SC Soil Biodiversity
SC Soil Biodiversity
SC Soil Biodiversity
e f
From around the mid-1970s onwards, there was an increasing Woese et al. 1990 3 domains Eucarya Archaea Bacteria
emphasis on comparisons of genes on the molecular level
(initially ribosomal RNA genes – see box below) as the primary Cavalier-Smith 1993 8 kingdoms Animalia Fungi Plantae Chromista Protozoa Archezoa Archaebacteria Eubacteria
All the intracellular water-solu- The cytoplasm accommodates Also known as a single-celled Organisms that consist of “Self-feeding“ organism that produces Organism that cannot fix
ble components (proteins, DNA membrane-bound organelles, organism, is an organism that more than one cell. complex organic compounds (such as carbon and uses complex
and metabolites) are located especially the nucleus, which consists of only one cell. carbohydrates, fats and proteins) from organic substances produced
together in the cytoplasm contains the genetic material, simple substances present in its by, or available in, other
enclosed by the cell membrane, and is enclosed by the nuclear surroundings, generally using energy organisms.
rather than in separate cellular envelope. from light (photosynthesis) or inorganic
compartments. chemical reactions (chemosynthesis).
Domain Eukaryota
Kingdom Animalia mm
Phylum Chordata
Subphylum Vertebrata a
r te
Diptera, H europtera
Hymenop ptera,
Class Mammalia
Asc en
om o
a, N
Exc pile
B as yco
t a e P ro
Order Soricomorpha Pl a n
Ectogna ta
idio av s
myc ta
Isoptera, C
t is
or Insec
Glom o ta
Family Talpidae ycota
H ex a p d a
Genus Talpa Chytridiomyco
cea Entognatha
Species T. europea
op o d
C r us
A ni m
th r
ia p
Pa iplop oda
eobacteria yarchaeota Mo
Sy ra da
Prot Eur
hyl a
D ilop
mp pod
t a
A nne a da ra
lida Tardigr ce
n o b a ct e ri a
Fir mic u t es
Ga ida
Bacteria Archaea str
T h au m
ha e
a rc
ta Cr udos pione
Ac ti e
Ps Scor
n o b a ct e ri a
10 Reptiles
The size distribution of soil animals, together with some of their
anatomical features (such as the presence/absence of legs) Protura Gastropoda
and some behavioural responses (reactions to light and heat), Coleopteran larvae
determine the best collecting method for a particular group of Fungi Isopoda
1 Arachnida
organisms. For example, the soft bodies of the microfauna and
some of the mesofauna living in the water film surrounding
Dipteran larvae
soil particles can be extracted using a wet extraction method Nematoda
(Bearmann funnels; see pages 64-65) or by centrifugation. By 0.1
contrast, the legged microarthropods with hard exoskeletons Collembola
can be collected using dry extraction (Tullgren funnel; see pages Tardigrata
64-65) because these animals actively move away from light
and heat. Finally, hand-sorting and pitfall trapping are often 0.01 Protists
used to collect the macrofauna, while bait trapping has been
used to catch mammals such as moles. All of these organisms Archaea
are involved in creating and maintaining the soil structure and Bacteria
providing essential ecosystem services for humans (such as
regulating greenhouse gas emissions or preserving water quality).
Most of them cannot survive outside of soil, so it is necessary 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1 024 2 4 8 16 32 64
to preserve healthy and diverse soil systems if we want to
preserve their beneficial influence. One of the main challenges micrometre millimetre
that soil conservation faces today is the lack of awareness of the Body width
ecological importance of soil biodiversity. So, open your eyes and
discover what lives under your feet!
a b
Bacterial phyla
• In contrast to eukaryotic nomenclature, there is no official
classification of prokaryotes because taxonomy remains a matter
of scientific judgment and general agreement.
• The List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN)
is an online database that maintains and provides accurate names
(nomenclature) and related information of prokaryotes according to
the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria.
