Health Perception – The patient perceived her health to She sees herself as ill
Health Management be in good condition. She perceives because she cannot do
health as wealth, and she values his the things she usually
health a lot. 2021 was her first time does because of her
to consult a hospital about the pain illness. She relies on her
in her ears. She has no vices, The SO present condition with
of the patient verbalized that her the help of the
father side has history of therapeutic personnel
hypertension and diabetes milletus. and by following the
If someone get sick to the family prescribed medications.
they take medicine right away. The patient perceived
that she was not healthy
because of her illness.
Nutritional – The patient Body Mass Index is 47. The patient has lost her
Metabolic Pattern 36 kg/m2. The patient and their appetite and hasn’t eaten
family eat three times a day. Their a lot.
everyday foods are cooked foods,
such as meat and vegetables. She
eats her snacks three times a day,
including biscuits and junk foods;
she consumes more than eight
glasses of water, likes to drink coke ,
and consumes about 400 cc daily.
The patient stated that she doesn’t
eat exotic foods. She has no allergies
to food, Her appetite is moderate and
usually depends on the food being
Elimination Pattern The patient does not have any The patient does not
problem on her elimination pattern. have any problem on her
She usually urinates 6-7 times a day elimination pattern.
without any difficulty. She added
that the color of her urine is light
yellow to clear. No foul odor. She
didn’t feel any pain in urination. The
patient defecates once a day usually
early in the morning with brown
Activity – Exercise She could perform activities of her Her activity was limited
Pattern daily living. According to her, she due to hospitalization.
usually does simple excercises like
plank and crunches .
Sleep – Rest Pattern The patient sleeps 6 to 7 at night, she She doesn’t have the
doesn’t have any difficulty sleeping. adequate time of sleep
since she is disturbed
with the student nurses
and junior interns that
ask questions every now
and then, and because of
the environmental
changes of her
Cognitive – Perceptual She is normal in terms of his She is normal in terms of
Pattern cognitive abilities. She has good his cognitive abilities.
memory and reasoning skills. She
can easily comprehend on things. In
terms of her perceptual pattern, she
has no problems with her senses.
Self – Perception – She sees herself as a good friend, sister, She is determined to feel
Self – Concept Pattern and daugther,, she has to be a good better and get better, and that
person to avoid hurting others and is the reason why she
always support her family. follows the Doctor’s Orders.
Role – Relationship
Sexuality – N/A N/A
Reproductive Pattern
Coping – Stress Her coping stressors include: She usually sleeps when
Tolerance Pattern Watching TV, listening to the radio, she is stress. And every
doing household chores, talking to time her cousin talks and
her family, and praying to God. tell stories to her, she
listens. They also pray
every day.
Value – Belief Pattern She is a Church of a living God Even though they didn’t
devotee. She always goes to church always go to church
with her grandmother and cousin since she was admitted in
every Sunday. They also have a the hospital, their faith is
rosary. Her family taught her to strong, and they pray
believe and have a fear of GOD. always for her fast
They also celebrate Holy Week, recovery
Christmas, and All Souls Day.
Eating blood is prohibited to them.