Sustainability I C
Sustainability I C
Sustainability I C
11 445
2 authors, including:
Yenchun Jim Wu
National Taiwan Normal University
All content following this page was uploaded by Yenchun Jim Wu on 23 June 2020.
3 Graduate Institute of Global Business and Strategy, National Taiwan Normal University,
Abstract: Knowledge transfer is a strategy used by high‐tech companies to acquire new knowledge
and skills. Knowledge can be internally generated or externally sourced. The access to external
knowledge is a quick fix, but the risks associated with reliance on external sources are often
overlooked. However, not acquiring such knowledge is even riskier. There have been a slew of
litigations in the semiconductor industry in recent years. The acquisition and assurance of intangible
assets is an important issue. This paper posits that internal R&D should take into consideration the
knowledge intensity and capital investment in the industry. This study focuses on the relationship
between intangible assets and financial performance. It sourced the 2004 to 2016 financial data of
semiconductor companies in Taiwan for panel data modeling and examined case studies for
empirical validation. This study found that the higher the R&D intensity (RDI) in the value‐added
component of human capital, the better the financial performance of the company. RDI has a
positive influence on the accumulation of human capital and financial performance metrics, and
such influence is deferred. Meanwhile, human capital is a mediating factor in the relationship
between RDI and financial performance. RDI is integral to the semiconductor industry’s pursuit of
business sustainability.
Keywords: R&D intensity (RDI); human capital; knowledge transfer; financial performance;
semiconductor industry
1. Introduction
Knowledge is power. In the age of the knowledge economy, companies seek to quickly acquire
new knowledge and competences via acquisitions, strategic alliances, patent licensing or technology
transfers. However, this approach to pursuing innovations comes at the cost of control by others. The
frequent occurrence of litigations associated with intellectual property infringements in top
industries speaks of the importance of intangible assets. For example, MediaTek (a semiconductor
company from Taiwan) was sued by ESS and Oak from the U.S. in 2003 and 2004, respectively.
Another semiconductor company from Taiwan, United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC), sued
Silicon Integrated Systems (SiS) for the infringement of its advanced processes. It eventually acquired
SiS. In 2019, GlobalFoundries, headquartered in the U.S., sued Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing
(TSMC) in the U.S. and Germany for the infringement of a few dozen patents, demanding that TSMC
stop using the infringed technology in their manufacturing processes and refrain from selling the
produced products. These litigations are strong indicators of the cost of failing to develop intangible
assets internally. Paying for patents or taking a cut in profitability due to infringement expenses may
still be manageable, but reputation may be at stake, the worst result of acquisition. In brief, it is risky
to operate solely on externally sourced knowledge.
Jordão and Novas (2017) argued that the operating process of corporate entities is subject to the
influence of two factors, i.e., knowledge management (KM) and intellectual capital (IC). In fact, these
two factors are closely related. They are the catalysts of the innovation, competitiveness, value
creation, financial performance, and sustainability pursued by companies [1]. IC is a new type of
capital that provides new skills and competences for innovation [2]. Human capital (HC), as a
component of IC, is the precondition and guarantee of a firm’s technological innovation [3]. R&D in
the high‐tech industry is an innovation activity. RDI is integral to the development of corporate
sustainability. Its influence is one of the key factors because tech companies are in a constant state of
transformation driven by technology and are at the forefront of innovation. These changes urge
companies to continuously adjust their business structure and capital assets in response to
competitors [4]. This is the case with the semiconductor and other tech sectors when it comes to the
pursuit of new knowledge and technology. The global semiconductor market was valued at USD
412.221 billion in 2017, up 21.6% year‐on‐year. This growth was driven by the demand for smart
electronics and artificial intelligence products [5]. The semiconductor industry in Taiwan is strongly
connected with the supply chain in China and the U.S. The industry grew by just 3.56% in 2018 due
to various macroeconomic factors [6]. According to a 2019 survey on the global semiconductor
industry conducted jointly by KPMG and Global Semiconductor Alliance (GSA), innovations and
R&D expansions remain the most important strategy for companies. However, the increasing cost of
R&D is one of the biggest obstacles to further development. Talent risks are considered the greatest
threat to growth [7]. The semiconductor industry is a multi‐disciplinary technology domain,
specifically a knowledge‐intensive industry [8]. The construction of an organization is based on
creativity and innovation. Given the rapid development of science and technology, large companies
should gear their R&D management toward the internal circulation of knowledge. R&D projects in
prominent industries require a cross‐disciplinary approach and rapid development of new products
and workflows. The creation of new knowledge and the resolution of complex problems in a fast‐
paced environment is challenging [9]. The economic policy in the European Union for the
development of tech industries is closely related to the emphasis on R&D and human capital, which
are the two key drivers of technological advancements, and human capital has a direct (not indirect)
effect on innovation, making it important for regional growth [10].
