Gupta 2016

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JMEPEG ASM International

DOI: 10.1007/s11665-016-1993-8 1059-9495/$19.00

Study on Variants of Solution Treatment and Aging Cycle

of Titanium Alloy Ti6Al4V
R.K. Gupta, V. Anil Kumar, and Sumit Chhangani

(Submitted December 9, 2015; in revised form January 30, 2016)

Ti6Al4V with two different chemical compositions, one rich and the other lean in a-stabilizer oxygen were
selected to study the effect of quench severity during solution treatment and their aging response. These two
coupons were taken from two differently processed wrought products viz. rolled ring and closed die forging.
The coupons were then subjected to solution treatment followed by employing different cooling rates to
vary the quench severity and different aging treatments by changing the aging temperature and time. The
microstructure and mechanical properties thus obtained are correlated with respect to the heat treatment
conditions. It is noted that there is a significant increase in strength of the alloy retaining the ductility when
it is aged in the aging temperature regime of 550-650 °C and time of 8 h. Role of higher oxygen content is
noted, which is more pronounced with higher severity of quench (by water quenching). Specimens rep-
resentative of different heat treatment conditions were characterized using optical microscope, electron
back-scattered diffraction, and electron microscope. The presence of martensitic (a¢) structure along with
uniform distribution of fine primary a, secondary a precipitates and refined b-grains, twins in the
microstructure helps in improving the strength of the material. Also, during high temperature aging of
700 °C, which incidentally falls in the range of annealing temperature of the alloy, overaging occurs which
is similar to effect of annealing and hence retains the ductility as well.

quench severity play a very important role in achieving the

Keywords EBSD, heat treatment, solution treatment and aging,
TEM, titanium required mechanical properties in STA condition, due to
effective heat transfer from the quenched section (Ref 1–3).
As the section thickness increases, heat extraction is slowed
down. The lower thermal conductivity of the titanium alloy
further aggravates this problem.
1. Introduction It is reported that, the mechanical properties of titanium
alloys are determined primarily by the morphology and volume
fraction of the two phases, a and b. Also the processing
High strength to weight ratio (specific strength) is the
conditions, which result in significant refinement in the
primary requirement of aerospace materials. Titanium alloy
microstructure, also lead to improvement in mechanical
Ti6Al4V is the most promising work-horse aerospace alloy due
properties. In the heat treatment of Ti6Al4V alloy within a-b
to its high specific strength, weldability, and compatibility with
phase field, a phase in a/b alloys does not transform during
propellants. The alloy is used for the fabrication of propellant
cooling to room temperature. However, a more complex
tanks of launch vehicles and satellites. Propellant tanks are
relationship exists, which is dependent upon the transformation
realized through electron beam welding of domes and rings.
of b to the martensitic form of a-phase, designated as a¢ (Ref 1,
These rings and domes are used in two different heat-treated
2). For low concentrations of solute, some strengthening occurs
conditions, i.e., annealed or solution-treated and aged (STA). In
as a result of this transformation, but the effect is much less
STA condition, the mechanical properties of the alloy are
than that traditionally found for martensitic reactions in ferrous
reported to be almost 20% higher than that in annealed
materials. Moreover, little change occurs when martensitic a¢ is
condition. However, the STA response of the alloy is a function
aged. The maximum strength obtainable from the a¢ to a
of chemical composition as well as heat treatment parameters.
transformation occurs at a composition for which the martensite
Process technology for annealed rings is relatively simpler and
finish (Mf) temperature corresponds to room temperature. Alloy
well established. However, process technology for STA rings is
with chemical compositions richer in a-stabilizers like Al and
more complicated and requires optimization of several param-
O2 leading to presence of higher a¢ provides the maximum
eters to achieve the mechanical properties especially in thicker
response to strengthening, after the quenched alloys are aged to
sections. Therefore, a systematic study has been carried out to
decompose the retained a¢. However, only a few compositions
optimize process parameters right from the alloy-making
can sustain these levels of strength in thick sections because of
process to final heat treatment operation. It is reported that
hardenability limitations on quenching which are aggravated by
the ruling section thickness of the material and quenching/
the low thermal conductivity of titanium.
Ms temperature of this alloy is 815 C and hence, at any
R.K. Gupta and V. Anil Kumar, Materials and Mechanical Entity, point of time during quenching, the temperature of the material
Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, ISRO, Trivandrum, India; should not fall below this temperature, so as to retain a¢ phase
and Sumit Chhangani, Department of Metallurgical Engineering after solution treatment. Another important consideration is that
and Materials Science, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India. Contact e-mails: the mechanical properties in STA condition are affected by rate and

Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance

of cooling/severity of quenching also. Since the thermal Within the permitted limit of oxygen 0.2%, the alloys were
conductivity of titanium alloy is poor in general, the effective selected, so as to have composition of one alloy near the upper
rate of cooling at the core of the section thickness is reduced limit of oxygen (rich) and another alloy with lower (lean)
(Ref 3–5). Therefore, heat treatment should take care of oxygen content for a comparative study. Since oxygen is an
decrease in rate of cooling due to increase in section thickness, alpha phase stabilizer, it helps in promoting the formation of
by changing the quenching medium along with control of intermetallics by restricting the solubility limit of aluminum in
quench delay. This will help in achieving the desired volume the alpha phase of titanium (Ref 1). The intermetallics thus
percentage of a¢ and will result in desired mechanical formed are the strengthening agents in this alloy in STA
properties. Extensive studies have been carried out on Ti alloys condition.
to devise and suggest an optimum treatment (Ref 6–10). Chemical composition of the alloy was analyzed through
However, achieving the properties in thick section has not been optical emission spectroscopy method. Oxygen was analyzed
addressed earlier adequately. through Leco method and Hydrogen and Nitrogen were
Considering all these factors, heat treatment process has analyzed using CHN analyzer.
been studied by employing different quench severities during Mechanical properties were evaluated by taking samples
solution treatment, different aging temperatures, and durations. from the closed die forgings as well as from the rolled rings.
This paper presents the details of the studies carried out to Tensile testing was carried out as per ASTM E8M. Samples
obtain maximum strength and optimum ductility in STA were taken from the different heat-treated conditions shown in
condition in alloys rich and lean in a-stabilizers. Extensive Table 2. Conventional polishing technique was employed for
analysis were carried out on samples subjected to different heat specimen preparation to carry out optical microstructure
treatment conditions using optical as well as electron micro- analysis. Polished specimens were etched using KrollÕs reagent
scope involving scanning electron microscope (SEM), electron and observed under Olympus make optical microscope.
back-scattered diffraction (EBSD), and transmission electron Fracture analysis of a few representative broken tensile-
microscope (TEM). Optimum heat treatment cycles capable of tested specimens was carried out under Environmental Scan-
achieving mechanical properties specified for STA condition ning Electron Microscope model INCA Penta FET X3 with
have been suggested based on this study. EDS of Oxford ZEISS EVO 50. Phillips make CM 200,
200 kV high-resolution transmission electron microscope
(HRTEM) was used for further analysis of a few heat-treated
2. Experimental For EBSD, the samples were polished by conventional
mechanical polishing followed by polishing using diamond
2.1 Processing paste and colloidal silica of 0.5 microns. These samples were
Titanium alloy Ti6Al4V was melted using vacuum arc then electro polished using Struers Lectropol-5 make electro
remelting process (VAR) using cold-compacted electrode and polishing machine at voltage of 26 V for 10 s using 20%
remelted through the same process to control the gaseous perchloric acid and 80% methanol mixture at 5 C. EBSD of
content and impurities in the ingot cast in a water cooled copper the samples was conducted on scan area of 150 mi-
crucible. The procedure of alloying additions, mixing and cron 9 200 micron and step size of 0.5 microns using FEI-
preparation/compaction of the electrode, plasma welding of the make Quanta 30 KV FEG SEM. The EBSD data thus obtained
compacts required for VAR melting and the VAR melting was analyzed using TSL-OIM software.
process are discussed in detail (Ref 11, 12). Cast ingot was
forged to obtain the required size of blocks. Sufficient 2.3 Heat Treatment
mechanical working (upsetting and drawing) was imparted to The recommended STA heat treatment cycle for Ti6Al4V
ensure good response to subsequent heat treatment. The effect has been given as 850-930 C followed by water quenching
of hot working on the microstructure in titanium alloys has and aging at 450-600 C for 2-6 h followed by air cooling (Ref
been discussed (Ref 13). The coupons for the current study 6). Studies have been carried out in Ti6Al4V composites by
were in the form of rolled ring and closed die forged dome and employing a solution treatment just below the bT of the alloy
will be designated henceforth as ÔRÕ and ÔF,Õ respectively. and aging temperature of 500-700 C and time up to 6 h. (Ref
Samples from these coupons were heat treated to different STA 7). Similar studies have been taken up to study the effect of
conditions. microstructure on the mechanical properties with solution
treatment and aging in Ti-4.5Al-3V-2Mo-2Fe alloy (Ref 14).
2.2 Chemical Composition Similar cycles of solution treatment and aging (STA) were
Two different alloys were selected for the STA study and the adopted over a wider range in this study. The role of quench
chemical composition of the same are presented in Table 1. severity as shown in Table 2 also has been studied by air