• The 30 phyla currently accepted by the LPSN are: Acidobacteria;
Actinobacteria; Aquificae; Armatimonadetes; Bacteroidetes;
Caldiserica; Chlamydiae; Chlorobi; Chloroflexi; Chrysiogenetes;
Cyanobacteria; Deferribacteres; Deinococcus-Thermus;
Dictyoglomi; Elusimicrobia; Fibrobacteres; Firmicutes; Fusobacteria;
Gemmatimonadetes; Lentisphaerae; Nitrospira; Planctomycetes;
Proteobacteria; Spirochaetes; Synergistetes; Tenericutes;
Thermodesulfobacteria; Thermomicrobia; Thermotogae. 1 µm
• Other existing phyla of bacteria, which cannot currently be cultured
in the laboratory (see pages 64-65), are called candidate phyla. If
these are included, the total number of phyla is 52.
c d
a b Microhabitat
Amoeboid species occur on moist surfaces and live in water
microfilms where they forage for palatable bacteria or other c d
prey. Some species prefer wet conditions, others occur in drier
conditions, some have depth and litter preferences, and some are
known colonisers and occur in disturbed soils where other species
are absent. Amoeba are very effective at scouring surfaces for
bacteria. A small number feed on fungal hyphae or prey on
protists or microinvertebrates.
10 µm 20 µm
Rhizaria live on the surfaces of soil and organic matter particles Microhabitat
where they select bacteria to ingest. Species may have depth
As soil dries, the ciliates' habitat becomes restricted to water
preferences in the soil. Some prefer organic matter and litter on
films on surfaces. They detect prey by chemical-sensing and
the surface of the forest floor. Others, such as Vampyrellida, prefer
swim toward the signal, or away from toxic molecules. Their
to penetrate fungal hyphae or spores. Those species with cilia can
dispersal is by water infiltration through soil pores, or in the air if
explore their habitat by swimming. The filopodia can extend into
dry soil is disturbed.
very small crevices (< 1 µm) to search for bacterial prey.
Hyphochytriales are found in moist soil environments. They
absorb dissolved nutrients with a network of filaments that
extend from the cell. Terrestrial species of Peronosporomycetes
are decomposers of organic matter or live as plant parasites.
They feed by extending filaments into plant tissues. They are
economically important because they include species that cause b
some of the most damaging plant diseases, such as Pythium
(which causes the damping-off disease in greenhouses), downy
mildews and white blister rusts. Diatomea are typically aquatic
species that can be found in riparian or regularly flooded soils,
and sometimes inside rotting tree logs. Their role and presence
in soils is poorly documented. The motile stage is usually a small
swimming cell with two cilia, while sexual reproduction leads to
the growth of a thick walled spore for dispersal.
a b
a b
10 µm Taxonomy
Heterolobosea are found in every ecosystem but are rarely the
dominant protists, except in some disturbed soils. The Euglenida,
both photosynthetic and heterotrophic genera, occur in soils that
are regularly moist or water-saturated (e.g. in wet soil and in
riparian areas). Among the Discoba, some free-living species
occur in the order Jakobida, such as those of the genus Andalucia.
c d
b c
• A hypha is a long, branching filamentous structure. In most fungi, hyphae
are the main mode of growth, and collectively form the mycelium.
• Hyphae grow at their tips. They can branch through the bifurcation
of a growing tip, or through the emergence of a new tip from an
established hypha.
• There are different types of hyphae:
- septate, which have cross walls (called septa) at fairly regular
- aseptate or coenocytic, which do not have septa.
• Hyphae can fuse to one another. This process is known as anastomosis. d
• Yeasts are fungi that do not have hyphal structures. They are the
only unicellular fungi.
c d
e f
100 µm
100 µm
Ericaceous and orchid mycorrhizas
Most plant species belonging to Ericaceae, including the genera
Rhododendron, Calluna and Vaccinium, form ericoid mycorrhizas.
