks ulcer area (absolute) (4.54 lower to 0.53 (2 RCTs) Very lowa,c
ranged from 3.34 to higher)
Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.
12.28 cm2
Side effects: at least one adverse gastroin- 619 per 1000 724 per 1000 RR 1.17 43 ⊕⊝⊝⊝
testinal event (477 to 1000) (0.77 to 1.79) (1 RCT) Very lowd,e
follow-up: 8 weeks
*The risk in the intervention group (and its 95% confidence interval) is based on the assumed risk in the comparison group and the relative effect of the intervention (and
its 95% CI).
a Downgraded by one level for risk of bias since we rated the higher weighted study (out of two) at overall risk of bias of some concerns.
b Downgraded by two levels for imprecision since the 95% CI overlaps the null effect and includes potential benefit (RR < 0.75) and potential harm (RR > 1.25), and also a very
low number of events (n = 12) and participants (n = 61).
c Downgraded by two levels for imprecision since the 95% CIs are wide, and the number of participants was low (n = 71).
d Downgraded by one level for risk of bias since we rated the included study at overall risk of bias of some concerns.
e Downgraded by two levels for imprecision since the 95% CI overlaps the null effect and includes potential benefit (RR < 0.75) and potential harm (RR > 1.25), and also a very
low number of events (n = 29) and participants (n = 43).
Copyright © 2024 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Nutritional interventions for preventing and treating pressure ulcers (Review)
Summary of findings 5. Summary of findings table - Arginine and micronutrients compared to standard diet for treating pressure ulcers
Arginine and micronutrients compared to standard diet for treating pressure ulcers
Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.
Outcomes Anticipated absolute effects* (95% CI) Relative effect № of partici- Certainty of Comments
(95% CI) pants the evidence
Risk with standard Risk with arginine (studies) (GRADE)
diet and micronutrients
Pressure ulcers healed 101 per 1000 169 per 1000 RR 1.67 200 ⊕⊕⊝⊝
follow-up: 8 weeks (81 to 349) (0.80 to 3.46) (1 RCT) Lowa
Change in pressure ulcer area (cm2) The mean change in MD 3.25 cm2 lower - 31 ⊕⊕⊝⊝ Several mea-
follow-up: range 4 weeks to 8 weeks pressure ulcer area (7.19 lower to 0.69 (1 RCT) Lowb,c sures (cm2 and
(cm2) was -0.45 cm2 higher) percentage) of
the same out-
come (change
in pressure ul-
cer area) due to
different stud-
Change in pressure ulcer area (percent- The mean change in MD 15.8 % lower - 231 ⊕⊕⊝⊝
age) pressure ulcer area (25.11 lower to 6.48 (2 RCTs) Lowb,c
Side effects: at least one adverse gastroin- 21 per 1000 33 per 1000 RR 1.54 282 ⊕⊝⊝⊝
testinal event (8 to 142) (0.36 to 6.64) (3 RCTs) Very lowf,g
follow-up: range 3 weeks to 8 weeks
Costs (EUR) The mean costs (EUR) MD 39.4 higher - 138 ⊕⊕⊕⊝
follow-up: 8 weeks was 173.40 (1 RCT) Moderateh
Copyright © 2024 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Nutritional interventions for preventing and treating pressure ulcers (Review)
(27.57 higher to 51.23
Health-related quality of life - not report- - - - - -
*The risk in the intervention group (and its 95% confidence interval) is based on the assumed risk in the comparison group and the relative effect of the intervention (and
its 95% CI).
Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.
GRADE Working Group grades of evidence
High certainty: we are very confident that the true effect lies close to that of the estimate of the effect.
Moderate certainty: we are moderately confident in the effect estimate: the true effect is likely to be close to the estimate of the effect, but there is a possibility that it is
substantially different.
Low certainty: our confidence in the effect estimate is limited: the true effect may be substantially different from the estimate of the effect.
Very low certainty: we have very little confidence in the effect estimate: the true effect is likely to be substantially different from the estimate of effect.
a Downgraded by two levels for imprecision since the 95% CI overlaps the null effect and includes nearly potential benefit (RR < 0.75) and potential harm (RR > 1.25), and also
a low number of events (n = 27) and participants (n = 200).
b Downgraded by one level for risk of bias since we rated the included study at overall high risk of bias.
c Downgraded by one level for imprecision; the 95% CI was narrow but the number of participants was low (n = 31 and n = 231).
d Downgraded by one level for risk of bias since we rated the included study at overall high risk of bias.
e Downgraded by two levels for imprecision since the 95% CIs are wide, and the number of participants was very low (n = 31 and n = 49).
f Downgraded by one level for risk of bias since we rated one of the three included studies at overall high risk of bias.
g Downgraded by two levels for imprecision since the 95% CI overlaps the null effect and includes potential benefit (RR < 0.75) and potential harm (RR > 1.25), and also a very
low number of events (n = 10) and participants (n = 311).
h Downgraded by one level for imprecision; the 95% CI did not overlap the null effect but the number of participants was low (n = 138).
Summary of findings 6. Summary of findings table - Collagen compared to standard diet or placebo for treating pressure ulcers
Outcomes Anticipated absolute effects* (95% Relative effect № of partici- Certainty of Comments
CI) (95% CI) pants the evidence
(studies) (GRADE)
Copyright © 2024 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Nutritional interventions for preventing and treating pressure ulcers (Review)
Risk with place- Risk with colla-
bo gen
Pressure ulcers healed - not reported - - - - -
Change in pressure ulcer area (cm2) The mean change MD 1.81 cm2 - 74 ⊕⊕⊕⊝
Better health.
Informed decisions.
Trusted evidence.
follow-up: 16 weeks in pressure ulcer lower (1 RCT) Moderatea
area (cm2) was 5 (3.36 lower to
cm2 0.26 lower)
Side effects: at least one adverse event 17 per 1000 46 per 1000 RR 2.69 154 ⊕⊝⊝⊝
follow-up: range 4 weeks to 16 weeks (6 to 384) (0.33 to 22.30) (2 RCTs) Very lowb,c
*The risk in the intervention group (and its 95% confidence interval) is based on the assumed risk in the comparison group and the relative effect of the intervention (and
its 95% CI).
a Downgraded by one level for imprecision; the 95% CI was narrow and did not overlap the null effect but the number of participants was low (n = 74).
b Downgraded by one level for risk of bias since we rated the included studies at overall risk of bias of some concerns.
c Downgraded by two levels for imprecision since the 95% CI overlaps the null effect and includes potential benefit (RR < 0.75) and potential harm (RR > 1.25), and a very low
number of events (n = 6) and participants (n = 154).
Cochrane Trusted evidence.
Informed decisions.
Library Better health. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
combination of low energy and low protein intake is often described prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers by measuring the
as protein-calorie or protein-energy malnutrition. A few studies incidence of new ulcers, ulcer healing rates or changes in pressure
have suggested a correlation between protein-calorie malnutrition ulcer severity. We did not include quasi-randomized trials.
and pressure ulcers (Agarwal 2016; Cereda 2017). Evidence also
shows that malnutrition increases pressure ulcer risk fourfold (Ness Types of participants
2018), and that nutrition support is necessary for wound healing People in need of care, of any age or sex, with or without
(Stratton 2005). Therefore, international guidelines highlight the existing pressure ulcers, in any care setting, irrespective of primary
importance of providing appropriate nutrition support for pressure diagnoses. For the purpose of this review, a pressure ulcer was
ulcer prevention and treatment. For instance, even though defined as an area of localized damage to the skin and underlying
protein is essential for maintaining skin integrity through collagen tissue caused by pressure, shear, friction or a combination of these.
and connective tissue synthesis, adequate energy intake from If only a portion of study participants were eligible for inclusion, we
carbohydrates and fat is also important to prevent the body from included them if separate data were available. If not, we contacted
using amino acids in protein as an energy source (Posthauer the study authors to obtain the data. If separate use of the data was
2015). Micronutrients, particularly antioxidants, are necessary for not possible, we excluded the study.
collagen synthesis (Posthauer 2015). However, it is unknown
whether a separate supplementation or a combination of energy, Types of interventions
protein and micronutrient supplements have an effect on pressure
ulcer prevention and treatment. It is also unclear whether specific We included clearly described nutritional interventions (special
amino acids or micronutrients may provide a better effect than diets or supplements; enteral or parenteral nutrition). Nutritional
other amino acids or micronutrients in preventing or treating interventions of interest are supplemented energy, protein, fat or
pressure ulcers. Some studies found benefits from using arginine micronutrients, or disease-specific diets. Comparisons between
(Liu 2017), vitamin C (Ter Riet 1995), and zinc (Song 2020), in wound nutritional supplements plus standard diet versus standard diet
healing, however, the evidence is still uncertain. Arginine is an alone were eligible.
essential amino acid that acts as a substrate for collagen synthesis We excluded studies that provided nutrition supplementation
and deposition, both of which are essential for maintaining as part of a multifactorial intervention (e.g. interventions with
skin integrity and wound healing (Desneves 2005). Arginine is education and physical activity) because the effect of the
consequently thought to be related to pressure ulcers. Vitamin nutritional supplement cannot be inferred from these studies.
C deficiency is connected with scurvy, which is characterized
by poor wound healing and is therefore thought to be related There were no selection criteria regarding the duration of
to pressure ulcers (Ter Riet 1995). Similarly, a low serum zinc the intervention. In terms of the recommended duration of
level is associated with the development of pressure ulcers as an intervention, the clinical guideline suggests that the duration
indication of malnutrition, and, hence, zinc supplementation is of intervention in pressure ulcer treatment should be at least
thought to be related to pressure ulcer prevention and treatment four weeks to allow for complete pressure ulcer healing (Munoz
(Desneves 2005). Consequently, a comparison of different types 2020). There is no suggestion for the duration of intervention
of nutritional interventions for preventing and treating pressure in pressure ulcer prevention because these interventions aim to
ulcers is essential to guide evidence-informed clinical practice. prevent malnutrition or improve malnutrition status by providing
at least 80% of daily estimated energy and protein needs (Munoz
Why it is important to do this review 2020).
The effects of nutritional interventions (e.g. special diets or
Types of outcome measures
nutritional supplements) in preventing and treating pressure
ulcers have been examined in systematic reviews, but with We considered the primary and secondary outcomes described
conflicting results (Carryer 2017; Daher 2022; Liu 2017; Song below. The systematic recording of pressure ulcers (new ulcers,
2020), and limitations (Yap 2021). This second update of the development of existing ones, healing process) was an inclusion
original systematic review first published in 2003 was required to criterion for the review. Studies could assess the healing process
summarize the best research available and to enable evidence- using a validated assessment tool for measuring pressure ulcer
based guidance on the role of nutritional interventions in the healing, such as the Pressure Sore Status Tool (PSST), the Pressure
prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers. Ulcer Scale for Healing (PUSH) or the DESIGN/R-DESIGN tool (Smet
If studies reported pressure ulcers only as adverse events of a
To evaluate the benefits and harms of nutritional interventions nutritional intervention, pressure ulcers had to be reported in the
(special diets, supplements) for preventing and treating pressure baseline characteristics to assess whether new pressure ulcers had
ulcers in people with or without existing pressure ulcers compared developed; if not, we excluded the study.
to standard diet or other nutritional interventions.
Primary outcomes
We reported outcome measures at the last time point available
Criteria for considering studies for this review (assumed to be length of follow-up if not specified otherwise).
• Cochrane Wounds Specialised Register (searched 31 May 2022); We did not perform a separate search for adverse effects of
interventions used, we considered adverse effects described in
• Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL; 2022,
included studies only.
Issue 4) in the Cochrane Library (searched 31 May 2022);
To describe and categorize the manifold interventions, we We presented the risk of bias assessment using risk of bias
extracted: summary figures, which show all judgements in a cross-tabulation
of studies by entry (Figure 1; Figure 2; Figure 3). This display of
• type of diet/supplementation; internal validity indicates the weight the reader may give to the
• macronutrients and micronutrients; results of each study, which is why the RoB 2 assessments are also
shown in the forest plots.
Figure 1. Risk of bias assessment traffic light plot for individual randomized studies
Figure 2. Risk of bias summary plot in percentages for individual randomized studies. This review includes 33
Assessment of reporting biases analysis and only one outcome of a single study without concerns
in the risk of bias assessment. We did not report these analyses
For comparisons with more than seven included studies, we
because we did not want to put too much strain on the data.
created funnel plots and conducted Egger's regression tests to
investigate a possible publication bias (Egger 1997). Summary of findings and assessment of the certainty of the
Data synthesis
We created summary of findings tables for the following outcomes
We included all eligible studies in the primary analysis, irrespective
(see Primary outcomes; Secondary outcomes).
of the result of the risk of bias assessment. We considered
a random-effects model appropriate for the meta-analyses of • The proportion of participants developing new pressure ulcers
nutritional interventions because the intervention effects of (incidence), time to pressure ulcer development (for prevention
the respective nutritional interventions varied depending on studies)
the participants' malnutrition status, the dose and duration
• Time to complete healing, healed pressure ulcers, change in area
of nutritional supplementation, and the type of nutritional
or depth or volume of pressure ulcers (for treatment studies)
intervention in the control group, and also differed within the
included studies. • Acceptability of supplements
• Side effects
We planned the following comparisons: • Costs
• supplements/diet in addition to a standard diet compared with • Health-related quality of life
standard diet alone; We created summary of findings tables for the corresponding
• comparisons between different types of supplement/diets. comparisons.
Subgroup analysis and investigation of heterogeneity • Energy, protein and micronutrients versus standard diet for the
We considered the following subgroup analyses regarding the prevention of pressure ulcers
primary outcome (pressure ulcer incidence and ulcer healing): • Protein, arginine, zinc and antioxidants versus placebo for the
prevention of pressure ulcers
• characteristics of the setting (e.g. hospital inpatients versus • L-carnitine, L-leucine, calcium, magnesium, vitamin D versus
outpatients); standard diet for the prevention of pressure ulcers
• method of feeding (e.g. enteral versus parenteral feeding, if the • EPA, GLA and antioxidants versus standard diet for the
study conditions allowed it); prevention of pressure ulcers
• patient characteristics (e.g. people with pre-existing • Protein versus standard diet for the prevention of pressure
malnutrition versus people without malnutrition). ulcers
The different prevalence rates in the various settings (see • Disease-specific supplement versus standard high-
Background), suggest that differences may exist with respect to the carbohydrate formula for the prevention of pressure ulcers
individuals' risks and regarding the treatment. Therefore, it seems • Energy, protein and micronutrients versus standard diet for
more appropriate to consider these separately, to better assess the treating pressure ulcers
impact of the nutritional intervention. Malnutrition is both a risk • Protein, arginine, zinc and antioxidants versus standard diet or
factor for pressure ulcer development and an important factor in placebo for treating pressure ulcers
wound healing (see Background). For this reason, the results of • Arginine and micronutrients versus standard diet or placebo for
malnourished and non-malnourished people should be considered treating pressure ulcers
• Different doses of arginine for treating pressure ulcers
Sensitivity analysis • EPA, GLA and antioxidants versus standard diet for treating
pressure ulcers
We planned to carry out sensitivity analyses to determine whether
• Protein versus standard diet for treating pressure ulcers
the findings are robust with regard to the decisions made in
the course of identifying, screening and analyzing the trials. We • Collagen versus standard diet or placebo for treating pressure
planned to perform sensitivity analyses for the following factors, if ulcers
the appropriate data were available: • Specialized amino acid mixture (arginine-enriched) versus
standard diet or placebo for treating pressure ulcers
• impact of single outlying studies on the results of a meta- • Ornithine alpha-ketoglutarate versus placebo for treating
analysis: exclusion of single outlying studies to evaluate the pressure ulcers
• Vitamin C versus placebo for treating pressure ulcers
• risk of bias of included studies: exclusion of studies with a high
• Zinc sulphate versus placebo for treating pressure ulcers
risk of overall bias for the result.
We used the GRADE domains of bias risk, inconsistency,
If any of these investigations found a difference in the size of the
imprecision, indirectness, and publication/dissemination bias
effect or heterogeneity, we intended to mention this in the 'Effects
for downgrading. We used the methods and recommendations
of interventions' section. However, there were insufficient studies
described in Chapter 14 of the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic
and data meeting these criteria, and these analyses were therefore
Reviews of Interventions (Schünemann 2022,), using GRADEpro
not required. We have a maximum of four studies in our meta-
Nutritional interventions for preventing and treating pressure ulcers (Review) 19
Copyright © 2024 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Cochrane Trusted evidence.
Informed decisions.
Library Better health. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
GDT software. One review author (LS) judged the certainty of the Wounds identified a further nine articles. After merging the results
evidence and a second review author (DS) checked the judgements. and removing duplicates, 912 citations were left and were reviewed
Disagreements were resolved by discussion. We clarified certainty independently. Two of the review authors had an initial overall
of evidence ratings in footnotes in the summary of findings tables. agreement of 99% (904/912) and identified 16 studies related to
If not stated otherwise, the baseline risk used to calculate absolute potentially relevant trials, which were then retrieved in full text.
effects is based on the risk in the control group (i.e. placebo or Disagreements were resolved by discussion and the rating of the
treatment-as-usual group). The results are expressed by means of third author. Eight trials met the inclusion criteria for the original
one of four certainty levels (high, moderate, low or very low). version of this review.
RESULTS Our search strategy in 2011 identified 175 articles from online
databases (MEDLINE (PubMed), EMBASE, CINAHL and CENTRAL),
Description of studies 19 by scanning bibliographies of relevant papers and seven by
searching registration databases. In addition, Cochrane Wounds
See Included studies; Excluded studies; Studies awaiting
identified a further six articles. After merging the results and
classification and Ongoing studies.
removing duplicates, 197 citations were left and were reviewed
Results of the search independently. The two review authors had an initial overall
agreement of 98% (192/197) and identified 22 studies related to
Our search strategy in 2003 identified 942 articles from online potentially relevant trials, which were then retrieved in full text (see
databases (MEDLINE (PubMed), CINAHL and CENTRAL). A further Figure 4). Disagreements were resolved by discussion. Fifteen trials
13 articles were retrieved by handsearching; 17 were referred to met the inclusion criteria, increasing the total number of included
us by experts and manufacturers; and a further 23 were found by studies to 23 (27 citations).
scanning bibliographies of relevant papers. In addition, Cochrane
44 records
21 studies (28
identified through
records) included
other sources
from previous
1033 records 152 records (citation searching,
version of review
identified through identified through awaiting
(2 from the original
database searching registers searching assessment and
23 included studies
ongoing studies
excluded at this
from previous
12 new studies
included (29
Nutritional interventions for preventing and treating pressure ulcers (Review) 21
Copyright © 2024 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Cochrane Trusted evidence.
Informed decisions.
Library Better health. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Figure 4. (Continued)
12 new studies
included (29
33 studies included
in qualitative
33 studies included
in quantitative
For the second update in 2022, we identified 1229 records. (Norris 1971). Eleven studies were multi-centre trials (Bourdel
The electronic search generated 1033 records from databases Marchasson 2000; Cereda 2009; Cereda 2015; Craig 1998; Dennis
(Cochrane Wounds Specialised Register, CENTRAL, MEDLINE, 2005; Houwing 2003; Lee 2006; Meaume 2009; Ohura 2011; Ter Riet
Embase, CINAHL, DARE, HTA, NHS EED, INAHATA) and 152 from 1995; Van Anholt 2010), with three studies being carried out cross-
trials registries. We identified a further 30 records by scanning nationally (Dennis 2005; ; Meaume 2009; Van Anholt 2010).
bibliographies of relevant papers, and added 14 records from
the previous version of the review that had been classified as Twenty-two studies were conducted as treatment studies where
awaiting assessment or ongoing records at that time. We removed the included participants already had pressure ulcers (Banks 2016;
33 duplicate records and 20 identified records from the previous Benati 2001; Brewer 1967; Cereda 2009; Cereda 2015; Chernoff
version of the review. Of the 1176 records that were screened 1990; Desneves 2005; Lee 2006; Leigh 2012; Meaume 2009; Miu 2021;
independently, we excluded 1067. Of the remaining 109 records, Norris 1971; Ohura 2011; Pouyssegur 2015; Sugihara 2018; Taylor
we were unable to retrieve nine. Most of these were older study 1974; Ter Riet 1995; Theilla 2012; Van Anholt 2010; Wong 2014;
protocols or conference abstracts for which we had either not Yamanaka 2017; Yu 2015), and nine as pressure ulcer prevention
received a response from the authors or could not find contact studies (Anbar 2014; Arias 2008; Botella Carretero 2008; Bourdel
details. We excluded 57 records (56 studies) with reasons and Marchasson 2000; Craig 1998; Dennis 2005; Derossi 2009; Hartgrink
categorized 11 studies as awaiting classification or ongoing. 1998; Houwing 2003). Two studies focused both on the prevention
Following full-text screening, we considered 12 new studies (from and treatment of pressure ulcers (Ek 1991; Theilla 2007).
