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The Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526 AD)

•First Muslim Invasion: Mohammad Bin Qasim 712 AD Conquered Sindh → Became the province of Omayyad Khilafat

•First Turk Invasion: Mahmud Ghaznavi

1000-1027 AD 17 Expeditions→ enriched himself taking 1025 AD → raided Somnath Temple (South of Kathiwar) temple destroyed in 1026
('Yamin-Al-Dalwa' - Right Hand of The State, from
(Yamini Dynasty) away the wealth from India AD
Abassid Caliph)

•Second Turk Invasion: Mohammad Ghori 1175-1205 AD

Invaded India and laid the foundation of Muslim dominion in India
('Founder of Muslim Rule ' in India) (30 years)

Rajputs lacked the unity and No Central Rajput Kingdoms were small
Reasons for success: Turks were better organised, took advantage of the lack of mutual co-operation
orgnisation Government and scattered

The Slave Dynasty (1206-1290 AD, 84 Years)

Turkish Slave -
Purchased by Ghori -
Qutubuddin Aibak Later made Quwat-ul-Islam (Delhi) and Adhai din ka
Patronised Hasan-un-Nizami Died 1210 AD
(Title of Lakh 1206-1210 AD Governor - Death of Jhonpra (Ajmer).
No significant administrative reforms (Taj-ul-Massir) and Fakhruddin playing Chaugan or
Bakhsh, for (4 years) Ghori - Aibak Qutub Minar (in the honor of sufi saint
(Tarikh-i-Mubarak Shahi) Polo
generosity) became Master of Khwaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki.
Hindustan, founded
Slave Dynasty

Capital- Delhi • coins- Tanka (silver), Jital

slave of Qutubuddin (copper) • saved Sultanate from Chengiz
iltutmish 1211-1236 AD patronised Minhaj-us-Siraj
Aibak - deposed Khan • organised Iqta system • centrally Completed construction of Qutub Minar Died at 1236 AD
(Real founder of (25 years) (Tabaqat-i-Nasiri)
Aram Shah paid army • 40 official nobility of slaves
Delhi Sultanate)

deposed by Razia at
Ruknuddin 1236 AD Son of Iltutmish crowned by her mother Shah Turkan Avadh (curbing

Razia Sultana
daughter of popular among people - offended Nobles preferring Abyssian slave Yakut - governors of Multan, Badaun, Hansi and Victim of conspiracy -
('First and Only 1236-1240 AD
Iltutmish - deposed Lahore openly revolted - Altunia (governor of Bhatinda) refused Suzerainty - Yakut was murdered - Razia imprisoned - assassinated near
Muslim Lady who (4 years)
Ruknuddin Razia married Altunia Kathial 1240 AD
ever ruled India')

1242 AD - lost life

Son of Iltutmish -
1240-1242 AD failing to assert
Bahram Shah put to throne by only the de jure ruler - Naib-e-mamlakat was de facto ruler
(2 years) authority once on
the throne

1242-1246 AD
Masud Shah son of Ruknuddin Nasiruddin Mahamud's mother Malika-e-Jahan conspired against him - established son as the new Sultan
(4 years)

Nasiruddin 1246-1266 AD
son of Iltutmish known as Darvesi King - very pious and noble died in 1266 AD
Mahamud (20 years)

Ghiyasuddin died fighting

1266-1287 AD broke the power of Chalisa, restored prestige of crown - appointed Spies - centralised army to check Mongols - military
Balban No information Mongols 1285 AD -
(21 Years) department Diwan-i-Arz - Sijda - Paibos - destroyed Mewati Rajputa in doab
(Zil-i-Ilahi) Turghil beheaded

Kaiqubad 1287-1290 AD Grandson of Balban seated to throne by Fakruddin (Kotwal of Delhi) killed by Khilji Family

The Khilji Dynasty (1290-1320 AD, 30 Years)

1290-1296 AD
Jalaluddin Khilji founded the Khilji Dynasty
(6 Years)

‣ 4 ordinances - confiscation of religious endowments

• reorganised Spy system • prohibit wine • Nobles ‣ separated religion from politics
not allowed social gatherings & intermarry (kingship knows no kinship)
Alai Fort • Alai
‣ Dagh(Horses) and Chehra(soldiers) ‣ annexed Gujarat, Ranthambor (RJ),
Nephew and son-in- Darwaja (entrance
——————————————————————— Mewar (RJ), Malwa (MP), Jalor (RJ) Patron of art and
1296-1316 AD law of Jalauddin gate of Qutub
Alauddin Khilji ‣ Fix share of state learning • Amir
(20 Years) Khilji - Alauddin Minar) • Hazar
——————————————————————— ‣ Led by Malik Kafur, defeated Ram Khusrau (court poet)
Khilji killed Jalauddin Sutun (palace of
‣ Mustakharaj (revenue officer) Chandra (Yadava ruler, Devagiri), Pratap
thousand pillars)
——————————————————————— Rudradeva (Kakatiya, Warangal), Vir Ballal
‣ Fixed cost of commodites (open market - Sara-i- (Hoyasala, Dwarasamdura), Vir Pandya
Adal) • Shahna (officer-in-charge of prices and (Pandya, Madurai)
merchants) • Diwan-i-Riyasat, Shahna-i-Mandi

