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cuit protection curve for each motor. As can be Circuit 5E4-B: Use 225A circuit breaker and
seen from the coordination curves, the NFPA 70 #4/0 AWG feeder circuit conductors.
settings that were selected are maximum settings e. Main transformer and service entrance equip-
and, in many cases, largely oversized. The trip ment. For 5E4-A, 175A + 40A + 34A + 21A +
rating of each circuit breaker can be reduced as (125)(180A)=495A. Therefore, use 450A circuit
long as the respective characteristic curves do not breaker unless future capacity is designed into the
overlap with the respective motor starting curves. system. Use 2-#4/0 AWG in parallel for service
If adjustable magnetic (instantaneous) trips are conductors. For transformer T4,
available on the circuit breakers, then overcurrent (450A)(.480kV)(1.73) = 374kVA. Therefore, use
protection can be “fine-tuned,” with this adjust- 500kVA.
ment, by overlaying the time-current characteristic f. Figure G-8 shows the composite, time-current
curves. curves for this system. For simplicity, the starting
d. Lighting circuit. FLA for the continuous light- curve, overload protection curve, and short-circuit
ing load of the LP4 lighting panel is calculated as protection curve for motor M4 only is shown. As
shown in equation G-5. Overcurrent protection for discussed in the TM, these device ratings are NFPA
LP4 and SEC4-B is shown below: 70 maximums. The time-current curves show that
LP4FLA = (kVA)/(1.73)(kV) = (150)/ lower values can be used. Remember, the objective
(1.73)(.480)=180A (eq G-5) is to select optimum time and current settings, not
Circuit LP4: (180AX1.25)=225A. to comply with NFPA 70 maximums. Refer to
example 6 for procedures for selecting FU-4.
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G-4. Example 2—Low-voltage motor protection (4) Steps 4, 6, and 7. Motor circuit protectors
using motor circuit protectors. (MCP) must be large enough (frame rating) to
a. Refer to figure G-2 for circuit diagram. qualify as a motor disconnecting means. Therefore,
b. Using figure 5-13, the following step-by-step frame rating requirements for each motor will be as
procedure for selecting motor circuit protection can follows:
be developed: M1: (1.15X21A)=24.15A. Use l00A frame.
(1) Step 1. Determine full-load amps (FLA), M2: (1.15)(34A)=39.01A. Use l00A frame.
locked rotor amps, and nameplate amps (NPA) for M3: (1.15)(40A)=46.0A. Use 100A frame.
each motor, M1 through M4. M4: (1.15)(65A)=74.75A. Use l00A frame.
(a) M1FLA = 21A (from NFPA 70).
M2FLA =34A (from NFPA 70). (5) Each pole of the MCP contains a current
M3FLA = 40A (from NFPA 70). sensing element to trip the circuit breaker instan-
M4FLA = 65A (from NFPA 70). taneously when this current setting is exceeded. It
(b) Locked-rotor kVA per horsepower for a is recommended that the MCP be set not less than
code letter G motor is 6.29 (per NFPA 70). Equa- two times the motor locked rotor amperes (LRA).
tions G-6 through G-9 show how to calculate LRA NFPA 70 limits the maximum setting of the MCP
for each motor M1 through M4. to not greater than 13 times the motor full-load
amperes (FLA). Therefore, MCP settings for each
M1LRA = (LRkVA)/(1.73)(kv) (eq G-6) motor will be as follows:
M1LRA = (6.29)/(15/ (eq G-6) Circuit MCC3-A: (119A)(2.0)=238A. Std.
(1.73)(.460)=119A setting 240A.
M2LRA = 198A (eq G-7) Circuit MCC3-B: (198A)(2.0) = 396A. Std.
M3LRA = 237A (eq G-8) setting 390A.
M4LRA = 395A (eq G-9) Circuit MCC3-C: (237A)(2.0)=474A. Std.
setting 420A.
Circuit MCC3-D: (395A)(2.0)=790A. Std.
(c) Nameplate amperes must be determined setting 804A.
directly from the motor nameplate. Since this in- (6) The MCP must include motor overload pro-
formation is not normally available early in the tection and short-circuit protection in the same en-
design stages, motor overload protection cannot be closure. Overload protection for these motors
determined at this time. Motor overload protection should not exceed 125 percent of motor nameplate
cannot be determined until the motors are actually amperes (NPA).
delivered to the site. (7) Step 5. Select feeder short-circuit protec-
(2) Step 2. Select branch circuit conductors. tion. Maximum setting should not exceed that cal-
Conductor ampacity = (1.25)(FLA). The following culated in step 5, example 1. Use 250A maximum
AWG sizes were selected subject to voltage drop unless future capacity is designed into the system.
and through-fault withstand: c. Figures G-9 through G-12 show motor start-
Circuit MCC3-A: (21A)(1 .25) = 26.25A. ing curve, motor overload curve, and MCP short-
Use #10 AWG. circuit protection curve for each motor.