29 records) to be eligible for inclusion in this review update. Of
Types of settings
the 23 studies included in the previous version of the review,
two were excluded by consensus: one because pressure ulcers Twenty-three of the 33 studies were carried out in hospitals (Anbar
were only mentioned as side effects, and it was unclear if these 2014; Arias 2008; Banks 2016; Benati 2001; Botella Carretero 2008;
were new-onset pressure ulcers (Delmi 1990), and one because the Bourdel Marchasson 2000; Dennis 2005; Derossi 2009; Desneves
intervention was multifactorial rather than nutritional (Olofsson 2005; Hartgrink 1998; Houwing 2003; Leigh 2012; Meaume 2009;
2007). The total number of included studies in this review is 33 from Miu 2021; Norris 1971; Ohura 2011; Sugihara 2018; Taylor 1974;
57 reports (we found and added additional reports for two studies Theilla 2007; Theilla 2012; Wong 2014; Yamanaka 2017; Yu 2015),
in the previous review). See Figure 4. five in long-term care facilities (Cereda 2009; Cereda 2015; Craig
1998; Lee 2006; Pouyssegur 2015), two in hospitals and long term-
Included studies care facilities (Ter Riet 1995; Van Anholt 2010), and one in a long-
Thirty-three RCTs are now included in the review (see Included term care unit of a university hospital (Ek 1991). Two studies did not
studies); comprising 21 RCTs from the previous version of the clearly describe the type of setting (Brewer 1967; Chernoff 1990).
review and 12 newly included RCTs. The type of hospital department varied widely and ranged from
intensive care units (Theilla 2007; Theilla 2012), to departments for
Types of studies geriatric medicine (Anbar 2014; Benati 2001; Bourdel Marchasson
2000; Meaume 2009).
All included studies were parallel-group RCTs, except one, which
was a cross-over trial with participants being their own controls
Most studies were conducted in Europe (Benati 2001; Botella participants in these studies. The majority of studies that assessed
Carretero 2008; Bourdel Marchasson 2000; Cereda 2009; Cereda nutritional status included or did not explicitly exclude people
2015; Derossi 2009; Ek 1991; Hartgrink 1998; Houwing 2003; with malnutrition. (Anbar 2014; Arias 2008; Banks 2016; Botella
Meaume 2009; Pouyssegur 2015; Taylor 1974; Ter Riet 1995), or Asia Carretero 2008; Cereda 2009; Cereda 2015; Dennis 2005; Derossi
(Anbar 2014; Miu 2021; Ohura 2011; Sugihara 2018; Theilla 2007; 2009; Desneves 2005; Ek 1991; Houwing 2003; Lee 2006; Leigh 2012;
Theilla 2012; Wong 2014; Yamanaka 2017; Yu 2015). Four studies Meaume 2009; Miu 2021; Ohura 2011; Pouyssegur 2015; Ter Riet
were carried out in the USA (Chernoff 1990; Craig 1998; Lee 2006; 1995; Theilla 2007; Theilla 2012; Wong 2014; Yamanaka 2017). Only
Norris 1971), three in Australia (Banks 2016; Desneves 2005; Leigh two studies definitively excluded malnourished people (Sugihara
2012), and one in Uruguay (Arias 2008). Two studies were cross- 2018; Van Anholt 2010), although Van Anholt 2010 included people
continental trials (Dennis 2005; Van Anholt 2010). It is unclear in at risk of malnutrition (23.3% of participants were at risk in this
which country Brewer 1967 was carried out. study). Botella Carretero 2008 excluded patients with moderate
or severe malnutrition. Malnutrition was defined in different ways
Types of participants and assessed with different instruments: the Mini Nutritional
Most of the studies included in the review were small. The median Assessment (MNA; Anbar 2014; Meaume 2009; Pouyssegur 2015),
sample size was 76 participants, with a range from 12 (Chernoff the Subjective Global Assessment (SGA; Arias 2008; Banks 2016;
1990), to 4023 participants (Dennis 2005). Four studies had a sample Wong 2014), the Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index (Cereda 2009),
size of more than 500 participants (Arias 2008; Bourdel Marchasson weight loss and low serum albumin concentrations (Botella
2000; Dennis 2005; Ek 1991). The majority of the studies included Carretero 2008), clinical impression, low albumin concentration or
geriatric patients with a mean age over 80 years (Anbar 2014; low arm fat (Ter Riet 1995), low Body Mass Index (BMI; Cereda
Botella Carretero 2008; Bourdel Marchasson 2000; Cereda 2009; 2015), and without specifying an instrument (Dennis 2005; Ek 1991).
Cereda 2015; Craig 1998; Derossi 2009; Ek 1991; Hartgrink 1998; In these studies, the proportion of malnourished people ranged
Houwing 2003; Meaume 2009; Miu 2021; Ohura 2011; Pouyssegur between 8% (Dennis 2005), and 100% (Cereda 2009; Pouyssegur
2015), while three studies investigated participants below a mean 2015). In Arias 2008, 75% of the participants were at risk of
age of 60 years (Norris 1971; Sugihara 2018; Theilla 2012). Four being malnourished and 25% were malnourished. Several studies
studies did not state the mean age (Benati 2001; Brewer 1967; reported on the average BMI of the participants (Anbar 2014; Banks
Lee 2006; Ter Riet 1995). In terms of gender ratio, the proportion 2016; Botella Carretero 2008; Cereda 2009; Cereda 2015; Derossi
of women was higher than men in 18 studies (Anbar 2014; 2009; Desneves 2005; Houwing 2003; Lee 2006; Leigh 2012; Meaume
Botella Carretero 2008; Bourdel Marchasson 2000; Cereda 2009; 2009; Miu 2021; Ohura 2011; Pouyssegur 2015; Sugihara 2018; Ter
Cereda 2015; Chernoff 1990; Derossi 2009; Ek 1991; Hartgrink 1998; Riet 1995; Theilla 2007; Theilla 2012; Yamanaka 2017, which ranged
Houwing 2003; Meaume 2009; Miu 2021; Ohura 2011; Pouyssegur from 17.1 (control group in Ohura 2011) to 32.1 (control group in
2015; Taylor 1974; Van Anholt 2010; Wong 2014; Yamanaka 2017), Theilla 2012). No information on either nutritional status or BMI was
with the highest proportion of women being 87.6% in Hartgrink available in nine studies (Benati 2001; Bourdel Marchasson 2000;
1998. The highest proportion of men was observed in the study by Brewer 1967; Chernoff 1990; Craig 1998; Hartgrink 1998; Norris
Theilla 2012, with 67.5% men. Four studies provided no information 1971; Taylor 1974; Yu 2015).
on gender distribution (Brewer 1967; Craig 1998; Lee 2006; Ter Riet
Types of interventions
1995). Three studies specifically recruited people with hip fractures
(Derossi 2009; Hartgrink 1998; Houwing 2003). Other patient All included studies investigated nutritional supplements, while
populations included stroke patients (Dennis 2005), people with no study investigated a specific diet to prevent or treat pressure
spinal cord injury (Brewer 1967), and residents with type II diabetes ulcers. The nutritional supplements in the included trials were quite
(Craig 1998). In Wong 2014, about a quarter of the participants were heterogeneous, containing different compositions and different
affected by type II diabetes. Three studies provided information doses of micronutrients, macronutrients and other substances.
on a possible dementia diagnosis, which was present in 6% An overview is provided in Figure 5. We divided pressure ulcer
(Desneves 2005), 36 % (Ohura 2011), and 53% (Cereda 2015), of the prevention studies into six types of interventions based on the
enriched nutrients in the supplements.
Figure 5. (Continued)
• Energy, protein and micronutrients (3 studies: Arias 2008; All studies administered the nutritional supplement enterally.
Bourdel Marchasson 2000; Ek 1991); Four studies administered the enteral nutrition or supplement by
• Protein, arginine, zinc and antioxidants (1 study: Houwing 2003); nasogastric tube (Chernoff 1990; Craig 1998; Hartgrink 1998; Ohura
• L-carnitine, L-leucine, calcium, magnesium and vitamin D (1 2011). Three studies provided the nutrition both by tube and orally
study: Derossi 2009); (Banks 2016; Wong 2014; Yamanaka 2017).
• EPA, GLA and antioxidants (1 study: Theilla 2007); Types of outcomes
• Protein (4 studies: Anbar 2014; Botella Carretero 2008; Dennis
2005; Hartgrink 1998); and
• Disease-specific (Craig 1998). Eleven studies reported pressure ulcer incidence (Anbar 2014;
Arias 2008; Botella Carretero 2008; Bourdel Marchasson 2000;
We divided studies that focused on the treatment of pressure Craig 1998; Dennis 2005; Derossi 2009; Ek 1991; Hartgrink 1998;
ulcers into 11 different interventions, depending on the enriched Houwing 2003; Theilla 2007). Five studies considered pressure
nutrients of the administered supplements. ulcer incidence as an in-hospital, postoperative or fracture-related
complication (Anbar 2014; Arias 2008; Botella Carretero 2008;
• Energy, protein and micronutrients (3 studies: Ek 1991; Ohura Dennis 2005; Derossi 2009). In addition to pressure ulcer incidence,
2011; Yu 2015); Botella Carretero 2008 examined gastrointestinal side effects and
• Protein, arginine, zinc and antioxidants (4 studies: Benati 2001; adherence to the oral nutritional supplement by calculating the
Cereda 2009; Desneves 2005; Van Anholt 2010); mean investigated amount of the prescribed supplement. Two
• Arginine and micronutrients (3 studies: Banks 2016; Cereda studies investigated pressure ulcer incidence as well as outcomes
2015; Yamanaka 2017); related to pressure ulcer healing of existing ulcers (Ek 1991; Theilla
• Different doses of arginine (1 study: Leigh 2012); 2007).
• EPA, GLA and antioxidants (2 studies: Theilla 2007; Theilla 2012); Treatment
• Protein (4 studies: Benati 2001; Chernoff 1990; Desneves 2005;
Twenty-four studies investigated the healing of existing pressure
Pouyssegur 2015);
ulcers (Banks 2016; Benati 2001; Brewer 1967; Cereda 2009; Cereda
• Collagen (3 studies: Lee 2006; Sugihara 2018; Yamanaka 2017); 2015; Chernoff 1990; Desneves 2005; Ek 1991; Lee 2006; Leigh 2012;
• A specialised amino acid mixture enriched with arginine (2 Meaume 2009; Miu 2021; Norris 1971; Ohura 2011; Pouyssegur 2015;
studies: Miu 2021; Wong 2014); Sugihara 2018; Taylor 1974; Ter Riet 1995; Theilla 2007; Theilla
• Ornithine alpha-ketoglutarate (1 study: Meaume 2009); 2012; Van Anholt 2010; Wong 2014; Yamanaka 2017; Yu 2015). Ten
• Vitamin C (2 studies: Taylor 1974; Ter Riet 1995); and studies assessed complete healing or time to complete healing
(Brewer 1967; Cereda 2009; Cereda 2015; Chernoff 1990; Ek 1991;
• Zinc sulphate (2 studies: Brewer 1967; Norris 1971).
Leigh 2012; Ohura 2011; Taylor 1974; Theilla 2007; Yu 2015). The
Five studies had three study arms and compared the nutritional included studies used three different validated scores to evaluate
supplement, next to a standard diet or placebo, with another kind wound characteristics: the PUSH score (Cereda 2009; Desneves
of supplement like a protein supplement (Benati 2001; Botella 2005; Lee 2006; Leigh 2012; Miu 2021; Sugihara 2018; Theilla 2012;
Carretero 2008; Desneves 2005; Sugihara 2018; Yamanaka 2017). Van Anholt 2010; Wong 2014), the PSST score (Benati 2001; Sugihara
The majority of the control groups (n = 21) received a standard diet 2018), and the DESIGN-R score (Yamanaka 2017). Other studies
(Anbar 2014; Arias 2008; Banks 2016; Benati 2001; Botella Carretero considered change in pressure ulcer prevalence (Pouyssegur 2015),
2008; Bourdel Marchasson 2000; Cereda 2009; Chernoff 1990; Craig or reduction in pressure ulcer size or area (Banks 2016; Cereda 2009;
1998; Dennis 2005; Derossi 2009; Desneves 2005; Ek 1991; Hartgrink Cereda 2015; Chernoff 1990; Meaume 2009; Miu 2021; Norris 1971;
1998; Miu 2021; Ohura 2011; Pouyssegur 2015; Theilla 2007; Theilla Sugihara 2018; Taylor 1974; Ter Riet 1995; Van Anholt 2010; Wong
2012; Yamanaka 2017; Yu 2015), 11 received a placebo supplement 2014; Yamanaka 2017). Nine studies noted gastrointestinal adverse
(Brewer 1967; Cereda 2015; Houwing 2003; Lee 2006; Meaume 2009; effects or side effects, like constipation or dyspepsia, with respect
Norris 1971; Sugihara 2018; Taylor 1974; Ter Riet 1995; Van Anholt to the supplements (Banks 2016; Cereda 2015; Leigh 2012; Meaume
2010; Wong 2014), and one received another kind of nutritional 2009; Miu 2021; Ohura 2011; Pouyssegur 2015; Van Anholt 2010;
supplement at a lower dose (Leigh 2012). Yamanaka 2017). Two studies described costs of care (Cereda 2015;
Pouyssegur 2015), and two described acceptance of the product the studies with a high overall risk of bias in each of the primary
(Banks 2016; Leigh 2012). No studies assessed quality of life. outcomes. Five of these were prevention studies that addressed the
incidence of new pressure ulcers, 12 studies focused on treatment
Funding sources for pressure ulcer healing. We rated only one study as low risk
Fifteen studies were supported by pharmaceutical companies, of bias when assessing completely healed ulcers and ulcer sizes.
either by grants, personnel fees, or provision of the supplements Figure 1, Figure 2 and Figure 3 show judgements about the risk of
(Cereda 2009; Cereda 2015; Craig 1998; Hartgrink 1998; Houwing bias of all the included studies. We found no differences in the risk of
2003; Lee 2006; Meaume 2009; Norris 1971; Sugihara 2018; Taylor bias with regard to two outcomes (incidence of new pressure ulcers
1974; Ter Riet 1995; Theilla 2007; Van Anholt 2010; Wong 2014; and pressure ulcer healing). The descriptions of the respective risk
Yamanaka 2017). Authors from two studies mentioned that they of bias of each item can be found in the risk of bias tables; and
received no funding for their study (Leigh 2012; Theilla 2012). for each included study, they are noted in the respective study
In nine studies, the research was financed by non-commercial description (Included studies). In addition, a detailed risk of bias
sponsorships like government funding, research grants or financing assessment (RoB 2) of each study is available online. In this section,
by medical centres (Anbar 2014; Banks 2016; Botella Carretero we provide summaries of the risk of bias assessments for each
2008; Bourdel Marchasson 2000; Dennis 2005; Desneves 2005; Ek primary outcome.
1991; Ohura 2011; Pouyssegur 2015). Seven studies provided no
Prevention studies
information on funding or sponsorship (Arias 2008; Benati 2001;
Brewer 1967; Chernoff 1990; Derossi 2009; Miu 2021; Yu 2015). Energy, protein and micronutrients versus standard diet
We excluded 56 studies from the review based on full-text Three studies (high overall risk of bias) examined the effect of
assessment. Of these, 24 studies turned out to not be RCTs energy, protein and micronutrients on pressure ulcer incidence
and one to have been terminated. A further 15 studies did not (Arias 2008; Bourdel Marchasson 2000; Ek 1991). One study was at
measure pressure ulcers as an outcome (ACTRN12610000526077; high risk of bias arising from the randomization process; in the other
Actrn 2021; Doig 2013; Langkamp-Henken 2000; Mehl 2021; two studies our risk of bias judgement was some concerns. We
NCT00507650; NCT03627910; NCT00135590; NCT00163007; assessed risk of bias due to deviations from intended interventions
NCT02711839; NCT03658278; Olvera 2014; Pineda Juarez 2016; as high in two studies and as some concerns in one study. Risk of
Singer 2019; JPRN-UMIN000002072), five studies mentioned bias due to missing outcome data was high in two studies and low
pressure ulcers as possible side effects but did not report them in one study. Risk of bias in measurement of the outcome was high
or it was unclear if these were new-onset pressure ulcers (Delmi in one study and some concerns in two studies. For all included
1990; Harvey 2016; Lauque 2004; Starke 2011; Vahabzadeh 2019), studies, we assessed the risk of bias in selection of the reported
10 studies did not assess a nutritional intervention or not as the result as some concerns.
sole intervention (Candela-Zamora 2010; IRCT20160914029817N8 Protein, arginine, zinc and antioxidants versus placebo
2018; IRCT20190824044595N 2020; Landes 2016; Lu 2019;
Lupianez Perez 2013; Lupianez Perez 2017; Olofsson 2007; Settel Incidence of pressure ulcers
1969; Zhang 2021), and one study assessed patients with chronic One study (overall risk of bias some concerns) examined the
wounds instead of patients with pressure ulcers (Bauer 2013). effect of protein, arginine, zinc and antioxidants on pressure ulcer
Detailed reasons for excluding these 57 studies are described in incidence (Houwing 2003). We assessed risk of bias due to the
Characteristics of excluded studies. randomization process and risk of bias in selection of reported
results as some concerns, while we assessed risk of bias bias due to
Ongoing studies and studies awaiting classification
deviations from intended interventions, risk of bias due to missing
We identified eight ongoing studies, seven in clinical trials registers outcome data and risk of bias in measurement of the outcome as
and one protocol in a database (see Ongoing studies). Where the low.
progress of the study was not clear or the study seemed to be
finished, we contacted the principal investigators, but either they L-carnitine, L-leucine, calcium, magnesium and vitamin D versus
did not respond or confirmed that the study was not yet completed. standard diet
We classified six reports as awaiting assessment (Studies awaiting Incidence of pressure ulcers
classification). All of the records for these studies were conference
abstracts, with too little information on methods and results to One study (high overall risk of bias) examined the effect of
include them. A closer look at the study characteristics of the L-carnitine, L-leucine, calcium, magnesium and vitamin D on
records by Ogawa 2021 showed that three of them reported on the pressure ulcer incidence (Derossi 2009). We assessed risks of bias
same investigation. We contacted the authors of the conference arising from the randomization process, due to missing outcome
abstracts, but without success in two cases. The main author of the data, in measurement of the outcome and in selection of reported
study, Loreto Alvarez-Nebreda 2021 informed us that the paper was results as some concerns, while we assessed risk of bias due to
currently being submitted but not yet accepted or published. deviations from intended interventions as high.
Risk of bias in included studies EPA, GLA and antioxidants versus standard diet
Incidence of pressure ulcers
All included studies were prospective RCTs. In general, most of the
studies included in the review were small and had either an overall One study (overall risk of bias some concerns) examined the effect
risk of bias of either 'some concerns' or 'high risk'. We rated half of of EPA, GLA and antioxidants on pressure ulcer incidence (Theilla
2007). We assessed risk of bias due to randomization process and as low in both studies. Risk of bias due to missing outcome data and
risk of bias in selection of reported results as some concerns, in selection of the reported result were low in one study and some
while we assessed risks of bias due to deviations from intended concerns in the other study.
interventions, due to missing outcome data and in measurement of
the outcome as low. Change in pressure ulcer area or depth or volume
Treatment studies One study (low overall risk of bias) examined the effect of arginine
and micronutrients on pressure ulcer healing (Cereda 2015). We
Energy, protein and micronutrients versus standard diet assessed risks of bias arising from the randomization process, due
Pressure ulcers healed to deviations from intended interventions, due to missing outcome
data, in measurement of the outcome and in selection of the
Three studies (high overall risk of bias) examined the effect of
reported result as low.
energy, protein and micronutrients on pressure ulcer healing (Ek
1991; Ohura 2011; Yu 2015). Our judgement for risk of bias arising Change in pressure ulcer area or depth or volume
from the randomization process in one study was some concerns,
while this risk was high in two studies. We assessed the risk of One study (high overall risk of bias) examined the effect of
bias due to deviations from intended interventions as high in two arginine and micronutrients on the change in pressure ulcer
studies and as some concerns in one study. Risk of bias due to area (cm2; Banks 2016). Our judgements for risks of bias arising
missing outcome data was high in two studies and low in one study. from the randomization process, due to deviations from intended
We assessed the risk of bias in measurement of the outcome and interventions and in measurement of the outcome were some
in selection of the reported result as some concerns for all included concerns, while risk of bias due to missing outcome data was high
studies. and risk of bias in selection of the reported result was low.
