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RCK Model

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Tutorial 4

Macroeconomics-II (HSL612)
Date: 16/02/2024

[Question 1]
Consider the economy of the Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model with population growth and
technological progress. Initial household size and workforce are both normalized to H =
L(0) = 1. As a shorthand, variables that are functions of time carry time indices as in
discrete time (e.g. x (t)is spelled out as xt ).

1.1. Household’s problem:

The representative household’s present value of utility is given by
Z ∞
u(Ct )exp((n − ρ)t)dt (1)
t =0

Moreover, the household faces budget constraints (2), the initial condition(3) and the transver-
sality condition (4):

Ẋt =rt Xt + Wt Lt − Ct Lt (2)

X (0) >0 (3)

lim XT u (CT )exp((n − ρ) T ) = 0 (4)
T →∞

where Ct is per-capita consumption, Xt is household’s total wealth, rt is the return to capital

and Wt are real wages per unit of labor. Lt grows at rate n and the rate of technological
progress At is g and ρ is the household’s time preference rate.

(a) Show that the evolution of household’s wealth per-effective-worker follows:

ẋt = rt xt + wt − ct − (n + g) xt (5)

where x ≡ AL is wealth, w ≡ A is the real wage, and c ≡ A is consumption, all in per-
effective worker terms.

(b) Show that under the CRRA-utility function:

C 1− θ
u(C ) =

the household’s present value of utility is given by

Z ∞ 1− θ
A (0 )1− θ exp(−ψt)dt, where (6)
0 1−θ
ψ = ρ − n − (1 − θ ) g > 0 (7)

(c) Set up the Hamiltonian function using (5) and (6) and derive the first-order conditions.
(d) Derive the Euler-equation and interpret it economically.

1.2. Firm’s Problem
The representative firm’s profits are given by

πt = F ( At Lt , Kt ) − Wt Lt − Rt Kt

where Rt = rt + δ (δ is the depreciation rate). Production F ( At Lt , Kt ) is of Cobb-Douglas

type with labor-augmenting technology and constant returns to scale:

F ( A t L t , K t ) = ( A t L t )1− α K t α

(a) Set up the profit maximization problem of the firm.

(b) Derive and interpret the first-order conditions.
(c) Reformulate the optimality conditions using the capital per-effective-worker definition
k = AL

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