Difference Between Hub, Switch and Router - GeeksforGeeks
Difference Between Hub, Switch and Router - GeeksforGeeks
Difference Between Hub, Switch and Router - GeeksforGeeks
decision about the route i.e. to determine which of several possible paths
between the source and destination is the best for a particular transmission.
It works on the network layer 3 and used in LANs, MANs and WANs. It stores
IP address and maintains address on its own.
Hub is a physical
Switch is a data link layer Router is a network layer
1. layer device i.e. layer
device i.e. layer 2. device i.e. layer 3.
A Switch is a tele-
A Hub is a multiport communication device A router reads the header
repeater in which a which receives a message of incoming packet and
signal introduced at from any device forward it to the port for
3. the input of any port connected to it and then which it is intended there
appears at the transmits the message by determines the route. It
output of the all only to the device for can also perform filtering
available ports. which the message is and encapsulation.
A route is more
sophisticated and
intelligent device as it can
Hub is not an A Switch is an intelligent
read IP address and direct
intelligent device device as it passes on the
the packets to another
4. that may include message to the selective
network with specified IP
amplifier on device by inspecting the
address. Moreover routers
repeater. address.
can built address tables
that helps in routing
Sr. Hub Switch Router
At least single
At least single network is Router needs at least two
5. network is required
required to connect. networks to connect.
to connect.
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