55'' Colour TV 55HK6200U: Instruction Manual
55'' Colour TV 55HK6200U: Instruction Manual
55'' Colour TV 55HK6200U: Instruction Manual
55’’ Colour TV
Important - Please read these instructions fully before installing or operating and keep for future
These instructions contain important information which will help you get the best from your
television and ensure safe and correct installation and operation.
For any help concerning set up and use of your TV please call the
Customer Helpline: 0345 604 0105
HDMI cable
Aerial (RF) socket ANT.IN HDMI OUT
• High Definition
Your LCD Television is capable of displaying High Definition pictures from devices such as a High Definition Satellite Receiver or DVD
Device.These devices must be connected via the HDMI socket.
Aerial (RF) socket ...or through a VCR and satellite decoder.
Aerial (RF) Socket
RF Lead
from Satellite TV VCR
Aerial (RF) Socket VCR to VCR
RF Lead to
(RF) connector Aerial
Satellite LNB lead
lead VCR to TV
Aerial (RF) socket ANT.IN
Lead AV-1
RF Lead from AV-2
The leads can be purchased from your Hitachi dealer or any good High Street electrical retailer.
Note: The pos t on of the control button may d ffer depend ng on the model. When finished, highlight Next and press OK to start channel scan.
While the search continues a message may appear, asking whether you want to sort channels
according to the LCN(*). Select Yes and press OK to confirm.
(*) LCN is the Logical Channel Number system that organizes available broadcasts in accordance
with a recognizable channel number sequence (if available).
Operating with the Control Button After the channel scan has been completed the Choose Region menu may appear. Select the
appropriate settings for your location using the directional buttons then press OK.
Press the control button to display the function options menu. After all the available stations are stored, Channels menu will be displayed. You can edit the
Then press the button consecutively to move the focus to the desired option if needed. channel list according to your preferences using the Edit tab options or press the Home button to
quit and watch TV.
Press and hold the button for about 2 seconds to activate the selected option. The icon
Note: Do not turn off the TV while initialising first time installation. Note that, some options may not
colour of the option changes when activated. be available depending on the country selection.
Press the button once again to use the function or enter the sub menu.
To select another function option, you will need to deactivate the last activated option
first. Press and hold the button to deactivate it. The icon colour of the option changes
when deactivated.
To close the function options menu do not press the button for a period of about 5
seconds. The function options menu will disappear.
important note
Once the TV has found all your local stations, they are then automatically assigned a
programme number and name, if available from the broadcast.
English - 7 - English - 8 -
For any help concern ng set up and use of your TV please call the Customer Helpl ne: 0345 604 0105 For any help concern ng set up and use of your TV please call the Customer Helpl ne: 0345 604 0105
States and/or other countries. © DTS, Inc. All Rights
NOTE Reserved.
WARNING WALL MOUNTING WARNINGS Informat on about the operat on and add t onal
Do not ingest the battery, Chemical Burn Hazard • Read the instructions before mounting your TV explanat ons are marked l ke th s. To be aware of
such nformat on s recommended to ensure that the For DTS patents, see http://patents.dts.com.
This TV or the accessories supplied with the TV on the wall.
funct ons can be used opt mally. Manufactured under licence from DTS Licensing
may contain a coin/button cell battery. If the coin/ • The wall mount kit is optional. You can obtain from
Markings on the TV Limited. DTS, the Symbol, DTS and the Symbol
button cell battery is swallowed, it can cause severe your local dealer, if not supplied with your TV. together, Virtual:X, and the DTS Virtual:X logo are
internal burns in just 2 hours and can lead to death. The following symbols are used on the TV as a marker
• Do not install the TV on a ceiling or on an registered trademarks or trademarks of DTS, Inc. in
Keep new and used batteries away from children. inclined wall. for restrictions and precautions and safety instructions. the United States and/or other countries. © DTS, Inc.
If the battery compartment does not close securely, Each explanat on shall be cons dered where the TV All Rights Reserved.
