History of DSWD
History of DSWD
History of DSWD
DSWD has undergone a series of transformations since its inception. It has evolved from a small
entity within the government structure to an independent department responsible for the social
welfare of the nation. Here is a timeline of the department’s history:
• 1915: The birth of the Public Welfare Board (PWB) ushered in an era of
regulation and coordination of all social service entities.
• 1921: The PWB was dissolved and replaced by the Bureau of Public Welfare,
functioning under the Department of Public Instruction.
• 1939: The Department of Health and Public Welfare came into existence through
Commonwealth Act No. 439.
• 1941: The Bureau of Public Welfare joined the Department of Health and Public
Welfare, assuming control of all public child-caring institutions and child welfare
• 1951: The merging of the SWC and PACSA resulted in the formation of the
Social Welfare Administration (SWA), marking the start of an integrated public
welfare program.
• 1968: Republic Act 5416 or the Social Welfare Act of 1968 elevated the SWA to
the Department status, aligning it with other social agencies such as health and
• 1976: The Department of Social Welfare was rebranded as the Department of
Social Services and Development
• 1978: The change in the form of government led to the renaming of the DSSD to
the Ministry of Social Services and Development (MSSD).
• 1987: The MSSD was restructured and renamed Department of Social Welfare
and Development (DSWD) under President Corazon C. Aquino’s Executive Order
123. Executive Order No. 292, the Revised Administration Code of 1987, further
defined DSWD’s statutory authority.
• 1991: The Local Government Code of 1991 (Republic Act 7160) resulted in the
devolution of DSWD basic services to local government units.
• 2003: Executive Order No. 221 was issued by President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
amending Executive Order No. 15, redefining the mandate, roles, powers, and
functions of the DSWD.
Over time, DSWD has adopted and shed various names, roles, and responsibilities in response to
the changing social and political climate. The historical account laid out in this document traces
the development of the agency , offering insights into its journey and the factors that have shaped
its current state.
DSWD serves various major social welfare and development functions. Its key goals are as
1. Poverty Alleviation
The DSWD is critical to implementing programs and initiatives that aim to reduce poverty and
improve the socioeconomic conditions of disadvantaged and vulnerable groups. This includes
empowering individuals and communities through financial assistance, livelihood support, and
skill training.
The department oversees several social assistance programs that help individuals and families in
need. Conditional cash transfer programs, food assistance, and other forms of aid to ease
immediate challenges and enhance overall well-being may be included. These programs aim to
provide a safety net for those who are struggling and help them become self-sufficient in the long
The DSWD is also actively involved in the protection and promotion of children’s and youth’s
rights. Efforts to prevent and respond to child abuse, exploitation, and neglect are included. The
department also aims to provide educational assistance and create a safe environment for young
During natural or man-made disasters, the DSWD is vital in delivering emergency relief and
rehabilitation aid. This includes distributing relief products, providing financial assistance, and
coordinating efforts to meet the immediate needs of affected people.
The DSWD prioritizes the rights and well-being of vulnerable groups such as the elderly, people
with disabilities, and indigenous communities. This includes the deployment of initiatives that
meet these sectors’ distinct needs and concerns.
6. Community Empowerment
The department seeks to help communities become self-sufficient and resilient. Some examples
include community organizing, skill development, and other programs that empower individuals
and communities to actively participate in their development.
The DSWD is also active in policy development for social welfare and development. It also
participates in advocacy initiatives to improve social awareness and build a more inclusive and
equitable society.
Following these key objectives, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)
implements various programs and services aimed at addressing the social welfare and
development needs of the population. Some of the key programs and initiatives include the
The SLP aims to reduce poverty by promoting sustainable livelihood options. The program offers
skill training, capital assistance, and market connections to assist individuals and families in
earning a living and improving their economic well-being.
This program provides cash support to disadvantaged senior citizens to supplement their daily
subsistence and medical requirements. It strives to enhance the living conditions of the elderly,
who are especially vulnerable to poverty and neglect.
