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BTS-Vr(SSF01.19-0033 Reg. No.

B.Tech. Degree VI Semester Special Sapplementary Examination

January 2019
ME 15-1605 CAD/CAM
(2015 Scheme)

Time:3 Hours Maximum Marks : 60

(Answer ALL questions)
I. (a) Explain briefly the concept of constructive solid geometry (CSG)
in geometric modelling.
(b) What is Detroit type of automation?
(c) List the different types of NC words with examples.
(d) Differentiate between generative verses variant types of Cornputer aided
Process Planning.
(e) Distinguish between (i) fixed zeto &. floating zeto (ii) absolute
positioning and incremental positioning.
(f) List four essential requirements of an actuating mechanism in CNC.
(e) What is machining center?
(h) List the three major classification of applications of Robots.
(i) What is lead through teaching of Robot?
0) What is Computer Integrated Manufacturing System (CIMS),

(4 10 :40)
II. (a) Discuss briefly the four basic elements in
CAD: Geometric (6)
modelling/Database - Engineering Analysis - Design review evaluation -
Automatic Drafting.
(b) Explain following elements in line balancing problem: (4)
(i) Minimum Rational work element
(ii) Total work content
(iii) Workstation process time
(iv) Cycle time
m. (a) Explain steps in data exchange between CAD and CAM. (4)
(b) A 30 station transfer line is being proposed to machine a certain component (6)
currently produced by conventional methods. The proposal received from
the machine tool builder states that the line will operate at 100%o efficiency
at a production rate of 100 pc/tr. From a similar transfer line it is estimated
that breakdowns of all types will occur at a frequency of F:0.20
breakdowns per cycle and that the average downtime per line stop will be
8.0 minutes. The starting blank that is machined on the line costs {5.00 per
part. The line operates at a cost for 100 parts each and the average cost per
tool {.20 per cutting edge. Compute (i) Production rate (ii)
efficiency (iii) Cost per unit piece produced on the line.


IV. (a) Draw the trajectory of table motion that following NC program seeks to (4)
(b) Discuss briefly on Iinear transducer for direct positional measurement. (6)
V. Discuss any TWO of the following: (2x5:10)
(i) Canned cycles in NC programming with example
(ii) CNC part programming
(iii) Programming in APT

VI. (a) What are the various compensations for machine inaccuracies in CNC? (4)
(b) Discuss briefly different types and its principle of operation on Screw and (6)
Nut actuating mechanisms in CNC for converting rotary motion into linear.
VIII. Discuss any TWO of the following: (2 x 5:10)
(i) Automatic Pallet Changers (APC)
(ii) Automatic Tool changers (A:t'C)
(iii) Tool Monitoring system (TMS)

Vm. (a) Explain the basic structure of a Robot. (5)

(b) Define flexible manufacturing system, its components, types and (5)
IX. (a) Discuss resolution, accuracy and repeatability in the context of Robot (5)
(b) What is Computer Integrated Process Planning. (5)

BTS-VI-O4.18-0695 Reg.No.
B.Tech. Degree VI Semester Examination April 2018
ME 15-1605 CAD/CAM
(2015 Scheme)

Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 60

(Ansrver .,{ZI qLrestions)

l" (a) Explain illly lour geometric transfbrmations used in LIAD rvith appropriate
transformation matrices.
(b) What is computer aided process planning (CAPP)? What arc the challengc-s in
developing generative type CAPP?
(c) List out and explaiu different lcvels of autonration.
(d) What is line balancing? What is balance delay'?
(e) Explain the tenns (i) NC (ii) CNC (iii) DNC and (iv) F MC.
(0 What are tlie different t.vpes of staterneuts used in AP'l'? Explain each with an
(g) [:xplain rhe diftbrent static and d1,111i1111g tests perfonned on CNC rnachines.
(h) Explain the t1,pes and features of'spindle bearings lbr rnachine tools.
(i) Explain the structr-rre of a SCARA robot rvith the help of a neat figure.
0) Compare tertual language programnring r.r,ith teaching melhod in robotics.


(4 X 10 = 40)
II. (a) Explain (i) cxirusiori (ii) revolr,e (iii) loft and (iv) srveep functiorrs in (8)
solid modcling rvith the help of neat figLrres.
(b) Explain construclive solid geornetry \yith the help of an example" (2)
III. Draw the network diagram and solve the following assembly line (1 0)
balancing problem using Largest Candidate Rule. The production rate
required is one assembly every l5 min. Find balance delay.
Task Tirne Irnmediate
A 12 Nit
B 6
C 6 B
D 2 B
E 2 B
F' t2 B
(i 7 C,D
TJ 5 C
i 1 E
t, F'
K 6 H,J
L 7 K

IV. A component to be rnachined is shLxvn in the figr-rre below,. 'lhe outer ( 10)
profile (stcp 5 mrn deep) nccds to be nrachined using an errcl rnill of
diameter l6 mrn (HSS), Prepare the NC code.
(-l.he r.vork piece provided is 100 tnrn x L00 mm r lZ mm)

roo ****

Hd6{ 6{

*- Rt9

5 -.r

A component as shou'.r in the figure below' is to bc nrachinecj from an MS ( t0)
sheet of 5 mm thickness. write APT code fbr milling trre profire with a
QI0mrn encl nrill.

VI. Explain the working principles ol an optical rotary encodcr firr CNC ( l0)
machines rvith the help ol' ncat figures. A ball screu, ha.s a pitch of
L0 mm. lJor'v ,rary' radial gratings are rcquirecl fbr an accurac), of I pm
if trvo optical sensors are usecl at 90o phase difference.T
VII. what are modular tools'? L,ist out and explain the components of. rnodular ( l0)
tools rvith neat figures. Explain the cost advantage in using rnotlular tools
conrparcd t0 custoilt nrade tools.

\, I lt. [xplain the criteria in the selection o1' Robotic configurations (t0)
programmirrg techniques. par''load and accLrracy lor their applications in
(i) assembl;- (ii) arc rvelding.
IX. llxp!ain u'ith appropriate illustratio,s (i) hyclraulic and pncumaric ( 10)
components" valves. actuators and rheir control (ii) AC and DC servo
motors and tlreir oontrol (iii) various sensors used in electric. hydraulic
and pneumatic sr,'stclns, and sensors usccl in robotics such as vision
systelxs, range cletectors, lorce and torque sensors.

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