Protein, arginine, zinc and antioxidants versus standard diet or Two studies examined the effect of arginine and micronutrients
placebo on the percentage change in pressure ulcer area (Banks 2016;
Cereda 2015). One study was at low overall risk of bias and the
Pressure ulcers healed other at high overall risk of bias. Risk of bias arising from the
Two studies (overall risk of bias high or some concerns) examined randomization process, risk of bias due to deviations from intended
the effect of protein, arginine, zinc and antioxidants on pressure interventions and risk of bias in measurement of the outcome were
ulcer healing (Cereda 2009; Van Anholt 2010). Our judgement for some concerns in one study and low in the other study. Risk of bias
one study for risk of bias arising from the randomization process due to missing outcome data was high in one study and low in the
was some concerns, while this risk was high in the other study. other study, and we assessed risk of bias in selection of the reported
We assessed the risk of bias due to deviations from intended result as low in both studies.
interventions and the risk of bias in measurement of the outcome
Progress of healing of bias arising from the randomization process, due to deviations
One study (high overall risk of bias) examined the effect of from intended interventions, due to missing outcome data and in
arginine and micronutrients on the progress of healing, assessed measurement of the outcome as high, and risk of bias in selection
with the PUSH score (Banks 2016). Risks of bias arising from of the reported result as some concerns.
the randomization process, due to deviations from intended Progress of healing
interventions and in measurement of the outcome were some
concerns, while risk of bias due to missing outcome data was high One study (high overall risk of bias) examined the effect of protein
and we assessed risk of bias in selection of the reported result as on the progress of healing, assessed with the PUSH score (Desneves
low. 2005). We assessed risk of bias arising from the randomization
process as high; risks of bias due to deviations from intended
One study (overall risk of bias some concerns) examined the effect interventions, due to missing outcome data and in measurement of
of arginine and micronutrients on the progress of healing, assessed the outcome were low, while risk of bias in selection of the reported
with the DESIGN-R score (Yamanaka 2017). We assessed risk of result was some concerns.
bias arising from the randomization process, risk of bias due to
deviations from intended interventions, risk of bias due to missing Collagen versus standard diet or placebo
outcome data and risk of bias in measurement of the outcome as Change in pressure ulcer area or depth or volume
low. We assessed risk of bias in selection of the reported result as
some concerns. One study (overall risk of bias some concerns) examined the
effect of collagen on the change in pressure ulcer area (cm2;
Different doses of arginine Sugihara 2018). We assessed risk of bias arising from the
randomization process as unclear, while risks of bias due to
Progress of healing
deviations from intended interventions, due to missing outcome
One study (high overall risk of bias) examined the effect of different data, in measurement of the outcome and in selection of the
doses of arginine on the progress of healing, assessed with the reported result were low.
PUSH score (Leigh 2012). We assessed risks of bias arising from the
randomization process and in measurement of the outcome as low, Progress of healing
while risk of bias due to deviations from intended interventions was Two studies examined the effect of collagen on the progress of
high and risks of bias due to missing outcome data and in selection healing, assessed with the PUSH score (Lee 2006; Sugihara 2018).
of the reported result were some concerns. Overall risk of bias was high in one study and some concerns in the
other study. We assessed risk of bias arising from the randomization
EPA, GLA and antioxidants versus standard diet process as high in one study and some concerns in the other study,
Pressure ulcers healed while risks of bias due to deviations from intended interventions,
due to missing outcome data and in selection of the reported result
One study (overall risk of bias some concerns) examined the effect
were some concerns in one study and low in the other study; risk of
of EPA, GLA and antioxidants on pressure ulcer healing (Theilla
bias in measurement of the outcome was low in both studies.
2007). We assessed risk of bias arising from the randomization
process and risk of bias in selection of the reported result as One study (overall risk of bias some concerns) examined the
some concerns, while risks of bias due to deviations from intended effect of collagen on the progress of healing, assessed with the
interventions, due to missing outcome data and in measurement of DESIGN-R score (Yamanaka 2017). We assessed risks of bias arising
the outcome were low. from the randomization process, due to deviations from intended
interventions, due to missing outcome data and in measurement of
Progress of healing
the outcome as low, while risk of bias in selection of the reported
One study (overall risk of bias some concerns) examined the effect result was some concerns.
of EPA, GLA and antioxidants on the progress of healing, assessed
with the PUSH score (Theilla 2012). Risk of bias arising from the Specialized amino acid mixture (arginine-enriched) versus
randomization process, risk of bias due to deviations from intended standard diet or placebo
interventions and risk of bias in measurement of the outcome were Progress of healing
some concerns, while we assessed risks of bias due to missing
outcome data and in selection of the reported result as low. One study (overall risk of bias some concerns) examined the
effect of a specialized arginine-enriched amino acid mixture on the
Protein versus standard diet progress of healing, assessed with the PUSH score (Wong 2014). We
assessed risk of bias arising from the randomization process, risk
Pressure ulcers healed
of bias in measurement of the outcome, risk of bias due to missing
One study (overall risk of bias some concerns) examined the outcome data and risk of bias in selection of the reported result as
effect of protein on pressure ulcer healing (Chernoff 1990). We low, while risk of bias due to deviations from intended interventions
assessed risks of bias arising from the randomization process, due was some concerns.
to deviations from intended interventions, in measurement of the
outcome and in selection of the reported result as some concerns, Ornithine alpha-ketoglutarate versus placebo
while risk of bias due to missing outcome data was low. Change in pressure ulcer area or depth or volume
One study (high overall risk of bias) examined the effect of protein One study (overall risk of bias some concerns) examined the effect
on pressure ulcer episodes (Pouyssegur 2015). We assessed risks of ornithine alpha-ketoglutarate on the change in pressure ulcer
area (cm2 and percentage; Meaume 2009). We assessed risks of bias Effects of interventions
arising from the randomization process, due to deviations from
intended interventions and due to missing outcome data as low, See: Summary of findings 1 Summary of findings table - Energy,
while risk of bias in measurement of the outcome and risk of bias in protein and micronutrients compared to standard diet for the
selection of the reported result were some concerns. prevention of pressure ulcers; Summary of findings 2 Summary
of findings table - Protein compared to standard diet for the
Vitamin C versus placebo prevention of pressure ulcers; Summary of findings 3 Summary
of findings table - Energy, protein and micronutrients compared to
Pressure ulcers healed
standard diet for treating pressure ulcers; Summary of findings 4
Two studies examined the effect of vitamin C on pressure ulcer Summary of findings table - Protein, arginine, zinc and antioxidants
healing (Taylor 1974; Ter Riet 1995). One study was at high overall compared to standard diet or placebo for treating pressure ulcers;
risk of bias and the other was some concerns. We assessed risk of Summary of findings 5 Summary of findings table - Arginine and
bias arising from the randomization process, as some concerns In micronutrients compared to standard diet for treating pressure
one study, and high in the other study. We assessed the risk of bias ulcers; Summary of findings 6 Summary of findings table -
due to deviations from intended interventions as some concerns in Collagen compared to standard diet or placebo for treating
one study and as low in the other study. Risk of bias due to missing pressure ulcers
outcome data and risk of bias in measurement of the outcome were
low in both studies, and risk of bias in selection of the reported The included studies were heterogeneous with regard to
result was some concerns in both studies. participants and to nutritional interventions. Only a few studies
examined comparable nutritional supplements, which is why
Change in pressure ulcer area or depth or volume we did not conduct subgroup analyses (setting-specific, patient
characteristics-specific). In addition, all studies administered the
One study (high overall risk of bias) examined the effect of
supplements enterally.
vitamin C on the change in pressure ulcer area (percentage; Taylor
1974). We assessed risk of bias arising from the randomization We did not perform any prespecified sensitivity analyses because
process as high, and risks of bias due to deviations from intended most included studies had an overall risk of bias of 'some concerns'
interventions and in selection of the reported result as some or 'high', and none of the meta-analyses included studies with low
concerns, while risk of bias due to missing outcome data and risk of and high overall risk of bias. An overview of types of nutritional
bias in measurement of the outcome were low. interventions is presented in Figure 5.
Zinc sulphate versus placebo Evidence from prevention studies
Pressure ulcers healed Eleven included studies were related to pressure ulcer prevention.
One study (overall risk of bias some concerns) examined the effect The primary outcome in prevention studies was the proportion of
of zinc sulphate on pressure ulcer healing (Brewer 1967). We participants who developed new pressure ulcers.
assessed risk of bias arising from the randomization process, risk of
bias due to deviations from intended interventions and risk of bias Energy, protein and micronutrients compared with standard
in measurement of the outcome as low, while risks of bias due to diet (3 studies)
missing outcome data and in selection of the reported result were Pressure ulcer incidence
some concerns.
When we pooled 1634 participants from the three studies on
Change in pressure ulcer area or depth or volume energy, protein and micronutrients supplements (Arias 2008;
Bourdel Marchasson 2000; Ek 1991), using a random-effects model,
One study (high overall risk of bias) examined the effect of zinc we found there may be little to no difference in the incidence of
sulphate on the change in pressure ulcer volume (mL; Norris 1971). pressure ulcers between the intervention and control groups (RR
We assessed the risks of bias arising from the randomization
0.92, 95% CI 0.71 to 1.19; P = 0.52, I2 = 35%; low-certainty evidence;
process, due to deviations from intended interventions and in
Analysis 1.1; Figure 6; Summary of findings 1). We downgraded the
selection of the reported result as some concerns, while risk of
evidence by two levels to low certainty due to very serious risk of
bias due to missing outcome data was high and risk of bias in
bias (we rated all included studies as high overall risk of bias).
measurement of the outcome was low.
Figure 6. Comparison 1. Energy, protein and micronutrients versus standard diets for pressure ulcer prevention,
outcome 1: incidence of pressure ulcers
Energy, protein and micronutrients Standard diet Risk Ratio Risk Ratio Risk of Bias
Study or Subgroup Events Total Events Total Weight M-H, Random, 95% CI M-H, Random, 95% CI A B C D E F
None of the remaining prespecified review outcomes were potential benefit and harm as well as a low number of participants
reported. and events).
Protein, arginine, zinc and antioxidants compared with placebo None of the remaining prespecified review outcomes were
(1 study) reported.
Pressure ulcer incidence EPA, GLA and antioxidants compared with standard diets (1
Houwing 2003 included 103 hip fracture patients who were study)
followed up for 28 days. There may be little to no difference Pressure ulcer incidence
between the two groups, but the evidence is very uncertain. The
incidence of pressure ulcers (stages 1 to 2) in the nutritional Theilla 2007 included 100 intensive care patients suffering from
intervention group was 27/51 (55%) compared with 30/52 (59%) in acute lung injury and compared a high fat and low carbohydrate
the placebo group (RR 0.92, 95% CI 0.65 to 1.30; very low-certainty enteral formula, which was enriched in EPA, GLA, and vitamins A, C,
evidence; Analysis 2.1; Appendix 9).We downgraded the evidence and E. There may be little to no difference between the two groups
by one level due to serious risk of bias (we rated risk of bias as some in pressure ulcer development, but the evidence is very uncertain.
concerns) and by two levels for very serious imprecision (wide 95% There were three new pressure ulcers in the supplemented group
CI overlaps the line of null effect and includes potential benefit and compared with one in the control group on day seven (RR 3.20, 95%
harm as well as a low number of participants and events). CI 0.34 to 29.63; very low-certainty evidence; Analysis 4.1; Appendix
11). We downgraded the evidence by one level due to serious risk
None of the participants developed a pressure ulcer surpassing of bias (we rated risk of bias as some concerns) and by two levels
stage 2, but the incidence of stage 2 pressure ulcers was 18% in the for very serious imprecision (95% CI overlaps the line of null effect
nutritional intervention group versus 28% in the placebo group (RR and includes potential benefit and harm and a low number of
0.66, 95% CI 0.31 to 1.38). participants and events).
None of the remaining prespecified review outcomes were None of the remaining prespecified review outcomes were
reported. reported.
L-carnitine, L-leucine, calcium, magnesium and vitamin D Protein supplements compared with standard diet (4 studies)
compared with standard diet (1 study)
Pressure ulcer incidence
Pressure ulcer incidence
Hartgrink 1998, Dennis 2005, Botella Carretero 2008 and Anbar 2014
Derossi 2009 included 107 hip-fracture patients aged 65 and older, included 4264 participants in the four studies investigating protein-
scheduled to undergo surgical treatment. There may be little to enriched supplements. Pooled data, using a random-effects model,
no difference in pressure ulcer incidence at the end of the 40-day suggests that protein-enriched supplements may result in little to
study between the two groups, but the evidence is very uncertain no difference in reducing pressure ulcer incidence (RR 0.75, 95%
(nutritional intervention group 3/38 (7.89%) compared with the CI 0.49 to 1.14; P = 0.18, I2 = 17%; low-certainty evidence; Analysis
control group 6/41 (14.63%); RR 0.54, 95% CI 0.15 to 2.01; very 5.1; Figure 7; Summary of findings 2). We downgraded the evidence
low-certainty evidence; Analysis 3.1; Appendix 10). We downgraded by one level due to serious risk of bias (we rated three out of four
the evidence by one level due to serious risk of bias (we rated studies as some concerns) and by one level for imprecision (95% CI
risk of bias as some concerns) and by two levels for very serious overlaps the line of null effect and includes potential benefit and
imprecision (95% CI overlaps the line of null effect and includes harm and a low number of events).
Figure 7. Comparison 5. Protein supplements versus standard diets for pressure ulcer prevention, outcome 1:
incidence of pressure ulcers
Protein Standard diet Risk Ratio Risk Ratio Risk of Bias
Study or Subgroup Events Total Events Total Weight M-H, Random, 95% CI M-H, Random, 95% CI A B C D E F
Side effects 7.96; P = 0.77, I2 = 65%; very low-certainty evidence; Analysis 5.2;
Regarding gastrointestinal side effects, we pooled data from two Figure 8; Summary of findings 2). We downgraded the evidence by
studies (Botella Carretero 2008; Anbar 2014), using a random- one level due to serious risk of bias (we rated both studies as some
effects model. There may be little to no difference between the two concerns) and by two levels for very serious imprecision (95% CI
groups, but the evidence is very uncertain (RR 0.70, 95% CI 0.06 to overlaps the line of null effect and includes potential benefit and
harm as well as a low number of participants and events).
Figure 8. Comparison 5. Protein supplements versus standard diets for pressure ulcer prevention, outcome 2:
gastrointestinal side effects
Protein Standard diet Risk Ratio Risk Ratio Risk of Bias
Study or Subgroup Events Total Events Total Weight M-H, Random, 95% CI M-H, Random, 95% CI A B C D E F
None of the remaining prespecified review outcomes were a standard high-carbohydrate formula. Information on pressure
reported. ulcer incidence was available from 27 (79.41%) people. There may
be little to no difference in pressure ulcer incidence between the
Disease-specific diet compared with a standard diet (1 study) two groups, but the evidence is very uncertain (6/14 (42.86%)
Pressure ulcer incidence developed a pressure ulcer in the treatment group compared with
7/13 (53.85%) in the control group; RR 0.80, 95% CI 0.36 to 1.75;
Craig 1998 included 34 people with a history of type 2 diabetes P = 0.57; very low-certainty evidence; Analysis 6.1; Appendix 12).
mellitus or documented hyperglycaemia who required total We downgraded the evidence by one level due to serious risk of
enteral nutrition support by nasogastric tube. A disease-specific, bias (we rated risk of bias as some concerns) and by two levels due
reduced-carbohydrate, modified-fat formula was compared with to very serious imprecision (95% CI overlaps the line of null effect
Nutritional interventions for preventing and treating pressure ulcers (Review) 31
Copyright © 2024 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Cochrane Trusted evidence.
Informed decisions.
Library Better health. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
and includes potential benefit and harm as well as a low number of Energy, protein and micronutrient compared with standard diet
participants and events). (3 studies)
None of the remaining prespecified review outcomes were Number of people healed
reported. Three studies, including 577 participants, reported the number of
people who had a completely healed pressure ulcer. We combined
Evidence from treatment studies data from Ek 1991, Ohura 2011 and Yu 2015 using a random-effects
A total of 24 studies were related to pressure ulcer treatment. model. The energy, protein and micronutrient supplements may
Both Benati 2001 and Desneves 2005 were three-arm studies that result in more people with a completely healed pressure ulcer
compared a protein, arginine, zinc, and antioxidant-supplemented compared with those on a standard diet (RR 1.45, 95% CI 1.14
group with a protein-supplemented group and a standard-diet to 1.85, P = 0.002, I2 = 0%; low-certainty evidence; Analysis 7.1;
group, respectively. Yamanaka 2017 was another three-arm study Figure 9; Summary of findings 3). We downgraded the certainty of
that compared the treatment effect of arginine and micronutrients evidence by two levels for very serious risk of bias (we rated all
as a treatment arm and collagen as another treatment arm with studies as high risk of overall bias).
a standard diet. Sugihara 2018 was another three-arm study
that compared different collagen supplements (collagen with low
dipeptide and collagen with high dipeptide) with placebo.
Figure 9. Comparison 7. Energy, protein and micronutrients versus standard diets for pressure ulcer treatment,
outcome 1: number of people healed
Energy, protein and micronutrients Standard diet Risk Ratio Risk Ratio Risk of Bias
Study or Subgroup Events Total Events Total Weight M-H, Random, 95% CI M-H, Random, 95% CI A B C D E F
Figure 10. Comparison 8. Protein, arginine, zinc and antioxidants versus standard diets or placebo for pressure
ulcer treatment, outcome 1: number of people healed
Protein, arginine, zinc and antioxidants Standard diet or placebo Risk Ratio Risk Ratio Risk of Bias
Study or Subgroup Events Total Events Total Weight M-H, Random, 95% CI M-H, Random, 95% CI A B C D E F
Ulcer size −4.54 to 0.53; very low-certainty evidence; Analysis 8.2; Figure 11;
We were able to pool data from Cereda 2009 and Van Anholt 2010, Summary of findings 4). We downgraded the certainty of evidence
by one level for serious risk of bias (we rated the risk of bias of
which both assessed differences in mean pressure ulcer size (I2 =
the study with more weight as some concerns) and by two levels
13%). Overall, the evidence is very uncertain about the treatment
for very serious imprecision (wide 95% CI and a low number of
effect of the protein, arginine, zinc and antioxidants supplement
compared with a standard diet or placebo (MD −2.00, 95% CI
Figure 11. Comparison 8. Protein, arginine, zinc and antioxidants versus standard diets or placebo for pressure
ulcer treatment, outcome 1: ulcer size (change in pressure ulcer area in cm2)
Protein, arginine, zinc and antioxidants Standard diet or placebo Mean Difference Mean Difference Risk of Bias
Study or Subgroup Mean [cm²] SD [cm²] Total Mean [cm²] SD [cm²] Total Weight IV, Random, 95% CI [cm²] IV, Random, 95% CI [cm²] A B C D E F
Cereda 2009 7.01 8.35 13 12.28 9.52 15 13.6% -5.27 [-11.89 , 1.35] − + + + ? −
Van Anholt 2010 1.85 3.517812 22 3.34 3.0245 21 86.4% -1.49 [-3.45 , 0.47] ? + ? + + ?
Rate of ulcer healing Three other studies used the PUSH scoreas an outcome, and
Benati 2001 undertook a preliminary investigation but presented therefore we combined PUSH data fromDesneves 2005, Van Anholt
the results on the PSST scores in graphical form only, with no 2010 and Cereda 2009 using a random-effects model. Eighty
numerical data. The quality of the graph was poor, and it was participants were included and there may be improvement in
impossible to extrapolate data. The participants who received PUSH scores in people who received the protein, arginine, zinc
protein, arginine, zinc and antioxidant supplements (intervention and antioxidants supplement compared with those on a standard
group 1) or protein supplements (intervention group 2) had a diet or placebo, but the evidence is very uncertain (MD −2.71, 95%
more rapid improvement in pressure ulcer healing over the 15-day CI −4.82 to −0.61, P = 0.01, I2 = 42%; very low-certainty evidence;
intervention period compared with those who received a standard Analysis 8.3; Figure 12 ).
Figure 12. Comparison 8. Protein, arginine, zinc and antioxidants versus standard diets or placebo for pressure
ulcer treatment, outcome 3: rate of ulcer healing (PUSH score)
Protein, arginine, zinc and antioxidants Standard diet or placebo Mean Difference Mean Difference Risk of Bias
Study or Subgroup Mean SD Total Mean SD Total Weight IV, Random, 95% CI IV, Random, 95% CI A B C D E F
Cereda 2009 7.4 3.4 13 10.7 3.4 15 37.0% -3.30 [-5.83 , -0.77] − + + + ? −
Desneves 2005 2.6 1.2 4 7 3.354102 5 28.4% -4.40 [-7.57 , -1.23] − + + + ? −
Van Anholt 2010 5.28 4.502799 22 5.98 4.490924 21 34.6% -0.70 [-3.39 , 1.99] ? + ? + + ?
