Environmental Sustainability

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This unit explores the concept of environmental sustainability, its
historical context, and the importance of balancing economic
development with environmental conservation.

The idea of sustainable development has been around since humans began using natural resources. All forms of
development, including economic, educational, and technological, have impacted the environment.

Environmental Viability Economic Feasibility Social Acceptability

Focuses on minimizing Ensures long-term business Requires societal acceptance,
environmental risk and resource success through environmental convenience, and equitable
consumption. conservation. distribution of benefits.
International Efforts
The concept of environmental equity and sustainable resource use was first discussed at
the UN Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm in 1972.

1 UNCHE (1972)
Recognized the finite nature of resources and emphasized their judicious use
for future generations.

2 Brundtland Commission (1987)

Defined sustainable development as meeting present needs without
compromising future generations.

3 Millennium Development Goals (2000)

Set targets for environmental sustainability, including reducing poverty and
improving access to clean water.

4 Sustainable Development Goals (2015)

A comprehensive set of 17 goals aimed at achieving sustainable
development by 2030.
Millennium Development Goals
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were adopted in 2000 with a target date of 2015.

Goal Target Indicator

7. Ensure environmental sustainability Integrate sustainable development Proportion of land area covered with
into country policies and programs. forests.

7. Ensure environmental sustainability Reduce by half the proportion of Proportion of people using improved
people without sustainable access to drinking water sources.
safe drinking water and basic
Millennium Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goa
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted in 2015 with a target
date of 2030.

1 Goal 1: No Poverty 2 Goal 7: Affordable and

Clean Energy
Eradicate extreme poverty and
hunger, particularly in developing Ensure access to affordable,
countries. reliable, sustainable, and modern
energy for all.

3 Goal 12: Responsible 4 Goal 15: Life on Land

Consumption and
Protect, restore, and promote
sustainable use of terrestrial
Promote sustainable consumption ecosystems, sustainably manage
and production patterns, reducing forests, combat desertification,
waste and resource depletion. and halt and reverse land
degradation and halt biodiversity
Sustainability: Targets and
Sustainable development is achieved when all three pillars of sustainability
stand strong: environmental viability, economic feasibility, and social

Forest Cover Access to Clean Water

Proportion of land area covered with Proportion of people using improved
forests. drinking water sources.

Renewable Energy Material Footprint

Proportion of population with primary Measures the amount of natural
reliance on clean energy sources. resources used to produce goods and
Environmental Ethics
Environmental ethics explores the moral relationship between humans and the environment.

Anthropocentric View Bio-centric View Eco-centric View

Human-centered view, prioritizing All living organisms have intrinsic Focuses on the interconnectedness
human interests and well-being. value and deserve moral of all living and non-living things in
consideration. the ecosystem.
Let Us Sum Up
Environmental sustainability is crucial for ensuring a healthy planet and a prosperous future
for all.

Understanding the Concept

Defining sustainable development and its historical context.

International Efforts
Examining global initiatives like the MDGs and SDGs.

Targets and Indicators

Measuring progress towards environmental sustainability.

Environmental Ethics
Exploring different ethical viewpoints on human-environment relationships.
Suggested Further Readings/References
This unit provides a foundation for understanding environmental sustainability. For further exploration, refer to the
following resources.






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