These plants form delicate roots lacking root hairs and their
c outermost radical cells become heavily colonised by Ascomycota
from the genera Rhizoscyphus and Hymenoschyphus. Orchid
mycorrhizas are established between plant species of the family
Orchidaceae (20 000 to 35 000 species) and several groups of fungi
in the phylum Basidiomycota, as well as some rare Ascomycota.
Diamonds of cuisine
• Mycorrhizas are among the most widespread symbionts in the world.
The They are found in more than 80 % of all plant species and 92evident
% of
fromall their tremendous abundance and diversity. Mycorrhizal
plant families.
fungi are foundcan
• Mycorrhizas in be
terrestrial biomes andasinthey
as biofertilisers association with
increase plant
nutrient uptake (see pages 98-99).
• Many species of ectomycorrhizal
fungi are important culinary
mushrooms and truffles.
Chytridiomycota Blastocladiomycota
Chytridiomycota (chytrids) are characterised by their asexual The Blastocladiomycota (blastoclads) are one of the currently
state, a motile (capable of moving) zoospore with a single recognised phyla within the Fungi kingdom. Blastoclads
whiplash flagellum oriented and located posteriorly [35, 36]. were originally the order Blastocladiales within the phylum
Zoospores are released through an opening in the wall, and Chytridiomycota, until molecular and zoospore structural
their release usually indicates the death of the ‘body’ of fungus, characters were used to demonstrate that it was a group separated
called thallus. They are the only fungi that form flagellate spores. from chytrids. Similar to Chytridiomycota, Blastocladiomycota
Chytridiomycota are typically unicellular, with limited hyphal produce zoospores to colonise new substrates. Furthermore,
growth in some cases. Chytrids require a water film in which members of Blastocladiomycota are capable of decomposing
zoospores can swim until a desirable substrate is found. For this complex materials, such as cellulose and chitin. Of economic
reason, chytrids are usually regarded as aquatic fungi, although importance is Physoderma maydis, a parasite of maize and
those that thrive in the capillary network around soil particles the causal agent of brown spot disease. There is a blastoclad,
are typically considered terrestrial. Approximately 700 species of Sorochytrium milnesiophthora, that is a tardigrade parasite (see
chytrids have been described, including species living in temperate page 44). However, the best known species, belonging to the genus
forest and rainforest soils. Soil chytrids include plant pathogens Catenaria, are nematode parasites. As they are mainly known to
and vectors of plant viruses such as Synchytrium endobioticum, be aquatic fungi, a reliable evaluation of their abundance in soil
which causes the potato wart disease (black scab) and serious is not available.
commercial damage. Some chytrids are nematode (see pages
46-47) and algae parasites. As Chytridiomycota often feed on a
decaying organisms, they are also important decomposers. These b
organisms are responsible for the decomposition of resistent
materials, such as pollen and cellulose. This colonisation of pollen
usually occurs during the spring when bodies of water accumulate
pollen falling from trees and plants. Estimates of the number of
chytrid species occurring in soil are currently unavailable.
Uniqueness of lichens
• Lichens are complex and unique entities with characteristics not
found in either the original fungi or algae. These include slow growth, c
long life, ability to revive from severe desiccation, high habitat
specificity, tolerance to extreme temperatures and the ability to
survive on all types of substrata and habitats.
• Some rock-inhabiting species are among the oldest living organisms
on Earth.
• Lichens are extremely vulnerable to habitat alteration and are
effective ‘early warning indicators’ of environmental changes.
a b c
a b c
a b c d
a b c
Root structure
Observing a cross section of a plant root, the main visible structures are:
• root hair: they have fundamental importance in absorbing water Xylem Epidermis
and nutrients and in attaching the plant to the soil or other growing
surface. They are lateral extensions of a single cell; Phloem Cortex
b 100 µm
100 µm c
Diversity, abundance and biomass
f g
Plant-feeding nematodes
Nematodes puncture the cell walls of plant roots with large hollow
needle-like spears in their mouths and suck out plant nutrients.