Table 1 Chemical composition of different melts of Ti6Al4V used in this study

Elements Al V Fe O N H C Ti

Spec. 5.5–6.75 3.5–4.5 <0.3 <0.2 <0.05 <0.0125 <0.08 Bal.

Melt No.
R 6.19 3.92 0.15 0.1777 50 95 0.015 Bal.
F 6.15 3.96 0.02 0.1477 79 43 0.01 Bal.

Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance

Table 2 Various heat treatment cycles employed in this study
Sl. No. Heat treatment cycle- code Solution treatment Aging cycle

1 F1/R1 950 C/1 h—air cooling 700 C/4 h—air cooling

2 F2/R2 700 C/8 h—air cooling
3 F3/R3 550 C/4 h—air cooling
4 F4/R4 550 C/8 h—air cooling
5 F5/R5 950 C/1 h—water quenching 500 C/4 h—air cooling
6 F6/R6 500 C/8 h—air cooling
7 F7/R7 550 C/4 h—air cooling
8 F8/R8 550 C/8 h—air cooling
9 F9/R9 600 C/4 h—air cooling
10 F10/R10 600 C/8 h—air cooling
11 F11/R11 700 C/4 h—air cooling
12 F12/R12 700 C/8 h—air cooling
13 R13 650 C/4 h—air cooling
14 R14 650 C/8 h—air cooling

Table 3 Mechanical properties of Ti6Al4V melts in various heat-treated conditions

Mechanical properties

YS, MPa UTS, MPa % El (4d) Hardness, BHN

HT cycle Code F R F R F R F R

1 862-900 889-917 969-972 997-1002 16-17 16-17 299-310 303-308

2 850-902 857-898 970-1007 884-1003 18-19 16-17 295-309 292-305
3 886-900 908-941 1039-1047 1018-1048 16-18 14-17 305-313 310-315
4 855-890 937-946 1000-1016 1028-1032 13-14 16 312-320 310-318
5 882-937 997-1065 1148-1153 1143-1168 12-13 13-15 324-330 357-367
6 930-948 1012-1034 1118-1129 1121-1147 14-16 15-16 330-340 351-359
7 929-982 985-1028 1130-1160 1130-1131 14-15 15-17 … …
8 965-1029 998-1022 1141-1162 1130-1158 16 14-15 358-359 …
9 950-971 997-1041 1102-1110 1119-1140 16 14-16 … 345-348
10 972-1008 1009-1022 1100-1106 1107-1153 15-16 14-17 … 338-345
11 974-977 956-959 1048-1055 1057-1058 16 14-17 331-339 330-338
12 933-934 956-957 1035-1097 1049-1072 16-17 16-18 322-324 …
13 … 992-1004 … 1081-1086 … 17-18 … 344-348
14 … 995-1017 … 1075-1095 … 15 345-347 …