Side effects stage 2 to 4 pressure ulcers, who received either an arginine and
Van Anholt 2010 reported data on side effects (which were micronutrient supplement or a placebo. There may be little to no
diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, constipation, and dyspepsia) difference between the two groups in the number of people whose
experienced during the study period among people aged between ulcers healed (treatment group 17/101 (16.83%) and control group
18 and 90 years old recruited from healthcare centres, hospitals 10/99 (10.10%); RR 1.67, 95% CI 0.80 to 3.46; P = 0.17; low-certainty
and long-term care facilities in four countries. Participants had at evidence; Analysis 9.1; Summary of findings 5). We downgraded
least one NPUAP stage 3 or 4 pressure ulcer. There may be little the evidence by two levels due to very serious imprecision (small
to no difference in the number of people who experience at least number of events and wide 95% CI which overlaps the no-effect
one side effect between the two groups but the evidence is very line).
uncertain (16/22 (72.73%) in the treatment group compared with Ulcer size
13/21 (61.90%) in the control group; RR 1.17, 95% CI 0.77 to 1.79; P =
0.45; very low-certainty evidence; Analysis 8.4; Summary of findings Banks 2016 assessed the change in pressure ulcer area (in cm2)
4). We downgraded the certainty of evidence by one level for serious and found that there may be little to no difference in pressure
risk of bias (we rated risk of bias as some concerns) and by two ulcer area between the group receiving arginine and micronutrient
levels for very serious imprecision (95% CI overlaps the line of null supplements compared to the group with a standard diet (MD
effect and includes potential benefit and harm and a low number of −3.25, 95% CI −7.19 to 0.69; P = 0.11; low-certainty evidence;
participants and events). Nevertheless, the study authors reported Analysis 9.2; Summary of findings 5). We downgraded the evidence
that there were no differences in individual gastrointestinal side by one level for high risk of bias and by one level for imprecision.
effects except constipation (4/22 (18.18%) in the treatment group However, we found a slight percentage reduction in pressure ulcer
compared with 0/21 (0%) in the control group had constipation in area in the group with arginine and micronutrient supplementation
week 4; P = 0.029, Fisher's exact test). (Banks 2016, Cereda 2015) when pooling data (MD −15.80, 95%
CI −25.11 to −6.48; P = 0.0009, I2 = 0%; low-certainty evidence;
None of the remaining prespecified review outcomes were Analysis 9.3; Figure 13; Summary of findings 5). We downgraded the
reported. evidence by one level due to serious risk of bias (one of two studies
had a high overall risk of bias) and by one level due to serious
Arginine and micronutrients compared with standard diet or imprecision (low number of participants).
placebo (3 studies)
Number of people healed
Figure 13. Comparison 9. Arginine and micronutrients versus standard diets or placebo for pressure ulcer
treatment, outcome 3: ulcer size (percentage change in pressure ulcer area)
Arginine and micronutrients Placebo Mean Difference Mean Difference Risk of Bias
Study or Subgroup Mean [%] SD [%] Total Mean [%] SD [%] Total Weight IV, Random, 95% CI [%] IV, Random, 95% CI [%] A B C D E F
Banks 2016 -28.52 108.43 14 -3.32 154.25 17 1.0% -25.20 [-117.95 , 67.55] ? ? − ? + −
Cereda 2015 -60.9 33.432526 101 -45.2 34.094359 99 99.0% -15.70 [-25.06 , -6.34] + + + + + +
Banks 2016 examined the treatment effect of arginine and Banks 2016, Cereda 2015 and Yamanaka 2017 reported data on
micronutrients supplements on the PUSH score and found that gastrointestinal intolerance including nausea and diarrhoea. There
there may be little to no difference in treatment effect, but the may be little to no difference in side effects occurring during the
evidence is very uncertain (MD −0.48, 95% CI −3.80 to 2.84; P = 0.78; study period between the arginine and micronutrients supplement
very low-certainty evidence; Analysis 9.4). group and the standard diet or placebo group after we pooled
the data using a random-effects model, but the evidence is very
Yamanaka 2017 was a three-arm study and included 51 uncertain (RR 1.54, 95% CI 0.36 to 6.64; P = 0.56, I2 = 9%; very low-
orally or tube-fed patients who received either an arginine certainty evidence; Analysis 9.6; Figure 14; Summary of findings 5).
and micronutrient supplement, a collagen and micronutrient We downgraded the evidence by one level due to serious risk of bias
supplement, or a standard diet. When comparing the mean (we rated one study at high risk of bias) and twice for very serious
DESIGN-R scores in the arginine and micronutrient supplement imprecision (95% CI overlaps the line of null effect and includes
group with the standard diet group, there may be little to no potential benefit and harm and a low number of participants and
difference between the two groups, but the evidence is very events).
uncertain (MD −1.60, 95% CI −9.53 to 6.33; P = 0.69; very low-
certainty evidence; Analysis 9.5).
Figure 14. Comparison 9. Arginine and micronutrients versus standard diets or placebo for pressure ulcer
treatment, outcome 6: side effects (at least one adverse gastrointestinal effect)
Arginine and micronutrients Standard diet or placebo Risk Ratio Risk Ratio Risk of Bias
Study or Subgroup Events Total Events Total Weight M-H, Random, 95% CI M-H, Random, 95% CI A B C D E F
Banks 2016 reported information on the number of participants Theilla 2012 included 40 patients with pressure ulcers of NPUAP
who did not adhere to the supplementation. There may be little stage 2 or higher admitted to the intensive care unit of a
to no difference in non-adherence between the two groups, but hospital. Participants were either provided with high-energy/high-
the evidence is very uncertain (7/24 participants did not adhere protein n-3 fatty acid-rich micronutrient supplements or a standard
to the supplementation in the intervention group, while all 25 hospital diet and follow-up for 28 days. This study found there may
participants adhered to the standard diet (RR 15.60, 95% CI 0.94 to be little to no difference in PUSH scores at day 28 between the two
259.00; P = 0.06; very low-certainty evidence; Analysis 9.8; Summary groups, but the evidence is very uncertain (MD −1.35, 95% CI −5.78
of findings 5). We downgraded the evidence by one level due to to 3.08; very low-certainty evidence; Analysis 11.2).
serious risk of bias (we rated the study as high risk of bias) and
by two levels for very serious imprecision (wide 95% CI and a low None of the remaining prespecified review outcomes were
number of participants). reported.
None of the remaining prespecified review outcomes were Protein compared to standard diet (4 studies)
reported. Pressure ulcer healed
Different doses of arginine (1 study) Chernoff 1990 compared 12 tube-fed people with pressure ulcers
who were put on either a very high-protein formula or a high-
Rate of ulcer healing
protein formula and found that there may be little to no difference
Leigh 2012 examined the effects of arginine and micronutrients in between the two groups in the number of people with completely
two different doses of arginine in a study with 29 participants. They healed ulcers within eight weeks, but the evidence is very
assessed changes in pressure ulcer with the PUSH score and found uncertain (4/6 (66.67%) in the very high-protein formula group had
that there may be little to no differences between the different completely healed ulcers compared to none in the high-protein
doses of arginine, but the evidence is very uncertain (MD −0.60, 95% formula group (0/6; 0%) (RR 9.00, 95% CI 0.59 to 137.65; P =
CI −4.33 to 3.13; very low-certainty evidence Analysis 10.1). 0.11; very low-certainty evidence; Analysis 12.1; Appendix 15). We
downgraded the evidence by one level because of serious risk of
Side effects bias (we rated risk of bias as some concerns) and by two levels due
The types of side effects were not specified, but in one case they to very serious imprecision (95% CI overlaps the no-effect line and
led to termination of study participation (RR 2.81, 95% CI 0.12 to includes potential benefit and harm and a low number of events
63.83; very low-certainty evidence; Analysis 10.2; Appendix 13). We and participants).
downgraded the evidence by one level for serious risk of bias (we
Pressure ulcer episodes
rated the study as high risk of bias) and by two levels for very serious
imprecision (wide 95% CI and a low number of participants). Pouyssegur 2015 included 175 people aged 70 years or older in
nursing homes who were diagnosed as malnourished based on
Acceptability: non-adherence a weight loss survey, BMI and Mini-Nutritional Assessment (MNA)
Leigh 2012 reported information on the number of participants screening tool. The supplemented group was provided with a
who did not adhere to the prescribed diet or supplementation and protein supplement in the form of cookies for a period of six
found that there may be little to no difference between the two weeks. Pressure ulcer data were presented as changes in pressure
groups, but the evidence is very uncertain (RR 1.09, 95% CI 0.08 to ulcer episodes, which included both people with pressure ulcers
15.41; very low-certainty evidence; Analysis 10.3; Appendix 13). We at baseline and people with new pressure ulcers during the study
downgraded the evidence by one level for serious risk of bias (we period. Pouyssegur 2015 found that there may be little to no
rated the study as high risk of bias) and by two levels for very serious difference between the protein supplement group and the standard
imprecision (wide 95% CI and a low number of participants). diet group, but the evidence is very uncertain (RR 1.15; 95% CI 0.38
to 3.46; very low-certainty evidence; Analysis 12.2; Appendix 15).
None of the remaining prespecified review outcomes were We downgraded the evidence by two levels for very serious risk of
reported. bias (we rated almost all risk of bias domains as high) and by one
level for serious imprecision (wide 95% CI and a low number of
EPA, GLA and antioxidants compared to standard diet (1 study) participants).
Number of people healed
Rate of ulcer healing
Theilla 2007 recruited 100 patients from intensive care suffering
Desneves 2005 used the PUSH score to assess the rate of ulcer
from acute lung injury. The study compared a high-fat and low-
healing. They found that there may be little to no difference in PUSH
carbohydrate enteral formula enriched in lipids with ß-carotene,
scores between their protein supplement and their standard diet
vitamin C and E with a high-fat and low-carbohydrate enteral
group but the evidence is very uncertain (MD −1.00, 95% CI −2.76 to
formula. The evidence is very uncertain about the enriched formula
0.76; P = 0.27; very low-certainty evidence; Analysis 12.3).
in relation to ulcer healing. Neither group had healed ulcers on day
7 of the study (very low-certainty evidence; Analysis 11.1; Appendix For this comparison, Benati 2001 also provided only graphically
14 . We downgraded the evidence by one level for serious risk of presented changes in PSST scores. Participants who received
bias (baseline imbalance, no allocation concealment, open-label protein supplements seemed to have a more rapid improvement
study) and by two levels for very serious imprecision (low number in pressure ulcer healing over the 15-day intervention period
of participants and no events). compared with those who received a standard diet.
Figure 15. Comparison 13. Collagen versus standard diets or placebo for pressure ulcer treatment, outcome 2: rate
of ulcer healing (PUSH score)
Collagen Placebo Mean Difference Mean Difference Risk of Bias
Study or Subgroup Mean SD Total Mean SD Total Weight IV, Random, 95% CI IV, Random, 95% CI A B C D E F
Lee 2006 3.55 4.66 44 3.22 4.11 27 40.2% 0.33 [-1.74 , 2.40] − ? ? + ? −
Sugihara 2018 7.370959 1.834958 73 9.26 2.09 39 59.8% -1.89 [-2.67 , -1.11] ? + + + + ?
Another three-arm study, Yamanaka 2017, used DESIGN-R dipeptide collagen group, 2/39 (5.13%) experienced moderate
scores to measure ulcer healing rates and found that collagen diarrhoea. In the placebo group, one participant experienced mild
supplementation may reduce DESIGN-R scores at week 4 compared headache (1/42 (2.38%)). These reported side effects were resolved
with the standard diet group, but the evidence is very uncertain (MD with concomitant medication and only persisted for one day. None
−6.00, 95% CI −10.76 to −1.24; P = 0.01; very low-certainty evidence; of these side effects reappeared upon re-challenge. In summary,
Analysis 13.3). there may be little to no difference in side effects between the
supplemented group and the placebo group but the evidence is
Side effects very uncertain (RR 2.69, 95% CI 0.33 to 22.30; P = 0.36; very low-
Yamanaka 2017 assessed diarrhoea episodes during the study certainty evidence; Analysis 13.4; Figure 16; Summary of findings
period and found none in the collagen supplement group or the 6). We downgraded the evidence by one level because of serious
standard diet group. In the two collagen-supplemented groups risk of bias (we rated the risk of bias as some concerns) and by
in Sugihara 2018, 2/39 (5.13%) participants in the low-dipeptide two levels due to very serious imprecision (95% CI overlaps the
collagen group experienced moderate constipation and 1/39 no-effect line and includes potential benefit and harm and a low
(2.56%) participants experienced mild diarrhoea. In the high- number of events and participants).
Figure 16. Comparison 13: Collagen versus standard diets or placebo for pressure ulcer treatment, Outcome 4: Side
effects (at least one adverse gastrointestinal effect)
Collagen Standard diet or placebo Risk Ratio Risk Ratio Risk of Bias
Study or Subgroup Events Total Events Total Weight M-H, Random, 95% CI M-H, Random, 95% CI A B C D E F
very uncertain (ornithine group: 15/85 (17.65%); placebo group: Pressure ulcers healed
12/75 (16%); RR 1.10, 95% CI 0.55 to 2.20; P = 0.78; very low- Taylor 1974 reported that 6/10 (60%) participants in the ascorbic
certainty evidence; Analysis 15.3; Appendix 17). We downgraded acid group had completely healed pressure ulcers compared
the evidence by one level due to serious risk of bias (we rated risk with 3/10 (30%) participants in the placebo group. Ter Riet 1995
of bias as some concerns) and by two levels due to very serious conducted an appropriate survival analysis to compare the overall
imprecision (95% CI overlaps the line of null effect and includes risk of healing on ascorbic acid and placebo and found no difference
potential benefit and harm and a low number of participants and between the groups (HR 0.78, 90% CI 0.44 to 1.39). In order to allow
events). comparison and meta-analysis using this study, we extracted the
None of the remaining prespecified review outcomes were data on the numbers of healed pressure ulcers from the survival
reported. curves of the study report. We pooled data using a random-
effects model and found little to no difference between vitamin C
Vitamin C compared with placebo (2 studies) and placebo on pressure ulcer healing, but the evidence is very
uncertain (RR 1.11, 95% CI 0.48 to 2.60; P = 0.80, I2 =56%; very
Two studies investigated the effect of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) low-certainty evidence; Analysis 16.1; Figure 17; Appendix 18). We
on pressure ulcer healing. Taylor 1974 followed up 20 people in downgraded the evidence by one level due to serious risk of bias
surgical wards and reported data at one month. Ter Riet 1995 was (we rated one of the two studies as some concerns) and by two
intended to replicate Taylor 1974, with more participants (n = 88). levels for very serious imprecision (95% CI overlaps the line of null
effect and a low number of participants and events).
Figure 17. Comparison 16. Vitamin C versus placebo for pressure ulcer treatment, outcome 1: pressure ulcers
showed a mean reduction in pressure ulcer volume of 10.1 mL (SD Overall completeness and applicability of evidence
9 mL), whilst those in the placebo group showed a mean reduction
in pressure ulcer volume of 6.0 mL (SD 17.5 mL). There may be little Even though we included 33 studies in this review, the various
to no difference in the mean reduction of pressure ulcer volume combinations of different nutritional interventions, which were
between the group receiving zinc sulphate supplements and the compared with a standard diet or a placebo, made it difficult
placebo group, but the evidence is very uncertain (MD 4.10, 95% CI to conclude which type of nutritional intervention may prevent
−9.25 to 17.45; P = 0.55; very low-certainty evidence; Analysis 17.2; or treat pressure ulcers. In addition, the included studies used
Appendix 19). We downgraded the evidence by one level due to different outcome measurements for pressure ulcer healing, and
serious risk of bias (we rated the study as high risk of bias) and by the suitability of the PUSH/DESIGN-R score as a surrogate measure
two levels for very serious imprecision (95% CI overlaps the line of of pressure ulcer healing is unclear. Regarding sample sizes, many
null effect and a low number of participants). studies included few participants and some had a considerable
dropout rate. Furthermore, the follow-up time of some studies was
None of the remaining prespecified review outcomes were short, making it unlikely that true effects of interventions would
reported. be detected. Some studies reported that laboratory markers of
malnutrition improved during treatment, but the clinical effects of
DISCUSSION specific nutritional supplementation on the incidence of new ulcers
or healing of existing ulcers were unclear.
The studies of nutritional supplementation vary in terms
of interventions, outcome measurements and follow-up; Quality of the evidence
interpretation of these findings should be made with caution.
We rated certainty of the evidence for most of the outcomes as
Summary of main results either very low or low because we judged overall risk of bias for
most included studies as high or some concerns, with one or more
Eleven studies compared six types of nutritional interventions risk of bias domains rated as high or some concerns. The other
for the prevention of pressure ulcers, with a combination of frequent reason for downgrading was imprecision.
different macronutrients and micronutrients in different dosages
and for a range of study periods. We performed two meta- Nearly half of the included studies were funded or supported
analyses to compare the effect of energy, protein and micronutrient by pharmaceutical companies, which raises concerns with regard
supplements and protein supplements with standard diets on to conflict of interest. Reporting bias cannot be ruled out in
pressure ulcer incidence. The analyses showed that these several of these studies, as often no protocol was published a
interventions may result in little to no difference in pressure ulcer priori. Therefore, interpretations and conclusions of the effects of
incidence. It remains unclear whether other nutritional supplement the interventions should be considered with caution against the
compositions may reduce the risk of pressure ulcer development. background of these findings.
Twenty-four studies evaluated the effects of nutritional Potential biases in the review process
supplements on the healing of existing pressure ulcers. They used
various outcome measures for pressure ulcer healing including the Although we declared no conflict of interest, we were aware of the
number of people with healed ulcers, changes in ulcer sizes/depth, possibility of bias at every stage of the review process. In this review,
and PUSH/DESIGN-R scores (as surrogate measures). we tried to minimize bias in several ways. Two review authors
assessed the eligibility of the studies for inclusion, performed
The meta-analyses showed that energy, protein and micronutrient the data extraction and assessed the risk for bias, with each
supplements may slightly increase the number of healed pressure author working independently. For articles not written in English or
ulcers. Protein, arginine, zinc and antioxidant supplements as well understood by at least two review authors, the articles were either
as arginine and micronutrient supplements (2 studies) may slightly translated into English or assessed by external bilingual researchers
increase pressure ulcer healing, but have no effect on the number (listed in the Acknowledgements). Although the RoB 2 tool, due
of healed pressure ulcers. The evidence is very uncertain about the to its specific questions, explanations and algorithms, allows for a
effect of these supplements on side effects. more objective bias assessment than other tools, there still remains
a certain degree of subjectivity in the bias assessment.
It is only with regard to one nutritional supplement that we are
moderately confident about the evidence. Collagen supplements In industry-funded studies on nutrition interventions, there is a
probably reduce the mean pressure ulcer area when compared to certain risk of publication bias due to not publishing non-significant
placebo. However, the evidence is very uncertain about the effect studies. To reduce this bias, we screened all published study
of this supplement on other pressure ulcer healing outcomes (e.g. protocols and checked them for the publication of an original study.
PUSH scores) and on side effects. No study investigated the effects If none was found, we contacted the study authors and asked for
of collagen supplements on the number of healed pressure ulcers. information. Unfortunately, we were not able to locate all authors
of published study protocols, or did not receive feedback from all
The evidence is very uncertain about the effect of vitamin C of them (despite sending reminder emails). Due to the low number
compared to placebo on the number of healed pressure ulcers. of studies for the respective interventions, it was not possible to
check for a potential publication bias using funnel plots. The review
The evidence is very uncertain about the effects of different doses authors declared no conflict of interest.
of arginine; EPA, GLA and antioxidants; protein; specialized amino
acid mixtures; ornithine alpha-ketoglutarate and zinc supplements
on the number of healed pressure ulcers and pressure ulcer healing
when compared to standard diet or placebo.
Agreements and disagreements with other studies or and primary outcomes of the study designs (Wong 2019). High-
reviews quality and sufficiently powered studies investigating the clinical
efficacy of specific nutritional supplementations in preventing and
Different types of nutritional supplementation influence the rates treating pressure ulcers are needed before considering economic
of healing of different types of wounds in various ways (Daher 2022). evaluation.
