How To Manage TPS Setups and Data Edits
How To Manage TPS Setups and Data Edits
How To Manage TPS Setups and Data Edits
Version 2.0 - EN
Table of Contents
1. Import data ...................................................................................................................... 3
2. Edit TPS setups ................................................................................................................. 4
3. Edit TPS observations ....................................................................................................... 9
This is a step-by-step tutorial in which you learn how to manage TPS setups and edit data measurements.
TPS data collected from four setups are imported in Infinity along with a control point file. One of these
setups is then sourced to the imported control points and some basic edits are made to a selected
The functionality discussed in this guide requires the TPS Processing license.
1. You need to have a TPS processing license to be able to edit TPS setups that require re-
calculation of stations.
2. The Basic license allows for re-computing the setup backsight orientation only.
The data from the following folders will be used in this tutorial:
• Data\pond_survey_2593_0830_090310\ contains the TPS job
• Data\CONTROLS.txt contains the control points.
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