In the field of economics, knowledge accumulation is the most important element of innovation
[11]. Knowledge has become the most important strategic resource [12]. The accumulation of
knowledge required by a company stems from the dynamic interaction between internal
competences and external knowledge. External knowledge is one of the important sources for R&D
and innovation activities [13]. It is necessary to effectively utilize the existing knowledge base and
skillsets of management and employees to continue operations or enhance competitiveness. Under
this circumstance, a detailed analysis of the functioning of human capital is in order. This is because
human capital is one of the most important internal resources in a company and it is pertinent to its
capability in innovation, profitability and competitiveness. R&D and human capital are key factors
in the continued growth of a macro‐economy [14]. R&D education and competences should serve as
an internal mechanism to create value from an open sourcing strategy of new knowledge
(information) [15]. Managers should enhance R&D investment and capacity, integrate/transcend the
established external knowledge, lower the industry boundaries and enhance the absorption and
transfer of knowledge going forward [16]. Corporate RDI drives knowledge transfer activities within
a company and eventually orients it toward commercialization and profitability. In sum, companies,
as the entity of innovations, need to absorb, extract, and apply new knowledge and technology,
whether internally generated or externally sourced to bring such knowledge and technology in line
with the operational status. Therefore, companies should emphasize the value adding options of
Sustainability 2020, 12, 5128 3 of 18
intangible assets with internal RDI and human capital in the pursuit of innovation performance and
corporate sustainability.
Hence, this paper seeks to explore the relationship between internal R&D activities, human
capital, and financial performance in organizations from the perspective of knowledge transfer. A
panel data model is constructed to analyze financial data, and a case study is conducted to verify the
empirical findings with financial analysis. The research takes into consideration the following: (1) the
deferred effects of R&D are defined as the knowledge transfer in a semiconductor company and the
waiting period for the outcomes to be reflected in financial performance; (2) RDI is one of the major
activities in knowledge transfer in semiconductor companies. It enhances overall knowledge and
builds up technical momentum in an organization. Eventually, the benefit of knowledge transfer is
translated into financial performance. This paper intends to explore the role of human capital (as an
intangible asset) in the organization.
2.1. Deferred Effects of R&D and the Influence of Knowledge Transfer on Financial Performance
R&D activities are a strategy of knowledge acquisition and learning [17]. The effects are
widespread and they are seen at the corporate level, as well as in the economic performance of a
country or a region. R&D investment is key to the increase in toplines and the establishment of a
competitive edge. R&D activities represent a learning process [18]. This requires planning and
purpose. Learning helps an organization to absorb knowledge, creating the competence to identify
external knowledge. This allows for the combination of prior knowledge and skills and thus the
application of integrated knowledge and skills. Knowledge absorption is the ability to internalize
external knowledge [19]. This concept is relevant to the working and use of intangible assets, defined
as knowledge materialized from knowledge assets. The latter is considered the key driver of
corporate performance. Absorption capability is measured along with the company’s R&D costs.