Circuit MCC3-B: (34A)(1.25)=42.5A. Use d. Main transformer and service entrance equip-
#6 AWG. ment. Main circuit breaker, 5E3-A, must supply the
Circuit MCC3-C: (40A)(l.25)=50.0A. Use four motors at SWBD3, the four motors at MCC3,
#6 AWG. and the 150kVA lighting load. The largest fuse in
Circuit MCC3-D: (65AX1 .25) = 81.25A. SWBD3 is 200A (SWBD3-D). Refer to example 3.
Use #3 AWG. For 5E3-A, 200A+65A+2(40A)+2(34 A) + 2(21A)
(3) Step 3. Select feeder circuit conductors. + (l.25)(180A) = 680A. Therefore, use 600A
Conductor ampacity=(1.25)(Largest FLA) + (Re- circuit breaker unless future capacity is designed
maining FLAs). For 5E4-C, (65A)(1.25%) + 40A into the system. For transformer T3,
+ 34A + 21A = 176.25A. Therefore, use 25 MCM (600A)(.480kV)(1 .73) = 518.4kVA. Therefore,
minimum since feeder circuit breaker will be set at use 750 kVA.
TM 5-811-14
e. Figure G-13 shows the composite, time- lower values can be used. Remember, the objective
current curves for this system using MCPs. For is to select optimum time and current settings, not
simplicity, only motor M4 is shown. As discussed to comply with NFPA 70 maximums. Refer to Ex-
in the TM, these device ratings are NFPA 70 ample 6 for procedures for selecting FU-3.
maximums. The time-current curves show that
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G-5. Example 3—Low-voltage motor protection minimum since feeder circuit breaker will be set at
using fused switches 250A.
a. Refer to figure G-2 for the circuit diagram. (4) Step 4. Select branch circuit short-circuit
b. Using figure 5-13, the following step-by-step protection. Maximum setting is (3.00)(FLA) for
procedure for selecting motor circuit protection can non-time delay fuses and (1.75)(FLA) for time-
be developed: delay fuse per NFPA 70. Since NFPA 70
(1) Step 1. Determine full load amps (FLA), recognizes both time delay and non-time delay
locked rotor amps (LRA), and name plate amps fuses for low--voltage motor circuit protection,
(NPA) for each motor, M1 through M4. both types are included in this example. However,
it is recommended that only time-delay fuses be
(a) M1FLA = 21A (from NFPA 70). used for motor, transformer, and other inductive
M2FLA =34A (from NFPA 70). loads. The disadvantages of non-time delay fuses
M3FLA = 40A (from NFPA 70). were discussed in this TM and will be readily
M4FLA = 65A (from NFPA 70). obvious from this example.
SWBD 3-A: Use Class RK-5, time delay
(b) Locked-rotor kVA per horsepower for a fuses.
code letter G motor is 6.29 (per NFPA 70). Equa- (21A)(1.75)=36.75A. Use 40A fuses and
tions G-10 through G-13 show how to calculate 60A switch.
LRA for each motor M1 through M4. SWBD 3-B: Use Class RK-5, time delay
M1LRA = (LRkVA)/(1.73)(kv) (eq G-10) (34A)(1.75)=59.5A. Use 60A fuses and
M1LRA = (6.29)/(15/ (eq G-10) 60A switch.
(1.73)(.460)=119A SWBD 3-C: Use Class RK-5, non-time
M2LRA = 198A (eq G-11) delay fuses.
M3LRA = 237A (eq G-12) (40A)(3.00) = 120A. Use 125A fuses and
M4LRA = 395A (eq G-13) 200A switch.
SWBD 3-D: Use Class RK-5, non-time
delay fuses.
(c) Nameplate amperes must be determined (65A)(3.00)= 195A. Use 200A fuses and
directly from the motor nameplate. Since this in- 200A switch.
formation is not normally available early in the (5) Step 5. Select feeder circuit short-circuit
design stages, motor overload protection cannot be protection. Maximum setting is (Largest branch
determined at this time. Motor overload protection circuit device setting) + (Remaining FLAs). For
cannot be determined until the motors are actually 5E3-D, 200A + 40A + 34A + 21A = 295A.
delivered to the site. Therefore, use 250A unless future capacity is
(2) Step 2. Select branch circuit conductors. designed into the system.
