Gupta 2016
Gupta 2016
Gupta 2016
Ti6Al4V with two different chemical compositions, one rich and the other lean in a-stabilizer oxygen were
selected to study the effect of quench severity during solution treatment and their aging response. These two
coupons were taken from two differently processed wrought products viz. rolled ring and closed die forging.
The coupons were then subjected to solution treatment followed by employing different cooling rates to
vary the quench severity and different aging treatments by changing the aging temperature and time. The
microstructure and mechanical properties thus obtained are correlated with respect to the heat treatment
conditions. It is noted that there is a significant increase in strength of the alloy retaining the ductility when
it is aged in the aging temperature regime of 550-650 °C and time of 8 h. Role of higher oxygen content is
noted, which is more pronounced with higher severity of quench (by water quenching). Specimens rep-
resentative of different heat treatment conditions were characterized using optical microscope, electron
back-scattered diffraction, and electron microscope. The presence of martensitic (a¢) structure along with
uniform distribution of fine primary a, secondary a precipitates and refined b-grains, twins in the
microstructure helps in improving the strength of the material. Also, during high temperature aging of
700 °C, which incidentally falls in the range of annealing temperature of the alloy, overaging occurs which
is similar to effect of annealing and hence retains the ductility as well.
HT cycle Code F R F R F R F R
cooling/water quenching after solution treatment. ÔRÕ melt and aging at different temperature and time. Hardness and
(alloy) was processed through ring rolling process and ÔFÕ melt strength follow a similar trend unlike % elongation. However,
(alloy) was processed through closed die forging process. the extent of variation in YS is more pronounced as compared
Samples were drawn from both the alloys and heat treatments to the UTS. From Table 3, it can be seen that mechanical
were carried out as shown in Table 2. properties of both the melts (ÔFÕ and ÔRÕ) are not significantly
different, when the alloy has undergone STA treatment through
heat treatment cycle ÔF1Õ/ÔR1Õ and ÔF2Õ/ÔR2Õ. The mechanical
properties of both samples representative of ÔFÕ and ÔRÕ
3. Results and Discussion conditions were found to be similar to that of annealed
condition inspite of employing a high temperature solutionizing
and aging cycle. This confirms that chemical composition alone
3.1 Mechanical Properties
is not sufficient to achieve higher strength specified for STA
After carrying out different heat treatment operations on condition. This treatment is done to provide insight into cases,
coupons representative of both melts- ÔRÕ and ÔF,Õ the tensile test where time delay in quenching becomes high due to practical
specimens were prepared. Mechanical properties viz. ultimate constraints on industrial scale/conditions. Hence, in case, the
tensile strength (UTS), 0.2 proof stress/yield strength (YS), % material experiences air cooling from the solution treatment
El and hardness thus evaluated are presented in Table 3 and temperature, mechanical property does not meet the actual
Fig. 1. Figure 1 consists of the plots of minimum guaranteed requirement of STA condition. Also, here aging temperature
mechanical properties achievable with various heat treatment adopted is higher than the prescribed aging regime for this
cycles for specimens which have undergone water quenching alloy. Hence these conditions are not suitable to achieve the
properties specified for STA condition. Incidentally this aging at 500 C/4 h, some improvement in properties as compared to
temperature also falls under the mill annealing temperature annealed condition is observed. This is again higher in case of
regime and hence more than aging/strengthening effect, it ÔRÕ melt, confirming beneficial effect of higher oxygen content.
results in annealing/softening effect. Further with increase in aging temperature, STA effect is seen
Further, in case of ÔF3Õ/ÔR3Õ and ÔF4Õ/ÔR4Õ (Table 3 and by significant increase in the yield strength compared to the
Fig. 1), where the solution treatment remained same as ÔF1Õ/ increase in UTS/hardness and decrease in % elongation. Aging
ÔR1Õ and ÔF2Õ/ÔR2Õ, while aging temperature was chosen in the at 550 C/4 h also showed improvement in strength level
lower temperature of aging regime of the alloy. In this similar to aging at 500 C/8 h showing a tradeoff between time
condition, a minor increase in yield strength is noted for ÔRÕ and temperature.
melt as compared to ÔFÕ melt, indicating role of lower aging Increase in mechanical properties is seen when the aging
temperature (is better) along with inherently higher oxygen of time is doubled. This shows that at lower temperature, kinetics
ÔRÕ melt results in improving the strength. However, again due of aging is slow and hence requires more time/higher aging
to air cooling from solution treatment temperature, sufficient temperature. Similarly in case of ÔF7Õ/ÔR7Õ and ÔF8Õ/ÔR8Õ, some
supersaturation does not take place and complete effect of improvement in yield strength is noticed, but again the aging at
solutionizing is not observed. This phenomenon is seen to be 550 °C for 4 h is just sufficient to get the desired properties.
more significant in case of ÔF4Õ/ÔR4Õ as compared to ÔF3Õ/ÔR3Õ, Further, in case of ÔF9Õ/ÔR9,Õ ÔF10Õ/ÔR10,Õ and ÔR13Õ/ÔR14Õ,
indicating that a lower aging temperature and higher aging time mechanical properties are found to be similar to ÔF8Õ/ÔR8Õ
is required to obtain the benefit of aging. (without any further improvement in yield strength). However,
Heat treatment cycles ÔF5Õ to ÔF12Õ and ÔR5Õ to ÔR12Õ and here again, the ÔRÕ melt exhibited higher yield strength. This
ÔR13Õ/ÔR14Õ were selected to study the effect of aging temper- indicates temperature regime of 550-650 C is optimum, which
ature as well as aging time. Solution treatment in these samples gives maximum strength in combination of optimum %
was followed by water quenching. It can be seen from Table 3 elongation.
(and Fig. 1) that from heat treatment ÔF5Õ/ÔR5Õ to ÔF8Õ/ÔR8Õ, i.e., Aging beyond 650 C reduces the yield strength as in the
at the lower temperature regime of aging (Table 1), effect of case of ÔF11Õ/ÔR11Õ and ÔF12Õ/ÔR12Õ, even if solution treatment is
aging time and temperature is clearly seen. When aging is done carried out using more severe water quenching unlike in the