Shihabuddin 6 year old prince of

not defined nominated by Malik Kafur (Hajardinari) • Kafur was killed by loyalists of royal family of Alauddin
(nominated) Alauddin

1316-1320 AD worked as regent for Shihabuddin • sank into debauchery and dissipated lifestyle • awarded lover Mubarak Hussain Khusrau khan killed
Mubarak Khan son of Alauddin
(4 Years) (Khusrau Khan, given by Sultan himself) authority over army Sultan 1320 AD

lover of Mubarak
Khusrau Khan 1320 AD killed by Ghazi Malik, governor of Dipalpur
The Tughlaq Dynasty (1320-1414 AD, 94 Years)

Ghiyasuddin 1320-1325 AD
Ghazi Malik ascended the throne assuming title 'Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq' Died in accident
Tughlaq (5 Years)

‣ Taxation in Doab (between Ganga and yamuna) : ill-advised • increased tax (20 fold) • revived Abwabs • arbitrary
appraisal • Ghari (house tax), Charai (pasture tax) • Diwan-i-Kohi (agricultural dept.)

‣ Transfer of capital: Delhi to Devagairi (Daulatabad) • Base for south expansion • abandoded years later

‣ Token currency: Introduce bronze coins (same value of silver coins) • inflation
Mohammad-bin 1325-1351 AD Prince Jauna, son of
Died in Thatta
Tughlaq (MBT) (26 Years) Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
‣ Khurasan Expedition: abandoned

‣ Qarachil Expedition: launched in Kumaon hills to counter chinese incursion • first attack succeeded, later suffered

‣ Conclusion: led to revolts • Madurai became independent • Vijaynagar founded (1336 AD) • Bahamani founded
(1347 AD)

‣ To prevent breakup, he adopted policy of appeasement • no attempt to reassert authority over South India

‣ Hereditary principle extended to Nobles and army • soldiers were paid in land revenue (Vajeha)

‣ He adopted practices which establish him as a true Islam

‣ Jizya became separate tax • Four kinds of taxes were imposed: Kharaj (Land Tax), Jizya (non Muslim Tax), Zakat
(property tax), Khams (booty tax)
Cousin of
Firoz Shah Tughlaq 1351-1388 AD ‣ Irrigation: repaired a number of canals and imposed Haque-i-Sharb , Hasil-i-Sharb (Water Tax)
Mohammad-bin died in 1388 AD
(FST) (37 Years)
‣ Built Fatehabad, Hisar, Jaunpur (in the memory of MBT), Firozabad

‣ Two pillars of Ashoka, brought to Delhi (one from Topra, another from Meerut)

‣ Established hospital at Delhi (Dar-ul-Shifa)

‣ Diwan-i-Khairat (provision for marriage of poor girls)

‣ His PM was Khan-i-Jahan Maqbul (credit for his peaceful rule)

Turkish Chief, died in 1404 AD on

Invaded India in 1398 during the reign of Mahmud Shah Tughlaq • Mercilessly sacked, plundered Delhi • left Khazir
Timur's Invasion 1398-1399 AD descendant of his way to conquer
Khan to rule over Punjab
Chengiz Khan China

The Saiyyid Dynasty (1414-1450 AD, 36 Years)

1414-1421 AD
Khizr Khan Timur's Nominee Captured Delhi and proclaimed the New Sultan • First of Sayyid Dynasty Not defined
(7 Years)

1421-1434 AD Killed by Nobles in

Mubarak Shah Not defined Succeeded Khizr after successful expedition against Mewatis, Katehars and Gangetic Doab area
(13 Years) own court

1434-1443 AD nobles put him on

Muhammad Shah could not survive in-fight among nobles • only ruled 30 miles • rest ruled by nobles Not defined
(9 Years) throne

1443-1451 AD
Alam Shah Not defined descended in favor of Bahlol Lodhi Retired
(8 Years)

The Lodhi Dynasty (1451-1526 AD, 75 Years)

1451-1488 AD
Bahlol Lodhi Afghan Sardar established himself in punjab after invasion of Timur Not defined
(37 Years)

Conquered bihar and WB • Shifted capital from Delhi to Agra, (founded Agra) • fanatical Muslim ( broke images of
1498-1517 AD
Sikandar Lodhi Son of Bahlol Lodhi Jwalamukhi Temple, Nagar Kot) • ordered temples of Mathura to be destroyed • Gaz-i-Sikandari (Sikandar's Yard) - 32 Not defined
(19 Years)
digits measuring field • He was poet - penned Persian poems under name Gulrukhi

1517-1526 AD Son of Sikandar Battle of Panipat

Ibrahim Lodhi asserted absolute power of Sultan • Daulat Khan Lodhi invited Babur to overthrow Ibrahim
(9 Years) Lodhi 1526 AD

Causes of Decline

Degeneration of
Despotic and Greed and Defective military No of slaves
Delhi Sultans (esp. War of succession Vastness of empire Financial instability Invasion of Timur
military government incompetency organisation increased

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