Solved Work Sheet For Third Term 2024
Solved Work Sheet For Third Term 2024
Solved Work Sheet For Third Term 2024
Islamic studies for Non-Arabs
Q 1: In the light of the given Qur’anic verse, differentiate between the one who has
deviated from the right way and the one who is following the way of Allah (SWT).
Then is one who walks fallen on his face better guided or one who walks, erect
on a straight path? (22)
The believer follows the straight or right path by obeying Allah (SWT) and His
Messenger (PBUH) in his life.
To learn lessons and wisdom to avoid punishment of Allah (SWT) and win Paradise.
Q 4: Why Allah ( )سبحانه وتعاىلordered the man to walk all around the earth?
To work and seek livelihood.
• Did Allah (SWT) give those who went astray any time to follow the right way?
Allah (SWT) gave them time to follow the right way and then punish.
Organs Utilization
The brain Memorization, Thinking and understanding.
❖ What is the result of the following behavior?
i)He drove his father's car without having a driving license.
Causing accident.
Increasing disease.
vi)He kept his electronic device with his father during the time of study/examinations.
To teach Muslims how to live properly so that they can feel responsible and realize
the value of consulting.
Q 2: What were the Prophet’s ﷺ, instructions to the archers?
He ordered the archers to stay on the top of the hill near Jabal Uhud and told
them not to leave their position at all.
Q 3: What are the purposes behind Islam's prohibition of aggression and war?
Peace, justice, and the protection of human life. Islam teaches us to help others, be
kind, and work together to build a happy and peaceful world.
Q 4: What are considered among the most dangerous wars for societies?
Wars are the cause of poverty, loss of lives, destruction, ruins the nations' identity
and hinder development.
Acts Results
❖ Answer the followings.
❖ Identify the causes and motives of the Battle of Uhud in the table below.
wanted revenge for their defeat at Badr. Protect the city from danger.
Unit 6 Lesson 4 / Voluntary Fasting
Q 3: Based on the following Ahadith, mention the days in which fasting is forbidden?
Q 4: Read and infer from the following Ahadith the days on which fasting is
recommended, explaining the merits of fasting on these days:
Days on which fasting is
Noble Hadith Merits of fasting on these days
Abu Qatada, (RA) said: “The
Messenger of Allah ()ﷺwas asked The Day of Ashura (10th of Forgiving Sins of the Previous
fasting on the day of Ashura, and he Muharram) year.
said:“It is an expiation for the
preceding year” (Narrated by Muslim)
The Messenger of Allah ()ﷺsaid:
“Fasting on the Day of Arafah, I hope The day of Arafah(9th of Thul- Forgiven sins of the year
from Allah ( )سبحانه وتعاىلexpiates for Hijjah) . before and the year after.
the sins of the year before and the
year after.” (Narrated by Muslim)
The Messenger of Allah ()ﷺsaid:
“Fast for three days in every month Fast for three days in every Winning continuous Reward.
Islamic month (13,14,15).
and that is a perpetual fasting.”
(Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
Q 5: What are the benefits that a fasting person will receive from fasting regularly,
to the extent of their ability, in terms of:
Q 6: Choose the word from the word bank and complete the following:
Eid Al-Fitr - 700 - voluntary - good deeds - ability - any day - Eid Al-Adha
ii. We get closer to Allah ( )سبحانه وتعاىلby observing voluntary fasting to the extent of my ability .
iii. A Muslim can observe voluntary fasting on any day of the year, except for the forbidden days.
iv. Allah ( )سبحانه وتعاىلmultiplies the reward of fasting over 700 times.
v. Abu Huraira (RA) said: “The Messenger of Allah ( )ﷺsaid, forbade fasting on two days: the day of
❖ Classify the following whether its obligatory worship acts or voluntary worship acts:
Fasting in the month of Fasting six days in Shawwal
Ramadan Fasting first nine days of Dhul-
5 times Prayers Salat ul Duha,Qiyam ul
Layl, Extra Nawafil ,etc Hijja/on the Day of Arfah, etc
obligatory voluntary
obligatory voluntary
Vocabulary Meaning
ِ The one who stays with you, such as colleagues and friends.
َّ The good one, who encourages you to do good deeds and discourages
ِالص ِالح
you from doing evil.
ُّ َ The bad one, who encourages you to do evil and discourages you from
ِ ج ِليسِالسdoing good deeds.
ِالم ْس ِك
ِ A perfume that is extracted from deer.
ِال ِِكي The bellows used by a blacksmith to ignite fire.
َ ُْ ً
ِاِمن ِتنةريح A repugnant smell that disgusts people.
Q 2: Explain the benefits you get from a good friend and the bad effect you get from a bad
friend in the light of your understanding of the saying of the Messenger of Allahﷺ:
"The owner of musk would either offer you some free of charge, or you would buy it
"as for the one who blows the bellows (i.e., the blacksmith), he either burns your
clothes or you smell a repugnant smell".
Q 4: What are the signs that would discourage you from befriending someone?
Q 5: Complete the following table?
Keep you away from obeying Allah (SWT) and His Messenger (PBUH) .
Q 6: Identify which friends are good and which are bad.
Q 7: Choose the proper word from the word bank and complete the following:
iii. Man is social by nature and cannot live isolated from his family.
vi. I learn from my friends everything that is good for me in terms of my religion , life, family
and country.
Q 8: Write true or false:
i. (T) I avoid everything that makes Allah SWT angry with me when I
ii. (F) The good one, who discourages you from doing good deeds and encourages
iii. (T) Good friends are like the holder of the musk, which is a very expensive perfume.