Kantolovic CV 06042024
Kantolovic CV 06042024
Kantolovic CV 06042024
EDUCATION Ph.D. The Graduate Center, City University of New York Expected defense:
Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences February 2025
Cognito Therapeutics
Boston, MA – Remote, based in New York, NY
Research EEG Technician March 2022 – Present
- Executed EEG data collection procedures as part of a clinical trial examining a non-invasive device-based treatment
for individuals with dementia.
- Documented data collection sessions and encounters with clinical study participants.
- Tested participants enrolling at clinical sites within the Northeast regions and liaising with clinical site staff during
the screening process.
- Responsible for EEG equipment maintenance and technical troubleshooting.
- On an as-needed basis, served as the EEG Supervisor, completing trial documentation and supervising a group of six
EEG technicians.
AWARDS & Dissertation Fellowship, CUNY Graduate Center Fall 2023-Spring 2024
COMPETITIVE Glenis Long Research Design Award, CUNY Graduate Center Spring 2022
FUNDING Doctoral Student Research Grant, CUNY Graduate Center Spring 2020
Moe & Hannah Bergman Scholarship, CUNY Graduate Center Spring 2019
ARTICLES & Goral, M., Antolovic, K., Hejazi, Z., & Schulz, F. (2024). Using a translanguaging framework to examine language
CHAPTERS production in a trilingual person with aphasia. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 1-20.
Antolovic, K., Higby, E., & Obler, L.K. (2023). Mechanisms of cognitive aging in multilingualism. In J. Cabrelli, A.
Chaouch-Orozco, J. González Alonso, S. M. Pereira Soares, E. Puig-Mayenco, & J. Rothman (Eds.), The
Cambridge Handbook of Third Language Acquisition (pp. 606–632). Cambridge University Press.
Strangmann, I. M., Antolovic, K., Hansen, P., & Gramm Simonsen, H. (2023). The cognate continuum: Approaches
to empirically establishing form overlap. Mental Lexicon, 18(3). https://doi.org/10.1075/ml.22018.str
Xie, Z. & Antolovic, K. (2022). Differential impacts of natural L2 immersion and intensive classroom L2 training on
cognitive control. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 75(3).
Bishop, J., Zhou, C., Antolovic, K., Grebe, L., Hwang, K.H., Imaezue, G., Kistanova, E., Lee, K.E., Paulino, K., &
Zhang, S. (2021). Brief report: Autistic traits predict spectral correlates of vowel intelligibility for female speakers.
Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-021-05087-5
*Medrano, F., Antolovic, K., Shafer, V.L. (2024, April). Aging, bilingualism, and inhibitory control: An ERP study of
the N200 and P300 in the Flanker task [Poster presentation]. Student Research Day, The Graduate Center, City
University of New York.
*Marutani, J., Antolovic, K., Shafer, V.L. (2024, April). Aging & spectral power differences during picture naming
[Poster presentation]. Student Research Day, The Graduate Center, City University of New York.
Antolovic, K., Obler, L.K., & Shafer, V.L. (2022, October). Aging & semantic interference during word retrieval: A
syllable-judgment modification of the picture-word interference paradigm [Poster presentation]. International
Conference on the Mental Lexicon. Niagara-on-the-lake, Ontario, Canada.
Schulz, F., Antolovic, K., Hejazi, Z., & Goral, M. (2022, October). Using a translanguaging framework to examine
language production in a trilingual person with aphasia [Poster presentation]. Workshop on Multilingual
Language Acquisition, Processing and Use. London, United Kingdom.
Lopez, C., Antolovic, K., Artzi, H., & Goral, M. (2021, November). Dissociable semantic errors during noun and
verb retrieval: Insights from a Spanish-English speaker with aphasia [Poster presentation]. American Speech and
Hearing Association Convention. Washington, DC.
Strangmann, I., Antolovic, K., Hansen, P., Gram Simonsen, H., Norvik, M., & Obler, L.K. (2020, October).
Continuity of cognates: Approaches to empirically establishing form overlap in data from patients with dementia
and aphasia [Paper presentation]. Closing Seminar for the MultiLing Dementia Project. Oslo, Norway.
Strangmann, I., Antolovic, K., Hansen, P., Bøyum, M., Gram Simonsen, H., & Obler, L.K. (2019, November).
Empirically establishing cognateness [Paper presentation]. Student Research Day, The Graduate Center, City
University of New York.
Antolovic, K. & López, B. (2019, June). Sustaining heritage language literacy through language brokering: A survey of
Spanish-English bilingual brokers [Poster presentation]. International Symposium on Bilingualism. Edmonton,
Strangmann, I., Hansen, P., Antolovic, K., Bøyum, M., Gram Simonsen, H., & Obler, L.K. (2019, June). Empirically
establishing cognateness: Translation elicitation of Norwegian words by English monolinguals [Paper
presentation]. International Symposium on Bilingualism. Edmonton, Canada.
López, B.G., Morales, G., Antolovic, K., & Ramirez, M.C. (2017, November). Cross language activation and idiom
processing: Effects of language brokering [Poster presentation]. Psychonomic Society 58th Annual Meeting.
Vancouver, Canada.
Antolovic, K. & López, B.G. (2017, June). Linguistic repertoire and ethnic identity: A study of language brokering,
code-switching, attitudes, and beliefs [Poster presentation]. International Symposium on Bilingualism. Limerick,
Undergraduate 2024
Jessica Marutani, B.S. Neuroscience/Biochemistry, Hunter College, CUNY
Project: Aging & Spectral Power Differences During Picture Naming
Role: Primary supervisor