Materi Tes Mid Semester Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6
Materi Tes Mid Semester Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6
Materi Tes Mid Semester Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6
There are a bank and a post office on the both sides of the traditional market.
The bank is in the left side and the post office is in the right side. There is a
bakery across the traditional market. There is also a police station. It is next to
the bakery.
Kunci Jawaban
B. Complete The Dialog Below!
Rendy: Hi, Nicky. I am in the supermarket now. Where can I 6.
Selectsearchfind/option>go the police station?
Nicky: It is 7. Selectin front ofbesidebetween the library.
Rendy: Oh I see, how about the post office?
Nicky: It is 8. Selectacrossbesidebehind the school
Rendy: The one that is 9. Selectacrossnext tobehind the hospital?
Nicky: Yes, that one.
Rendy: Okay. Thank you,
Nicky: I'll see you on the post office 10. Selectin front ofnext tobehind the library at five
1. I … visited Bali.
a. Have
b. Has
c. Had
2. Budi … gone already.
a. Have
b. Has
c. Had
3. Deni … been working at the international hospital for fifteen years before he died.
a. Have
b. Has
c. Had
4. Budi … lived in Jogja since 2006.
a. Have
b. Has
c. Had
5. Mr. Jordan … been painting the ceiling of the house since 9.00 a.m.
a. Have
b. Has
c. Had
6. The mechanic will … checked the car before I drive it.
a. Have
b. Has
c. Had
7. I will … been sleeping for two hours before my wife gets home.
a. Have
b. Has
c. Had
8. The old women … bought many apples.
a. Have
b. Has
c. Had
9. The police … eaten.
a. Have
b. Has
c. Had
10. All ministers … arrived at the presidential palace before the president came.
a. Have
b. Has
c. Had
Contoh soal To Be (Is, Am, Are) lengkap jawabannya:
a. is
b. am
c. are
d. were
a. is
b. are
c. am
d. has
3. My uncle and I ………………..(not) clear when my
grandmother said us. ( b )
a. is
b. am
c. are
d. it
a. are
b. is
c. am
d. were
a. is
b. am
c. are
d. was
a. am
b. is
c. are
d. was
7. We …. happy to her birthday party. ( a )
a. are
b. is
c. has
d. am
8. I … interested in entrepreneurship. ( b )
a. is
b. am
c. are
d. were
a. am
b. is
c. are
d. where
a. is
b. am
c. whom
d. are
b. is
c. am
d. were
a. are
b. is
c. who
d. was
a. are
b. am
c. which
d. is
a. is
b. am
c. are
d. were
a. am
b. are
c. is
d. were
Soal menyusun kalimat is, am dan are dengan benar dan tepat :
Baca Juga : Verb Tense : Kumpulan Soal Verb Tense Dalam Bahasa
Inggris Terlengkap
a. is
b. am
c. are
d. were
a. is
b. are
c. am
d. was
3. Maria …. Happy when she got a prize.
a. are
b. am
c. has
d. is
a. it
b. is
c. are
d. am
a. Are
b. is
c. am
d. were
a. was
b. is
c. am
d. are
a. it
b. are
c. is
d. am
a. are
b. has
c. am
d. is
a. it
b. am
c. are
d. is
a. is
b. are
c. was
d. am
a. it
b. are
c. am
d. is
a. are
b. is
c. am
d. has
a. are
b. were
c. am
d. is
a. am
b. are
c. is
d. has
a. is
b. am
c. are
d. were
16. I …. try to do my best.
a. it
b. is
Baca Juga : “ Verb Mood “ , Pengertian , Jenis Dan Contoh Dalam Kalimat
Bahasa Inggris
c. am
d. are
a. is
b. am
c. were
d. are
a. am
b. is
c. are
d. were
a. is
b. had
c. am
d. are
20. My father …. a pilot.
a. were
b. are
c. is
d. am