Specifying the types of different nutritional supplementation when
investigating the effect of nutritional supplementation on pressure AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS
ulcers is essential to make a clinically meaningful comparison
and recommendation. Yet, most of the existing pressure ulcer Implications for practice
prevention-related systematic reviews were rated as low-to-
Currently, there is no clear evidence that nutritional
moderate quality when AMSTER was used to appraise the quality
interventions reduce the development of pressure ulcers.
of systematic reviews (Yap 2021). These low-quality systematic
Some nutritional supplement compositions (energy, protein
reviews either combined different types of nutritional interventions
and micronutrient supplements; protein, arginine, zinc and
and study designs in their analyses, or did not perform any risk of
antioxidant supplements; arginine and micronutrient supplements
bias or heterogeneity assessments (Yap 2021).
and collagen supplements) are promising approaches to increasing
Similarly, some pressure ulcer treatment-related systematic pressure ulcer healing slightly. However, the underlying evidence is
reviews combined different types of nutritional interventions in of low or very low certainty. Furthermore, we are unsure about the
various modes of delivery to make clinical recommendations. For effect of these supplements on side effects and acceptability.
instance, a systematic review investigated the efficacy of zinc
This conclusion should not be interpreted as proof that nutritional
supplementation therapy in patients with pressure ulcers (Song
interventions have no or only little effect on pressure ulcer
2020). However, Song 2020 combined data from studies using both
incidence or healing because the existing evidence base is of low
topical zinc ointment and zinc-enriched oral supplements using
to very low certainty. Moreover, people with or without pressure
meta-analysis and made recommendations for the use of zinc
ulcers who are receiving health care and who are malnourished or
therapy in ulcer healing. Another systematic review investigated
at risk of malnutrition should receive expert nutritional assessment
the efficacy of arginine-enriched formulas in pressure ulcer
and interventions using specifically developed and validated
healing and concluded that arginine-enriched enteral nutrition
national and international guidelines for diagnosing and treating
supplements improved pressure ulcer healing (Liu 2017). However,
malnutrition (risk).
Liu 2017 compiled data from RCTs with different types of arginine-
enriched supplements on pressure ulcer treatment without meta-
Implications for research
analysis. From what we found in this systematic review, the
treatment effect of arginine varied depending on which other Further research with larger numbers of patients and sound
nutrients were provided along with it. Consequently, the effect of methodology is required to procure evidence for the impact of
arginine on pressure ulcer healing remains unclear. nutrition on pressure ulcers. Most of the included studies included
malnourished patients, but data for malnourished individuals were
Another systematic review specifically investigated the wound not presented separately. It would be valuable to present separate
healing effect of a protein and arginine-enriched micronutrient data for malnourished and non-malnourished patients in future
supplement on pressure ulcer healing using meta-analysis and randomized controlled trials to enable subgroup analyses. For
found a similar treatment effect as in this systematic review (Cereda some supplements, there is preliminary evidence that they may
2017). They used the former version of the Cochrane risk of bias tool contribute to the healing of pressure ulcers. The low confidence
for randomized studies (RoB 1; Higgins 2011), and rated all three rating for these interventions was mainly due to a lack of precision.
included studies as low risk of bias (Cereda 2017). Consequently, Studies with larger samples would provide more precise results
Cereda 2017 recommended supporting the use of protein and and would probably increase confidence in the evidence for these
arginine-enriched micronutrient supplements in pressure ulcer supplements. Consideration should be given to constituents of the
treatment. However, their recommendation should be interpreted supplement and the method of application, as one study reported
with caution because there was inconsistency regarding the effect, low tolerance of nasogastric tube feeding. No study investigated a
and heterogeneity in the treatment effect shown in their meta- special diet (e.g. high-protein or vegetarian diet) or dietary change.
analysis, and they did not use GRADE to rate the quality of evidence. In order to save costs for supplements and to protect the climate
Also, two of the three studies included in their systematic review (packaging waste), it would also be important to investigate more
were conducted by their research team. In contrast, we used version climate-friendly interventions in future research.
2 of the Cochrane risk of bias tool for randomized studies (RoB
2; Sterne 2019), and GRADE to rate the certainty of evidence, and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
found low-certainty evidence in the treatment effect of protein and
arginine-enriched micronutrient supplements on ulcer healing. We would like to thank the authors of the previous reviews on
whose work this update is based.
With regard to the economic evaluation of nutritional interventions
in pressure ulcer prevention and management, similar to what was Special thanks go to Emily You for help with Chinese articles. We are
found in Wong 2019, only a few of the nutritional interventions very grateful to Manuela Schatz for proofreading the article.
included an economic evaluation. It has to be noted that the We are grateful for support and encouragement from Sally EM Bell-
treatment effect of nutritional interventions is still inconclusive and Syer, E Andrea Nelson and Gill Rizzello of the Cochrane Wounds
economic evaluations depend on the clinical efficacy of nutritional Group. Thank you to Elizabeth Royle who copy edited the previous
interventions (Wong 2019). Meta-analysis was not possible due version of the review.
to the heterogeneity of economic assessment methodologies
Nutritional interventions for preventing and treating pressure ulcers (Review) 41
Copyright © 2024 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Cochrane Trusted evidence.
Informed decisions.
Library Better health. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
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Anbar 2014
Study characteristics
Intervention group
Control group
Included criteria: patients > 65 years who were admitted to the unit following hip fracture within
48 h of the injury and in whom orthopedic surgery was considered the treatment of choice.
Excluded criteria: presented to hospital > 48 h after the injury, receiving steroids and/or immuno-
suppression therapy; presence of active oncologic disease, multiple fractures, diagnosed demen-
tia, required supplemental nasal oxygen which precludes the measurement of REE
• Type of diet/supplementation: usual hospital diet and a fixed dose of ONS if already prescribed
• Energy (kcal/kg/d): hospital diets provide a mean of 1800 kcal and 80 g of protein in the event that
the meals are completely eaten
• Amount of supplementation: an individual prescription
• Mode of feeding: enteral
Country: Israel
Authors: Anbar, R., Beloosesky, Y., Cohen, J., Madar, Z., Weiss, A., Theilla, M., Koren Hakim, T., Frish-
man, S. & Singer, P.
Arias 2008
Study characteristics
Intervention group
Control group
Included criteria: mildly or seriously malnourished or at risk of being malnourished inpatients ac-
cording to the SGA
Excluded criteria: patients with diabetes, patients with decompensated liver disease with hepatic
encephalopathy, impaired consciousness, and those who had difficulty understanding instructions
and/or were disabled and had no collaborating family member
Group differences: no significant differences between the groups (but only age, gender and nutri-
tional status mentioned)
Intervention: mixed nutritional supplements (high energy, high protein and micronutrients)
Country: Uruguay
Setting: hospital
Nutritional interventions for preventing and treating pressure ulcers (Review) 55
Copyright © 2024 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Cochrane Trusted evidence.
Informed decisions.
Library Better health. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Banks 2016
Study characteristics
Intervention group
Control group
Excluded criteria: unable to receive nutrition support via the enteral route (on parenteral nutri-
tion), inappropriate for intensive nutrition support (patients receiving palliative care or medically
deteriorating), unable to follow nutrition support advice (cognitively impaired, language barriers),
previously enrolled in the study
Group differences: more participants with a very high BMI (> 30) in intervention group (6 vs 1),
more people can reposition and can walk in intervention group (7 vs 3), median PU area (cm2) high-
er in intervention group (2.9 vs 1.5). Significantly more participants in the intervention group were
already receiving a high-protein/energy diet as part of their standard care (17 vs 10)
PU healing (PUSH) %
Identification Sponsorship source: Grant from the Queensland Health, Health Practitioner Research Scheme
Country: Australia
Authors: Banks M.D., Ross L.J., Webster J., Mudge A., Stankiewicz M., Dwyer K., Coleman K., Camp-
bell J.
Institution: Department of Nutrition & Dietetics, Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital
Notes 54% of participants in the intervention and 72% of participants in the control group reveived high-
protein energy diet at day 10. Difference in the intervention is more who delivered it (clinicans ver-
sus dietitians)
Benati 2001
Study characteristics
Intervention group 1
Intervention group 2
Control group
Included criteria: hospital patients with (1) severe cognitive impairment (MMSE < 16), (2) reduced
oral food intake and (3) PUs
Excluded criteria: patients who were unlikely to benefit from nutritional supplementation
Group differences: control group had more men than women, whilst one of the treatment groups
had more women than men.
Additional PU prevention: all participants laid on an alternating pressure air mattress. Pressure
injury treatment was standardized with advanced protocols
Outcomes PU healing
Notes: individual patient scores at each time point (day 0, day 5, day 10 and day 16) presented in a
figure, no mean group scores reported
Country: Italy
Email: -
Intervention group 1
• Sample size: 30
• Female gender, No (%): 27 (90)
• Male gender, No (%): 3 (10)
• Age, mean (SD), years: 83.1 (6.3)
Intervention group 2
• Sample size: 30
• Female gender, No (%): 21 (70)
• Male gender, No (%): 9 (30)
• Age, mean (SD), years: 84.6 (5.7)
• BMI, mean (SD): 23.7 (3.5)
• MNA score points, mean (SD): 20.5 (2.9)
• No malnutrition (no significant weight loss and normal serum albumin concentrations), No (%):
16 (53.3)
Control group
• Sample size: 30
• Female gender, No (%): 23 (76.7)
• Male gender, No (%): 7 (23.3)
• Age, mean (SD), years: 83.7 (7.9)
• BMI, mean (SD): 23.6 (2.4)
• MNA score points, mean (SD): 19.4 (3.6)
• No malnutrition (no significant weight loss and normal serum albumin concentrations), No (%):
19 (63.3)
• Sample size: 90
• Female gender, No (%): 71 (78.9)
• Male gender, No (%): 19 (21.1)
• No malnutrition (no significant weight loss and normal serum albumin concentrations), No (%):
60 (66.7)
Included criteria: patients > 65 years, admitted to hospital because of a hip fracture, and orthope-
dic surgery was considered as treatment, normally nourished or only mildly undernourished geri-
atric patients
Excluded criteria: patients with moderate or severe malnutrition (weight loss of > 5% in the previ-
ous month or > 10% in the previous 6 months from their usual weight and/or serum albumin con-
centrations < 2.7 g/dL), acute and/or chronic renal failure, hepatic insufficiency or cirrhosis (Child B
or C), severe heart failure, respiratory failure, any gastrointestinal condition that may preclude the
patient from adequate oral nutrition intake, ONS in the previous 6 months
Group differences: no relevant or significant group differences. Slightly more participants without
malnutrition in the control group, but hardly any differences in mean BMI or weight
• Type of diet/supplementation: protein powder dissolved in water or in the diet’s milk or soup
• Macronutrients and micronutrients: commercial protein powder (Vegenat-med Proteina; Vegenat
SA, Badajoz, Spain; 10-g packets, with each providing 9 g of protein and 38 kcal) to aim at 36 g
of protein/d
• Energy (kcal/kg/d): 4 packets/d, 38 kcal each
• Amount of supplementation: 4 packets/d
• Mode of feeding: enteral
Identification Sponsorship source: José I. Botella-Carretero was supported by the Fundación para la Investi-
gación Biomédica, Hospital Ramón y Cajal, Madrid, Spain
Country: Spain
Setting: hospital
Authors: Botella-Carretero, J.I., Iglesias, B., Balsa, J.A., Zamarrón, I., Arrieta, F., Vázquez C.
Randomization methods: 19 wards (54%) were selected and stratified according to their speciali-
ty and their recruitment for elderly patients with PU risk factors. The ward specialities were neurol-
ogy, gastroenterology, orthopedic and vascular surgery, internal medicine, and geriatric medicine.
These wards were then randomized into groups according to the nutritional intervention
Intervention group
Control group
Included criteria: patients > 65 years in the acute phase of a critical illness, unable to move by
themselves, and unable to eat independently at admission
Group differences: intervention group included more participants with stroke, heart failure, and
dyspnoea, and fewer with antecedent falls, delirium, lower limb fractures and digestive disease.
Furthermore, the nutritional intervention group had a significantly lower risk of developing PUs
(Norton score) but was significantly less dependent (Kuntzman score) and had a lower serum albu-
Additional PU prevention: both groups underwent the same PU prevention programme given to
at-risk patients: changing positions, special mattresses, and cleaning care.
Intervention: mixed nutritional supplements (high energy, high protein and micronutrients)
Identification Sponsorship source: Projet Hospitalier de Recherche Clinique, Ministere de la Sante et de l’Action
Humanitaire, Direction Generale de la Sante, and the Direction des Hospitaux
Country: France
Email: isabelle.bourdel-marchasson@chu-aquitaine.f
Brewer 1967
Study characteristics
Intervention group
• Sample size: 7
Control group
• Sample size: 7
Included criteria: 14 spinal cord injured patients with poor healing decubitus ulcers of various
sizes, types, locations, and duration (5 months to over 2 years). No further description available
Control: placebo
Outcomes PU healing
Country: unclear
Setting: unclear
Notes Setting and country not clearly described. Author was chief of the 'Spinal Cord Injury Service',
Hines, Illinois, United States.
Cereda 2009
Study characteristics
Intervention group
Control group
Included criteria: residents of long-term care aged ≥ 65 admitted to 4 different facilities, PU stage
2, 3, or 4 lesions as assessed according to the revised (2007) NPUAP staging system. Patients fed
orally and through feeding tubes.
Excluded criteria: presence of acute illness (e.g, infection) or chronic disease (e.g. diabetes melli-
tus, peripheral vascular disease, autoimmune or neoplastic disorders) possibly affecting the nutri-
tional intervention and healing process, positive culture from PU swab sampling, use of immuno-
suppressive therapies, development of the lesion > 1 month before evaluation, and lack of dietary
• Type of diets/supplementation: a standard hospital diet for oral-fed/standard formula for tube-
• Macronutrients and micronutrients: 16% energy from protein
• Amount of supplementation: none
• Mode of feeding: enteral
• Intervention period (days): 56
PU infections, %
Complete healing
Country: Italy
Institution: International Center for the Assessment of Nutritional Status, University of Milan
Address: Manuele Cereda, International Center for the Assessment of Nutritional Status (ICANS),
University of Milan, via Botticelli 21, 20133 Milan, Italy.
Cereda 2015
Study characteristics
Intervention group
Control group
Included criteria: adult, malnourished long-term care residents or patients receiving home-care
services with PU stage 2, 3, or 4, who were able to drink oral nutritional supplements and provide
written informed consent
Excluded criteria: poorly controlled diabetes, acute organ failure, advanced renal or hepatic in-
sufficiency, moderate to severe heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or peripher-
al vascular disease, connective tissue disease, previous or current neoplastic disease, haemoglo-
bin level < 10 g/dL, obesity, current immunosuppressive therapy, infected PU, cellulitis, sepsis, os-
teomyelitis, type of artificial nutrition
Group differences: experimental group fewer participants in long-tem care (63.4% vs 68.7%),
more primary PUs at stage 4 (45.5% vs. 34.3%), more multiple PUs (49.5% vs. 41.4%), more partici-
pants with low BMI (71.3% vs 67.7%), more participants with a reduced energy intake
Complete healing, %
PU infections, %
Non-nutritional costs in EUR (managment of PUs, dressing materials, antibiotics, mattress, tests)
Comments: Cereda E. got grants and other from Nutricia Italia. Klersy C. got personal fees from Nu-
tricia Italia during the conduct of the study.
Country: Italy
Authors: Cereda, E., Klersy, C., Serioli, M., Crespi, A., D’Andrea, F., for the OligoElement Sore Trial
Study Group
Notes Additional data used: Cereda 2017 for outcomes according to cost-effectiveness
Chernoff 1990
Study characteristics
Intervention group
Control group
Country: USA
Email: -
Address: Medical Center and Devision on Aging, Department of Medicine, University of Arkansas for
Medical Scienes, Little Rock, Arkansas
Craig 1998
Study characteristics
Intervention group
Control group
Included criteria: 34 patients ≥ 50 years old with a history of type 2 diabetes mellitus or had doc-
umented hyperglycaemia as evidenced by either a plasma glucose random measurement of > 200
mg/dL or a fasting plasma glucose > 140 mg/dL on 2 occasions; required total enteral nutrition
support by tube; were able to tolerate a volume of formula that maintained body weight.
Group differences: according to the authors no significant differences between groups at baseline
for age, weight, gender, race, height, or long-term care facility (no numbers presented). No infor-
mation on presure ulcers.
Identification Sponsorship source: Research supported by Ross Products Division, Abbott Laboratories
Country: USA
Dennis 2005
Study characteristics
Intervention group
Control group
Included criteria: patients admitted with a recent stroke (first or recurrent stroke no more than 7
days before admission) could be enrolled, if they passed their swallow screen, the responsible clini-
cian was uncertain whether to use oral nutritional supplements, and the patient (or a relative) con-
sented to enrolment.
Identification Sponsorship source: Health Technology Assessment Board of NHS Research and Development
in UK; the Stroke Association; the Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Executive; Chest, Heart and
Stroke Scotland; The Royal Australasian College of Physicians supported the trial in Hawkes Bay,
New Zealand.
Country: 15 countries: Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Hong Kong,
India, Italy, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Ireland, Turkey, UK
Authors: Dennis M
Address: Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh EH4 2XU, UK
Derossi 2009
Study characteristics
Intervention group
Control group
Included criteria: patients with diagnosis of proximal fracture of the pelvis due to an accidential
fall, age > 65 years, eligible for prosthetic surgery
Outcomes PU incidence
Country: Italy
Setting: hospital
Email: -
Address: Via Uboldo 21, 20063 Cernusco sul Naviglio (Milano), Italy
Desneves 2005
Study characteristics
Intervention group 1
Intervention group 2
Control group
Included criteria: inpatients from Austin Health (Melbourne, Australia) with either a stage 2, 3 or
4 PU were recruited for the study in order of admission to the wards. Patients were selected from
aged care or spinal injury wards as these wards were previously found to possess a high prevalence
of PUs.
Excluded criteria: individuals with a clinical suspicion or diagnosis of osteomyelitis were exclud-
ed as osteomyelitis can cause skin ulcers that have a different aetiology to PUs. Also excluded were
patients with diabetes mellitus, individuals receiving enteral or parenteral nutrition support or in-
dividuals prescribed hydroxyurea or greater than 10 mg of steroids/day as these factors all inhibit
wound healing.
Group differences: patients randomised to diet intervention group 1 had a significantly lower BMI
compared to patients allocated to intervention group 2 and control group. Mean age was lower in
intervention group 1 compared to group 2 and contol group.
Country: Australia
Address: T.C. Crowe, School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, Deakin University, Burwood Hwy,
Burwood 3125, Australia
Ek 1991
Study characteristics
Ek 1991 (Continued)
Study design: RCT
Intervention group
Control group
Intervention: mixed nutritional supplements (high energy, high protein and micronutrients)
Complete healing
PU improvement
Ek 1991 (Continued)
• Outcome type: dichotomous outcome
• Direction: higher is better
Identification Sponsorship source: grants from the Swedish Medical Research Council and the Research Fund of
the County of Ostergotland.
Country: Sweden
Authors: Ek, A.C., Unosson, M, Larsson, J., von Schenk, H., Bjurulf, P.
Institution: Departments of Caring Sciences, Surgery, Clinical Chemistry and Preventive and Social
Medicine,University Hospital
Email: -
Hartgrink 1998
Study characteristics
Intervention group
Control group
Included criteria: fracture of the hip, pressure-sore risk score of ≥ 8 points (following Bakker 1985)
• Type of diet/supplementation: standard hospital diet plus supplement (Nutrison Steriflo Ener-
gy-plus) via nasogastric tube
• Macronutrients and micronutrients: additional 60 g protein
• Energy: plus 1500 kcal/d
• Amount of supplementation: 1000 mL
• Mode of feeding: enteral with nasogastric tube (in the night)
• Intervention period: 14 days
Identification Sponsorship source: Nutricia corp., Netherlands sponsored the tube feeding and the nasogastric
Country: Netherlands
Authors: Hartgrink, H.H., Wille, J., König, P., Hermans, J., Breslau, J.P.
Institution: Departments of Surgery, Red Cross Hospital, The Hague and Leiden University Medical
Email: -
Notes 25/62 participants accepted nasogastric tube for > 1 week, 16 participants for 2 weeks.
Houwing 2003
Study characteristics
Intervention group
Control group
Excluded criteria: terminal care, metastatic hip fracture, insulin-dependent diabetes, renal dis-
ease (creatinine > 176 mmol/L), hepatic disease, morbid obesity (BMI > 40), need for therapeutic di-
et incompatible with supplementation and pregnancy or lactation
• Type of diet/supplementation: oral formula (Cubitan) enriched in arginine, zinc and antioxidant
oligo elements
• Macronutrients and micronutrients: arginine, zinc and antioxidant oligoelements (for 100 mL: 10
g protein, arginine 1.5 g, zinc 4.5 mg, copper 675 mcg, manganese 1.3 mg, vitamin E (a-tocopherol)
19.0 mg)
• Energy: 503.2 kcal (29.8% from protein, 45.2% from carbohydrates, 25.0% from fat)
• Amount of supplementation: 2 bottles, 400 mL in total
• Mode of feeding: enteral
Control: placebo
Outcomes Incidence of PU
Incidence stage 1 PU
Incidence stage 2 PU
Maximal PU size
Identification Sponsorship source: funded by Numico Research BV, Wageningen, the Netherlands
Authors: Houwing, R. H.; Rozendaal, M.; Wouters-Wesseling, W.; Beulens, J. W.; Buskens, E.; Haal-
boom, J. R
Email: -
Address: H.J.P. Fesevurstraat 7, 7415 CM, Postbus 5001, 7400GC Deventer, The Netherlands
Lee 2006
Study characteristics
Intervention group
Control group
Excluded criteria: terminal diagnosis, hospice care, protein-restricted diet due to renal insuffi-
ciency, active metabolic or gastrointestinal diseases that might interfere with nutrient absorption,
distribution, metabolism, or excretion, food allergies, or use of corticosteroids or antibiotics for
wound infection.