5. Listahanan
This program, formerly known as the National Household Targeting System for Poverty
Reduction (NHTS-PR), is a database of poor households in the Philippines. It is used to identify
beneficiaries of various social welfare programs to ensure that help reaches those who require it
the most.
The DSWD is actively involved in disaster response and management, providing relief and
rehabilitation aid to disaster-affected populations both during and after disasters. This includes
relief-goods delivery, cash-for-work programs, and psychosocial assistance.
7. Adoption Program
The DSWD also facilitates legal child adoption, ensuring that children are placed in loving and
secure households. The initiative strives to give orphaned, abandoned, or neglected children a
brighter future.
8. Protective Services Program
This program is dedicated to the protection of individuals and groups in difficult situations, such
as victims of abuse, exploitation, and violence. Counseling, legal support, and temporary shelter
are among the services provided.
The Juvenile Justice and Welfare Program is intended to protect the rights of children who have
run afoul of the law. It advocates for a restorative and rehabilitative approach that allows young
offenders to reintegrate into society.
This program focuses on the recovery and reintegration of human trafficking victims. It offers
survivors resources such as refuge, counseling, legal assistance, and skill training to assist them
in rebuilding their lives.
12. International Social Welfare Services for Filipino Nationals program (ISWSFN)
This initiative supports Filipinos abroad, including migrant workers and overseas Filipino
nationals, during crises by urging them to seek aid from Philippine embassies in their respective
host nations. Whether facing issues like labor exploitation, human trafficking, or various forms
of abuse, the program actively advocates for the utilization of Philippine embassies. This ensures
that Filipinos have a dependable and easily accessible resource to turn to for assistance,
promoting their safety and well-being while living abroad.
13. Center & Residential Care Facilities
These centers deliver diverse services, encompassing emergency shelter, meals, counseling, and
aid in obtaining permanent housing or employment. Their objective is to offer temporary
support, enabling individuals and families to restore stability and achieve selfsufficiency.
This program recognizes the importance of integrating gender considerations into every facet of
development, impacting government planning, budgeting, implementation, monitoring, and
evaluation of policies, programs, and projects.
The Bottom-Up Budgeting (BUB) Process seeks to guarantee the execution of priority projects to
alleviate poverty.
The AICS Program provides financial assistance for supplementary support services or specific
needs that individuals or families may have, including medical aid, burial expenses,
transportation, education, food, and other essentials. The program’s objective is to aid
underprivileged citizens in fulfilling their basic requirements.
The department’s efforts are diversified, to address numerous aspects of social welfare and
development to create a more inclusive and compassionate society. Through its initiatives, the
DSWD aims to empower individuals and communities, enabling them to improve their quality of
life and become active participants in nation-building.
This is a 24-hour residential facility that offers social work interventions for children aged 0–6.
Children who have been abused, neglected, abandoned, or exploited, as well as those with
particular requirements, such as children at risk or those in need of alternative family care, can
get protection and rehabilitation assistance through temporary residential care.
It also offers appropriate and responsive social work interventions and services to address the
growth and development, as well as the safety and security, needs of very young children who
have been abused.
The Regional Haven for Women and Girls offers an alternative form of family care through 24-
hour group living temporarily to disadvantaged and abused women and girl victim-survivors and
their qualified dependents whose needs cannot be adequately met by their own families and
relatives over time.
The RRCY is a residential facility meant to provide rigorous therapy for the rehabilitation of
CICL whose sentences have been suspended. It provides a caring, out-of-home environment for
youngsters who require rehabilitation.
Partner Agencies
To achieve its objectives and carry out its programs effectively, the DSWD collaborates with
various government agencies, private organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs),
and international partners. Some of these include:
The above are just some of the organizations that the DSWD collaborates with to ensure the
successful implementation of its programs and services. Through these partnerships, the
department can reach a wider audience and provide more comprehensive support to those in
Aside from collaborating with partner agencies, the DSWD also works closely with local
government units (LGUs) and community-based organizations to address specific social welfare
and development issues that are unique to each locality. This approach allows for a more targeted
and tailored approach to addressing the needs of different communities.