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1 Safe and protective learning environment

2.1.2 Maintain safe and protective environment to enhance learning in adherence to relevant
policies and regulations

I. Maintained a checklist.

II. List of appropriate risk mitigation measures in ICT Lab.

Password Policies:
Enforce strong password policies and use multi-factor authentication where possible
Access Control:
Implement strong access controls to restrict physical and logical access to the ICT lab.

Regular Software Updates:

Apply patches and updates promptly to address security vulnerabilities in software and
operating systems.

III. Records of strategies employed to ensure a safe and protective environment as per the school
disaster management policy and classroom rules.

Removing Plug-ins after Use.

Using Back-Up for Smart TV
Covering the PC after Use
IV. Others (Specify and provide annotations).
Preparing a neutral white surface for projection purposes and creating aesthetically pleasing
murals to enhance the visual appeal of the ICT lab.
5.2 Monitoring and evaluation of learner progress and achievement
5.2.2 Monitor and evaluate learner progress and achievement using learner attainment data.
I. Compilation of learners' formative assessment data.

II. Compilation of learners' summative assessment data.

III. Records of analysis of assessment data which indicate monitoring and evaluation of learners' progress
and achievement

IV. Others.
Observed ICT Talent Week and Code Monkey Week to enhance and evaluate the learners’
5.5 Use of assessment data to enhance teaching practice
5.5.2 Utilize assessment data to modify teaching practice as appropriate
I. Classroom Observation Tool (COT), Rating Sheet and/or Inter-Observer Agreement Form about
utilizing assessment data to modify teaching practice as appropriate.

Online Quiz for Sequencing, Objects & Times Loops.

According to the above quiz conducted, the children needs help in understanding the concept of loops.
Therefore I provide practical question regarding different types of loops.
II. Lesson plan that highlights the utilization of assessment data to modify teaching practice as
Modified Lesson Plan that included activity based on loops to have better understanding and hand on

III. Samples of analysis of student assessment data and modifications made in the teaching practice.
Class: 5 Subject: ICT Teacher: Pema Dendup

Level of No of std who No of std who No of std who answered

thanking answered correctly answered Vaguely incorrectly
Recalling 4 3 3
Understanding 4 4 2
Applying 2 5 3
Analyzing 1 4 5
Evaluating 0 6 3
Creating 0 0 10
6.3 Professional reflection and learning
6.3.2 Engage in professional reflection and learning to improve practice.
I. Reflective journals that highlight areas for improvement and strategies used to improve

Based upon the observation and comments for improvement, the following are the strategies
implemented to improve:
1. Strategy to engage everyone in the activity when limited computer.
Rotation Schedule:
Implement a rotation schedule, allowing students to take turns using the computers in a
structured manner. This ensures that each student gets fair access to the available
Collaborative Projects:
Encourage collaborative projects where students can work in pairs or small groups. This
promotes teamwork, and fewer computers can serve more students simultaneously.
Flexible Scheduling:
Implement flexible scheduling, where students can choose optimal times for computer
use based on their project deadlines or specific needs. This allows for better time
management and resource allocation.
2. Creative assessment after the lesson.

Project / Work Presentation (10%):

Each team will present their output to the class. The presentation should cover the
problem addressed, the solution provided, and the technologies utilized, and potential
impact. Evaluation will focus on clarity, creativity, and technical proficiency.
Peer Evaluation (10%):
Implement a peer evaluation component where students provide constructive feedback on
other teams' projects. This encourages reflection, communication, and appreciation of
diverse approaches to ICT problem-solving.

II. Records/certificates of professional engagement and learning.

Completed the digital Teacher (English) Course.
6.5 Professional networks with colleagues
6.5.2 Participate in professional networks to share knowledge and enhance practice.
I. Records/certificates of participating in Professional Learning Community that highlight the
role (as a coordinator, facilitator, or participant) in sharing knowledge and enhancing practice.
Facilitating the Basic ICT course to NFEI
March 7 - 14, 2023

PD programs on AI tool and Chat GPT to teacher for ease their workloads.
Attending Workshop for Mathematics.

- Professional network
A connected community of educators, online such as Linkedin, Telegram, WhatsApp,
FaceBook, that provide teachers with opportunities to develop professional knowledge
and practice.

II. Reflective journals that highlight the enhancement of knowledge and practice from facilitating
or participating in professional networks.
7.1 Engagement of parents and community
7.1.2 Engage parents/guardians and community in the educative process.
I. Records of engaging parents/ guardians and the community that highlight their role in the
educative process of learners.
- Sensitization of Proper use of media and gadgets to P-Primary students and their parents.
- Using social networks (Media Focal for Facebook Page) to connect and collaborate with
Parents/Guardians and stakeholders.
-Manages the Official School Website that serve as a central hub for information,
communication, and resources for students, parents, teachers, and the community.

7.3 School policies and procedures

7.3.2 Consistently comply with school policies and procedures for harmonious relationships with
stakeholders in implementing school programmes.
I. Records of either leading or participating in school programmes verified by supervisor.
Official for Annual School Day

Official for School Marathon

II. Records of roles and responsibilities shouldered that contributed to the implementing of
school programmes.
-Exam Committee
-Health Committee
-Beautification Club Coordinator
-Scout co-leader
-ICT Coordinator
-Sports Committee
-House Parent
-Coordinated the Nation Wide School Art Competition on Ozone Layer.
-Result for Monthly Test
-Time-Table for Examination and Test

Health Committee member

Beautification Club Coordinator.

Scout co-leader.

ICT Coordinator.

Sports Committee
House Parent (Seng)


Competition on Ozone Layer.

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