Technology knowledge is implicit [20]. RDI is the investment required in the in‐house
knowledge generation required to mitigate the risks associated with the loss of technological
competitiveness. Research indicates that R&D investments enhance a company’s learning ability [21].
The relationship between RDI and corporate performance develops in stages. R&D spending during
the current period will have a negative impact on the organization’s financial performance in that
period. However, R&D spending during the prior period has a positive effect on the sales during the
current period. This is because R&D investment ignites knowledge transfer in a company. The
allocation of budgets and personnel training creates a knowledge spiral. The benefits of use cases,
manufacturing process optimization and new product launches take some time to reflect on financial
performance. This is the deferred effect of R&D, also known as the deferred effect of knowledge
transfer [22]. R&D costs are expended during the current period. How long it takes to reflect on
financial performance will differ according to industry characteristics and knowledge thresholds.
Given the high capital input, knowledge intensity and the requirement for multi‐disciplinary
expertise in the industry, the larger the semiconductor company, the more resources it has. This paper
expects that the higher the RDI, the greater the benefit to production effectiveness or operating
performance. R&D enhances the operating performance via labor productivity and yields [23]. The
higher the level of R&D spending, the higher the production benefits in high tech domains. However,
the influence on sectors which are not as technologically driven is limited.
Based on the above, R&D is a way to drive knowledge transfer within a company. It improves
existing technology and accelerates the learning of new tasks. However, there is a time lag between
R&D and innovation activities and the financial performance that materializes with knowledge
transfer. Thus, this paper proposes H1:
Hypothesis 1 (H1). Corporate RDI has a positive influence on the financial performance materialized with
knowledge transfer and such influence is deferred in nature.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 5128 4 of 18
level of influence on the enhancement of human capital and the development of corporate
sustainability. Thus, this paper proposes H2:
Hypothesis 2 (H2). Corporate RDI has a positive influence on the accumulation of human capital.
2.4. The Mediating Effects of Human Capital in the Relationship between RDI and Financial Performance
Materialized with Knowledge Transfer
In the context of knowledge transfer, R&D activities serve as the starting point for generating
new knowledge and skills. The emergence of new knowledge leads to changes in the knowledge
structure (knowledge needs and gaps). In this case, companies need to create a new process
accordingly. R&D activities often serve as a means to enhance knowledge absorption or
organizational learning. It is a learning process and method [36]. The process of organizational
learning is to acquire and transfer new knowledge to promote continued change and the
improvement of existing practices, knowledge, and skills. This is particularly noteworthy in the
manufacturing industry. R&D enhances a company’s ability to absorb knowledge [37]. The impact
on technological participation and business results depends on the caliber of technological
involvement and human capital. R&D intensity and operating performance have a certain influence
on the process of knowledge transfer. Organizational learning significantly benefits the employees’
creativity [38]. Alternatively, it is possible to establish a knowledge platform for the team to share or
acquire practical knowledge within the organization. The creation and transmission of knowledge
promotes learning via knowledge spillovers and dynamic information externality. The collection and
the spillover effects of new knowledge benefits the accumulation of human capital [39]. In this way,
employees can utilize knowledge to create new solutions, enhance efficiency and resolve problems
in the organization. This will undoubtedly enhance the creativity of employees and R&D personnel.
Therefore, R&D activities and operations should be oriented toward commercialization of
knowledge. This means that there is a relationship between the requirements for new knowledge and
skills, motivation, and organizational performance. There are different routes which may be taken,
i.e., internal R&D spending, cooperation with external R&D parties and technology transfer, to obtain
valuable new knowledge and technology to drive the accumulation of human capital in the
Based on the above, this paper argues that R&D activities help to enhance financial performance
materialized with knowledge transfer. In fact, this performance may result from R&D activities. In
the process of knowledge transfer, the investment in R&D manpower and budgets will integrate
fragmented knowledge and skills, accumulate the human capital in the organization and eventually
enhance financial performance materialized with knowledge transfer. Thus, this paper proposes H4:
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Hypothesis 1 (H4). Human capital has a mediating effect on the influence of RDI on financial performance
materialized with knowledge transfer.