• Use the specified wall mounting screws and other bears related mark ng only. Note such information for
stop using the product and keep it away from accessories.
children. security reasons.
• Tighten the wall mounting screws firmly to Class II Equipment: This TV is designed in
If you think batteries might have been swallowed or prevent the TV from falling. Do not over-tighten
placed inside any part of the body, seek immediate such a way that it does not require a safety
the screws. connection to electrical earth. This product contains technology subject to certain
medical attention.
Hazardous Live Terminal: The marked intellectual property rights of Microsoft. Use or
terminal(s) is/are hazardous live under normal distribution of this technology outside of this product
operating conditions. is prohibited without the appropriate licence(s) from
WARNING WARNING Caution, See Operating Instructions: The
Content owners use Microsoft PlayReady™ content
A TV may fall, causing serious personal injury or Apparatus connected to the protective earthing marked area(s) contain(s) user replaceable
access technology to protect their intellectual property,
death. Many injuries, particularly to children, can of the building installation through the MAINS coin or button cell batteries.
including copyrighted content. This device uses
be avoided by taking simple precautions such as: connection or through other apparatus with a Class 1 Laser Product: PlayReady technology to access PlayReady-protected
connection to protective earthing – and to a TV This TV contains Class 1
• ALWAYS use cabinets or stands or mounting content and/or WMDRM-protected content. If the
distribution system using coaxial cable, may laser source that is safe
methods recommended by the manufacturer of device fails to properly enforce restrictions on content
in some circumstances create a fire hazard. under reasonably
the TV. usage, content owners may require Microsoft to revoke
Connection to a TV distribution system has foreseeable conditions of the device’s ability to consume PlayReady-protected
• ALWAYS use furniture that can safely support therefore to be provided through a device providing operation. content. Revocation should not affect unprotected
the TV. electrical isolation below a certain frequency range
content or content protected by other content access
• ALWAYS ensure the TV is not overhanging the (galvanic isolator).
technologies. Content owners may require you to
edge of the supporting furniture. The llustrat ons and the OSD n th s operat on manual upgrade PlayReady to access their content. If you
• ALWAYS educate children about the dangers of are for explanat on purposes and may vary sl ghtly from decline an upgrade, you will not be able to access
climbing on furniture to reach the TV or its controls. the actual operat ons. TV des gn and spec f cat ons content that requires the upgrade.
may be changed w thout not ce. This product incorporates copyright protection
• ALWAYS route cords and cables connected to Symbols in this Instruction Book
your TV so they cannot be tripped over, pulled technology that is protected by U.S. patents and
The following symbols are used in the Instruction
or grabbed. Licence Notification other intellectual property rights. Use of this copyright
Book as a marker for restrictions and precautions
• NEVER place a television set in an unstable protection technology must be authorised by Rovi
and safety instructions. Note such information for The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia
location. Corporation, and is intended for home and other limited
security reasons. Interface, and the HDMI Logo are trademarks or viewing uses only unless otherwise authorized by Rovi
• NEVER place the TV on tall furniture (for example, registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Corporation. Reverse engineering and disassembly
cupboards or bookcases) without anchoring both are prohibited.
the furniture and the TV to a suitable support. If you do not pay attention to such a marked warning, it
can cause serious injury or death. Note these warnings The “CI Plus” Logo is a trademark of CI Plus LLP.
• NEVER place the TV on cloth or other materials
strictly, in order to ensure a safe operation. This product is protected by certain intellectual property
that may be located between the TV and
supporting furniture. Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. rights of Microsoft Corporation. Use or distribution of
CAUTION Dolby, Dolby Audio, and the double-D symbol such technology outside of this product is prohibited
• NEVER place items that might tempt children to without a licence from Microsoft or an authorised
Such a precaution is marked, you should take up or are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories Licensing
climb, such as toys and remote controls, on the top Microsoft subsidiary.
note, to avoid injury or property damage. Note these Corporation .
of the TV or furniture on which the TV is placed.
instructions strictly, in order to ensure a safe operation. YouTube and the YouTube logo are trademarks of
• The TV is only suitable for mounting at heights
≤2 m. Google Inc.