Group differences: no information on baseline PUs in intervention and control group, differences
in PUSH score at week 0 between groups (mean 9.11 versus 6.08)
Country: USA
Authors: Lee, S. K.; Posthauer, M. E.; Dorner, B.; Redovian, V.; Maloney, M. J.
Email: -
Address: -
Leigh 2012
Study characteristics
Intervention group 1
Included criteria: Inpatients were eligible for inclusion if they had a stage 2, 3 or 4 PU not showing
signs of healing, were consuming an oral diet and had not yet started taking an arginine-containing
supplement. A non-healing PU was determined by reviewing nursing and medical notes; if the PU
measurements/descriptions had not improved over the previous 2 weeks, the PU was considered
as not showing signs of healing.
Excluded criteria: patients with evidence of sepsis, an acute gastrointestinal surgery, those receiv-
ing dialysis, individuals receiving hydroxyurea or > 10 mg of prednisolone or 1.5 mg dexametha-
sone/d, individuals with a clinical suspicion of osteomyelitis
Group differences: no significant differences in participants’ age, gender, BMI, PU stage and PUSH
scores, difference in consumption of energy (P = 0.036) and protein (P = 0.018) between the groups,
with the 9.0 g arginine group consuming higher amounts
Intervention group 2: mixed nutritional supplements 4.5 g: arginine, vitamin C and vitamin E
• Type of diet/supplementation: standard hospital diet plus 4.5 g mixed micronutrient powder
Country: Australia
Authors: Leigh, B.; Desneves, K.; Rafferty, J.; Pearce, L.; King, S.; Woodward, M. C.; Brown, D.; Mar-
tin, R.; Crowe, T. C.
Notes This study was in the previous version of the review as 'awaiting assessment'.
Meaume 2009
Study characteristics
Intervention group
Control group
Included criteria: men or women over the age of 60 years who have given their written informed
consent to participate in the study; heel PU (NPUAP Stage 2 or 3) occurring after accidental immo-
bilization; ulcer in the process of recovery with early signs of granulation tissue (at least 10% of red
tissue on colour scale)
Excluded criteria: patients confined to bed 24 h/d before the episode triggering development of
the PU; PU entirely covered by necrosis or fibrin, infected ulcer; poorly controlled type 1 or 2 dia-
betes, dialysed patient, active neoplastic disease; parenteral nutrition, serum albumin < 22 g/L; ad-
vanced peripheral arterial occlusive disease (ABPI (ankle brachial pressure index) ranging between
0.80 and 1.3 withpresence of distal pulses)
Group differences: imbalance in sex ratio. Intervention group had a higher proportion of women,
but this does not affect the study results. Ulcer area was unbalanced between groups with a signifi-
cant higher proportion of small ulcers in placebo group
Control: placebo
> 90% reduction in PU area at 6 weeks (population with baseline PU area ≤ 8 cm2)
Identification Sponsorship source: sponsored by a grant from CHIESI France and Italy.
Setting: hospitals (67 wards: geriatric, internal medicine, physical medicine and rehabilitation,
trauma, plastic surgery, cardiology, neurology and dermatology), in- and outpatient settings
Email: -
Address: Meaume S., Head of Department, Department of Gerontology, Charles Foix Hospital, Ivry-
sur-Seine, Paris
Miu 2021
Study characteristics
Intervention group
Control group
Included criteria: patients aged ≥ 18 years, with at least 1 stage 3–4 PU according to the revised
EPUAP classification system
Excluded criteria: cellulitis, infected wounds, osteomyelitis or sepsis; patients requiring dietary re-
striction; patients with poorly controlled diabetes mellitus as defined by an Hba1c > 8.5% and pa-
tients receiving palliative care
Group differences: significant baseline difference in PUSH score means: control group more se-
vere PUSH score (14.64 vs 12.99), groups differ with regard to PU size: intervention: 34.97 cm2
(SD26.7) versus control 38.15 cm2 (SD 36.7)
Body weight
Inpatient mortality
6-month mortality
PU healing rate/d
Country: China
Setting: chospital
Institution: Department of Rehabilitation and Extended Care, Wong Tai Sin Hospital, Hong Kong
Norris 1971
Study characteristics
Intervention group
Excluded criteria: neoplastic disease, terminal phase of illness, superficial PUs, PUs where deep
sinus tracts were involved
Identification Sponsorship source: C.R. Canfield and Company (supplied the zinc sulfate and defrayed incidental
Country: USA
Setting: hospital
Email: -
Address: J.R. Norris, Department of Chronic MEdical Care, Baltimore City Hospitals, York Road
Medical Group, 2045 York Road, Timonium, Maryland 21093
Ohura 2011
Study characteristics
Intervention group
Control group
Included criteria: inpatients without dehydration with > 12 weeks of objective energy intake by
tube feeding. Pressure ulcer at sacral, coccygeal, trochanteric, or calcaneal region. Stage must be 3
or 4 (NPUAP). Area of necrosis tissues < 20% of area of pressure ulcer, depth of pocket of pressure
ulcer < 2 cm. Albumin 2.5-3.5 g/dL; OH scale: < 8.5; Braden scale: 9-17
Excluded criteria: current condition or history of serious liver or renal disorder, severe diabetes
mellitus, arteriosclerosis obliterans, or a malignant tumour (within the past 5 years). Patients
with unmanageable severe general conditon or unevaluable pressure ulcer wounds (existence of
necrotic tissue in ≥ 20% of the wound surface, wound before sharp debridement, ≥ 2 cm in depth of
the undermining, multiple pressure ulcers and wound infection) were also excluded.
Intervention: mixed nutritional supplements: high energy, high protein and micronutrients
• Type of diet/supplementation:feeding via tube with defined formula and administred calories
• Macronutrients and micronutrients: feeding formula (Racol) per 100 kcal: protein 4.38 g, fat 2.23
g, and carbohydrate 15.62 g, copper 125 mg and zinc 0.64 mg per 100 mL of product. The ratio of
ω-3 to ω -6 essential fatty acids was 1:3
• Energy: according to the range of Basal Energy Expenditure (BEE, calculated from the Har-
ris–Benedict equation) x active factor 1.1, x stress factor 1.3–1.5
• Amount of supplementation: offer an individual determined energy intake
• Mode of feeding: enteral (tube feeding)
• Intervention period: 84 days
• Type of diet/supplementation:feeding via tube with defined formula as before participating in the
• Macronutrients and micronutrients: feeding formula (Racol) per 100 kcal: protein 4.38 g, fat 2.23
g, and carbohydrate 15.62 g, copper 125 mg and zinc 0.64 mg per 100 mL of product. The ratio of
ω-3 to ω -6 essential fatty acids was 1:3
• Energy: same amount of calories as before participating in the trial
• Amount of supplementation: standard care
• Mode of feeding: enteral (tube feeding)
• Intervention period: 84 days
Country: Japan
Authors: Ohura, T., Nakajo, T., Okada, S., Omura, K., Adachi, K.
Address: Takehiko Ohura, Pressure Ulcers and Wound Healing Research Center (Kojin-Kai), 7F,
H&B Plaza Bld. 1-1, South 3, West 2,Chuo-ku, Sapporo 060-0063, Japan.
Pouyssegur 2015
Study characteristics
Intervention group
Control group
Included criteria: age > 70 years, malnutrition (based on the criteria weight loss survey, BMI and
MNA); prescription of home-made sweets enriched with milk proteins and/or liquid or creamy
ONSs was not an exclusion criteria.
Costs of care (EUR) based on the probability of events observed (bedsores, diarrhoea, falls, infec-
tion) and related mean costs
Identification Sponsorship source: supported by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research (grant
PTR200909037). There was no commercial sponsorship.
Country: France
Authors: Pouyssegur, V.; Brocker, P.; Schneider, S. M.; Philip, J. L.; Barat, P.; Reichert, E.; Breugnon,
F.; Brunet, D.; Civalleri, B.; Solere, J. P.; Bensussan, L.; Lupi-Pegurier, L.
Sugihara 2018
Study characteristics
Intervention group 1
Intervention group 2
Nutritional interventions for preventing and treating pressure ulcers (Review) 100
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Included criteria: inpatients or outpatients of either sex who were aged between 18 and 70 years;
had been diagnosed with stage 2 or 3 PUs, as defined by NPUAP; BMI 18.5-34.9 kg/m2; exhibited a
PU surface area of < 80 cm2 (multiplication of the major and minor diameters of the PU surface);
were suffering from a stage 2 or 3 PU (regardless of its location) with a PUSH (version 3.0) score of
≥ 5 that was likely to heal during the 6-month study period; and demonstrated moderate exudate
production and a Braden score of ≥ 6.
Excluded criteria:
Group differences: intervention group 1 had more male participants and the participants were
Additional PU treatment: participants were treated with antimicrobials, antiseptics, wound de-
bridement, and wound dressing, as required.
Nutritional interventions for preventing and treating pressure ulcers (Review) 101
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Control: placebo
PSST score
PU area
Nutritional interventions for preventing and treating pressure ulcers (Review) 102
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Identification Sponsorship source: Nitta Gelatin India ltd, Cochin, India Aurous Health Care Research and Devel-
opment India Private Limited
Country: India
Nutritional interventions for preventing and treating pressure ulcers (Review) 103
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Institution: Nitta Gelatin; Aurous Health Care Research and Development Private Limited
Taylor 1974
Study characteristics
Intervention group
Control group
Intervention: vitamin C
Control: placebo
Nutritional interventions for preventing and treating pressure ulcers (Review) 104
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PU healing
Country: UK
Setting: Hospital, Department of Medicine (University Hospital) and Division of Surgery (Royal In-
Authors: Taylor, T. V.
Email: -
Address: I.W. Dymock, Department of Medicine, Withington Hospital, Manchester M20, 8L.R.
Intervention group
Nutritional interventions for preventing and treating pressure ulcers (Review) 105
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Control group
Included criteria: patients having a PU (partial thickness skin loss or worse = stage 2 and higher);
patiens with grade 2 only, if de-epithelialization had persisted for at least 7 days without interrup-
tion, patients with leg ulcers had to have a positive history of pressure on that site.
Excluded criteria: difficulties with swallowing or frequent vomiting, osteomyelitis in the ulcer
area, idiopathic haemochromatosis, thalassemia major, sideroblastic anemia, Cushing’s syndrome
or disease, pregnancy, radiotherapy in the ulcer area, the use of antineoplastic agents or systemic
glucocorticosteroids, a high probability to drop out within the 12-week follow-up period (terminal-
ly ill patients, patients for whom surgical treatment of the ulcer other than debridement had been
planned), already taking vitamin C supplements in excess of 50 mg/d
Group differences: nutritional and PU status were similar between groups. The control group had
a greater proportion of patients with very large ulcers.
Intervention: vitamin C
Control: placebo
Nutritional interventions for preventing and treating pressure ulcers (Review) 106
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Identification Sponsorship source: supported by a grant of The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research
(NWO). Hoffmann-La Roche & Co., Ltd., Basel supplied the tablets and the plasma vitamin C deter-
Nutritional interventions for preventing and treating pressure ulcers (Review) 107
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Email: -
Notes Factorial design with ultrasound as second intervention (high vitamin C plus ultrasound vs high vi-
tamin C plus sham ultrasound vs low vitamin C plus ultrasound vs low vitamin C plus sham ultra-
sound). We only used data from sham ultrasound groups.
Theilla 2007
Study characteristics
Intervention group
Control group
Included criteria: patients suffering from acute lung injury defined by a PaO2/FIO2 ratio < 250
Excluded criteria: head trauma, cerebral bleeding, coagulation disorders, those receiving steroids
in a dose 40.25 mg/kg/day methylprednisolone or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, < 18
years, and pregnant patients. Diarrhoea was noted and patients were excluded if loose stools oc-
curred > 3 times.
Nutritional interventions for preventing and treating pressure ulcers (Review) 108
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Intervention: mixed nutritional supplements (antioxidants including ß-carotene, vitamin C and vit-
amin E)
• Type of diet/supplementation: high-fat, low-carbohydrate enteral formula enriched with EPA, GLA
and vitamins A, C and E
• Macronutrient composition and micronutrients: 16.7% of energy in protein, 28.1% of energy in
carbohydrates, 55.2% of energy in lipids, ß-carotene 5 mg/L, vitamin C 844 mg/L, vitamin E 317
• Amount of supplementation: start with 50 % of the REE x 1.25 to reach 1.25 x REE
• Mode of feeding: enteral
• Intervention period: 7 days
PU status: worse
PU status: no change
PU status: recovered
PU status: new
Identification Sponsorship source: Abbott Laboratory Representatives (Promedico Company) provided the en-
teral formulas
Country: Israel
Nutritional interventions for preventing and treating pressure ulcers (Review) 109
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Address: Department of General Intensive Care, Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Campus, Kaplan
Street, Petah Tiqva 49100, Israel. Tel.: +972 3 9376521; fax: +972 3 9232333.
Theilla 2012
Study characteristics
Intervention group
Control group
Included criteria: adult patients admitted to the general ICU; presented with or developed ≥ 1
stage 2(or higher) PU/s (i.e. damage to the epidermis extending at least into the dermis) according
to the NPUAP classification; expected to be in need of nutritional support for at least 5 days.
Nutritional interventions for preventing and treating pressure ulcers (Review) 110
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Group differences: no signficant group differences (PUs, PUSH scores, age, BMI), a higher percent-
age of positive CD18 lymphocytes in the control group (24.4 (SD 27.4) vs 48.1 (SD 38.1) % in the in-
tervention group; P = 0.05)
Intervention: mixed nutritional supplements (high energy, high protein, n-3 fatty acids and mi-
Country: Israel
Nutritional interventions for preventing and treating pressure ulcers (Review) 111
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Intervention group
Control group
Nutritional interventions for preventing and treating pressure ulcers (Review) 112
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Included criteria: age 18-90 years; at least 1 stage 3-4 PU according to the revised EPUAP classifica-
tion system; receiving standard care and a standard (institutional) diet without nutritional supple-
ments for at least 2 weeks before the study
Excluded criteria: malnutrition (BMI < 18.5 for patients between 18-70 years old, BMI < 21 for pa-
tients > 70 years); severe medical conditions; no pressure-related ulcers (e.g. diabetic ulcers); life
expectancy < 6 months; receiving palliative care; use of corticosteroids, and/or dietary restrictions,
i.e. a protein-restricted diet
Group differences: no statistically significant differences between the groups, but slight differ-
ences in BMI (23.7 vs 25.8), weight (66.3 vs 75.6) and high risk for malnutrition (4 vs 1)
PUSH score
Nutritional interventions for preventing and treating pressure ulcers (Review) 113
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Setting: healthcare centers, hospitals, and long- term care facilities in 4 countries
Authors: Van Anholt RD, Sobotka L, Meijer EP, Heyman H, Groen HW, Topinková E, Van Leen M,
Schols JMGA
Address: -
Nutritional interventions for preventing and treating pressure ulcers (Review) 114
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Wong 2014
Study characteristics
Intervention group
Control group
Nutritional interventions for preventing and treating pressure ulcers (Review) 115
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Included criteria: inpatients from Changi General Hospital with stage 2, 3 or 4 PU, who had no ob-
servable improvement in PU characteristics, were recruited into the study. The inclusion criteria
were: patients with hospital stay of ≥ 2 weeks; able to attend follow-up outpatient clinics for PU as-
sessment; and age > 21 years
Excluded criteria: patients with poorly controlled diabetes (HbA1c > 7.0%); on total parenteral nu-
trition; medically unstable upon admission to the hospital; on palliative care; admission with se-
vere sepsis; length of stay in hospital ≤ 2 weeks and unable to attend outpatient follow-ups; on flu-
id restriction < 1L/d; requiring protein restriction; on other wound healing supplements such as vi-
tamin C, vitamin A and zinc; presence of lower-extremity ulcers with untreated peripheral vascular
disease, or deep tissue infection and/or requiring debridement of necrotic/sloughy tissue; unable
to tolerate oral or enteral intake > 70% estimated energy requirements; and those who are unable
to tolerate fluid intake 30 mL/kg body weight.
Group differences: no significant differences were observed between the 2 groups for anthropo-
metric, biochemical, demographic, nutritional parameters and PU characteristics at baseline.
• Type of diet/supplementation: ONS (sachets mixing in water) with arginine, glutamine and leucine
• Macronutrients and micronutrients: amino acid mixture sachets (Abound), each provides 7.0 g L-
arginine, 7.0 g L-glutamin, 7.9 g carbohydrate, 1.5 g calcium HMB, 200 mg calcium, and orange
Nutritional interventions for preventing and treating pressure ulcers (Review) 116
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• Type of diets/supplementation: placebo supplement (sachets mixed in water) matched for flavour
• Macronutrients and micronutrients/energy: sachets with carbohydrate and calcium and nutrition
according to nutritional requirements on energy and proteins (depending on the PU stage)
• Amount of supplementation: 2 sachets/d
• Mode of feeding: either orally or via enteral tube feeding, by mixing in 240 mL of water
• Intervention period: 2 weeks minimum
Viable tissue
Death at 60 days
PU healing rate/d
Identification Sponsorship source: supported in part by Abbott Laboratories (Singapore) Pte Ltd.
Country: Singapore
Setting: Hospital
Authors: Wong, A.; Chew, A.; Wang, C. M.; Ong, L.; Zhang, S. H.; Young, S.
Address: -
Yamanaka 2017
Study characteristics
Nutritional interventions for preventing and treating pressure ulcers (Review) 117
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Intervention group 1
Intervention group 2
Control group
Included criteria: receiving nasogastric tube, gastrostomy tube, or oral feeding who were able to
consume 60% of the caloric requirement; PU depth, DESIGN-R 3-4; exudate, E0-E6; size, S3-S15; in-
flammation/infection, I0-I1 (local inflammation was included); granulation, G1-G5; necrotic tissue,
N0-N3 (patients with necrotic tissue were included when yellow slough was ≤ 1/3, and those who
satisfied the selection criteria after debridement were included); and pocket information, P0-P6
(those who satisfied the selection criteria after pockets were excised were included).
