How To Manage TPS Setups and Data Edits

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Leica Infinity

How to manage TPS setups

and data edits

Version 2.0 - EN
Table of Contents
1. Import data ...................................................................................................................... 3
2. Edit TPS setups ................................................................................................................. 4
3. Edit TPS observations ....................................................................................................... 9


This is a step-by-step tutorial in which you learn how to manage TPS setups and edit data measurements.

TPS data collected from four setups are imported in Infinity along with a control point file. One of these
setups is then sourced to the imported control points and some basic edits are made to a selected

The functionality discussed in this guide requires the TPS Processing license.

1. You need to have a TPS processing license to be able to edit TPS setups that require re-
calculation of stations.
2. The Basic license allows for re-computing the setup backsight orientation only.

The data from the following folders will be used in this tutorial:
• Data\pond_survey_2593_0830_090310\ contains the TPS job
• Data\CONTROLS.txt contains the control points.

Leica Infinity, How to manage TPS setups and data edits 2

1. Import data

1.1 Start Infinity and create a new

project. To import the data, select
Import from the Home ribbon bar.

1.2 To import the data, navigate to the

TPS data folder, highlight the DBX file
“pond_survey” in the Import dialog
and select Import.

• Imported data are shown in

the graphical view.

Leica Infinity, How to manage TPS setups and data edits 3

1.3 To import the control points, select
Import from the ribbon bar and in the
Import dialog find and highlight the
“CONTROLS.txt” file. Use an import
template for the ASCII file type (Point
Id, Easting,Northing,Ortho. Height, all
comma separated) and import the file.

To learn how to create an

import template, refer to “How
to process a traverse” guide.

2. Edit TPS setups

2.1 To view the TPS setups, switch to the

data Inspector, select the TPS tab and
then the TPS Observations by Station
Source tab.

• Four TPS setups are listed in

this view. Note that the Setup
Method column indicates what
kind of setup method was
used on-board for this station.

Leica Infinity, How to manage TPS setups and data edits 4

2.2 To edit setups and make changes to
them, the Setup Wizard is used. To
start the Setup Wizard for a specific
setup, select the edit button
before the station name (R1 in this

The Setup Wizard opens.

2.3 To rename the station, change the

Station Point Source to R1-New. To
proceed to the second page of the
wizard, select Next.

The instrument height can be

also changed, if necessary.

2.4 Verify that points S5 and S6 are used

for the Resection calculation. Then,
select Next.

In case you need to add any

observation from the left to
the right pane, select the
single right arrow.
In case you need to remove
the specific observation from
the right pane, select an
observation from the right
pane and then select the
single left arrow.
In case you need to remove all
Leica Infinity, How to manage TPS setups and data edits 5
observations from the right
pane, select the double left
2.5 In the Target Info, select the edit
button next to S5. Now, replace S5
with the control point S05 that was
imported from the control point file.
Repeat the same procedure to replace
S6 with S06.

• The new coordinates for

station R1-New are calculated.
• The new observation residuals
are now shown for S05 and

In Tolerances, you can define

your own tolerances for the
resection calculation.
A scale factor can be also
calculated from the resection.
In case you need to activate its
calculation, check the Scale
In case you need to apply the
calculated scale factor to all
the observations of the
specific setup, check Apply
scale to observations.

Leica Infinity, How to manage TPS setups and data edits 6

2.6 To close the wizard after you have
viewed the results, select Finish.

• A warning message pops up

informing you of the changes
in the specific setup.

Select OK to close the message and

return to the Inspector.

• The setup is now updated. This

means that the changes that
were made through the Setup
Wizard are now applied not
only to the station but also to
the observations/points that
were measured from it. In
other words, the measured
points will be shifted, rotated
and scaled, according to the
changes that were made to
the setup.
2.7 Select setup S5 from the setups list
and focus on the Property Grid. You
can use the various edit buttons to
perform various changes.

Edit the position source means

that you can source your setup
coordinates to any point in the
Edit the orientation by using
the Setup Wizard means you
can calculate or input a
rotation on the setup. This is
available in the TPS Processing
Edit the station target point
means you can select any
observation from the specific
setup to use it as backsight.
This will affect only the
orientation of the setup and it
is available in both Basic and
TPS Processing licenses.

Leica Infinity, How to manage TPS setups and data edits 7

2.8 To change the setup observation,
select the edit button next to the
Target Point.

• A flyout opens, that contains a

point list.

2.9 To change the setup observation to

point 15, find point 15 in the point list
and select OK.

• The flyout closes.

2.10 To apply the changes, select Apply in

the Property Grid.

• A warning message pops up

informing you of the changes
in the specific setup. Select OK
to close it.
• In the Property Grid, the
Azimuth and the Orientation
Correction update.

The observations that were

made from this setup will
automatically update.
The same logic applies when
editing instrument and target
heights. In this case, only the
height components will

Leica Infinity, How to manage TPS setups and data edits 8

3. Edit TPS observations

3.1 To drill in and view the observations

made from setup S6, use the drill-in
arrow next to this setup.

3.2 Highlight the observation S6154 and

focus on the Property Grid.

3.3 To source the observation to setup

R1-New, select the edit button
(pencil) next to From Station Id. In
the flyout that opens, highlight point
R1-New (Resection) and select OK to
accept the change and close the

After applying this change, the

observation will be removed
from the initial setup and it
will be assigned to the new
one, which was selected from
the flyout.

Leica Infinity, How to manage TPS setups and data edits 9

3.4 Change the Target Height to
“1.4000m” and the Target Type to
“Leica Mini Prism”.

After applying these changes,

the observation and the point
coordinates will be updated.

3.5 Add the following offsets to the


After applying these offsets,

the observation and the point
coordinates will be updated.
Moreover, the observation will
be assigned the offset point
icon .
3.6 Change the Atmos PPM by selecting
the “Calculator” button, next to it.

• A flyout opens, that contains a

calculator for atmospheric

3.7 In the flyout, set the Temperature to

30oC and select OK to close the

• Before closing the flyout you

can observe that the
Atmospheric PPM has already

Leica Infinity, How to manage TPS setups and data edits 10

3.8 Change the Geom PPM by selecting
the “Calculator” button, next to it.

• A flyout opens, that contains a

calculator for geometric ppm.

3.9 In the flyout, set the Scale at CM to

0.9996 and select OK to close the

• Before closing the flyout you

can observe that the
Geometric PPM has already

3.10 To save the changes, select Apply.

Then, move to setup R1-New and find
the observation S6154.

• The observation S6154 has

been updated in both the
Inspector and the Property

Leica Infinity, How to manage TPS setups and data edits 11

Original text
Published in Switzerland
© 2021 Leica Geosystems AG, Heerbrugg, Switzerland

Leica Geosystems AG
CH-9435 Heerbrugg
Phone +41 71 727 31 31

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