This is an important factor in the evaluation of firm performance and operational risk.
Leverage ratio measures the effect of the capital structure on financial performance [45].
Equation: (total debt/total assets) * 100%.
(3) Gross Profit Margin (GPM):
A high gross margin indicates strong competitiveness or product exclusivity. This creates
higher earnings so that the company can spend on new knowledge development, training
and education and product R&D. Equation: (Gross profits/net sales) * 100%.
(4) Staff seniority (SS):
In the context of human resource management, employees who have served long tenures are
more willing to participate in R&D activities [46]. They reported higher knowledge
application rates and demonstrated stronger knowledge absorption capability. In other
words, they are more able to create higher profits for the company. The senior staff’s
productivity curve gradually decreases over time [47].
(5) Company’s History (CH):
The history of a company affects how its professional knowledge has been built. Companies
with a long history tend to be more conservative and standardized procedures restrict R&D
activities. Their long history also presents more opportunities to accumulate resources.
Equation: natural logarithm of (current year–inception)
(6) Employee Fluidity (EF):
Employees are one of a company’s key resources. Staff turnover is often used to evaluate
personnel stability. Staff turnover affects firm performance, innovation, and other internal
governance issues.
involves the basic capabilities and knowledge absorption ability of employees, the level of knowledge
thresholds and the scale of corporate resources. From the generation of new knowledge to the
commercialization of products, phased investments are required to train employees, develop
competences, try‐and‐test and integrate new and old knowledge and technology, and refine
knowledge and skills. All these take time and cannot immediately be translated into performance.
The result is deferred performance.
Deferred performance: as a factor is incorporated in the empirical model, where Gi denotes ROA,
as the proxy variable of financial performance materials with knowledge transfer, of the i‐th company
during the t year; SIZEi,t is the net sales of the i‐th company during the t year; LEVi,t denotes the
leverage ratio of the i‐th company during the t year; RDIi,t‐k denotes the R&D intensity of the i‐th
company during the t‐k year; k denotes the deferred period; VAHUi,t‐1t represents the human capital
of the i‐th company during the t‐1 year; GPMi,t is the gross profit margin of the i‐th company during
the t year; SSi,t denotes the employee seniority of the i‐th company during the t year; CHi,t denotes the
operating history of the i‐th company during the t year; EFi,t is the staff turnover of the i‐th company
during the t year; β represents the coefficients to be estimated; αi is the intercept of the i‐th company
during the t year, indicating the constant performance of individual company over time; and Dt is the
dummy variable for the t year.
To validate whether RDI and financial performance materialized with knowledge transfer are
positively correlated, Model 1 is established as expressed in Equation (3):
G, β , SIZE , β , LEV , β , GPM , β , SS , β , EF , β , CY , β , RDI ,
α γD ε,
To validate whether RDI and human capital are positively correlated, Model 2 is established as
expressed in Equation (4):
VAHU , β , SIZE , β , LEV , β , GPM , β , SS , β , EF , β , CY ,
β , RDI , α γ D ε,
To validate whether human capital and financial performance materialized with knowledge
transfer are positively correlated, Model 3 is established as expressed in Equation (5):
G, β , SIZE , β , LEV , β , GPM , β , SS , β , EF , β , CY ,
β , VAHU , α γ D ε,
Finally, to validate whether human capital serves as a mediator between RDI and financial
performance materialized with knowledge transfer, Model 4 is established as expressed in Equation
G, β , SIZE , β , LEV , β , GPM , β , SS , β , EF , β , CY , β , RDI ,
β , VAHU , α γ D ε,
Figure 1. Human capital added value of R&D investment of semiconductor companies in Taiwan,
2005–2016. Source: Taiwan’s new economic (TEJ) database.
Figure 2. Return on assets (ROA) of human capital added value of semiconductor companies in
Taiwan, 2005–2016. Source: Taiwan’s new economic (TEJ) database.
