Grade 4, Barani
Grade 4, Barani
Grade 4, Barani
1. Objectives
At the end of 60 minutes period with the aid of visual presentation, pupils should be able to attain the
75% level of proficiency;
Value: cooperation
III. Procedure
A. Preparatory/Introductory Activity
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
1. Drill
2. Review
B. Developmental/Interaction Activities
1. New Lesson
a. Motivation
Alright! Now, let's watch, listen, and sing this song. Are Yes/No, teacher.
you excited to hear and sing the "Oh, who can play?"
Alright! Can I expect all of that from you? Raise your right if you have something to say.
Alright! The timer starts now. (Each group is doing the task)
Alright. Now stamp your feet two times and say darna.
C. Concluding/Integration Activities
1. Generalization
Yes,, teacher.
3. Application
_____3. (Picture of Viola) Cooperation is important in every activ so the task can
be completed easily.
_____4. (Picture of Badjo de Arco)
IV. Evaluation
Directions: Give what is asked in each item. Write your answer in the space provided.
V. Assignment
Directions: Make a guitar made of shoe box and thick rubber. Notice what the resonator and string have
to do when its tuning.