Their spears are called stylets and vary in shape. Enzymes, (e.g.
cellulase and chitinase) are injected through the stylets of some
plant parasitic species to help break down cell walls. Other species, Omnivorous nematodes
such as Xiphenema spp., can carry plant viruses in their stylets
These are large free-living soil nematodes (up to 5 mm in length),
and vector the viruses from plant to plant. Plant-feeding nematode
and are omnivorous, using a variety of food sources. They have a
species can be migratory or sedentary, feeding either inside the host
hollow tooth that can pierce other organisms and suck out nutrients.
plant root (endoparasites) or outside the plant root (ectoparasites)
Depending on environmental conditions and food availability, they
and can cause serious economic damage to agricultural crops,
can feed on algal filaments, protists, other nematodes and then,
including citrus, rice, maize, soybean and numerous vegetable crops.
when their primary food sources are unavailable, switch to feeding
The plant parasitic nematodes Meloidogyne and Pratylenchus spp.
on fungal hyphae and bacteria. They often have low reproduction
infect wide ranges of host plants, while Globodera and Heterodera
rates and generally occur in stable habitats, rather than in newly
spp. have more restricted plant host ranges. Crop rotations help
established or disturbed habitats.
avoid damage by the latter two nematode species.
Pharyngeal glands
200 µm
The Enchytraeidae are a family of Annelida (class Oligochaeta),
resembling small white earthworms (1 - 30 mm in length) that
include both terrestrial and aquatic species. Enchytraeids are
identified when alive, since the taxonomy uses external and 100 µm
internal structures, which can be clearly seen only through the
living transparent body. A single sample generally contains about
1 - 15 (rarely more) species. New species are often found; most
subtropical and tropical species are still undescribed.
20 µm
100 µm
Mites (Acari) are an ancient lineage that have been known since
the Devonian period, at least. Traditionally, they belong to the
class Arachnida, together with spiders. There are roughly 40 000
described soil-living species and more than half of them live
on or in the ground. Representatives of both mite superorders
(Acariformes and Parasitiformes) are found in soils. Moreover,
they comprise up to 40 % of all soil microarthropod species. b
Soil mites occupy practically all natural soil substrates and
have a world-wide distribution. They spread across all soil
horizons starting from the surface of the litter down to 2 - 3 m in
mineral soil. Their normal abundance in undisturbed ecosystems 100 µm
varies from a few hundred individuals in the arctic and tropical
deserts up to one million per square metre in temperate mixed
forests. Mites are among the first animals to colonise emerging
mineral and organic substrates. They disperse in various ways,
allowing them to cover large distances. These methods include:
transport on mammals, birds and insects (phoresy), as well as
passive distribution by wind or flowing water. Most mite species 250 µm
are characterised by clearly defined feeding habits, and their
contribution to the cycles of carbon and nitrogen (see pages
104-105) in soil is fairly well quantified. Acariform mites have c
a variety of feeding preferences, from microbes (microbivory)
and the remains of plants and animals (detritophagy) through
omnivory to predation. Parasitiform mites are predominantly
predaceous as they survive by preying on other organisms.
a b
a b
1 mm
c d
200 µm
a b
Taxonomy 100 µm
20 µm
The class Diplura (phylum Arthropoda, superclass Hexapoda)
comprises nine extant families, the main ones being Japygidae
and Campodeidae (each with more than 400 species).
Diplura live in wood, leaf litter, under stones, rocks or logs, on
the surface of, or in deeper layers of soil, in mosses or in termite
and ant nests. Many species are herbivores and detritivores
(feed on decomposing plant and animal parts) and feed on a
wide range of plant material. However, some species have well-
developed mandibles and eat nematodes (see pages 46-47),
small arthropods, enchytraeids (see page 48), etc. They can also
consume fungal mycelia (see box on page 39) and plant detritus.
They are often part of the decomposer community, helping
recycle dead plant material.
