SSAC-353 Objective (@agrounder)

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(All Rounder In Agriculture)

Important Objectives for UG semester End theory examination 2021 for

following universities students

1)Dr. PDKV(akola) 2) MPKV(Rahuri) 3) Dr BSKKV(dapoli)


SSAC 353 (Mannures, Fertilizer and soil Fertility

(Note: Following objectives are taken from last year papers and important topics for examination . Answer
of the following question’s may be wrong, they referred from different sources .You may confirmed it by
checking your syllabus notes . For your confirmation we are also providing you theory PDF notes. This PDf is
not for copy and wright purpose, its only for your revision purpose . we are not responsible for any wrong
Answer or spelling mistake . if u found any mistake, just DM us on Instagram or our whats app official NO. )

Que 1)-Fill in the blanks.

1)C:N ratio of sawdust is 400:1
2)During an aerobic decomposition of cowdung slurry methane
gas is evolved.
3)The clear liquid that escapes from settling of sludge is known
as sewage water.
4)Lime induced chlorosis in field crop is due to deficiency of Zn
5)Ammonium molybdate contains 54% of Mo.

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6)Azolla is a living floating association of aquatic fern and algae
which fixes atm nitrogen in submerged soil.
7)carbaryl is classified as carbamate insecticide.
8)Organophosphate insecticide affect the chollinsterase
enzyme present in synapse.

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Q.2)-Do as directed.
1) name one edible and non edible oil cakes.
Ans: edible-groundnut cake(7-8%N), non-edible-safflower.
2) Give two examples of fungicides.
Ans: mancozeb, captain, sulphur.
3) State one example of herbicide.
Ans: glyphosate, paraquat
4) Example of amide fertiliser.
Ans: Urea
5)what are the C:N ratio of soil & sawdust.
Ans: soil(10:1-12:1), sawdust (400:1)
6)Earthworm spp used for vermicomposting.
Ans: Eiseniafetida, Lumbricusrubella.
7)examples of chelates.
8)name two green manuring in-situcrops.
Ans: 1)sunhemp, 2)Dhaincha.
9)state two examples of hygroscopic fertilizers.

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Ans: 1)Ammonium nitrate ,2)Calcium Ammonium nitrate.
10) State two examples of carbamate.
Ans: 1)Carbaryl, 2)Carbofuron.
11)give two examples of zoocides.
Ans: zinc phosphide , gliftor , ratindan
12)C :N ratio of microorganisms.
Ans :4:1-9:1

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Que 3. Define the following.

1)poudrette -A fertilizer made from dried night soil mixed with
other substance, as gypsum and charcoal.
2)Compost-The decomposed organic matter made from
decomposition of wastes.
3)Herbicides- a chemical used to kill or control weeds.
4)Denitrification-formation and loss of gaseous form of nitrogen
by biological reduction of nitrate and nitrite are known as
5)Acaricide- a chemical used to kill mites and ticks.
6)Vermi compost- compost prepared with the help of earth
worms is called vermicompost.
7)Rodenticide- chemical substance used to kill rats and mice is
called as rodenticide.
8)Molluscicide- chemical substance used to kill snails and
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9)Sludge-semi-solid residue from industrial processes and
treatment of sewage and waste water.
10)Sewage-sewage Is a waste water from home sand
factories,which flow away through sewers.
11)Defoliants- a chemical used to drop off leaves from tree pre-
12)Green manuring crops -are the crops whose green
undecomposed material is used as manure.

13)Fungicides -a chemical used to kill the fungus or inhibits it's


14)Ammonification: the formation of ammonia or its compounds

from nitrogenous compounds, especially as a result of

15)Inhibitors: a substance that reduces or suppresses the

activity of another substances.

16)chelate: chelare are the substance which prevent loss of

nutrients through leaching

Que 4) -match the pairs.

1)blood meal = conc organic matter

2)green leaf manuring = glyricidia

3)defoliants = Sodium chlorate

4)schoenite = marinesalt

5)chlorinated hydrocarbon = methyl bromide.

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6)bacillus = Sulphur oxidizing microorganism

7)nematicide = Aldrin

8)Attractant = muscalure.

9)bonemeal = 22% P205

10)Quinone = paraquat

11)Ammonium phosphate = 52%P2O5

12)Vapam = Dithiocarbamate

13)Gibbreline = Gibbane structure

14)Waxes = undecomposed organic matter

15)Thiodan = Endosulphon

16)Sawdust = 400:1
( Note: Our @agrounder team doesn’t take any responsibility about any
answer of the question , students may refer any notes. This PDF is free of
cost. Don’t pay any charges for it. Share with your friends.

Thank You!

Regards @agrounder team


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