700-800 SERIES Commercial Gas Valve: Installation Data

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700-800 SERIES
The Robertshaw® 700-800 Series gas controls are bleed gas controlled
diaphragm valves.
The 700-800 thermocouple type diaphragm valves are most commonly
used on commercial water heating equipment in conjunction with the
1352 (CWH-3) bleed gas temperature controllers.
The 700-800 thermopile type diaphragm valves are most commonly
used in commercial cooking applications in conjunction with the 4290
(GS) gas controls.
The 700-800 Series gas valves feature
an automatic pilot valve bleed gas
operator, inlet and outlet screens,
manual gas cock valve, pilot adjusting
key, pilot gas filter and pressure
regulator (optional by model).
Regulated models offer the addi­
tional feature of straight line pressure
regulation allowing applica­tion of the CAUTION
700 diaphragm gas valves to a wide THIS DEVICE SHOULD BE INSTALLED BY A QUALIFIED
range of capacity requirements without TECHNICIAN WITH DUE REGARD FOR SAFETY AS IMPROPER

Turn off gas supply to the equipment before servicing.
1. Pipe or tubing must be clean and free of scale and dirt. Make sure tubing is free of burrs and dirt. Connect pilot tubing into
2. Make sure gas piping is pressure tested before control is connect­ed. control using fitting provided and tighten for gas seal. Do not bend
High pressure can damage control causing a hazardous con­dition. tubing after tightening. Bleed lines must be connected into control as
Do not subject control to more than 1/2 PSI, inlet pressure. shown below.
3. If it is not already installed, a drip leg (sediment trap) must be added
to the gas supply line to the control. (See figure below.) All piping
must comply with local codes and ordinances and with National Fuel
Gas Code (ANSI Z233.1 / NFPA, No. 54).

4. Using pipe thread compound suitable for gas being used, apply a small
amount on the male pipe threads. (Do not use Teflon tape or Teflon
compound.) Leave the first two threads clean. Never use compound
on female threads as it might be pushed into the control body.
5. The gas valve is multiposition and can be mounted in any position
(except upside-down) without affecting its operation.
6. Install gas valve so gas flow conforms with gas flow arrow on bottom
of control.
7. DO NOT insert any object other than suitable pipe or tubing in the
inlet or outlet of this control, internal damage may occur and result
in a hazardous condition. A back-up wrench should only be used on
the wrench boss provided for this purpose (see drawing above right),
never on body of the control, as this could distort the casting. NOTE:
Do not overtighten any pipe connections, as this could crack the
valve body. A valve with a cracked valve body will not be warrantied.
PRESSURE REGULATOR VENT 4. If you don’t smell gas, turn Gas Cock Dial counterclockwise to the
The Robertshaw® 700-800, when equipped with a pressure regulator, “PILOT” position.
has as standard equipment built-in Vent Limiter. The regulator vent is 5. Hold match at pilot burner. WARNING: If pilot lights without depressing
tapped 1/8” tubing if vent tubing is required. CAUTION: If bleed tubing Gas Cock Dial, replace control. Depress and hold Gas Cock Dial while
is used, do not allow main burner or pilot flame impingement on the lighting pilot burner. Allow pilot to burn approximately one minute
tubing as this will eventually cause clogging of the tubing and improper before releasing Gas Cock Dial. If pilot does not remain lit, repeat
regulator operation. If bleed tubing is not used, the regulator vent must operation allowing longer period before releasing Gas Cock Dial.
be properly shielded from moisture. (Adjust pilot, if necessary, as noted under Pilot Burner
Adjustment.) The thermocouple or thermopile may also be
THERMOCOUPLE CONNECTION defective and should be checked out (see SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS).
The thermocouple nut should be started and turned all the way in by
WARNING: If Gas Cock Dial does not pop up when released,
hand. An additional quarter turn with a small (4”) wrench will then be
replace control.
sufficient to set the lock washer. CAUTION: Overtightening may cause
damage to the thermocouple or magnet and is unnecessary. 6. Turn Gas Cock Dial to “ON” position.
7. Set tank thermostat to desired temperature.
WARNING: A gas leak will cause the main burner to stay “on.”
Therefore leak test with a soap solution after installation with main SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS
burner on. Coat pipe and tubing joints, gasket, etc. with soap solution. CAUTION: If control has been exposed to water in any way, it must be
Bubbles indicate leaks. Correct any leaks before leaving the job site. replaced. If gas valve fails to shut off, turn off gas supply. Replace control.


OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS – LIGHTING Use a test meter to perform the following test.
There are three major causes of pilot outage in the automatic pilot
To avoid possible injury, fire and explosion, please read and follow
these precautions and all instructions on appliance before lighting 1. Improper pilot operation.
the pilot. L.P. (Propane) gas is heavier than air and will remain at 2. Low output thermocouple or thermopile.
floor level if there is a leak. Before lighting, sniff at floor level.
If you smell gas, follow these rules: 3. Inoperative automatic pilot magnet.
1. Get all people out of building. Test procedures and steps to follow in checking each component of the
2. DO NOT light matches. DO NOT turn electric lights or switches automatic pilot systems are on pages 2 and 3.
on or off in area. DO NOT use an electric fan to remove gas
from area. NOTE: Replacement safety magnets are no longer available. If testing
indicates a bad safety magnet, replace the complete valve.
3. Shut off gas at the main shutoff or L.P. tank outside of building.
4. Telephone gas company and fire department. Ask instructions.
Before hanging up, give your name, address, and phone number.
DO NOT go back into building. If help is coming wait for them
to arrive.
If L.P. tank runs out of fuel, turn off gas at the appliance.
After L.P. tank is refilled, appliance must be relit according to
manufacturer’s instructions. If the gas control has been exposed
to WATER in any way, DO NOT try to use it. It must be replaced.
DO NOT attempt repair on gas control or appliance.
Tampering is DANGEROUS and voids all warranties.

The Gas Cock Dial must only be operated by hand. DO NOT use
pliers, wrenches or other tools to turn dial. The Gas Cock Dial cannot
be turned to “OFF” position without first depressing dial in “PILOT”
position and then rotating to “OFF.”



Thermocouple Check (except millivolts)

A closed circuit millivolt check is used to check thermocouple output.
This check is performed as follows:
1. Turn tank thermostat to “OFF” or lowest setting. 1. Check for proper pilot operation.
2. Turn Gas Cock Dial to “OFF” position. 2. Use a millivolt meter with a 0-50 millivolt range.
3. WARNING: Wait at least 5 minutes to allow any gas in the combustion
chamber to vent. If you then smell gas in the appliance area or near
the floor, STOP and follow warning instruc­tions above. Failure to do
so may result in fire or explosion.
3. Connect adaptor 10-038 and millivolt meter leads as shown in figure Adjustment of the pressure regulator is not normally necessary since it
below. Be sure connections are snug. is preset at the factory. However, field adjustment may be accom­plished
as follows:
NOTE: Manometer attachment may be accomplished at pressure tap
plug, below control outlet.
1. Manometer or gauge attachment may be accomplished at pres­sure
tap plug.
2. Remove regulator adjustment screw cap (top of regulator).
3. With small screwdriver, rotate adjustment screw clockwise to
4. Follow standard lighting procedure. increase, or counterclockwise to decrease pressure.
5. Check closed circuit thermocouple output. If less than eight
4. Replace regulator adjustment screw cap.
millivolts, replace with a new thermocouple.
6. Repeat standard lighting procedure after thermocouple replacement.
Automatic Pilot Magnet Check (Thermocouple Type) PILOT BURNER ADJUSTMENT
If the closed circuit check shows thermocouple output is greater 1. Remove pilot adjustment cap.
than eight millivolts and pilot will not remain lit when reset button 2. Adjust pilot key to provide properly sized flame on the thermo­couple
is released after initial lighting procedure, check operation of pilot or thermopile. The flame should cover the upper 3/8” of the tip.
magnet as follows: 3. Replace pilot adjustment cap.
1. Adaptor 10-038 should remain connected in system as shown. IMPORTANT: Do not use GAS COCK DIAL to adjust gas output
2. Follow standard lighting procedure and continue holding reset on 7000 models.
button down.
3. Allow thermocouple output to stabilize and note meter reading. SLOW OPENING FEATURE
4. Extinguish pilot by releasing reset button and turning Gas Cock Dial If the replacement unit has a “slow opener” it will be indicated in the
to “OFF” position. factory model number by -S7A, -S7B or -S7C. Example: 7000BGOR-
5. A good magnet should remain locked up for a drop of five millivolts S7B. If original control DID NOT have a slow opening feature and after
or more from the original stabilized reading before releasing. installation of replacement control you encounter ignition problems,
6. If magnet does not operate properly, replace the valve. the “slow opener” can be removed. Proceed as follows:
7. Repeat standard lighting procedure. 1. Shut off gas at line valve or meter.
2. Disconnect the bleed tubing lines (in and out) from the valve
operator. Move them out of the way. NOTE: Mark them so they
REGULATOR CONVERSION OR REPLACEMENT don’t get connected wrong later on.
CAUTION: Main burner and pilot orifices must be changed when 3. Locate the (4) screws that hold the valve operator to the valve body.
regulator is converted from one type gas to another. Remove ALL 4 screws and remove the valve operator and gasket.
4. Locate the “slow opener disc.” See drawing below. Using a sharp,
pointed tool, like an ice pick, stick it into the slow opener disc and
“pop” it out.
5. Reinstall the valve operator and gasket. Reconnect the bleed tubing
lines. Restore gas supply and check for gas leaks. NOTE: A gas leak
WILL CAUSE the main burner to stay on, so check carefully.

1. Depress and turn Gas Cock Dial to “OFF.”

2. Remove two screws, regulator cartridge and gasket.
3. Install new gasket and regulator (this assembly must be posi­tioned
properly). Use new screws supplied with regulator.
4. Relight appliance by following steps 4, 5 and 6 of procedure for
lighting or relighting. (See OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - LIGHTING on
page 2.)
5. Test for leaks around the regulator using soap solution with main
burner “ON.”

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