Taxonomy Microhabitat
The Pseudoscorpionida or Pseudoscorpiones is a large group Pseudoscorpions live under bark and stones, in leaf litter, in caves,
comprising 27 different families. They are found everywhere, but under rocks on the ground and in soil. They are also often found
their highest diversity is found in the tropics. in moss and lichens, in ant and bee nests and in the burrows of
ground-dwelling mammals. The cosmopolitan species Chelifer
cancroides is often found in houses.
A beetle for a house
• The dispersion of the tropical American pseudoscorpion
Diversity, abundance and biomass
Cordylochernes scorpioides from one tree to another is mediated
Approximately 3 400 species of Pseudoscorpions have been
by the Harlequin beetle Acrocinus longimanus. The males show
described. Their density, in general, is not high (< 300 individuals
territorial behaviour on the back of the beetles and even mate with
females there. per square metre). In some cases they are considered beneficial
to humans as they prey on various pest species; for example,
• Nesticus birsteini (today Carpathonesticus birsteini) distributed in
carpet beetle larvae, ants, mites and booklice. Occasionally
Russia and Georgia, is the only pseudoscorpion to have appeared
on a postage stamp. Pseudoscorpiones may disperse attached to flying insects, birds
and mammals (phoresy).
a b
c d
Ants have been around for over 120 million years. They belong
to the family Formicidae of the order Hymenoptera (the group
containing also bees and wasps).
e f
g h
Microhabitat Many ants are predators or herbivores, but others are omnivorous
(with a diet consisting of a variety of food sources) or specialist
Ant colonies form nests in which the colony lives. In most cases the predators (e.g. on termites). Leaf-cutting ants use leaves as a
colony centre is fixed, but some army ants have no fixed colony substrate for their symbiotic fungus (fungus-growers), which
centre. Ants can have nests that are arboreal (in tree canopies), they use as food source. Ants interact closely with many
epigeic (on the soil surface) or hypogeic (underground). Ants that other organisms and are fundamental for some functions of
nest underground dig tunnels that are interconnected by larger ecosystems; for example, protection of certain plant species (‘ant
chambers, some of which give access to the outside world. The plants’) from herbivory and facilitation of seed germination in
chambers can have specific functions, such as nurseries, larders appropriate locations by carrying them to their nests. Ants also
and rubbish dumps. Among the ants that nest in the ground some play an important role in the maintenance and functioning of
of the most impressive are the leaf-cutter ants, especially in the soils, as they dig tunnels and chambers, thus promoting nutrient
genus Atta, that build very large nests up to 300 m2 in surface cycling through soil bioturbation (the reworking of soil) and water
c area, and excavate a great deal of soil. Atta laevigata nests may infiltration. They produce soil organic debris, thus enabling the
be up to 7 m deep and contain over 7 800 chambers. processes of decomposition performed by fungi (see pages
38-41) and bacteria (see pages 33-35) and increasing the
heterogeneity of the soil resource.
‘Ant cow’ aphids
Diversity, abundance and biomass
• Certain aphid (small sap-sucking insects) species have a symbiotic
relationship (see box on page 33) with various species of ants, which The family Formicidae is subdivided into 22 extant subfamilies,
resembles that of domestic cattle to humans; hence the name ‘ant cow’. 300 genera and 14 000 described species. The diversity of
• The ants tend to the aphids, transporting them to their food plants at species varies among world regions, with peaks in South America,
the appropriate stages of the aphids' life cycle and sheltering their Central and South Africa and Australia. They are dominant
eggs in their nests during the winter. invertebrates in many ecosystems, particularly tropical ones, and
• The aphids, in turn, provide sugary secretions (honeydew) for the occur on all continents except Antarctica. The biomass of ants in
ants to feed on. tropical rainforests is often thought to be greater than that of all
vertebrates in the rainforest combined.
