Grade 4, Barani

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching Music 4

1. Objectives

At the end of 60 minutes period with the aid of visual presentation, pupils should be able to attain the
75% level of proficiency;

a. Identify the different string instruments;

b. Write the name of the different instrument/chordophone; and

c. Participate actively in class activities.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: The Group of String Instrument/Chordophone

Reference: Musika at Sining 4, page 82-85

Materials: Visual Aid, laptop, video, music, pictures

Value: cooperation

III. Procedure

Teachers Activity Pupils Activity

A. Preparatory/Introductory Activity

a. Prayer

Everyone please stand for our opening prayer. Yes, teacher.

May I request someone to please lead the prayer.


Please take your seats now.

b. Greetings

Good afternoon my grade 4 pupils!

How are you today? Good afternoon, teacher.

That's good to hear. We're fine/good, teacher.
Yes, teacher.
c. Attendance Checking

Please raise your hand when your name is being called.

And say present if you're here.

(after checking the attendance)

Very good everyone. You are all present. Give

yourselves a durian clap. Do it 3 times.

1. Drill

May I request everyone to please stand.

In this afternoon we are going to sing Paru-parong

Bukid. Do love to sing?

Alright! Let's sing it together.

(playing the song Paru-Parong Bukid)

2. Review

Before we proceed to our new discussion. Let's check

your memory if can still remember our last discussion.

Who can tell me what is timbre? Yes, Lara.

Yes, teacher.

Timbre refers to the quality of a sound made by a

That's correct! What is the highest and lowest female
particular voice or musical instrument.
voice? Yes, Janelle.

Very good! What about the male highest and lowest

voice? Yes, Jonna. Soprano is the highest female voice. Alto for the lowest
female voice.

The highest male voice is called tenor. While the lowest

That's right! What is the middle voice for the male and
male voice is called bass.
female? Yes, Jolina.

The middle voice for the female is called Mezzo

Very good everyone! You have that sharp memory. Now
Soprano. While for the male voice is called baritone.
stamp your feet two times and a clap two times then
say Hooray.

B. Developmental/Interaction Activities

1. New Lesson
a. Motivation

Class, are you familiar with the song "Oh,

Who can Play?"

Alright! Now, let's watch, listen, and sing this song. Are Yes/No, teacher.
you excited to hear and sing the "Oh, who can play?"

That's good to hear!

(Playing the song)

Based from the song we played. Do you have any idea

what will be our topic this afternoon?

Yes, Rodelyn. What is your idea of our new topic this

Yes, teacher.
Thank you, Rodelyn.
Our topic this afternoon is about playing different string
2. Presentation instruments.

Class, this afternoon we will be tackling about the group

of string instruments/chordophone.

(The teacher will read the objectives to the pupils)

2.1 Setting of standards

Before we start our new discussion. Can you tell me

what is our rules? We have four rules in class. Yes,

Very good. What else?

What else? Yes, Marissa. We have to sit properly, teacher.

Lastly, we have to? Listen carefully

Alright! Can I expect all of that from you? Raise your right if you have something to say.

3. Discussion Respect each other.

I want everyone to prepare your pencil/ballpen for our

activity this afternoon.
Yes, teacher.
Earlier, we sang the song "Oh, Who can Play". Now, I
want you to list all the instruments you noticed from
that song. Is it clear?
(pupils preparing their ballpens/pencils and papers)
Great! I will give you three minutes to list the
instruments you have noticed. Yes, teacher.

Time is up. Now, let's watch the instruments you have

listed. You have to listen carefully to the sound.
(Pupils listing the instrument they noticed)
(After letting the pupils watch the instruments they
have listed, the teacher will group her pupils using the
teacher chosen.)
(Pupils listening to the instruments. they've listed)
Now that you're done listening the instruments. I will
Yes, teacher
group you into three.

Janelle, Jonna, and Lara please stand. Here's the list of

your members. Yes/No, teacher.

Your task is to identify the different string instruments

by naming it. Each group will be given pictures, scotch
tape, manila paper, and marker.