If the existing TV is going to be retained and For DTS patents, see http://patents.dts.com.
Warnings on the TV and restrictions are displayed like Manufactured under licence from DTS Licensing
relocated, the same considerations as above should this. Read this information strictly in order to operate
be applied. Limited. DTS, the Symbol, DTS and the Symbol
the system correctly and avoid damage. together, DTS-HD, and the DTS-HD logo are registered
trademarks or trademarks of DTS, Inc. in the United
English - 9 - English - 10 -
For any help concern ng set up and use of your TV please call the Customer Helpl ne: 0345 604 0105 For any help concern ng set up and use of your TV please call the Customer Helpl ne: 0345 604 0105
Wireless LAN Transmitter Specifications Disposal Information Remote Control
Frequency Ranges Max Output Power [European Union]
1. Standby: Switches On / Off the TV
These symbols indicate that the electrical and
2400 - 2483.5 MHz (CH1 - CH13) < 100 mW 2. Numeric buttons: Switches the channel, enters
electronic equipment and the battery with this symbol
a number or a letter in the text box on the screen.
5150 - 5250 MHz (CH36 - CH48) < 200 mW should not be disposed of as general household
waste at its end-of-life. Instead, the products should 3. Language: Displays and changes audio/subtitle
5250 - 5350 MHz (CH52 - CH64) < 200 mW language and turns subtitles on or off (digital TV,
be handed over to the applicable collection points for
5470 - 5725 MHz (CH100 - the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment as where available)
< 200 mW
CH140) well as batteries for proper treatment, recovery and 4. Mute: Completely turns off the volume of the TV
recycling in accordance with your national legislation 5. Volume +/-
Country Restrictions
and the Directive 2012/19/EU and 2013/56/EU.
This device is intended for home and office use in 6. Home: Displays TV menu
By disposing of these products correctly, you will help
all EU countries (and other countries following the 7. Guide: Displays the electronic programme guide
to conserve natural resources and will help to prevent
relevant EU directive) without any limitation except 8. Directional buttons: Helps navigate menus,
potential negative effects on the environment and
for the countries mentioned below. content etc. and displays the subpages in TXT
human health which could otherwise be caused by
inappropriate waste handling of these products. mode when pressed Right or Left
Country Restriction
9. OK: Confirms user selections, holds the page (in
General authorisation required for outdoor For more information about collection points and
Bulgaria TXT mode), views Channels menu (DTV mode)
use and public service recycling of these products, please contact your
local municipal office, your household waste disposal
10. Back/Return: Returns to previous screen, previous
If used outside of own premises, general
Italy menu, opens index page (in TXT mode). Quickly
authorisation is required service or the shop where you purchased the TV.
cycles between previous and current channels
In-door use only for 5470 MHz to 5725 Penalties may be applicable for incorrect disposal of
Greece or sources
MHz band this waste, in accordance with national legislation.
11. Netflix: Launches the Netflix application
General authorisation required for network [Business users]
and service supply(not for spectrum) 12. Freeview Play: Connects to the Freeview Play
Radio transmission is prohibited for the
If you wish to dispose of this TV, please contact your platform where you can access available catch-up
Norway geographical area within a radius of 20 km supplier and check the terms and conditions of the TV services
from the centre of Ny-Ålesund purchase contract.
