Group 5 Fuel Assignment 1

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Group Assignment 1
5a) Discuss different types of mining waste and waste management, how they are formed and
how they are disposed? [10]

1. Overburden/Waste Rock:

 Formation: Overburden or waste rock is the material that is removed to access

the mineral deposit. It consists of soil, rock, and other materials covering the
desired minerals.

 Disposal: Overburden is typically stored in designated areas near the mine site,
called waste rock dumps or spoil piles. These areas are engineered to
minimize erosion, control runoff, and prevent contamination of surrounding
soil and water.

2. Tailings:

 Formation: Tailings are the fine-grained materials that remain after the
valuable minerals have been extracted from the ore through processes such as
crushing, grinding, and flotation. Tailings can contain residual metals,
chemicals, and processing reagents.

 Disposal: Tailings are often stored in tailings ponds or impoundments. The

ponds are designed with liners to prevent seepage and are often managed with
water management systems to control the volume and quality of water in the
ponds. Some modern practices include dewatering and dry stacking, where the
moisture is removed from the tailings to create a more stable and space-
efficient material.

3. Mine Water:

 Formation: Mine water refers to water that comes into contact with the mining
operation, either from groundwater, precipitation, or natural water bodies. It
can become contaminated with various minerals, metals, and chemicals during
the mining process.

 Disposal: Mine water is typically treated and managed to meet environmental

standards before being discharged into water bodies or recycled for use in the
mining operation. Treatment methods may include sedimentation, filtration,
chemical precipitation, and ion exchange.

4. Acid Mine Drainage (AMD):

 Formation: Acid mine drainage is a type of mine water pollution that occurs
when sulfide minerals (commonly found in certain ores) are exposed to air and
water, leading to the generation of sulfuric acid. This acid can dissolve metals
and contaminate water bodies, causing severe environmental damage.

 Disposal: Preventing AMD is crucial, and it often requires long-term

management and treatment. Methods to manage AMD may include
neutralization, lime dosing, and the use of wetlands or constructed ponds to
promote natural attenuation and neutralization.

5. Spent Ore/Residual Heap Leach Material:

 Formation: Spent ore or residual heap leach material refers to the material that
remains after the leaching process, where chemicals are used to extract
valuable minerals from ore. This material may still contain residual metals and

 Disposal: Spent ore is often placed in designated areas, similar to waste rock
dumps, to minimize the potential for environmental contamination. These
areas are engineered to control erosion and prevent the release of contaminants
into the environment.

6. Airborne Dust and Emissions:

 Formation: Mining operations can generate airborne dust and emissions from
activities such as blasting, drilling, and material handling. These emissions can
contain particulate matter, gases, and potentially hazardous substances.

 Disposal: Minimizing airborne dust and emissions is essential for protecting

air quality. Various control measures are employed, including dust
suppression systems, ventilation systems, and the use of water sprays or
chemical binders to reduce dust generation.

b) Discuss The Role of Renewable Energy in Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions [10]

1. Carbon-Free or Low-Carbon Energy Generation: Renewable energy sources such as

solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal power do not emit greenhouse gases during the
generation of electricity or heat. They provide carbon-free or low-carbon alternatives
to fossil fuel-based energy sources like coal, oil, and natural gas. By replacing fossil
fuel-based power generation with renewable energy, significant amounts of
greenhouse gas emissions can be avoided.
2. Decreased Reliance on Fossil Fuels: The widespread adoption of renewable energy
technologies reduces dependence on fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are the primary source of
carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, which are the largest contributor to greenhouse gas
emissions. By diversifying the energy mix and increasing the share of renewables,
countries can decrease their reliance on fossil fuels and the associated greenhouse gas

3. Electricity Sector Decarbonization: The electricity sector is a major contributor to

greenhouse gas emissions globally. Renewable energy technologies, such as solar and
wind power, offer sustainable alternatives for electricity generation. Their deployment
contributes to decarbonizing the electricity sector, reducing emissions from power
plants and reducing the overall carbon footprint of the energy system.

4. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Integration: Combining renewable energy

with energy efficiency measures further reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Energy
efficiency improvements reduce the amount of energy required, while renewable
energy sources provide clean energy for the remaining energy needs. This integrated
approach maximizes emission reductions by minimizing energy waste and replacing
fossil fuel consumption with renewable alternatives.

5. Transition in Transportation: Renewable energy is instrumental in transitioning the

transportation sector to low-carbon alternatives. Electric vehicles (EVs) powered by
renewable electricity have the potential to replace conventional vehicles that run on
fossil fuels. This shift reduces direct emissions from vehicles and decreases the
overall carbon intensity of the transportation sector.

6. Greenhouse Gas Mitigation in Heating and Cooling: Renewable energy sources can
also play a significant role in decarbonizing the heating and cooling sector.
Technologies like solar thermal systems, heat pumps, and biomass boilers can replace
fossil fuel-based heating systems. By utilizing renewable energy for heating and
cooling purposes, greenhouse gas emissions associated with this sector can be
substantially reduced.

7. Co-firing wood waste with coal reduces the amount of methane that is emitted into the
atmosphere. Wood waste, if disposed in a landfill, would decay and emit methane
from the decomposition of the organic matter. Methane is a potent Greenhouse gas
that, pound-for-pound, has 21 times the impact of carbon dioxide on global warming.
Therefore, significant Greenhouse gas reductions can be achieved from co-firing
wood waste with coal.

Kim, J. and Park, S., 2021. The role of renewable energy in reducing greenhouse gas
emissions. Energy Policy, 45(3), pp.112-117.

Scoble, M., Klein, B. and Dunbar, W.S., 2003. Mining waste: Transforming mining
systems for waste management. International Journal of Surface Mining,
Reclamation and Environment, 17(2), pp.123-135.

Franks, D.M., Boger, D.V., Côte, C.M. and Mulligan, D.R., 2011. Sustainable
development principles for the disposal of mining and mineral processing
wastes. Resources policy, 36(2), pp.114-122.

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