Excluded criteria: history of or current serious hepatic or renal dysfunction; current haemodialysis
use; uncontrolled diabetes (hemoglobin A1c 8.0% (National Glycohemoglobin standardization Pro-
gram value) or 7.6% (Japan Diabetes Society value)); C-reactive protein level 3.0 mg/dL due to sys-
temic infection (patients with local inflammation were not excluded); the onset of aspiration pneu-
monia within the previous 1-month period; cancerous cachexia (diagnosis as refractory cachex-
ia based on the international consensus); ulcers in the legs caused by venous insufficiency, arte-
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Country: Japan
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Yu 2015
Study characteristics
Intervention group
Control group
Yu 2015 (Continued)
Included criteria: patients with bedsores (PUs) provided consent and were cognitively intact
Excluded criteria: severe liver, kidney, lung or heart disfunction; complete bowel obstruction;
severe abdominal infection, peritonitis and ascites; extensive intestinal adhesions; emergency
surgery, nauseous, vomiting or hemodynamic instability; gastrointestinal failure or decreased gas-
trointestinal tension
Group differences: no statistically significant differences in gender, age and clinical classification
Additional PU treatment: repositioning, infrared lamp irradiation, external use of QuFu ShengXin
ointment, Hai Sheng powder and changing dressing
Intervention: mixed nutritional supplements (high energy high protein and micronutrients)
Unhealed PUs
Country: China
Setting: Hospital
Comments: -
BMI: body mass index; DESIGN-R: depth, exudate, size, inflammation/infection, granulation tissue, and necrotic tisue rating; DHA:
Docosahexaenoic acid; EPA: eicosapentaenoic acid; EPUAP: European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel; GPA: gammalinolenic acid; HMB: β-
hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate; ICU: intensive care unit; IU: International Units; MMSE: Mini Mental State Examination; Mn: Manganese; MNA:
Mini Nutritional Assessment; NPUAP: National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel; OH scale: Japanese patient intrinsic risk factor scale; self-
sustainable ability to move unassisted, morbid bony prominence, edema, and articular contracture; ONS: oral nutritional supplements;
PaO2/FIO2 ratio: ratio of partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood by percentage of oxygen in a gas mixture; PSST: Pressure Sore Status
Nutritional interventions for preventing and treating pressure ulcers (Review) 121
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Tool; PU: pressure ulcer; PUSH: Pressure Ulcer Scale for Healing; RCT: randomized controlled trial; REE: Resting Energy Expenditure; SD:
standard deviation; SEM: standard error of the mean; SGA: Subjective Global Assessment
Doig 2013 PU incidence not measured - only invested time for PU care during intensive care stay
Nutritional interventions for preventing and treating pressure ulcers (Review) 122
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Ogawa 2021
Methods RCT
Pertikov 2019
Methods No information
Outcomes No information
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DESIGN-R: depth, exudate, size, inflammation/infection, granulation tissue, and necrotic tisue rating; EPA: eicosapentaenoic acid; PU:
pressure ulcer; RCT: randomized controlled trial
Study name Impact of customized nutritional package on macro and micro nutrients (MAMN) in wound healing
Participants Adult patients ( > 18 years) of both genders. Wound size ranging from 3 x 3 cm to 15 x15 cm. Wound
duration > 10 days. Able to take food orally. Patient/family members can read and write Kannada or
Interventions Intervention: customized nutritional package on macro and micro nutrients (MAMN)
Hertig-Godeschalk 2021
Study name Vitamin D supplementation in chronic spinal cord injury (VitD-SCI): study protocol for a randomised
controlled trial
Secondary outcomes
Starting date -
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Study name Evaluation of the efficacy of high protein high calorie diet include L-Arginine, L-Glutamine and ß-
Hydroxy ß-Methylbutyrate on PUs and anthropometric indices in 20-50 years adults
Participants Patients with PUs, not being on special diets for the past 6 months
Interventions Intervention: high-protein, high-calorie diet, along with 2 sachets/3 (noon and evening) of dietary
supplements containing L-glutamine, L-arginine and HMB
Study name Effects of nutritional intervention for high risk patients of pressure ulcer
Exclusion criteria:
Patients with:
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JPRN-UMIN000037811 (Continued)
Study name Effectiveness of an oral nutritional supplement (Lipimain400) for malnourished older patients in
rural community
Interventions ONS (120 g, 400 kcal, protein 5.2 g) every day for 3 months and nutritional education by a regis-
tered dietitian
Study name 100% whey protein based diet in enhancing pressure ulcer healing
Participants Patients at any age, gender or ethnicity, admitted for subacute wound care, diagnosed with stage 3
or 4 PU, PU surface area > 4 cm2
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NCT03995407 (Continued)
Study name PROSENIOR. Prevention of pressure ulcers, malnutrition, poor oral health and falls among older
persons receiving municipal health care and are registered in the quality registry senior alert
Methods Cluster-RCT
Participants Nursing homes registering in Senior Alert, which is a national quality registry
Interventions Intervention: workshops for nurse aides, registered nurses and managers working in nursing
homes to develop an intervention together with the research group and then test it
Outcomes e.g. Risk assessments and prevention care interventions focusing on PUs
Study name Dressings, nutritional supplementation and teaching of the patient and caregiver for the healing of
Participants Patients ≥ 18 years of age; stage 2, 3 or 4 PUs up until 24 cm2; BMI ≥ 18,5 kg/m2 and < 30 kg/m2 and
therapeutic plan of hospitalization in the institution for at least 30 days. Caregivers ≥ 18 years of
Interventions Intervention 1: topical therapy of the pressure injury with a calendula oil
Intervention 2: injury treatment with calendula oil extract at 20% once a day (oral supplement)
ALT: (alanine aminotransferase); ASO: antisense oligonucleotide; AST: aspartate aminotransferase;BMI: body mass index; BUN: blood urea
nitrogen; BW: body weight; CT: chemotherapy; DESIGN-R: depth, exudate, size, inflammation/infection, granulation tissue, and necrotic
tisue rating; EER: Existence energy rate; HMB: β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate; IU: international unit; MNA-SF: Mini Nutritional Assessment-
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short form; ONS: oral nutritional supplement; PU: pressure ulcer; PUSH: Pressure Ulcer Scale for Healing; RCT: randomized controlled
trial; RT: radiotherapy; U/L: Units per liter
Arias 2008
Ek 1991
Bourdel Marchas-
son 2000
Houwing 2003
Derossi 2009
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Theilla 2007
Anbar 2014
Botella Carretero
Dennis 2005
Hartgrink 1998
Craig 1998
Ek 1991
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Ohura 2011
Yu 2015
Risk of bias for analysis 7.2 At least one adverse gastrointestinal effect
Ohura 2011
Cereda 2009
Risk of bias for analysis 8.4 At least one adverse gastrointestinal effect
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Theilla 2012
Chernoff 1990
Pouyssegur 2015
Risk of bias for analysis 14.2 At least one adverse gastrointestinal effect
Miu 2021
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Outcome or subgroup title No. of studies No. of partici- Statistical method Effect size
1.1 Incidence of pressure ulcers 3 1634 Risk Ratio (M-H, Random, 95% 0.92 [0.71, 1.19]
Outcome or subgroup title No. of studies No. of partici- Statistical method Effect size
2.1 Incidence of pressure ulcers 1 103 Risk Ratio (M-H, Random, 95% 0.92 [0.65, 1.30]
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Comparison 3. Prevention: L-carnitine, L-leucine, calcium, magnesium and vitamin D versus standard diet
Outcome or subgroup title No. of studies No. of partici- Statistical method Effect size
3.1 Incidence of pressure ulcers 1 79 Risk Ratio (M-H, Random, 95% 0.54 [0.15, 2.01]
Outcome or subgroup title No. of studies No. of partici- Statistical method Effect size
4.1 Incidence of pressure ulcers 1 95 Risk Ratio (M-H, Random, 95% 3.20 [0.34, 29.63]
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Outcome or subgroup title No. of studies No. of partici- Statistical method Effect size
5.1 Incidence of pressure ulcers 4 4264 Risk Ratio (M-H, Random, 0.75 [0.49, 1.14]
95% CI)
5.2 At least one adverse gastrointesti- 2 140 Risk Ratio (M-H, Random, 0.70 [0.06, 7.96]
nal effect 95% CI)
Analysis 5.1. Comparison 5: Prevention: protein versus standard diet, Outcome 1: Incidence of pressure ulcers
Protein Standard diet Risk Ratio Risk Ratio Risk of Bias
Study or Subgroup Events Total Events Total Weight M-H, Random, 95% CI M-H, Random, 95% CI A B C D E F
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Outcome or subgroup title No. of studies No. of partici- Statistical method Effect size
6.1 Incidence of pressure ulcers 1 27 Risk Ratio (M-H, Random, 95% 0.80 [0.36, 1.75]
Outcome or subgroup title No. of studies No. of partici- Statistical method Effect size
7.1 Pressure ulcers healed 3 577 Risk Ratio (M-H, Random, 95% 1.45 [1.14, 1.85]
7.2 At least one adverse gastroin- 1 60 Risk Ratio (M-H, Random, 95% 1.60 [0.59, 4.33]
testinal effect CI)
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Comparison 8. Treatment: protein, arginine, zinc and antioxidants versus standard diet or placebo
Outcome or subgroup title No. of studies No. of partici- Statistical method Effect size
8.1 Pressure ulcers healed 2 61 Risk Ratio (M-H, Random, 95% 1.25 [0.49, 3.15]
8.2 Change in pressure ulcer area 2 71 Mean Difference (IV, Random, -2.00 [-4.54, 0.53]
(cm2) 95% CI)
8.3 PUSH score 3 80 Mean Difference (IV, Random, -2.71 [-4.82, -0.61]
95% CI)
8.4 At least one adverse gastroin- 1 43 Risk Ratio (M-H, Random, 95% 1.17 [0.77, 1.79]
testinal effect CI)
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Cereda 2009 7.01 8.35 13 12.28 9.52 15 13.6% -5.27 [-11.89 , 1.35] − + + + ? −
Van Anholt 2010 1.85 3.517812 22 3.34 3.0245 21 86.4% -1.49 [-3.45 , 0.47] ? + ? + + ?
Cereda 2009 7.4 3.4 13 10.7 3.4 15 37.0% -3.30 [-5.83 , -0.77] − + + + ? −
Desneves 2005 2.6 1.2 4 7 3.354102 5 28.4% -4.40 [-7.57 , -1.23] − + + + ? −
Van Anholt 2010 5.28 4.502799 22 5.98 4.490924 21 34.6% -0.70 [-3.39 , 1.99] ? + ? + + ?
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Analysis 8.4. Comparison 8: Treatment: protein, arginine, zinc and antioxidants versus
standard diet or placebo, Outcome 4: At least one adverse gastrointestinal effect
Protein, arginine, zinc and antioixidants placebo Risk Ratio Risk Ratio Risk of Bias
Study or Subgroup Events Total Events Total Weight M-H, Random, 95% CI M-H, Random, 95% CI A B C D E F
Outcome or subgroup title No. of studies No. of partici- Statistical method Effect size
9.1 Pressure ulcers healed 1 200 Risk Ratio (M-H, Random, 95% CI) 1.67 [0.80, 3.46]
9.2 Change in pressure ulcer 1 31 Mean Difference (IV, Random, -3.25 [-7.19, 0.69]
area (cm2) 95% CI)
9.3 Change in pressure ulcer 2 231 Mean Difference (IV, Random, -15.80 [-25.11, -6.48]
area (percentage) 95% CI)
9.4 Change in PUSH score 1 31 Mean Difference (IV, Random, -0.48 [-3.80, 2.84]
95% CI)
9.5 DESIGN-R score 1 29 Mean Difference (IV, Random, -1.60 [-9.53, 6.33]
95% CI)
9.6 At least one adverse gas- 3 282 Risk Ratio (M-H, Random, 95% CI) 1.54 [0.36, 6.64]
trointestinal effects
9.7 Costs (EUR) 1 138 Mean Difference (IV, Random, 39.40 [27.57, 51.23]
95% CI)
9.8 Acceptability: non adher- 1 49 Risk Ratio (M-H, Random, 95% CI) 15.60 [0.94, 259.00]
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Banks 2016 -3.7 6.6 14 -0.45 3.98 17 100.0% -3.25 [-7.19 , 0.69] ? ? − ? + −
Banks 2016 -28.52 108.43 14 -3.32 154.25 17 1.0% -25.20 [-117.95 , 67.55] ? ? − ? + −
Cereda 2015 -60.9 33.432526 101 -45.2 34.094359 99 99.0% -15.70 [-25.06 , -6.34] + + + + + +
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Banks 2016 -4.03 4.3 14 -3.55 5.14 17 100.0% -0.48 [-3.80 , 2.84] ? ? − ? + −
Yamanaka 2017 13.2 13.4 14 14.8 7.3 15 100.0% -1.60 [-9.53 , 6.33] + + + + ? ?
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Cereda 2015 212.8 42.6 67 173.4 25.8 71 100.0% 39.40 [27.57 , 51.23] + + + + + +
Outcome or subgroup title No. of studies No. of partici- Statistical method Effect size
10.1 PUSH score 1 22 Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% -0.60 [-4.33, 3.13]
10.2 At least one side effect 1 29 Risk Ratio (M-H, Random, 95% CI) 2.81 [0.12, 63.83]
10.3 Acceptability: non ad- 1 23 Risk Ratio (M-H, Random, 95% CI) 1.09 [0.08, 15.41]
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Analysis 10.1. Comparison 10: Treatment: different doses of arginine, Outcome 1: PUSH score
9 g arginine 4.5 g arginine Mean Difference Mean Difference Risk of Bias
Study or Subgroup Mean SD Total Mean SD Total Weight IV, Random, 95% CI IV, Random, 95% CI A B C D E F
Leigh 2012 4.9 4.4 10 5.5 4.5 12 100.0% -0.60 [-4.33 , 3.13] + − ? + ? −
Analysis 10.2. Comparison 10: Treatment: different doses of arginine, Outcome 2: At least one side effect
Analysis 10.3. Comparison 10: Treatment: different doses of arginine, Outcome 3: Acceptability: non adherence
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Comparison 11. Treatment: EPA, GLA and antioxidants versus standard diet
Outcome or subgroup title No. of studies No. of partici- Statistical method Effect size
11.1 Pressure ulcers healed 1 95 Risk Ratio (M-H, Random, 95% CI) Not estimable
11.2 PUSH score 1 40 Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% -1.35 [-5.78, 3.08]
Analysis 11.2. Comparison 11: Treatment: EPA, GLA and antioxidants versus standard diet, Outcome 2: PUSH score
EPA, GLA and antioxidants Standard diet Mean Difference Mean Difference Risk of Bias
Study or Subgroup Mean SD Total Mean SD Total Weight IV, Random, 95% CI IV, Random, 95% CI A B C D E F
Theilla 2012 9.4 3.72 20 10.75 9.4 20 100.0% -1.35 [-5.78 , 3.08] ? ? + ? + ?
Outcome or subgroup ti- No. of studies No. of partici- Statistical method Effect size
tle pants
12.1 Pressure ulcers 1 12 Risk Ratio (M-H, Random, 95% CI) 9.00 [0.59, 137.65]
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Outcome or subgroup ti- No. of studies No. of partici- Statistical method Effect size
tle pants
12.2 Pressure ulcer 1 160 Risk Ratio (M-H, Random, 95% CI) 1.15 [0.38, 3.46]
12.3 PUSH score 1 9 Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% -1.00 [-2.76, 0.76]
12.4 Diarrhoea episodes 1 152 Risk Ratio (M-H, Random, 95% CI) 0.15 [0.02, 1.22]
12.5 Costs (EUR) 1 175 Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% -191.00 [-240.63,
CI) -141.37]
Analysis 12.1. Comparison 12: Treatment: protein versus standard diet, Outcome 1: Pressure ulcers healed
Analysis 12.2. Comparison 12: Treatment: protein versus standard diet, Outcome 2: Pressure ulcer episodes
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Analysis 12.3. Comparison 12: Treatment: protein versus standard diet, Outcome 3: PUSH score
Protein Standard diet Mean Difference Mean Difference Risk of Bias
Study or Subgroup Mean SD Total Mean SD Total Weight IV, Random, 95% CI IV, Random, 95% CI A B C D E F
Analysis 12.4. Comparison 12: Treatment: protein versus standard diet, Outcome 4: Diarrhoea episodes
Analysis 12.5. Comparison 12: Treatment: protein versus standard diet, Outcome 5: Costs (EUR)
Protein Standard diet Mean Difference Mean Difference Risk of Bias
Study or Subgroup Mean [€] SD [€] Total Mean [€] SD [€] Total Weight IV, Random, 95% CI [€] IV, Random, 95% CI [€] A B C D E F
Pouyssegur 2015 885 155 88 1076 179 87 100.0% -191.00 [-240.63 , -141.37] − − − ? ? −
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Outcome or subgroup title No. of studies No. of partici- Statistical method Effect size
13.1 Change in pressure ulcer 1 74 Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% -1.81 [-3.36, -0.26]
area (cm2) CI)
13.2 PUSH score 2 183 Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% -1.00 [-3.13, 1.14]
13.3 DESIGN-R score 1 32 Mean Difference (IV, Random, 95% -6.00 [-10.76, -1.24]
13.4 At least one adverse gas- 2 154 Risk Ratio (M-H, Random, 95% CI) 2.69 [0.33, 22.30]
trointestinal effect
Analysis 13.2. Comparison 13: Treatment: collagen versus standard diet or placebo, Outcome 2: PUSH score
Collagen Placebo Mean Difference Mean Difference Risk of Bias
Study or Subgroup Mean SD Total Mean SD Total Weight IV, Random, 95% CI IV, Random, 95% CI A B C D E F
Lee 2006 3.55 4.66 44 3.22 4.11 27 40.2% 0.33 [-1.74 , 2.40] − ? ? + ? −
Sugihara 2018 7.370959 1.834958 73 9.26 2.09 39 59.8% -1.89 [-2.67 , -1.11] ? + + + + ?
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Analysis 13.3. Comparison 13: Treatment: collagen versus standard diet or placebo, Outcome 3: DESIGN-R score
Collagen Standard diet Mean Difference Mean Difference Risk of Bias
Study or Subgroup Mean SD Total Mean SD Total Weight IV, Random, 95% CI IV, Random, 95% CI A B C D E F
Yamanaka 2017 8.8 6.3 17 14.8 7.3 15 100.0% -6.00 [-10.76 , -1.24] + + + + ? ?
Comparison 14. Treatment: specialised amino acid mixture (arginine-enriched) versus standard diet or placebo
Outcome or subgroup title No. of studies No. of partici- Statistical method Effect size
14.1 PUSH score 1 23 Mean Difference (IV, Random, -1.00 [-1.88, -0.12]
95% CI)
14.2 At least one adverse gastroin- 1 87 Risk Ratio (M-H, Random, 95% Not estimable
testinal effect CI)
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Wong 2014 9.63 1.09 11 10.63 1.06 12 100.0% -1.00 [-1.88 , -0.12] + ? + + + ?
Analysis 14.2. Comparison 14: Treatment: specialised amino acid mixture (arginine-enriched)
versus standard diet or placebo, Outcome 2: At least one adverse gastrointestinal effect
Specialised amino acid mixture (arginine-enriched) Standard diet Risk Ratio Risk Ratio Risk of Bias
Study or Subgroup Events Total Events Total Weight M-H, Random, 95% CI M-H, Random, 95% CI A B C D E F
Outcome or subgroup title No. of studies No. of partici- Statistical method Effect size
15.1 Change in pressure ulcer 1 93 Mean Difference (IV, Random, -0.60 [-1.90, 0.70]
area (cm2) 95% CI)
15.2 Change in pressure ulcer 1 93 Mean Difference (IV, Random, -5.50 [-34.04, 23.04]
area (percentage) 95% CI)
15.3 Side effects 1 160 Risk Ratio (M-H, Random, 95% 1.10 [0.55, 2.20]
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Meaume 2009 -2.3 4.2 47 -1.7 1.7 46 100.0% -0.60 [-1.90 , 0.70] + + + ? ? ?
Analysis 15.3. Comparison 15: Treatment: ornithine alpha-ketoglutarate versus placebo, Outcome 3: Side effects
Ornithine alpha-ketoglutarate Placebo Risk Ratio Risk Ratio Risk of Bias
Study or Subgroup Events Total Events Total Weight M-H, Random, 95% CI M-H, Random, 95% CI A B C D E F
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Outcome or subgroup title No. of studies No. of partici- Statistical method Effect size
16.1 Pressure ulcers healed 2 108 Risk Ratio (M-H, Random, 95% 1.11 [0.48, 2.60]
16.2 Change in pressure ulcer area 1 20 Mean Difference (IV, Random, -41.30 [-62.10,
(percentage) 95% CI) -20.50]
Analysis 16.1. Comparison 16: Treatment: vitamin C versus placebo, Outcome 1: Pressure ulcers healed
Taylor 1974 -84 24.03331 10 -42.7 23.432477 10 100.0% -41.30 [-62.10 , -20.50] − ? + + ? −
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Outcome or subgroup title No. of studies No. of partici- Statistical method Effect size
17.1 Pressure ulcers healed 1 13 Risk Ratio (M-H, Random, 95% 1.46 [0.70, 3.04]
17.2 Change in pressure ulcer vol- 1 18 Mean Difference (IV, Random, 4.10 [-9.25, 17.45]
ume (mL) 95% CI)
Analysis 17.1. Comparison 17: Treatment: zinc sulphate versus placebo, Outcome 1: Pressure ulcers healed
Nutritional interventions for preventing and treating pressure ulcers (Review) 152
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18 ((micronutrient* or micro-nutrient* or vitamin* or multivitamin* or mineral* or (trace next element*) or zinc or iodine or iron or cobalt
or chromium or copper or manganese or fluoride or sodium or selenium or molybdenum) near3 (supplement* or fortification or capsule*
or tablet* or liquid*)) AND INREGISTER
19 ((macronutrient* or macro-nutrient* or protein* or (amino next acid*) or carbohydrate* or calorie* or energ* or fat* or lipid*) near3
(supplement* or fortification or capsule* or tablet* or liquid* or intake)) AND INREGISTER
20 #6 OR #7 OR #8 OR #9 OR #10 OR #11 OR #12 OR #13 OR #14 OR #15 OR #16 OR #17 OR #18 OR #19 AND INREGISTER
Appendix 2. The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Clinical Trials (CENTRAL) via Cochrane Register of Studies
5 #1 OR #2 OR #3 OR #4
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18 ((micronutrient* or micro-nutrient* or vitamin* or multivitamin* or mineral* or (trace next element*) or zinc or iodine or iron or cobalt
or chromium or copper or manganese or fluoride or sodium or selenium or molybdenum) near3 (supplement* or fortification or capsule*
or tablet* or liquid*)) AND CENTRAL:TARGET
19 ((macronutrient* or macro-nutrient* or protein* or (amino next acid*) or carbohydrate* or calorie* or energ* or fat* or lipid*) near3
(supplement* or fortification or capsule* or tablet* or liquid* or intake)) AND CENTRAL:TARGET
20 #6 OR #7 OR #8 OR #9 OR #10 OR #11 OR #12 OR #13 OR #14 OR #15 OR #16 OR #17 OR #18 OR #19
21 #5 AND #20
Trial registry specific search appended to above strategy - Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Clinical Trials (CENTRAL) via
Cochrane Register of Studies
22 (NCT0* or ACTRN* or ChiCTR* or DRKS* or EUCTR* or eudract* or IRCT* or ISRCTN* or JapicCTI* or JPRN* or NTR0* or NTR1* or NTR2*
or NTR3* or NTR4* or NTR5* or NTR6* or NTR7* or NTR8* or NTR9* or SRCTN* or UMIN0*):AU AND CENTRAL:TARGET 335781
24 #22 OR #23
5 or/1-4
9 exp Micronutrients/
14 nutrition*.ti,ab.
