SSRN Id4413863
SSRN Id4413863
SSRN Id4413863
Abstract— Real Estate industry is dynamic in terms of the systems using the machine learning algorithms with
maximum accuracy. Under the domain of ML and Data
prices being fluctuated regularly. It’s one of the main area to
Science the designing of the real estate price prediction along
apply the machine learning concepts to predict the prices of with the full-fledged website is done. According to the census
real estate depending upon the current situations and make out of 2011 only 80 percent of people own their houses. And only
people based in rural areas own maximum houses but people
maximum accuracy for the same. The research paper mainly
in urban sector only about 69 % own a house. This is due to
focus on to predicting the real valued prices for the places and the raising prices of the properties and vague house prices.
the houses by applying the appropriate ML algorithms. The The main aim to design and develop this model is to produce
price prediction system along with a user-friendly front end
proposed article considers some essential aspects and
that will facilitate the users to choose the desired destination
parameters for calculating the prices of real estate property and get an idea about the price rates. The Analysis that has
Also some more geographical and statistical techniques will be been made in the paper is mainly using the dataset from the
trusted website that gives ample of sample points for better
needed to predict the price of a house. The paper consist how
analysis. One must be aware of the exact price of house
the house pricing model works after using some machine before concluding the deal. As the price of house depends on
learning techniques and algorithms. The use of the dataset in many factors like Area, location, population, size and number
of bedrooms & bathrooms given, parking space, elevator,
the proposed system from the reputed website helps to get the style of construction, balcony space, condition of building,
detailed analysis of the data points. Algorithms like Linear price per square foot etc. The proposed model aims to create
regression and sklearn are used to effectively increase the an accurate result by taking into consideration all different
factors. For House price prediction one can use various
accuracy. During model structure nearly all data similarities prediction models (Machine Learning Models) like support
and cleaning, outlier removal and feature engineering, vector regression, Support vector machine (SVM), Logistic
dimensionality reduction, gridsearchcv for hyperparameter
regression, k-means, artificial neural network etc. House-
pricing model is beneficial for the buyers, property investors,
tuning, k fold cross-validation, etc. are covered. and house builders. This model will be informative and
Keywords— Linear regression model, Python, Machine knowledgeable for the entities related to the real estate and all
Learning, House Price, Decision Tree, Lasso. the stakeholders to evaluate the current market trends and
budget friendly properties. Studies initially concentrated on
analysis of the attributes which influence prices of the houses
based on which model of ML is used and still this article
Introduction The proposed research paper refers to the brings together both predicting house price and attributes
predictions on the recent trends and for the plans of economy. together. For this paper, Bangalore city is taken as an example
The main drive behind the article is prediction of the real because it is Asia's fastest-growing city. The city's growth has
estate prices to build best of the house price prediction already slowed its own economic growth rate and it has gone
Every common man's first desire and need is for real estate II. PROPOSED SYSTEM
property. Investing in the real estate appears to be very The main end or focus of our design is to prognosticate the
profitable as the property rates do not fall steeply. Investing accurate price of the real estate parcels present in India for the
in real estate appears to be difficult task for investors when coming forthcoming times through different
one has to select a new house and predict the price with Algorithms used in the model building are:
minimum difficulty for this there are several factors which
affect the price of a house and all these factors are needed to Linear Regression- It's a supervised literacy fashion and
be taken into consideration to predict the price effectively. responsible for prognosticating the value of variable(Y)
Also building such models for prediction needs much relying on variable(X) which is not dependent [4]. It's the
research and data analysis as many researchers are already relationship between the input( X) and ( Y) [5].
working on it to get the better results.
V. S. Rana, J. Mondal, A. Sharma and I. Kashyap 2020 [5]
Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator- Lasso is
have used various regression algorithms to predict the house
direct regression that considers loss. Loss is a point where
prices, like XG Boost, Decision Tree Regression, SVR, and
data values are diminished towards a central point, like the
Random forest. After applying all these algorithms on to the
mean. The selection operator is an LR technique that also
dataset a comparison for the accuracy is done at the end. From
regularizes functionality, and LASSO stands for least
which the maximum accuracy of 99% given by the decision
absolute shrinkage. It is similar to ridge regression, but it
tree algorithm followed by the XG Boost of 63%, this was
differs in the values of regularization. The absolute values of
purely the experimental analysis by testing various
the sum of the regression coefficients are considered. It even
algorithms models.
sets the coefficients to zero to eliminate all errors. As a result,
T. D. Phan, 2018 [1] is House Price Prediction using machine
lasso regression is used to select features. The lariat
learning algorithms: A case study of Melbourne city,
procedure encourages simple, sparse models (i.e. models
Australia. This is a through case study for analyzing the
with smaller parameters) [6] [7].
dataset to give some useful insights on to the housing industry
of Melbourne city in Australia. They have used various
Decision Tree- It is like linear regression, which is one of the
regression models. Starting with the data reduction to
data mining methods of analyzing multiple variables. It is a
applying PCA (Principal Component Analysis) steps to get
tree that consist of root node which is also called as decision
the optimal solution from the dataset. Then they have applied
node and forms a tree with leaf nodes at the end which helps
SVM (Support Vector Machine) for the competitive
to take the appropriate decision. A sub node is a node with
[3] Nihar Bhagat, Ankit Mohokar and Shreyash Mane. House Price
Forecasting using Data Mining. International Journal of Computer
Fig 4 Correlation Matrix
Applications 152(2):23-26, October 2016.