Lag (k) k=1 k=2 k=3 k=4 k=1 k=2 k=3 k=4
Chi square 521.15 *** 436.237 *** 509.605 *** 432.967 *** 516.736 *** 441.635 *** 532.081 *** 439.486 ***
Choi Z −4.058 *** −2.253 *** −3.562 ** 0.012 −3.848 *** −2.343 *** −3.98 *** −0.143
Note: ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01.
3. Hausman tests
Hausman tests are conducted to decide whether a fixed effect model or random effect model is
most appropriate for the panel data analysis. As shown in Table 4, the test stats for Model 1 are
168.794 and 22.695, respectively, with p smaller than 0.05 in both cases. The test stats for Model
2 are 62.143 and 17.848, respectively, with p smaller than 0.05 in both. The test stats for Model 3
are 85.921 and 25.171, respectively, with p smaller than 0.05. The test stats for Model 4 are 173.8
and 33.095, respectively, with p smaller than 0.05. As all the test stats fall in the rejection region,
a fixed effect model is applicable.
4. Panel data analysis
(1) RDI and financial performance materialized with knowledge transfer
According to Table 4, the adjusted R2 is 0.623 for semiconductor companies in Model 1‐1. The
DW test statistics result on the error term in the regression model stands at 1.654, between
1.5 and 2.5, indicating the mutual independence of error terms and no auto correlation in the
model. The F stats result is 15.964 (p < 0.01). When k = 3 for RDI, its influence on the correlation
with financial performance materialized with knowledge transfer (measured with ROA) is β
= 0.101, t = 3.127, p < 0.01. The RDI in the semiconductor companies sampled shows a
significant influence on ROA, and the effect on R&D is deferred. The adjusted R2 is 0.623 for
semiconductor companies in Model 1‐1. The results of the sampled textile companies, shown
in Model 1‐2, show that the adjusted R2 is 0.61 and the DW test statistics result is 2.053,
indicating the mutual independence of error terms. The F stats result is 14.965 (p < 0.01). When
k = 3 for RDI, its influence on the correlation on ROA is β = 0.186, t = 3.127, p < 0.01. The RDI
in the textile companies sampled is significantly and positively correlated with ROA, and the
effect on R&D is deferred.
(2) RDI and human capital
As shown in Table 4, the adjusted R2 is 0.473 in Model 2‐1, and the result of the DW test
statistics is 1.539, which is between 1.5 and 2.5, indicating the mutual independence of error
terms and no auto correlation. The F stats result is 9.135 (p < 0.01). When k = 3 for RDI in the
sampled semiconductor companies, its correlation with human capital (VAHUTM) is β = 0.056,
t = 1.95, p < 0.1. The RDI shows significant and positive influence on VAHU, and the effect is
deferred. The adjusted R2 in Model 2‐2 is 0.289 and the result of the DW test statistics is 2.419,
evidencing the mutual independence of error terms. The F stats result is 4.621 (p < 0.01). The
influence of RDI on VAHU is insignificant, given p is greater than 0.1.
(3) Human capital and financial performance materialized with knowledge transfer
The adjusted R2 is 0.624 in Model 3‐1, and the result of the DW test statistics is 1.545, falling
between 1.5 and 2.5, which indicates the mutual independence of error terms and no auto
correlation in the model. The F stats result is 19.24 (p < 0.01). When k = 1 in the sampled
semiconductor companies, the correlation between VAHU and ROA is β = 0.049, t = 2.355, p
Sustainability 2020, 12, 5128 11 of 18
< 0.05. The VAHU exhibits a significant and positive influence on ROA, and the effect is
deferred. The adjusted R2 in Model 3‐2 is 0.594, the DW test statistics result is 1.698,
evidencing the mutual independence of error terms. The F stats result is 16.637 (p < 0.01). The
influence of VAHU on ROA in the textile industry with k at 1 is insignificant, given p greater
than 0.1.
(4) The mediating effect of human capital on the relationship between RDI and financial
performance materialized with knowledge transfer.
