SSAC-353 Objective (@agrounder)
SSAC-353 Objective (@agrounder)
SSAC-353 Objective (@agrounder)
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Q.2)-Do as directed.
1) name one edible and non edible oil cakes.
Ans: edible-groundnut cake(7-8%N), non-edible-safflower.
2) Give two examples of fungicides.
Ans: mancozeb, captain, sulphur.
3) State one example of herbicide.
Ans: glyphosate, paraquat
4) Example of amide fertiliser.
Ans: Urea
5)what are the C:N ratio of soil & sawdust.
Ans: soil(10:1-12:1), sawdust (400:1)
6)Earthworm spp used for vermicomposting.
Ans: Eiseniafetida, Lumbricusrubella.
7)examples of chelates.
8)name two green manuring in-situcrops.
Ans: 1)sunhemp, 2)Dhaincha.
9)state two examples of hygroscopic fertilizers.
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4)schoenite = marinesalt
7)nematicide = Aldrin
8)Attractant = muscalure.
10)Quinone = paraquat
12)Vapam = Dithiocarbamate
15)Thiodan = Endosulphon
16)Sawdust = 400:1
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