Scenario Planning Part-1
Scenario Planning Part-1
Scenario Planning Part-1
Scenario techniques are used to grapple with uncertainty. Scenario analysis starts by considering what
might happen, and then explores a range of future plausible stories. There are many methods for
developing scenarios, and they can be used for a variety of purposes. Scenario techniques have
implications for how monitoring and evaluation is conducted.
Scenario techniques are used to grapple with uncertainty. Phase 1: Define the scenario question and the time
Instead of attempting to predict what is going to happen, horizon. The purpose of undertaking scenario analysis is
scenario analysis starts from the ‘what if’ question and defined. For example, what socio-economic changes will we
explores a range of plausible and distinct stories of the be confronting in a country over the next five years, and
future. how well-adapted are we to respond to these changes?
Typically, scenarios are then developed to describe a period
Scenarios can be used for a variety of purposes. Most twice as long as the planning period. If the plan is intended
commonly, they are used to assist planning and strategy for a five-year period, as in the example above, scenarios
development, but they may also be used for other would be developed to describe a ten-year period.
purposes, such as to provide early warning indicators of the
direction of change, or to support public debate about Phase 2: Identify drivers of change. The futures under
desired courses of action. consideration will be driven by a variety of factors. A PESTE
analysis (politics, economics, social, technological and
Scenario techniques were first developed in war-gaming for environmental) or similar analysis, can be used to identify
the Pentagon in the 1960s by Herman Kahn. In their these factors. These drivers of change are then sorted into
modern form, they were pioneered by the planning those which are certain and those which are uncertain. At
department of the oil multinational, Shell. Shell claims the least in the short-term, factors such as demographic
company was able to anticipate the possibility of a decline change, for example, can be considered certain, and data
in oil price in the 1980s, and to diversify accordingly. from trend projections can be built into the scenarios.
Other factors, such as policy change, for example, are
The techniques were introduced into the public sector usually uncertain. The uncertain drivers are used to shape
towards the end of the twentieth century, and into the the scenarios.
development sector in the twenty-first century. Scenario
techniques are now a mandatory requirement for some Phase 3: Develop scenarios. This is where methods differ
donors, e.g. DFID, for country programme planning. widely. Here we will use the example of the most widely
used method, the two-by-two grid. This should not be
taken to mean the method is necessarily the best, or the
Developing and using scenarios most appropriate for every use, but it is simple to
understand. In the two-by-two grid method, championed
There are many methods for developing scenarios. At their
by the Global Business Network, the uncertain drivers are
core, most share in common the early analytical phases
filtered down to the two most important and impactful
(see diagram below):
drivers. These might be, for example, conflict and
governance. Combining the two drivers as two distinct axes
creates a grid of four boxes (see diagram).
Phase 1: Define the scenario
question and the time horizon
High Conflict High Conflict
Responsive Governance Unresponsive Governance
Phase 2: Identify drivers of change
Low Conflict Low Conflict
Responsive Governance Unresponsive Governance
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