Detailed Lesson Plan in Music 3

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Music 5

School: Holy Trinity University Grade: 5

Teacher’s Name: Joshua Anne C. Learning Area: Music
Teaching date and time: November Quarter: 3RD
Content Standards: Demonstrates understanding of the
different instruments used in the Orchestra
Performance standards:
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students will
be able to:

1. Identify the different instruments

used in the Orchestra
2. Present the 4 main families of the
3. Appreciate the importance of every
instrument used in the Orchestra


TOPIC: Orchestra (Group/Families of Musical Instrument)

A. References Curriculum guide
B: Other Resources Laptop, Projector, Book



Everyone please stand, who wants to lead (The students will stand and some
the prayer? will volunteer to lead the prayer)
(The teacher will call a student to lead the
Jessica, please lead the prayer

Good morning, class! Before you take Good morning, teacher!

your seat, please pick up the pieces of paper and (The students will pick the pieces of
arrange your chairs accordingly. paper and arrange their chairs)



Before I present our new lesson, let’s have a brief

review about our lesson last meeting.

Who can remember our lesson last meeting?

(The students will raise their hands)
Yes, Mayrisa?
Teacher, our topic last meeting is
about Pitch.
Pitch is how high or low the sound
Very good, Mayrisa. Give her a Wow Clap. is, it changes with the different
frequencies of the sounds.
Can you give me an example of high-pitched (Her classmates will give her a Wow
sound? Clap)

Can you give me an example of low-pitched sound?

(The students’ will raise their hands
Very good! you really understand our lesson last and give examples)
meeting. Let us now proceed to our new topic. Are
you ready class?

Here are the jumbled letters, who wants to guess Yes, teacher.
the word?

(The students who want to answer will raise their




Before we start our new lesson, I am going to

present to you our object for today’s lesson.
Who wants to read the objectives?

Lilu, please read the objectives.

(The students will raise their hands)
1. Identify the different instruments
used in the Orchestra Lilu:
2. Present the 4 main families of the 1. Identify the different
Orchestra instruments used in the
3. Appreciate the importance of every Orchestra
instrument used in the Orchestra 2. Present the 4 main
families of the Orchestra.
Thank you, Lilu. 3. Appreciate the
importance of every
That’s our objectives. We will now begin our instrument used in the
lesson. Orchestra

Alright class before we proceed to our discussion

for today, I am going to show a video. Please be
quiet and watch attentively. (The students will watch the video
being presented.)

Alright class, what have you noticed in the video?

Any observations?
(The students who wants to answer
will raise their hands)

Yes, Marielle?

Yes, Jessica? Marielle: Group of people playing


How about you Hamida? Jessica: They were using different

kinds of instruments
Thank you, class. Give yourself 5 claps. Hamida: A person was commanding
the musicians.
PRACTICING SKILLS (They will clap their hands.)

If you hear the word “ORCHESTRA” what comes

to your mind?

Yes, Jayari?

How about you, Mayrisa?

Musical instruments? Like violin.
Thank you. Yes, Orchestra is a large instrumental
ensemble typical of classical music, which Group of people playing music
combines instruments from different families. together.

(The students will listen to the



It is usually led by a conductor who directs the (The students will listen to the
performance with movements of the hands and arms, teacher)
often made easier for the musicians to see by using a
short wooden rod known as a conductor's baton. The
conductor unifies the orchestra, sets the tempo, and
shapes the sound of the ensemble.


In Orchestra, there are four families of musical


The Strings, Woodwinds, Brass, and Percussions.

The Strings. Who wants to read the slide?

(The students will volunteer)
Yes, Jessica?
A string is the vibrating
element that produces sound in
string instruments such as the
guitar, harp, piano, and members
of the violin family. Strings are
lengths of a flexible material that
a musical instrument holds under
tension so that they can vibrate
Thank you, Jessica. freely, but controllably.

Can anyone give me an example of a string


Yes, Lilu?