Model 4 aims to verify whether human capital (VAHUTM) serves as a mediator in the
relationship between RDI and financial performance (measured by ROA). This paper uses
Model 1 as the basis, imports the variable VAHU into Model 4, and conducts panel data
regression analysis on all the indicators. The test on the mediating effects requires three
Table 4. Relationships between RDI, human capital and knowledge transfer performances.
Condition (1) is the correlation between independent variables and dependent variables;
Condition (2) is correlation between independent variables and the mediating variable; Condition (3)
is the correlation between the mediating variable and dependent variables with control of the
independent variable. If all three conditions are met, there exists a mediating effect. Whether the
mediating effect is in part or in full depends on whether the influence of the independent variables
on the dependent variables remains significant after the incorporation of the mediating variable. If
the influence becomes insignificant, the mediating effect is complete. If the independent variable
remains statistically significant and the coefficient is reduced, the mediating effect is partial. The
presence of mediating effects does not have to hinge on the correlation between independent
variables and dependent variables, provided both Condition (2) and Condition (3) are met [54].
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According to the results of Model 1‐1 shown in Table 4, Model 4‐1 is constructed by adding the
human capital coefficient (VAHUTM) into Model 1 as a variable. The adjusted R2 is 0.625, and the DW
test statistics result is 1.74, falling between 1.5 and 2.5, which indicates the mutual independence of
error terms and no auto correlation in the model. The F stats result is 15.998 (p < 0.01). The correlation
with VAHU is β = 0.078, t = 2.731, p < 0.01, and the variable is statistically significant. The correlation
with RDI is β = 0.095, t = 3.075, p < 0.01 and the variable is also statistically significant. However, RDI’s
β coefficient is 0.006 lower (0.101–0.095), and the t value 0.052 is lower (3.127–3.075). According to the
above stated theory on mediating effects, this paper infers that human capital, as a variable, has a
partial mediating effect. As the adjusted R2 in Model 4‐1 is higher than that in Model 1‐1, Model 4‐1
has stronger explanatory power. The statistics for the sampled textile companies do not meet
Condition 2 or Condition 3 in the theory; hence, there is no mediating effect.
Table 5. Comparison of knowledge transfer and human capital of semiconductor companies and
textile companies in Taiwan in 2004–2016.
TSMC has established a series of training, education, R&D, and incentive programs. Its R&D
initiative the “Nighthawk Project” runs around the clock. The company’s value‐added coefficient for
its human capital stands at 19.905, higher than the average in the semiconductor industry or the
textile industry.
Based on existing technologies and targeting advanced products, ASE allocates between 3% and
5% of its annual sales to R&D. Over recent years, the company has focused on M&A activities with
other companies involved in testing and packaging. As a result of its R&D budget and internal
Sustainability 2020, 12, 5128 13 of 18
training and education, ASE reports a value‐added coefficient for its human capital at 2.154, higher
than the mean of 0.827 in the textile industry but lower than the mean of 2.69 in the semiconductor
(2) Knowledge transfer achievements
MTK places heavy emphasis on R&D activities. As of 2018, it had a total of 2163 patents. Its
return on capital employed, based on EBIAT, was 21.292% in 2004–2016, higher than the foundry
company TSMC’s 19.905%. It is also higher than the average of 4.517% in the semiconductor industry
and 1.411% in the textile industry.
TSMC has more than 40,000 patent applications and nearly 30,000 patents approved worldwide.
In 2017, the company had over 1100 patents approved in China and Taiwan, and 2428 in the U.S. [57].
In terms of patent quality, 98% of the applications in the U.S. were approved. This demonstrates the
company’s strong focus on innovation and the positive effect of such focus. In 2017, the gross profit
margin stood at 50.6%. The net income ratio came in at 35.3%, 0.2% lower due to a higher R&D
expense ratio. TSMC’s return on capital employed, based on EBIAT, was 19.905%, higher than the
average in the semiconductor industry and in the textile industry.
