(GRR 9619e) Cameo
(GRR 9619e) Cameo
(GRR 9619e) Cameo
Not much to comment on here.
To be added to her existing file, and the complete file moved to the Dead docket. May God rest her soul, and all those she
had in her charge.
And if I could make a recommendation, I think it might be worth the agency’s while to find out what happened to the
contents of Allworth’s apartment and acquire the more significant items, against the possibility of another such talent arising
in future. Similar items not from Allworth’s collection might also be worth acquiring. I could assemble a list of suggestions if
its deemed appropriate.
Jamal Norwood
SCARE operative
HISTORY in New Orleans, Cameo loses the fedora that once belonged
to her beloved Nick Williams, a private investigator killed by
Cameo has a long history as an ace, the early years of which Card Sharks in 1962. It gets blown off her head during one of
are detailed in the Wild Cards Campaign Setting book, pages the storms that strike the city in quick succession—she has to
83-84. choose between saving it or a joker child.
Following the Allumbrado incident of 2003 Cameo lies low, A year goes by before the Committee ace Gardener mirac-
but two years later Simoon’s mother, Isis, tracks Ellen down ulously finds the fedora while replacing the vegetation
using clues supplied by Osiris. Cameo uses a T-shirt and a pair destroyed by the storms. Jerusha returns it to Cameo, who
of Simoon’s earrings to return Isis’s daughter’s spirit to life for is ecstatic about her reunion with Nick (or as ecstatic as she
one last touching reunion. Isis offers Cameo membership in can be over a reunion taking place solely in her mind). In
the Living Gods as Nepthys, Friend of the Dead, and a place the meantime Cameo had been on a number of Committee
with them in either Las Vegas or Old Egypt, but instead Ellen assignments with Bugsy, and the blogger and Nick don’t get
asks to keep the earrings. Isis willingly parts with them, and along, making the Cameo-Simoon-Bugsy triangle into an
also informs Cameo that Osiris had had a vision: “The night even more awkward foursome.
hawk has killed the red bird.” Ellen interprets this as saying During the Weathers investigation, she discovers that the
that her nemesis, Cardinal Contarini, had been killed by mystery man known as Mark Meadows is still alive, which
John Nighthawk. Free from fear of the Allumbrados, Cameo leads Ellen and Bugsy further down the road of unraveling the
decides to become an active ace again. Radical’s mysterious past.
Cameo joins the Committee and is sent to New Orleans, where She loses Simoon as an ace she can call on when Bugsy impul-
she channels Simoon to help build levees against the coming sively throws away Simoon’s earring when he breaks up with
hurricanes. While engaged in that project, she and Simoon her. That removes an obvious weapon from Cameo’s arsenal
meet up with Bugsy. Simoon knew him from their time for the final confrontation with Tom Weathers, but, in the
together at American Hero and later in Egypt, and they start end, she still plays a critical role. Struck and almost killed by a
a relationship, with Cameo as their intermediary. Also while beam of energy fired by Weathers at Jonathan Hive’s dispersed
Expertise: Artistic 6 (+8), Expertise: History 4 (+6), Insight 4
(+6), Investigation 2 (+4), Perception 4 (+6), Persuasion 4 (+5),
Sleight of Hand 2 (+4)
Attractive, Languages 1 (French, English native)
Unarmed +0 Close, Damage 0
Dodge 5 Fortitude 4
Parry 3 Toughness 1
Will 7 *Or that of her channeled subject.
Motivation—Responsibility: The dead people Cameo chan-
nels can only return to life if she exercises her power, whatever
the personal cost to her.
Power Loss: Cameo must be using or wearing in the proper
manner an item belonging to a dead person in order to
channel that person’s memories and powers. If the item is
lost or removed, she instantly reverts to her own persona
and abilities.
Relationship: Ellen’s odd relationship with Nick Williams pre-
vents her from forming lasting relationships with other men.
Weakness: Cameo’s will is sometimes overwhelmed by the
intellect of the person she’s currently channeling. When she
channels an ace, all of that ace’s applicable weaknesses are hers,
as well as his powers.
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2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game 10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of Wild Cards Campaign Setting, Copyright 2008, Green Ronin
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