13. Coloured Buttons: Follow the on-screen instruc-
Russian Fed- [Other Countries outside the European Union] tions for coloured button functions
In-door use only
These symbols are only valid in the European Union. 14. Rewind: Moves frames backwards in media such
5 GHz band only for 5180 MHz-5320 as movies
Israel Contact your local authority to learn about disposal
MHz range
and recycling. 15. No function
The requirements for any country may change at any
The TV and packaging should be taken to your local 16. Play: Starts to play selected media
time. It’s recommended that user checks with local
authorities for the current status of their national reg- collection point for recycling. 17. Pause: Pauses the media being played
ulations for 5 GHz wireless LAN’s. Some collection points accept products free of charge. 18. Stop: Stops the media being played
E-Manual Note: The sign Pb below the symbol for batteries 19. Fast Forward: Moves frames forward in media
indicates that this battery contains lead. such as movies
You can find instructions for your TV’s features in the
E-Manual. 20. Prime Video: Launches the Amazon Prime Video
To access the E-Manual, enter Settings menu, select application
Manuals and press OK. For quick access press Menu 21. YouTube: Launches the YouTube application
button and then Info button. 22. Exit: Closes and exits from displayed menus or
By using the directional buttons select a desired returns to previous screen
category. Every category includes different topics. 23. Info: Displays information about on-screen content,
Select a topic and press OK to read instructions. 1. Products shows hidden information (reveal - in TXT mode)
To close the E-Manual screen press the Exit or Menu 2. Battery 24. Source: Shows available broadcast and content
button. sources
Note: Depending on model, your TV may not support
25. Programme +/-
this function. The contents of the E-Manual may vary
according to the model. 26. Text: Displays teletext (where available), press
again to superimpose the teletext over a normal
broadcast picture (mix), turns MHEG services on
and off (where available)
English - 11 - English - 12 -
For any help concern ng set up and use of your TV please call the Customer Helpl ne: 0345 604 0105 For any help concern ng set up and use of your TV please call the Customer Helpl ne: 0345 604 0105
Support Guarantee
Lines open 8am - 7pm Monday to Saturday and 10am - 4pm Sunday • The manufacturer disclaims any liability for the incidental or consequential damages.
• The guarantee is in addition to, and does not diminish your statutory or legal rights.
*Calls to Argos enquiry lines may attract a charge and set up fee from residential
• In the event of a problem with the product with in the guarantee period call the
lines depending on your call plan/tariff. Mobile and other providers costs may vary,
Customer Helpline:0345 604 0105
see www.bt.com/pricing for details.
For Security and training purposes, telephone calls to and from customer service
centres maybe recorded and monitored. Calls from Republic of Ireland will attract Guarantor: Argos Ltd
international call charges. 489 - 499 Avebury Boulevard
Central Milton Keynes
For online detailed guides and further assistance please use the link below
https://www.argos-support.co.uk For online detailed guides and further assistance please use the link below
English - 13 - English - 14 -
For any help concern ng set up and use of your TV please call the Customer Helpl ne: 0345 604 0105 For any help concern ng set up and use of your TV please call the Customer Helpl ne: 0345 604 0105
Sizes (mm) 200 200
min. (mm) 10
>ĞŶŐth (X)
max. (mm) 13
dŚƌĞĂĚ;zͿ M6
Hereby, HITACHI Europe Ltd., declares that the radio equipment type TV is in compliance
with Directive 2014/53/EU. The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at
the following internet address: https://estadoc.hitachi.eu/estadoc/index.htm
Hitachi Europe Ltd. Sefton Park, Bells Hill, Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire SL2 4HD
TV Broadcasting
Receiving Channels
Fully ntegrated d g tal
terrestr al-cable TV
Digital Reception
(DVB-T2 compl ant)
Number of Preset
Channel Indicator On Screen Display
RF Aerial Input 75 Ohm (unbalanced)
Operating Voltage 220-240V AC, 50Hz.
DTS Virtual:X
Audio Output Power
2 x 10
(WRMS.) (10% THD)
Power Consumption (W) 140
Networked Standby (W) <2
TV Dimensions DxLxH
240 x 1243 x 755
(with stand) (mm)
TV Dimensions DxLxH
53/82 x 1243 x 720
(without stand) (mm)
D splay 55”
Operation temperature 0ºC up to 40ºC, 85%
and operation humidity humidity max
English - 15 -
For any help concern ng set up and use of your TV please call the Customer Helpl ne: 0345 604 0105
Manufacturer & importer
Hitachi Europe Ltd.,
Sefton Park, Bells Hill,
Stoke Poges,
Buckinghamshire SL2 4HD