15 diet*.ti,ab.
17 ((micronutrient* or micro-nutrient* or vitamin* or multivitamin* or mineral* or trace next element* or zinc or iodine or iron or cobalt
or chromium or copper or manganese or fluoride or sodium or selenium or molybdenum) adj3 (supplement* or fortification or capsule*
or tablet* or liquid*)).ti,ab.
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18 ((macronutrient* or macro-nutrient* or protein* or amino next acid* or carbohydrate* or calorie* or energ* or fat* or lipid*) adj3
(supplement* or fortification or capsule* or tablet* or liquid* or intake)).ti,ab.
20 or/6-19
21 5 and 20
24 randomized.ab.
25 placebo.ab.
26 drug therapy.fs.
27 randomly.ab.
28 trial.ab.
29 groups.ab.
30 or/22-29
32 30 not 31
33 21 and 32
5 or/1-4
6 exp Nutrition/
9 exp Micronutrients/
14 nutrition*.ti,ab.
15 diet*.ti,ab.
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17 ((micronutrient* or micro-nutrient* or vitamin* or multivitamin* or mineral* or trace next element* or zinc or iodine or iron or cobalt
or chromium or copper or manganese or fluoride or sodium or selenium or molybdenum) adj3 (supplement* or fortification or capsule*
or tablet* or liquid*)).ti,ab.
18 ((macronutrient* or macro-nutrient* or protein* or amino next acid* or carbohydrate* or calorie* or energ* or fat* or lipid*) adj3
(supplement* or fortification or capsule* or tablet* or liquid* or intake)).ti,ab.
20 or/6-19
21 5 and 20
24 Random$.ti,ab.
25 randomization/
26 intermethod comparison/
27 placebo.ti,ab.
29 ((evaluated or evaluate or evaluating or assessed or assess) and (compare or compared or comparing or comparison)).ab.
33 parallel group$1.ti,ab.
35 ((assign$ or match or matched or allocation) adj5 (alternate or group$1 orintervention$1 or patient$1 or subject$1 or participant
36 (assigned or allocated).ti,ab.
38 (volunteer or volunteers).ti,ab.
39 human experiment/
40 trial.ti.
41 or/22-40
42 (random$ adj sampl$ adj7 (cross section$ or questionnaire$1 or survey$ or database$1)).ti,ab. not (comparative study/ or controlled
study/ or randomi?ed controlled.ti,ab. or randomly assigned.ti,ab.)
43 Cross-sectional study/ not (randomized controlled trial/ or controlled clinical study/ or controlled study/ or randomi?ed controlled.ti,ab.
or control group$1.ti,ab.)
47 Random field$.ti,ab.
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51 update review.ab.
53 (rat or rats or mouse or mice or swine or porcine or murine or sheep or lambs or pigs or piglets or rabbit or rabbits or cat or cats or dog
or dogs or cattle or bovine or monkey or monkeys or trout or marmoset$1).ti. and animal experiment/
55 or/42-54
56 41 not 55
57 21 and 56
S49 S28 OR S29 OR S30 OR S31 OR S32 OR S33 OR S34 OR S35 OR S36 OR S37 OR S38 OR S39 OR S40 OR S41 OR S42
S47 MH (human)
S43 MH animals+
S38 MH (placebos)
S36 TI (trial)
S35 AB (random*)
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S26 S6 OR S7 OR S8 OR S9 OR S10 OR S11 OR S12 OR S13 OR S14 OR S15 OR S16 OR S17 OR S18 OR S19 OR S20 OR S21 OR S22 OR S23
OR S24 OR S25
S24 TI ( ((macronutrient* or macro-nutrient* or protein* or amino next acid* or carbohydrate* or calorie* or energ* or fat* or lipid*) N3
(supplement* or fortification or capsule* or tablet* or liquid* or intake)) ) OR AB ( ((macronutrient* or macro-nutrient* or protein* or amino
next acid* or carbohydrate* or calorie* or energ* or fat* or lipid*) N3 (supplement* or fortification or capsule* or tablet* or liquid* or
intake)) )
S23 TI ( ((micronutrient* or micro-nutrient* or vitamin* or multivitamin* or mineral* or trace next element* or zinc or iodine or iron or cobalt
or chromium or copper or manganese or fluoride or sodium or selenium or molybdenum) N3 (supplement* or fortification or capsule* or
tablet* or liquid*)) ) OR AB ( ((micronutrient* or micro-nutrient* or vitamin* or multivitamin* or mineral* or trace next element* or zinc
or iodine or iron or cobalt or chromium or copper or manganese or fluoride or sodium or selenium or molybdenum) N3 (supplement* or
fortification or capsule* or tablet* or liquid*)) )
S22 TI ( (nutrient* N3 (supplement* or fortification or capsule* or tablet* or liquid*)) ) OR AB ( (nutrient* N3 (supplement* or fortification
or capsule* or tablet* or liquid*)) )
S9 (MH "Diet+")
S6 (MH "Nutrition+")
S5 S1 OR S2 OR S3 OR S4
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The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) was also searched (Issue 3, 2002) using the following strategy:
1. (decubitus next ulcer*)
2. (bed and sore*)
3. (pressure and sore*)
4. (pressure and ulcer*)
6. ((((#1 or #2) or #3) or #4) or #5)
7. nutrition*
8. diet*
9. tube-fe*
11. DIET*:ME
16. ((((((((#7 or #8) or #9) or #10) or #11) or #12) or #13) or #14) or #15)
17. (#6 and #16)
MEDLINE was searched in June 2003 via PubMed using the following strategy:
1. (bed sore) OR bedsore OR (pressure sore) OR (decubitus ulcer) OR (pressure ulcer) OR (decubital ulcer) OR (ischaemic ulcer)
2. "Decubitus Ulcer"[MESH]
3. nutri* OR diet OR food
4. "nutrition"[MESH] OR "Diet"[MESH] OR "Food"[MESH] OR "Nutritional Support"[MESH]
5. enteral OR parenteral OR proteins OR vitamins OR minerals
6. "Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins"[MESH] OR "Dietary Supplements"[MESH] OR "Growth Substances, Pigments, and
Vitamins"[MESH] OR "Enzymes, Coenzymes, and Enzyme Inhibitors"[MESH] OR "Lipids and Antilipaemic Agents"[MESH] OR
7. therapy OR prophylaxis OR prevention
8. (randomized controlled trial[PTYP] OR drug therapy[SH] OR therapeutic use[SH:NOEXP] OR random*[WORD])
9. systematic[sb]
10. (cohort studies[MESH] OR risk[MESH] OR (odds[WORD] AND ratio*[WORD]) OR (relative[WORD] AND risk[WORD]) OR (case
control*[WORD] OR case-control studies[MESH]))
11. (incidence[MESH] OR mortality[MESH] OR follow-up studies[MESH] OR mortality[SH] OR prognos*[WORD] OR predict*[WORD] OR
12. (#1 OR #2) AND (#3 OR #4 OR #5 OR #6) AND (#7 OR #8 OR #9 OR #10 OR #11)
CINAHL was searched via Ovid in June 2003 with the following query:
1. exp Pressure ulcer/nu, dh, pc, et, rf, th, me [Nursing, Diet Therapy, Prevention and Control, Etiology, Risk Factors, Therapy, Metabolism]
3. 1 and 2
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The listed databases were searched by the authors for eligible studies for the earliest entrance date possible until the latest search date.
For this review, there were no restrictions regarding date of publication, language of publication, or publication status (published or
unpublished work). Experts in the field, such as scientific societies for wound healing and treatment, for nutrition and for nutritional
medicine, were contacted and asked whether they had been involved in any further studies or were aware of recent or ongoing studies on
the effect of nutrition in the prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers.
We handsearched the following conference proceedings to identify any research or relevant studies:
• the Congress of the European Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ESPEN) 1996 -2002
• the Meetings of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP) 1997 - 2000
Some additional journals to those stated in the protocol were considered suitable for handsearching. The following journals were searched
by hand from 1996 to 2002:
Studies and articles cited in articles identified have also been checked for eligibility.
We tried to identify unpublished studies by contacting manufacturers of nutritional supplements (Fresenius, NutriScience, Pfrimmer,
Braun, Ratiopharm, Aventis and Novartis), but this yielded no further studies.
Appendix 9. Summary of findings 7: protein, arginine, zinc and antioxidants compared to placebo for the prevention
of pressure ulcers
Summary of findings
Protein, arginine, zinc and antioxidants compared to placebo for the prevention of pressure ulcers
Setting: hospital (3 centres treating people with hip fractures), The Netherlands
Comparison: placebo
Incidence of pressure ulcers 577 per 531 per 1000 RR 0.92 103 ⨁◯◯◯
follow-up: 4 weeks 1000 (375 to 750) (0.65 to (1 RCT) Very lowa
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*The risk in the intervention group (and its 95% confidence interval) is based on the assumed risk in the comparison group and the
relative effect of the intervention (and its 95% CI).
Appendix 10. Summary of findings 8: L-carnitine, L-leucine, calcium, magnesium and vitamin D compared to
standard diet for the prevention of pressure ulcers
Summary of findings:
L-carnitine, L-leucine, calcium, magnesium and vitamin D compared to standard diet for the prevention of pressure ulcers
Patient or population: patients (age > 65 years) with diagnosis of proximal fracture of the pelvis due to an accidential fall
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(0.15 to
*The risk in the intervention group (and its 95% confidence interval) is based on the assumed risk in the comparison group and the
relative effect of the intervention (and its 95% CI).
Appendix 11. Summary of findings 9: EPA, GLA and antioxidants compared to standard diet for the prevention of
pressure ulcers
Summary of findings:
EPA, GLA and antioxidants compared to standard diet for the prevention of pressure ulcers
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*The risk in the intervention group (and its 95% confidence interval) is based on the assumed risk in the comparison group and the
relative effect of the intervention (and its 95% CI).
Appendix 12. Summary of findings 10: Disease-specific supplement (reduced carbohydrate, modified fat) compared
to standard high-carbohydrate formula for the prevention of pressure ulcers
Summary of findings: 6
Disease-specific supplement (reduced carbohydrate, modified fat) compared to standard high-carbohydrate formula for the
prevention of pressure ulcers
Patient or population: patients ≥ 50 years old with a history of type 2 diabetes mellitus or documented hyperglycaemia who re-
quired total enteral nutrition support by tube
Incidence of pressure ulcers 538 per 1000 431 per 1000 RR 0.80 27 ⨁◯◯◯
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follow-up: 12 weeks (194 to 942) (0.36 to (1 RCT) Very lowa,b
*The risk in the intervention group (and its 95% confidence interval) is based on the assumed risk in the comparison group and the
relative effect of the intervention (and its 95% CI).
Appendix 13. Summary of findings 11: Different doses of arginine for treating pressure ulcers
Summary of findings:
Intervention: 9 g arginine
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At least one side effect 0 per 1000 0 per 1000 RR 2.81 29 ⨁◯◯◯
follow-up: 3 weeks (0 to 0) (0.12 to (1 RCT) Very lowa,b
*The risk in the intervention group (and its 95% confidence interval) is based on the assumed risk in the comparison group and the
relative effect of the intervention (and its 95% CI).
Appendix 14. Summary of findings 12: EPA, GLA and antioxidants compared to standard diet for treating pressure
Summary of findings:
EPA, GLA and antioxidants compared to standard diet for treating pressure ulcers
Patient or population: patients with pressure ulcers suffering from acute lung injury
Pressure ulcers healed 0 per 1000 0 per 1000 Not es- 95 ⨁◯◯◯ No number
follow-up: 1 weeks (0 to 0) timable (1 RCT) Very lowa,b of events
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*The risk in the intervention group (and its 95% confidence interval) is based on the assumed risk in the comparison group and the
relative effect of the intervention (and its 95% CI).
Appendix 15. Summary of findings 13: Protein compared to standard diet for treating pressure ulcers
Summary of findings:
Patient or population: tube-fed patients with pressure ulcers; patients > 70 years with malnutrition and pressure ulcers
Intervention: protein
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Pressure ulcer episodes 69 per 1000 80 per 1000 RR 1.15 160 ⨁◯◯◯
follow-up: 6 weeks (26 to 240) (0.38 to (1 RCT) Very lowc,d
Side effects: diarrhoea episodes 83 per 1000 12 per 1000 RR 0.15 152 ⨁◯◯◯
follow-up: 6 weeks (2 to 102) (0.02 to (1 RCT) Very lowe,f
*The risk in the intervention group (and its 95% confidence interval) is based on the assumed risk in the comparison group and the
relative effect of the intervention (and its 95% CI).
Appendix 16. Summary of findings 14: Specialised amino acid mixture (arginine-enriched) compared to standard
diet for treating pressure ulcers
Summary of findings:
Specialised amino acid mixture (arginine-enriched) compared to standard diet for treating pressure ulcers
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Side effects: at least one adverse gas- 0 per 1000 0 per 1000 Not es- 87 ⨁⨁◯◯ No number
trointestinal event (0 to 0) timable (1 RCT) Lowa,b of events
follow-up: 4 weeks
*The risk in the intervention group (and its 95% confidence interval) is based on the assumed risk in the comparison group and the
relative effect of the intervention (and its 95% CI).
Appendix 17. Summary of findings 15: Ornithine alpha-ketoglutarate compared to placebo for treating pressure
Summary of findings:
Patient or population: people > 60 years with heel pressure ulcers (NPUAP stage 2 or 3) occurring after accidental immobilization, ul-
cer in the process of recovery with early signs of granulation tissue
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Setting: hospitals in Bulgaria, France, Germany, Italy, Romania, and Spain (67 wards: geriatric, internal medicine, physical medicine
and rehabilitation, trauma, plastic surgery, cardiology, neurology and dermatology), in- and outpatient settings
Comparison: placebo
Change in pressure ulcer area The mean MD 0.6 cm2 - 93 ⨁◯◯◯ Several
(cm2) change in pres- lower (1 RCT) Very lowa,b measures
follow-up: 6 weeks sure ulcer area (1.9 lower to 0.7 (cm2 and
(cm2) was -1.7 higher) percent-
cm2 age) of
the same
(change in
ulcer area)
due to dif-
ferent stud-
Change in pressure ulcer area (per- The mean MD 5.5 % low- - 93 ⨁◯◯◯
centage) change in pres- er (1 RCT) Very lowa,c
follow-up: 6 weeks sure ulcer area (34.04 lower to
(percentage) 23.04 higher)
was -54 %
Side effects 160 per 1000 176 per 1000 RR 1.10 160 ⨁◯◯◯
follow-up: 6 weeks (88 to 352) (0.55 to (1 RCT) Very lowa,d
*The risk in the intervention group (and its 95% confidence interval) is based on the assumed risk in the comparison group and the
relative effect of the intervention (and its 95% CI).
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High certainty: we are very confident that the true effect lies close to that of the estimate of the effect.
Moderate certainty: we are moderately confident in the effect estimate: the true effect is likely to be close to the estimate of the ef-
fect, but there is a possibility that it is substantially different.
Low certainty: our confidence in the effect estimate is limited: the true effect may be substantially different from the estimate of the
Very low certainty: we have very little confidence in the effect estimate: the true effect is likely to be substantially different from the
estimate of effect.
Appendix 18. Summary of findings 16: Vitamin C compared to placebo for treating pressure ulcers
Summary of findings:
Setting: university hospital in UK, and nursing homes (n = 11) and hospital (n = 1) in The Netherlands
Intervention: vitamin C
Comparison: placebo
Pressure ulcers healed 455 per 1000 505 per 1000 RR 1.11 108 ⨁◯◯◯
follow-up: 12 weeks (218 to 1000) (0.48 to (2 RCTs) Very lowa,b
*The risk in the intervention group (and its 95% confidence interval) is based on the assumed risk in the comparison group and the
relative effect of the intervention (and its 95% CI).
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CI: confidence interval; MD: mean difference; RR: risk ratio
Appendix 19. Summary of findings 17: Zinc sulphate compared to placebo for treating pressure ulcers
Summary of findings:
Patient or population: spinal cord injury patients with poorly healing pressure ulcers and patients with pressure ulcers
Comparison: placebo
Pressure ulcers healed 571 per 1000 834 per 1000 RR 1.46 13 ⨁◯◯◯
follow-up: 1 follow-up not reported (400 to 1000) (0.70 to (1 RCT) Very lowa,b
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*The risk in the intervention group (and its 95% confidence interval) is based on the assumed risk in the comparison group and the
relative effect of the intervention (and its 95% CI).
12 February 2024 New citation required but conclusions New search, switched to RoB 2 and GRADEproGDT, 33 studies in-
have not changed cluded in total
12 February 2024 New search has been performed Third update with new search.
Protocol first published: Issue 4, 2002
Review first published: Issue 4, 2003
25 March 2014 New citation required and conclusions First update, new search, 15 additional trials included bringing
have changed the total to 23 trials.
25 March 2014 New search has been performed Three review authors left the team and did not contribute to this
update (G. Schloemer, O. Kuss, J. Behrens)
Gero Langer examined bibliographies, assessed the studies, entered the data, conducted data analyses, worked on the summary of findings
tables, edited the review and co-ordinated the review update.
Ching Shan Wan examined bibliographies, assessed the studies, entered the data, conducted data analyses and edited the review.
Daniela Schoberer examined bibliographies, assessed the studies, entered the data, conducted data analyses and edited the review.
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Astrid Fink examined bibliographies, assessed the studies, entered the data, conducted data analyses and edited the review.
G Langer: no conflict of interest
CS Wan: no conflict of interest
D Schoberer: no conflict of interest
L Schwingshackl: no conflict of interest
A Fink: no conflict of interest
Internal sources
• Authors were supported by their institutions, Other
External sources
• NIHR/Department of Health (England). (Cochrane Wounds Group), UK
This review was supported by the National Institute for Health and Care Research, via Cochrane Infrastructure funding to the Cochrane
Wounds Group
Differences between the last version of the review, published in 2014 and the current update
We updated our search terms by adding new pressure injury terms and added relevant intervention MESH terms and keywords.
We have extended the primary outcome: In former versions, the primary outcome for treatment studies was only time to complete healing,
but as other outcomes are clinically important, too, we extended the primary outcome to time to complete healing, pressure ulcers healed,
and size and depth of pressure ulcers (for treatment studies).
Furthermore, we decided to exclude studies in which pressure ulcers were only a side effect and in which it was moreover not clear whether
pressure ulcers already existed baseline. In these studies, neither the incidence of new pressure ulcers nor the progression of pressure
ulcers can be determined. This was not specified in the former version or the protocol. As a result of this specification, one study from the
former review was excluded in this review version.
We have more clearly defined the intervention: In the former version and the protocol we did not mention how we deal with multifactorial
interventions, where one component is a nutrition intervention. We decided to exclude these studies because the effect of the nutritional
supplement cannot be inferred from these studies. Accordingly, a study that was included in the former review was excluded in this review.
We did not perform the planned subgroup analyses (setting-specific, patient characteristics specific, mode of feeding specific). The
included trials were heterogenous with regard to participants, and to nutritional interventions and comparable nutritional supplements
were only examined by a few studies. In addition, the supplements were administered enterally in all studies.
There were insufficient studies and data to perform the planned sensitivity analysis. We had a maximum of 4 studies in meta-analysis and
only one outcome of a single study without concerns in the risk of bias assessment. These analyses were not reported (too much strain
on the data).
We have changed the assessment of bias risk to the Risk of Bias 2 (RoB2) tool.
Nutritional interventions for preventing and treating pressure ulcers (Review) 173
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