I will give you enough time to do your task. Are there

any clarifications/questions regarding with the task I

Alright! The timer starts now. (Each group is doing the task)

Time's upl May I request each team leader to display

your work in the blackboard.
Yes, teacher.
Based on the activity I have given, what group of
instrument did you worked on? Yes, Lara.

Very good. In naming of string instruments, what did

you do to identify its names? Yes, Irene from the group
of Jonna.

What else? Yes, Janelle.

The string instruments, teacher.

Through listening to the sounds of each instruments.

What did you notice about the sound created by large

instrument? Through analyzing the sounds make by the large
instruments and small instruments we identified its

Alright, how about the sound created by the small

The sound created by the large instrument is full and
Very good everyone! An object when hit or struck or moderate.
plucked will vibrate which create a sound. The actual
frequency is dependent upon the properties of the The sound created by the small instrument is thin and
material the object is made of and the length of the sound.

Alright! In a count of three let's all say Hooray.


A string is made up of stringed instrument. This is also

called a chordophone that is played by strumming,
plucking, and bowing.

(The teacher will present the different string

instruments through giving the name and its sound.)

(Showing and playing the Viola)

The viola is a string instrument that is bowed, plucked,

or played with varying techniques. Slightly larger than
violin, it has a lower and deeper sound.

(Showing and playing the Violin)

It is sometimes known as a fiddle, is a wooden

chordophone in the violin family. A smallest and thus
high pitched instrument in the family regularly use.

(Showing and playing the Cello)

Cello is a bass instrument of the violin family, held

upright on the floor between the legs of the seated

(Showing and playing the Bajo de Cara)

It is the largest among the instruments in most stringed

ensembles-evident by its thick strings, large body, and
low tones. Also plays the bass part of the musical piece.

(Showing and playing the Kudyapi)

Its classification falls under the chordophone family and

is considered as a two stringed boat lute. This
instrument is made out of wood with one string used
for melody and the other from the drone.

(Showing and playing the Rondalla)

It ensembles of stringed instruments played with the

plectrum or pick and generally known as plectrum

(Showing and playing the Hegelung)

It is a two strings run the length of the instrument from

the neck up to the body at the end of which is a bridge.
The instrument is tall and slender, with nine frets. One
string is used as drone, and the other for melodic

Alright! Is there any clarifications regarding with the

topic I have discussed?

May I request everyone to please stand.

Alright. Now stamp your feet two times and say darna.

Thank you everyone. You can now take your seats.

C. Concluding/Integration Activities

1. Generalization

What are string instruments?

Yes,, teacher.

Who can give me examples of string instruments? Yes, teacher.


String instruments are instruments made up of strings.

It is also called chordphones that is played by
2. Valuing
strumming, plucking, and bowing.
What did you do to make your activity successful? Yes,
Violin Viola
That's right! To make an activity successful we need to
participate. What else? Bajo de Arco

That's correct. But why do you think cooperation is Kudyapi

important in every activity?
Also, through cooperation your activity will have a good Rondalla
If you wanted to join a string instrument player, what
instrument would you like to play? And Why?

3. Application

Now, we will have an individual activity.

Directions: Find and circle the name of the instruments

in the puzzle and write it on the space provided.
To make our activity successful we participate with each
(Show puzzle) other, teacher.

_____1. (Picture of Cello) Through cooperation, teacher.

_____2. (Picture of kudyapi)

_____3. (Picture of Viola) Cooperation is important in every activ so the task can
be completed easily.
_____4. (Picture of Badjo de Arco)

_____5. (Picture of Rondalla)

The pupils will answer the string instrument they want
_____6. (Picture of Hegelung) to play and will explain why they choose it.)

_____7. (Picture of Violin)

IV. Evaluation

Directions: Give what is asked in each item. Write your answer in the space provided.

1. String instruments are also called

2-4. A string instruments or chordophone is played by:

5-10.Give at least six examples of string instruments.

V. Assignment

Directions: Make a guitar made of shoe box and thick rubber. Notice what the resonator and string have
to do when its tuning.

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