They feed on dead plant material at different stages of decay; for
example, dead wood, dry grass, leaf litter and soil. Some form a
mutualistic relationship with a fungus called Termitomyces that
breaks down dead plant material for the termites, who then eat
parts of the fungus. Because of these food preferences, a few
are serious timber and crop pests. However, most termites have
a generally positive effect on ecosystems, living and feeding in
the soil where they transform its structure, decompose plant
residues, and help stabilise soils. They perform many of the
same functions as earthworms, but the two groups are generally
not found in large numbers together. They are often known as
ecosystem engineers (see box on page 95) as they profoundly
affect the structure of habitats for other organisms, both inside
and outside their nests.
a b
c d
Isopoda is an order of crustaceans (see page 31). The
semi-terrestrial and ‘truly’ terrestrial isopods form a monophyletic
(developed from a single common ancestral form) group (the
suborder Oniscidea), with 3 637 described species.
Numerous morphological, anatomical and physiological
adaptations to the soil environment make isopods the most
successful land inhabitants. Terrestrial isopods occupy essentially
all terrestrial habitats, ranging from the supralittoral (shore of a
lake, sea, or ocean) to the high alpine regions, from the tropics c
to the cold-temperate zones, from wetlands to deserts. They
are crepuscular or nocturnal animals and spend the day mostly
hidden underneath stones, coarse woody or loose bark, or in
crevices, where they can easily be captured. In deserts, species
of the genus Hemilepistus form monogamous (having a single
partner during their lives) relationships and live inside self-
dug burrows essential for their survival. As macro-detritivores,
terrestrial isopods significantly contribute to decomposition
processes through feeding on and digesting leaf litter, dispersing
microbial spores and mediating microbial activity and nutrient
cycles (see pages 102-106). Digestion is supported by microbes
that are ingested together with food. In their gut, isopods can
also develop symbiotic relationships with bacteria, but at least
some part of the cellulose digestion seems to be facilitated by
endogenous enzymes (cellulases). Gut bacterial symbionts live d
protected inside the digestive glands, which enables them to
survive on nutrient-poor diets that are difficult to digest.
Myriapods (phylum Arthropoda, subphylum Myriapoda) are c d
categorised into four classes: Diplopoda (millipedes, 16 orders,
approximately 12 000 species), Chilopoda (centipedes, five orders,
approximately 3 000 species), Pauropoda (two orders, approximately
800 species) and Symphyla (one order, approximately 200
species). The most diverse orders are: Polydesmida (flat-backed
millipedes, 3 500 species) and Geophilomorpha (soil centipedes,
1 300 species).
Generally, myriapods are soil dwellers. Larger species burrow,
while smaller and thinner species use crevices and spaces in the
soil. They can be found in both deep and shallow soil layers. They
all thrive at high humidity, stable temperatures and low ultraviolet
radiation levels; therefore, they are typically found under stones,
logs and barks, and in litter, in tree hollows, stumps and caves.
Some species of millipedes and centipedes can climb trees.
Earthworms belong to the phylum Annelida (class Clitellata,
subclass Oligochaeta). The Oligochaeta contain 10 400 - 11 200
species in approximately 800 genera, and 38 families comprised c d
of approximately 7 000 true earthworms.
Earthworms have been classified into three main functional
groups, each with a preferred habitat:
a. epigeics, which live in the litter layer, a relatively harsh and
exposed environment. They are small and uniformly coloured
worms, pigmented green, blue or reddish depending on
whether they inhabit grassland or forest. They counterbalance
a high mortality rate with high quality food (leaf litter), which
allows them to grow and reproduce rapidly
b. anecics feed on surface litter that they mix with soil. They
live in vertical subterranean tunnels created within the soil.