As of 2018, ASE had 7421 patents. In 2017, the company’s return on assets was 7.76%, with a net
margin of 22.9%. Its return on capital employed, based on EBIAT, was 8.082%, higher than the
average of 4.517% in the semiconductor industry and 1.411% in the textile industry. However, ASE’s
return on capital came in much lower than that of the upstream player MTK or the midstream player
Summary: Semiconductor companies should seek to create a capable environment through R&D
investments, education, and training to guide and instruct senior managers and entry‐level
employees. This helps to retain talent and human capital. R&D investment and training enhance the
knowledge base, accumulate skills, strengthen absorption capability, and increase the value added
by human capital. Finally, the upgrade of overall competences will manifest in the launch or
enhancement of products, the growth of patent portfolios and financial performance. In fact, there is
a connection between the value added by human capital and financial performance. This is consistent
with the empirical conclusion drawn in the previous section. However, the knowledge transfer status
and effectiveness, patent outputs and financial performance in the semiconductor industry differ
from one company to the next, due to the difference in supply chain activities, internal/external
environments, competitors, and knowledge thresholds.
caliber, as well as their overall knowledge and skills, helps to better financial performance and
achieve sustainable development. This conclusion is consistent with [61].
Human capital has a mediating effect on the relationship between RDI and organizational
performance. This result supports H4. Song et al. [62] held that R&D investment has a positive
influence on company performance in the management of firm‐wide R&D investments and human
capital structures. Meanwhile, the increase in the percentage of highly‐skilled workers is also a
positive contributor to investments in company performance. This finding is consistent with the
conclusion of this paper. However, the argument that human capital provides a mediating effect on
R&D due to its influence on financial performance is slightly different from the argument in this
paper. The ultimate goal of human capital improvement is the same; what is different is the research
perspective. A case in point is the emphasis on the importance of the structure and caliber of human
capital to the process of R&D’s influence on financial performance. This paper focuses on how the
knowledge transfer and organizational learning resulting from R&D investments affects the
accumulation of human capital and the influence on financial performance. It is necessary,
throughout the process, to boost the new skills and competences of the whole organization. That said,
the influence of the caliber and structure of human capital on the process of knowledge transfer
cannot be denied. This is the reason why staff seniority and employee fluidity are defined as control
According to Farnese et al. (2019) [63], the knowledge transfer model described in knowledge
creation theory may prompt companies to adopt measures that encourage the formation of new
knowledge in order to achieve knowledge synergy in the workplace. This facilitates the management
of knowledge resources and eventually improves performance by applying practical knowledge and
skills [63]. In this regard, it is possible to use DI as a measurement of the resources required for the
promotion of organizational learning and knowledge transfer, in order to create knowledge value
and establish one of the cornerstones for business sustainability. The prerequisite during this period
is the enhancement and accumulation of a company’s proprietary human capital.
(1) Knowledge transfer starts from the allocation of R&D budgets and the mobilization of personnel.
However, it takes time for the benefits of knowledge transfer to translate into performance. The
length of this waiting period depends on whether knowledge transfer enhances efficiency or
contributes to operations. This is different from the new knowledge and skills acquired via
technology transfer and patent purchases. Knowledge transfer begins with knowledge
requirements and gap analysis, with externalization, internalization, and application as it
outputs. Everything takes time, be it product improvement, new product introductions, or
enhancement and innovation of manufacturing processes. This is the reason why R&D’s
performance benefits are deferred, and the benefit of knowledge transfer is also deferred. It is
the same for all industries.
(2) R&D intensity (RDI) in the semiconductor industry has a positive influence on human capital
and financial performance materialized in knowledge transfer, and such influence is deferred in
nature, with a higher coefficient than that in the textile industry. Meanwhile, human capital and
financial performance are positively correlated, and the performance is deferred in the
semiconductor industry. However, this is not obvious in the textile industry. This suggests a
higher knowledge intensity in the semiconductor industry than in the textile industry. There is
a deferred effect from the requirement for new knowledge to the application of such knowledge.