cooling/water quenching after solution treatment. ÔRÕ melt and aging at different temperature and time. Hardness and
(alloy) was processed through ring rolling process and ÔFÕ melt strength follow a similar trend unlike % elongation. However,
(alloy) was processed through closed die forging process. the extent of variation in YS is more pronounced as compared
Samples were drawn from both the alloys and heat treatments to the UTS. From Table 3, it can be seen that mechanical
were carried out as shown in Table 2. properties of both the melts (ÔFÕ and ÔRÕ) are not significantly
different, when the alloy has undergone STA treatment through
heat treatment cycle ÔF1Õ/ÔR1Õ and ÔF2Õ/ÔR2Õ. The mechanical
properties of both samples representative of ÔFÕ and ÔRÕ
3. Results and Discussion conditions were found to be similar to that of annealed
condition inspite of employing a high temperature solutionizing
and aging cycle. This confirms that chemical composition alone
3.1 Mechanical Properties
is not sufficient to achieve higher strength specified for STA
After carrying out different heat treatment operations on condition. This treatment is done to provide insight into cases,
coupons representative of both melts- ÔRÕ and ÔF,Õ the tensile test where time delay in quenching becomes high due to practical
specimens were prepared. Mechanical properties viz. ultimate constraints on industrial scale/conditions. Hence, in case, the
tensile strength (UTS), 0.2 proof stress/yield strength (YS), % material experiences air cooling from the solution treatment
El and hardness thus evaluated are presented in Table 3 and temperature, mechanical property does not meet the actual
Fig. 1. Figure 1 consists of the plots of minimum guaranteed requirement of STA condition. Also, here aging temperature
mechanical properties achievable with various heat treatment adopted is higher than the prescribed aging regime for this
cycles for specimens which have undergone water quenching alloy. Hence these conditions are not suitable to achieve the

Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance

Fig. 1 Variation of mechanical properties with aging temperature and time (with prior solution treatment followed by water quenching)

properties specified for STA condition. Incidentally this aging at 500 C/4 h, some improvement in properties as compared to
temperature also falls under the mill annealing temperature annealed condition is observed. This is again higher in case of
regime and hence more than aging/strengthening effect, it ÔRÕ melt, confirming beneficial effect of higher oxygen content.
results in annealing/softening effect. Further with increase in aging temperature, STA effect is seen
Further, in case of ÔF3Õ/ÔR3Õ and ÔF4Õ/ÔR4Õ (Table 3 and by significant increase in the yield strength compared to the
Fig. 1), where the solution treatment remained same as ÔF1Õ/ increase in UTS/hardness and decrease in % elongation. Aging
ÔR1Õ and ÔF2Õ/ÔR2Õ, while aging temperature was chosen in the at 550 C/4 h also showed improvement in strength level
lower temperature of aging regime of the alloy. In this similar to aging at 500 C/8 h showing a tradeoff between time
condition, a minor increase in yield strength is noted for ÔRÕ and temperature.
melt as compared to ÔFÕ melt, indicating role of lower aging Increase in mechanical properties is seen when the aging
temperature (is better) along with inherently higher oxygen of time is doubled. This shows that at lower temperature, kinetics
ÔRÕ melt results in improving the strength. However, again due of aging is slow and hence requires more time/higher aging
to air cooling from solution treatment temperature, sufficient temperature. Similarly in case of ÔF7Õ/ÔR7Õ and ÔF8Õ/ÔR8Õ, some
supersaturation does not take place and complete effect of improvement in yield strength is noticed, but again the aging at
solutionizing is not observed. This phenomenon is seen to be 550 °C for 4 h is just sufficient to get the desired properties.
more significant in case of ÔF4Õ/ÔR4Õ as compared to ÔF3Õ/ÔR3Õ, Further, in case of ÔF9Õ/ÔR9,Õ ÔF10Õ/ÔR10,Õ and ÔR13Õ/ÔR14Õ,
indicating that a lower aging temperature and higher aging time mechanical properties are found to be similar to ÔF8Õ/ÔR8Õ
is required to obtain the benefit of aging. (without any further improvement in yield strength). However,
Heat treatment cycles ÔF5Õ to ÔF12Õ and ÔR5Õ to ÔR12Õ and here again, the ÔRÕ melt exhibited higher yield strength. This
ÔR13Õ/ÔR14Õ were selected to study the effect of aging temper- indicates temperature regime of 550-650 C is optimum, which
ature as well as aging time. Solution treatment in these samples gives maximum strength in combination of optimum %
was followed by water quenching. It can be seen from Table 3 elongation.
(and Fig. 1) that from heat treatment ÔF5Õ/ÔR5Õ to ÔF8Õ/ÔR8Õ, i.e., Aging beyond 650 C reduces the yield strength as in the
at the lower temperature regime of aging (Table 1), effect of case of ÔF11Õ/ÔR11Õ and ÔF12Õ/ÔR12Õ, even if solution treatment is
aging time and temperature is clearly seen. When aging is done carried out using more severe water quenching unlike in the

Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance

case of ÔF1Õ/ÔR1Õ to ÔF4Õ/ÔR4Õ where air cooling was employed. the form of secondary a-phase.
This indicates that at this aging temperature, effect of 3. The image quality maps corresponding to Fig. 3a and b
strengthening through STA treatment is reduced to the extent show uniform image quality indicating absence of high
of annealed condition. dislocation density. The lower mechanical properties
exhibited by corresponding samples are also in agreement
with the findings of image quality maps.
3.2 Microstructure and Fracture Analysis
4. Figure 4c-i showed presence of bimodal microstructure
Specimens of different heat treatment conditions have consisting of primary a in transformed b matrix which in
shown similar microstructure except for the distribution of turn consisted of a-lamellae and fine b. All the corre-
primary a-phase, degree of fineness, and volume fraction of sponding tensile samples exhibited high strength with the
fine a phase, which is the main strengthening phase (Ref 3, 4). exception of ÔR11.Õ
Representative microstructures are given in Fig. 2. Optical 5. While comparing Fig. 4e and i, it can be observed that
microstructures presented in Fig. 2a and b show, coarse Fig. 4e has finer primary as well as secondary a phase
recrystallized a in transformed b matrix, where orientation of and this explains the reason for strength being higher in
coarse a within b grains is the same. However, in case of the corresponding tensile sample, indicating role of work-
Fig. 2c, orientation of a within b grains is different, due to ing (relatively more working in closed die forging as
water quenching. Also size of primary a is relatively finer. compared to ring rolling). Here it may also be observed
Further, in Fig. 2d, the amount of a seems to be lower (may that, the oxygen content is lesser compared to that in the
be finely distributed), helping to increase strength. It consists of sample corresponding to Fig. 4i.
fine primary a (bright phase of globular morphology) and a¢
phase (needle/plate like morphology) exhibiting higher strength Fracture surfaces of tensile-tested specimens of different
compared to that of the microstructure shown in Fig. 2c. Ring- conditions were observed and are presented in Fig. 5. In most
rolled and heat-treated specimen (Fig. 2f) shows smaller size of of the cases, it is observed that the fracture mode is
a as compared to forged sample causing improvement in predominantly ductile, consisting of dimples with minor
strength. Fig. 2g and h shows similar microstructure having a difference in dimple shapes/sizes. Fig. 5a and c show similar
in globular morphology, indicating growth during aging at high fracture morphology with almost uniform dimples, whereas in
temperature/higher aging time. Further at higher aging temper- case of Fig. 5b, localized deformation of grain interior is taking
ature (for short duration), ring specimens in Fig. 2i and j reveal place. Fig. 5a and c indicate uniform deformation and result
finer a in transformed b. Microstructures of Fig. 2k and l are into higher elongation as compared to Fig. 5b. It may be due to
similar to that of Fig. 2a (annealed structure), whereas in insufficient amount of precipitation (a¢), whereas in other two
Fig. 2m, structure reveals presence of primary a along with fine cases first one is almost in annealed state and second one
secondary a, indicating precipitation of secondary a during (Fig. 5c) has undergone higher temperature aging resulting in
aging. Microstructure shown in Fig. 2n is similar to Fig. 2m, coarse precipitate, which exhibits elongation similar to
which has further grown (secondary a) and uniformly dis- annealed structure.
tributed due to higher temperature aging for a longer duration. TEM observations of ÔF3Õ and ÔR6Õ are presented in Fig. 6
Further higher temperature aging and longer time resulted in and 7, respectively. TEM photomicrographs show alternate
microstructure similar to that of annealed structure (Fig. 2o). In alpha/beta phases as bright and dark discontinuous plates. The
short, microstructures in Fig. 2e, h, j, and m-o are similar and plates are relatively thin of the order of 20 nm width in case
consisted of coarse primary a phase and exhibited intermediate of specimens, which have demonstrated higher strength
mechanical properties between that of annealed and STA (Fig. 7). Dislocation networks are seen in both the specimens
conditions. inside the transformed b phase. Photomicrographs of the
EBSD observations are presented in Fig. 3, 4. Figure 3a-j specimens having higher strength (Fig. 7) clearly show pres-
show the inverse pole figure (IPF) maps of Ti6Al4V samples ence of a, a¢, and b phase along with dislocation distribution.
subjected to different heat treatments shown in Table 2 and The extra spots adjacent to regular lattice spots in hcp are due to
Fig. 4a-j represent the image quality maps of the corresponding twins in transformed martensitic a¢ phase. It indicates that
IPF maps of Fig. 3. The important observations from the IPF presence of fine a, a¢, and thin b phases plays an important role
maps (Fig. 3) and image quality maps (Fig. 4) can be in strengthening of the alloy, which is achieved through proper
summarized as follows:- heat treatment ensuring high severity of quench.
The strengthening mechanism of the alloy subjected to STA
1. All samples subjected to different heat treatments exhib- heat treatment is mainly through formation of a¢ martensite.
ited random texture of a phase except sample corre- Formation of this phase and its retention is important to obtain
sponding ÔR13Õ in Fig. 3j which exhibited (2110) texture, the benefit of strength. The initial conditions for obtaining a
green as shown in IPF legend. high degree of supersaturation are higher severity of quenching
2. Figure 3a and b consisted of recrystallized a-phase/- and higher solution treatment temperature. This triggers the
grains. The same can be observed from the corresponding precipitation of a¢, which is governed by severity of quench.
image quality maps shown in Fig. 4a and b, although the Once it is achieved, aging temperature and time or the kinetics
a phase fraction of these samples is higher compared to decide the way of obtaining optimum degree of coherency i.e.,
all other samples, these samples exhibited lower strength. through size of precipitates.
This can be attributed to the size of the recrystallized pri- The observations are similar to the reported work wherein it
mary a-phase and absence of second micro constituent in is proposed that during aging, hexagonal a¢ decomposes into

Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance

Fig. 2 Optical photomicrographs of heat-treated samples representing (a) F1, (b) F2, (c) F8, (d) R8, (e) F11, (f) R5, (g) R6, (h) R10, (i) R11,
(j) R13, (k) F3, (l) F4, (m) F7, (n) F12, (o) R14

Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance

Fig. 3 Inverse pole figure (IPF) map of heat-treated specimens representing (a) F1, (b) F2, (c) F8, (d) R8, (e) F11, (f) R5, (g) R6, (h) R10, (i)
R11, (j) R13

Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance

Fig. 4 Image quality map of heat-treated specimens representing (a) F1, (b) F2, (c) F8, (d) R8, (e) F11, (f) R5, (g) R6, (h) R10, (i) R11,
(j) R13

Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance

Fig. 5 Representative fractographs of heat-treated and tensile-tested samples, (a) F2, (b) F5, (c) R13

alloy Ti-5Al-3Mo-1.5V and Ti-4.5Al-3V-2Mo-2Fe alloy (Ref

9–11). EBSD observations (Fig. 3, 4) are also corroborating the
observations made from optical microstructure. It can be also
inferred that not only chemical composition alone plays a role
in strengthening, but also the thermo-mechanical working and
the resultant texture/phase distribution determine the achievable
It has been observed (Fig. 1) that the YS varies to a greater
extent compared to UTS, as the YS is a function of the
precipitate size, distribution, the dislocation density, and
resistance to dislocation movement. It is evident from the
TEM micrographs in Fig. 6 and 7 corresponding to ÔF3Õ and
ÔR6,Õ respectively, that in case of sample containing finer a
platelets, twins, and more no. of dislocations, the YS is found to
be higher, which can be achieved using higher oxygen
containing alloy (within specification), water quenching during
solution treatment and aging at lower temperature for longer
It is also clear that fine distribution of martensitic a¢, a and b
Fig. 6 Representative TEM photomicrograph for the specimen (F3)
of yield strength <900 MPa helps to gain strength through faster cooling from solution
treatment temperature, lower aging temperature (avoid coars-
ening of phase), and longer time (to achieve sufficient
fine a and b by nucleation and growth of b phase plates along formation of secondary fine a). Although presence of a2 is
the a basal planes (Ref 8, 15). Similar observations have been not confirmed in this study, higher strength of ÔRÕ melt indicates
also made in studying the effect of microstructure on the role of higher oxygen, which helps to form fine a2 (Ref 1).
mechanical properties with various heat treatment including Some or all of these factors in combination are responsible in
solution treatment and aging in near a Ti-4Mo alloy, a + b Ti improving the strength of the alloy by heat treatment.

Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance

Fig. 7 Representative TEM photomicrograph for the specimen (R6) of yield strength >1000 MPa

4. Conclusions and Director, VSSC are gratefully acknowledged for permitting to

publish the work.
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Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance

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