Comms4 Midterm-Notes 01
Comms4 Midterm-Notes 01
Comms4 Midterm-Notes 01
Antenna System and Design (Midterm Reviewer) accordingly. The energy produced by the magnetic
Characteristic Impedance lines of force collapsing back into the wire tends to
keep the current flowing in the same direction. This
Characteristic Impedance – surge impedance; Z naught represents a certain amount of inductance, which is
(Z0) expressed in microhenrys per unit length. Figure 3-10
Z 0=
√ L
illustrates the inductance and magnetic fields of a
transmission line.
Capacitance of a Transmission Line
L = Inductance per unit length of line
C = Capacitance per unit length of line
Balanced Lines
The more conductors used, the higher the Capacitance also exists between the transmission line
characteristic impedances. wires, as illustrated in figure 3-11. Notice that the two
o 150 ohms and above for balanced transmission parallel wires act as plates of a capacitor and that the
lines; air between them acts as a dielectric. The capacitance
o 150 ohms below (usually 50-75 ohms) for between the wires is usually expressed in picofarads
unbalanced transmission lines per unit length. This electric field between the wires is
similar to the field that exists between the two plates
Propagation Constant – the measure of the change of a capacitor.
undergone by the amplitude and phase of the waves as
it propagates along a medium in a given direction. Leakage Current
Also known as transmission parameter, Since any dielectric, even air, is not a perfect insulator,
transmission function, or propagation a small current known as LEAKAGE CURRENT flows
parameter/coefficient between the two wires. In effect, the insulator acts as
The propagation constant for any conducting lines a resistor, permitting current to pass between the two
(copper lines) can be calculated by relating the wires. Figure 3-13 shows this leakage path as resistors
primary line parameters. in parallel connected between the two lines. This
Where Z = R + iωL is the series impedance of line property is called CONDUCTANCE (G) and is the
per unit length. Y = G + iωC is the shunt admittance opposite of resistance.
of line per unit length.
Conductance of a Transmission Line
Attenuation Constant
The attenuation of an EM wave propagating
through a medium per unit distance from the
Conductance in transmission lines is expressed as the
1 Nepers = 8.686 dB reciprocal of resistance and is usually given in
Phase Constant – represents the change in phase per micromhos per unit length.
unit length along the path travelled by the wave at any
instant and is equal to the real part of the angular
wave number of the wave.
k for coaxial line, which is Polyethylene = 2.3
Phase Velocity – the speed and direction at which the
(common for transmission lines)
phase of a wave propagates through space.
Velocity Factor – purely a factor of the insulating
factor’s relative permittivity (dielectric constant) Transmission Line Constants and Characteristic
It is the ratio of a material’s electric field Impedance Examples
permittivity to that of a pure vacuum. 1. The velocity of propagation in a certain medium is
The velocity of propagation of a solid conductor is 200*10^6 m/s. What is the refractive index? VF =
always less than the speed of light. 0.667
Refraction Index – measure of the bending of a ray of
light when passing from one medium into another.
2. What is the propagation velocity of a signal in a
Snell’s Law - a relationship between the path taken by transmission line whose inductance and
a ray of light in crossing the boundary or surface of capacitance are 5 μH/m and 20 pF/m, respectively?
separation between two contacting substances and What is the index of refraction? Vp = 1*10^8 m/s; n
the refractive index of each. = 2.9979
Willebrord Snell – a Dutch astronomer and
mathematician who discovered the law of refraction.
3. A parallel wire line spaced at 1.27 cm has a
Constants of a Transmission Line diameter of 0.21 cm. What is the characteristic
Resistance of a Transmission Line impedance? Z0 = 298.80 ohms