They are large worms with a dark pigmentation and strong
anterior digging muscles. They are long lived, with low growth e f
and mortality rates
c. endogeics are unpigmented soil-feeding worms that live
entirely within the soil, which is a more buffered and predictable
environment than the leaf litter, but where the quality of
the food is much lower. They have also developed different
ways of exploiting it. They include small filiform earthworms
that selectively ingest fine organic rich soil (polyhumics),
medium-sized ones that ingest soil with no selection
(mesohumics) and the very large ones that live down to a
30 - 60 cm depth where the extremely low quality of their
food is compensated for by steady environmental conditions
In terrestrial environments, many beetles can be found in soil,
humus and leaf litter, under logs or in decomposing wood,
under stones, in dung, carrion and in the fruiting bodies of many
types of fungi (see pages 38-41). Numerous beetles (families
Carabidae, Leiodidae, Staphylinidae and Scarabaeidae) are well
adapted to the soil environment. Some carrion beetles (family
Silphidae) and some dung beetles (family Scarabaeidae) build
nests in the soil, in which they take care of their brood. Some
species, such as some members of the family Staphylinidae, live
solely in caves while others are myrmecophiles (ant lovers) or
termitophiles (termite lovers) as they strikingly resemble ants or
termites (see pages 54-55) and live in their hives.
a b c
d e f
g h i
Hemiptera larvae b b
Cicada nymphs (Hemiptera) may be among the most well-known,
most likely due to their long life in the soil and huge biomass.
They feed by sucking sap from roots and can live in the soil for up
to 17 years. Emergence of over 300 nymphs of periodical cicadas
per square metre represents the highest recorded biomass (up to
4 000 kilos per hectare) for any terrestrial animal.
Lepidoptera larvae show diverse feeding strategies. The majority • Some parasitic species undergo hypermetamorphosis, which refers
to a class of variants of holometabolism. In hypermetamorphosis
feed on green plants. Ghost-moth larvae in Tibet dig soil and
some larval instars (usually the first one) are functionally and
feed on live roots. They are often infected by a caterpillar fungus
morphologically distinct from each other.
(Ophiocordyceps sinensis, Ascomycota) valued in herbal medicine.
• In the beetle family Meloidae, the first instar is called triungulin (as
Some others live in ant colonies, and are fed mouth-to-mouth by
it has three claws on each foot) and actively seeks out prey on which
ants, or feed on residuals of ant food.
subsequent instars feed.
• Triungulin is elongated and flattened and in this form it does not feed.
a When it finds its prey it moults, transforming into a scarabaeiform or
vermiform larva that does not hunt, but feeds.
Neuroptera larvae
• The word ‘metamorphosis’ derives from Greek meta (change) and
morphe (form). Most Neuroptera larvae are predators, with elongated mandibles.
• Metamorphosis refers to a major change in form or structure, By using the mandibles, they catch and pierce prey, and inject
usually associated with the development of the wings. One of the digestive juices. Ant lions (family Myrmeleontidae) create pitfall
most dramatic forms of metamorphosis is the change from the traps, and eat small arthropods that fall in.
immature insect into the adult form.
• Metamorphosis is sometimes accompanied by a change of habitat a
or behaviour.
• In insects there are different types of metamorphosis. The principle
is that metamorphosis is closely linked to wing development;
- ametabolous are wingless insects (apterygota), so they do not
develop wings (no metamorphosis); b
- hemimetabolous insects have wings that develop gradually
(incomplete metamorphosis);
- holometabolous insects have wings that develop during the
pupation period (inactive) where the insect undergoes dramatic
physiological and morphological changes to acquire the wings
and to feed on different things (complete metamorphosis).
• In hemimetabolous insects, immature stages are called nymphs.
Development proceeds in repeated stages of growth and moult
(ecdysis); these stages are called instars. The juvenile forms closely
resemble adults but are smaller and lack adult features, such
as well developed wings and genitals. The differences between
nymphs in different instars are small, often just differences in body
proportions. Examples of the hemimetabolous insects are: aphids,
cicadas and leafhoppers.
• In holometabolous insects, immature stages are called larvae, and
differ markedly from adults. Insects that undergo holometabolism
pass through a larval stage, then enter an inactive state called
pupa, or chrysalis, and finally emerge as adults. Examples of the
holometabolous insects are: beetles, flies, ants and bees.