Lilu: Guitar


Yes, Cherry? Jayari: Violin

Thank you. Those are the few examples of string Cherry: Cello

The Violin, Viola, Guitar, Cello, Double Bass, Harp

(The students will anwers)

Cherry Anne:
Does anyone here know how to play one of these
The instruments in
this family all used to be made of
wood, which gives them their
The next one is the Woodwinds Family of
name. Today, they are made of
wood, metal, plastic or some
combination. They are all
Please read the definition of woodwinds Cherry Ann.
basically narrow cylinders or
pipes, with holes, an opening at
the bottom end and a mouthpiece
at the top. You play them by
blowing air through the
mouthpiece (that's the "wind" in
"woodwind") and opening or
closing the holes with your fingers
to change the pitch. Metal caps
called keys cover the holes of
most woodwind instruments.

(The students will give examples)

Thank you, Cherry Ann.

Can anyone give me an example of a woodwinds


Very Good, class!

This family of
instruments can play louder than
any other in the orchestra and can
also be heard from far away.
Although their early ancestors are
These are the woodwinds instruments. known to have been made of
wood, tusks, animal horns or
The next is the Brass Family of Instruments. shells, today's modern instruments
are made entirely of brass. Brass
Please read the definition of Brass instruments, instruments are essentially very
Marielle. long pipes that widen at their ends
into a bell-like shape. The pipes
have been curved and twisted into
different shapes to make them
easier to hold and play.

Thank you, Marielle.

If you think the brass family got its name because the
instruments are made of brass, you're right!

In the picture are the examples of Brass instruments

The percussion family is
the largest in the orchestra.
Percussion instruments include
any instrument that makes a sound
when it is hit, shaken, or scraped.
It's not easy to be a percussionist
because it takes a lot of practice to
hit an instrument with the right
amount of strength, in the right
place and at the right time.
The last family of instruments in the Orchestra is the
Percussions Family of instruments.

Please read the definition of Percussion Instruments,


Thank you, Hamida.

Some percussion instruments are tuned and can sound

different notes, like the xylophone, timpani or piano,
and some are untuned with no definite pitch, like
the bass drum, cymbals or castanets. Percussion
instruments keep the rhythm, make special sounds and
add excitement and color. Unlike most of the other
players in the orchestra, a percussionist will usually
play many different instruments in one piece of
The most common percussion instruments in
the orchestra includes
the timpani, xylophone, cymbals,
triangle, snare drum, bass
drum, tambourine, maracas,
gongs, chimes, celesta, and piano.


Let’s remember that an Orchestra is a large musical

ensemble, which combines instruments from different
families. It is led by a conductor.
(The students will get ½ sheet of
And that there are FOUR Families of Instruments in paper and will quietly answer the
the Orchestra. questions being flashed in the
a. Strings
b. Woodwinds
c. Brass
d. Percussions

Yes, teacher!

H. DEVELOPING MASTERY (LEADS TO The student who volunteered will

INFORMATIVE ASSESSMENT). share what she/he have learned
during the discussion.
I think you all understand our lesson and you’re ready
for our quiz. Please get ½ crosswise and answer the The students will start counting.
following questions.


1. How many families of instruments are there in

the Orchestra?
2. The orchestra is being led by who?
3. The piano belongs to what family of
4. Give 3 instruments that belong to the Brass
5. Give 3 instruments that belong to the
Woodwinds family.


Did you understand our lesson today?

Who wants to share what she/he learned in our


We will have an activity. I need two groups, please

count 1 and 2.

All 1 please on the right side and all 2 please on the

left. Yes, teacher.

In our activity I want you to roleplay the Orchestra.

The proper positioning of the group of instruments
and the conductor. Perform a song, 2 mins is the
maximum. We don’t have the instruments so please
try to copy the instruments using your voice.

Perform it in the front.

All will stand and Cherry Ann

will lead the prayer.
Here is the rubric for your activity.

RUBRIC Goodbye, Ma’am!

Proper Positioning
Expression 15%
Creativity 30%
Effort 15%
Members participation 10%
Total 100%

Did you learn and understand our lesson, class?

Very good!

For our additional activity please write an essay about

Orchestra. What have you learned, what have you
discovered and what are your insights. Write it in a 1
whole sheet of paper.

Please all stand and Cherry Ann please lead the

closing prayer.

Thank you and Goodbye, class!

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