Conductor ampacity = (1 .25)(FLA). The following (6) Step 6. Select disconnecting means in ac-
AWG values were selected subject to voltage drop cordance with NFPA 70.
and through-fault withstand: (7) Step 7. Using NPA, select overload protec-
Circuit SWBD3-A: (21A)(1 .25) = 26.25A tion in accordance with NFPA 70. For these
Use #10 AWG. motors, overload protection should not exceed
Circuit SWBD3-B: (34A)(1 .25) = 42.5A (1.25)(NPA).
Use #6 AWG. c. Due to the fact that the non-time delay fuses
Circuit SWBD3-C: (40A)(1.25) = 50.0A must be oversized by 300 percent, larger switches
Use #6 AWG. are required to accommodate the oversized fuses.
Circuit SWBD3-D: (65A)(1 .25) = 81.25A For this and other reasons discussed in this TM,
Use #3 AWG. time delay fuses should be specified for motor,
transformer, and other inductive loads.
(3) Step 3. Select feeder circuit conductors. d. Figures G-14 through G-17 show the motor
Conductor ampacity = (1.25) (Largest FLA) + (Re- starting curve, motor overload curve, and fuse
maining FLAs). For SE3-D, (65A)(1.25) + 40A + short-circuit protection curves for each motor:
34A + 21A = 176.25A. Therefore, use 250 MCM
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G-6. Example 4—Low-voltage ground-fault for ground-fault currents greater than 3000A).
protection However, the GFP1 setting is not coordinated with
a. Refer to figure G-3 for the circuit diagram. the motor feeder (SE4-C) or the motor branch
b. Since the main circuit breaker, SE4-A, is circuit (MP4-D) standard protection de- vices. A
rated at only 450A, separate ground-fault protec- 1500A ground-fault, for example, at motor M4
tion is not required by NFPA 70. Recall that NFPA terminals will trip the main circuit breaker on
70 requires separate ground-fault protection on ground-fault, shutting down the entire system. If a
480Y/277V services rated 1000A or more. How- ground-fault occurs in the service equipment, ex-
ever, this example illustrates the application of tensive damage may occur before the GFP1 trips
ground-fault protection at services in general. the main. In order to improve coordination, the
Figure G18 shows time-current curves for ground- ground-fault protection can be reduced to either
fault protection at the main only. The ground-fault GFP2 or GFP3. Figure G-19 shows time-current
protection is shown with three different time-cur- curves for coordinated ground-fault protection at
rent values: GFP1, GFP2, and GFP3. GFP1 is the the main (SE4-A), feeder (SE4-C), and branch
maximum ground-fault setting permitted by NFPA (MP4-D).
70 (i.e., 1200A pick-up and one second time delay
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G-10. Example 8—Medium-voltage (MV) g. Device 81, under frequency relays can be used
generator protection to drop load or sectionalize buses in order to keep
a. As shown in figure G-1, the example incorpo- remaining generation and load in operation during
rates two 1250kVA, 13.8kV, on-site generators. disturbances.
These generators would be classified as multiple
isolated generators as described in chapter 5 of this G-11. Example 9—Phase Overcurrent
TM. The basic minimum protection is listed below. Protection Using Protective Relays
b. Device 51V, voltage-controlled or voltage-re- a. Figure G-22 shows the time-current curves
strained backup overcurrent relay. Short-circuits on for the medium-voltage motor circuit. As shown in
generators usually result in low voltage. Thus when figure G-1, this circuit is supplied by 15kV switch-
overcurrents are accompanied by low volt-age, the gear feeders number 5 and 6. Circuit breakers 5 and
relay will operate. If overcurrent is not 6 in the 15kV switch-gear must be set above the
accompanied by low voltage, the condition is prob- rating of FU-5 to achieve coordination. Addi-
ably an overload and the generator remains con- tionally, the tie-breaker and the main circuit
nected since the relay will not operate. This allows breakers must coordinate with the feeder breakers.
the relay to be set lower than generator FLA. Since the tie-breaker and the main breakers are
c. Device 51G, backup ground time-overcurrent equally rated, relay tap and time dial settings can be
relay. Since the generator is grounded, a time adjusted to achieve coordination. Figure G23
overcurrent relay in the neutral circuit can be used shows the curves for FU-5, feeder breakers 5 and
in much the same manner as a transformer neutral 6, tie-breaker 3, and main breaker 1 and 2. Selected
ground relay. Care should be exercised in selecting settings are shown in table G-1.
line-to-line voltage rating on the potential
transformers used for protection and synchro-
nizing. Furthermore, a voltage relay would be used
for ground detection on a high resistance grounded
neutral. Where necessary, surge protection should
be provided in the generator.
d. Device 87 and 87G, differential relays.
e. Device 32, reverse power relay for antimotor-
ing protection.
f. Device 40, impedance relay, offset mho type
for loss of field protection.
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