This involves the workforce’s capability, knowledge absorption ability, industry knowledge
threshold and corporate resources. From the commencement of R&D activities, budget
allocations for employee training, the consolidation, integration and enhancement of old and
new knowledge and technology, and the resulting accumulation of human capital also take time,
i.e., in the form of deferred effects.
(3) Human capital has mediating effects on the relationship between RDI and knowledge
transfer/financial performance. However, such mediating effects are only evident in the
semiconductor industry. This implies that R&D investments by semiconductor companies help
to enhance operating performance but only through the enhancement of overall human capital.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 5128 15 of 18
R&D activities are, in fact, the starting point of knowledge transfer. The process of knowledge
transfer enriches the knowledge base of the whole organization, develops new skillsets,
improves manufacturing processes, or launches new products. This is then reflected in financial
performance materialized through knowledge transfer.
Finally, as described in the previous section, the influence of RDI on HC and that of HC on
financial performance is present in the semiconductor companies in the high‐tech industry (the
experimental group) but not in the textile companies (the control group), due to the knowledge
intensity and capital intensity of the industry. As mentioned by Xu et al., (2019) [2], knowledge‐
intensive industries have higher HC and intellectual capital (IC) than non‐knowledge‐intensive
industries. Meanwhile, the influence of HC on financial performance and profitability is greater in
high‐tech industries than in non‐high‐tech industries [64].
5. Conclusions
In sum, the premise of this paper is that knowledge transfer in a company is subject to the
characteristics associated with knowledge transfer among individuals and organizations.
Organizations are advised to seek to create an environment conducive to knowledge transfer to
nurture human capital as a proprietary intangible asset and achieve the requisite transfer of
knowledge. The lessons learned are as follows:
(1) R&D is the cornerstone of knowledge absorption capability, human capital accumulation and
transfer performance. R&D investment creates momentum for the transfer of knowledge. It is
an organizational learning method and is often used to measure the level of absorption
capability. R&D spending benefits are deferred with respect to performance. It enhances the
knowledge and competence levels of the whole organization. The accumulation of human
capital provides a meaningful and positive enhancement of knowledge transfer performance
(overall innovation capability) and thus improves the financial performance of a company. The
absorption capability at the organizational level is the foundation of the knowledge transfer. The
greater the absorption capability, the better the knowledge base and competence levels. The
accumulation of human capital will benefit the overall innovation capability and operating
profits of the organization.
(2) R&D activities offer the best and most feasible option for knowledge transfer and operations.
The semiconductor companies in Taiwan may pursue high value‐added products, enhance
quality and production efficiency, and optimize workflows, or seek to migrate production sites
to regions with lower labor and production costs. The latter may be a quick fix and may result
in production cost reductions. However, should this be repeated once the local costs increase
again? This is worthy of thought. This paper posits that R&D investments are the best solution
to improving financial performance. R&D activities as a means to transfer knowledge can
enhance innovation capability and develop intellectual properties. This is critical in the
semiconductor industry, as it avoids any damages associated with patent litigations or increased
bargaining power in negotiations. At the end of 2019, TMSC and GlobalFoundries reached a
settlement by cross licensing global patents. That said, R&D activities affect financial
performance through profit margins. They also influence operational methods. Companies
should focus on RDI to improve commercial viability going forward. In the long run, RDI creates
a competitive edge, enhances profitability and generates intangible assets through innovation,
creating goodwill and notions not subject to perception from stakeholders or social efficiency.
Innovation is a means to pursue sustainable operations, and R&D is an integral part of corporate
innovation. Therefore, R&D investments should aim for commercialization, which is an investment
activity that drives new knowledge, skillsets, and high‐caliber workforces. Such actions are necessary
to the appreciation and accumulation of human capital, and will eventually be reflected in a
company’s financial performance. The purpose of R&D is thus to establish a core competitive
advantage and achieve corporate sustainability.
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