11 G'S

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Submitted to:
Clinical Instructor: Dhan Lhord Tumabaga
Clinical Instructor: April Joy Bernardino
Before the onset of her leukemia, The patient said that she now
Ms. Anita saw herself as healthy. doesn’t feel healthy as she was
She had no difficulties in carrying before because of all the
Health Perception out his daily activities or caring for medicines that she’s taking and
and Health herself and others at home. Anita she can’t do any activities that she
maintained a balanced lifestyle, usually does before. The patient
perform regular exercise and
Pattern experiencing weakness, repeated
focusing on a healthy diet. Also, she
infections and bone discomfort
avoiding alcohol and tobacco
products. She cleans the house and after doing a moderate level of
washes the dishes as her form of activity.

She typically consumed a breakfast The patient said that she still eats
consisting of 1 cup of coffee, 2 3x a day but her appetite has
pieces of bread, and a serving of lessened during her current
Nutritional and egg. For lunch, she would have 1 admission unlike before because
Metabolic Pattern cup of rice, eats fish and sometimes of her uncomfortable feeling.
meat, and 2 glasses of water. As for Additionally, she like to eat
dinner, her diet would often include vegetables and she really likes to
grilled chicken breast, steamed eat fruits.
vegetables, and a small portion of
white rice. The patient added that
she is also taking snack foods like
breads, pastries or banana-que but
her favorite for snack are street
foods like “kwek-kwek, fishball,
squid ball”.
She typically defecated three times a The patient stated that she now
week without experiencing any defecates once or twice a week,
discomfort. Additionally, she voided with occasional difficulty passing
Elimination her bladder 5 to 7 times a day, also firm stool. She empties 3-5 times
Pattern without any discomfort. She per day with little discomfort.
described her urine as the usual
urine color.
Anita is the one who cleans the The patient primarily remains in
house and does the dishes in free bed, dedicating most of her time
time. She typically naps, if not, she to rest due to her condition.
watches television and plays with Occasionally, she relies on the
Activity and
her friends and siblings. assistance of another person to
Exercise Pattern
walk, as her weakened state
renders her unable to do so
Anita can read, write, and The patient continues to read her
comprehend words and sentences. books and write. She still
Cognition and
She stated that she understands what understands words and sentences
to do if she develops other illnesses perfectly. Her cognition and sense
such as coughs, colds, or soreness. of pain remain unchanged.
She normally sleeps 7-8 hours per Anita said that now, she can’t
day. She normally sleeps between 9 sleep properly unlike before. Her
and 10 p.m. and wakes up at 5 a.m. sleep has now been short because
to prepare for work. She mentioned she’s experiencing distractions
that she sleeps continuously except regarding the daily routines.
Sleep and Rest on days when her neighbors are
Pattern loud and wake her up in the middle
of the night. She also mentioned that
depending on how her night went,
she wakes up feeling rejuvenated or
The patient describes herself as The patient is sad because of her
short-tempered, firm and fear and worry over her current
straightforward person. Most of the situation. Also, she feels useless
Self-Perception time, the patient is in a good mood. because of her illness that she
and Self-Concept She does not like people who are can’t do all the activities that she
Pattern stubborn. The patient also can before. The patient said that
mentioned that as much as possible, now, she wants to recover and get
she does not want to get mad. better because she wants to repay
the love that her family has shown
Anita is the second oldest of her The patient's relationship with her
siblings. She is in charge of cleaning siblings has not changed since her
the house and washing the dishes. illness know and her relationship
Role and She enjoys being with her family with her parents has improved
Relationship members, however she occasionally significantly because they have
Pattern gets upset because of her siblings. taken wonderful care of her
Her relationship with her parents is during her current stay.
She started menstruating at the age The patient said she had her last
of 13. Her menstrual cycle is monthly period in the first week
Sexuality and
regular, lasting three days. She'd of February.
never had a boyfriend before. She
prefers to hang out with her female
friends over her male friends.
Anita stated that there is no crisis The patient said that now she
going on within her family. When feels like always stressed because
she has a personal problem, she of her illness. She said that she
keeps it to herself, but when she can’t rest much because of her
doesn’t know how to solve the distracted sleeps and rest periods.
Coping and problem, she sometimes asks for
Stress Tolerance help from her family and friends.
Pattern When she feels stressed, she usually
sleeps, and sometimes, if she’s not
sleeping, she listens to her favorite
music to relieve the stress she feels.
Anita believes that she can get the The patient has become more
things she wants in life as long as spiritual and faithful to God as a
she works hard. She is a Roman result of her present illness. She's
Values and Catholic and she believes in God. more grateful to her family for
Beliefs She seldom attends the mass but she their support.
always prays at night. She doesn’t
have any special religious practices.
She perceives that her family is
important in her life.

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