Topic 9 Material Waste Management
Topic 9 Material Waste Management
Topic 9 Material Waste Management
Air and water, along with biological resources such as fish and crops,
are regularly replenished as long as the processes that renew them
continue to operate at an adequate rate.
Nonrenewable resources, such as oil and minerals, even those that are
being replenished by Earth processes today, are not being replenished
in a time frame useful to people.
The best sand or sand and gravel deposits for construction, for
example, are those in which the finer materials have been removed by
water or wind. Sand dunes, beach deposits, and deposits in
stream channels are good examples.
The sand and gravel industry amounts to several billion dollars annually.
2. River and Stream Flow
Rivers and streams that empty into oceans and lakes carry
tremendous quantities of dissolved material from the weathering of
As these basins and lakes eventually dry up, the dissolved materials
drop out of solution and form a wide variety of compounds,
minerals, and rocks that have important commercial value.
3. Biological Process
Some minerals, such as salt (sodium chloride), are necessary for life.
Primitive peoples traveled long distances to obtain salt when it was not
locally available.
iii. Plants and animals killed by mining activity or by contact with toxic
soil or water are some of the direct impacts. Indirect impacts include
changes in nutrient cycling, total biomass, species diversity, and
ecosystem stability.
ii. Land use shifts from open range, forest, and agriculture to urban
iv. Air quality suffers as a result of more vehicles, construction dust, and
power generation.
v. Closing down mines create “ghost towns” such an old American West.
vi. The price of coal and other minerals also directly affects the livelihood of
many small towns due to the increased level of environmental
regulation of the mining industry.
Ghost town American West
Name TWO environmental and TWO social impacts of
mining activity.
Minimizing the Environmental Impact of Mineral
1. Reclaiming areas disturbed by mining
5. Practicing the three R’s of waste management. That is, Reduce the
amount of waste produced, Reuse waste as much as possible, and
maximize Recycling opportunities.
At several sites, for example, constructed wetlands use acid-tolerant
plants to remove metals from mine wastewaters and neutralize acids
by biological activity. The Homestake Gold Mine in South Dakota
uses biooxidation to convert contaminated water from the mining
operation into substances that are environmentally safe; the process uses
bacteria that have a natural ability to oxidize cyanide to harmless
(a) Simplified flowchart of the resource cycle: (b) mining gold in South Africa; (c)
copper smelter, Montana; (d) sheets of copper for industrial use; (e) appliances
made in part from metals; and (f) disposal of mining waste from a Montana gold
mine into a tailings pond.
Integrated Waste Management (IWM)
The dominant concept today in managing waste is known as integrated
waste management (IWM), which is best defined as a set of
management alternatives that includes reuse, source reduction,
recycling, composting, landfill, and incineration.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
The ultimate objective of the three R’s of IWM is to reduce the amount
of urban and other waste that must be disposed of in landfills,
incinerators, and other waste management facilities.
i. The market for iron and steel is huge, and as a result there is a large
scrap-collection and scrap-processing industry.
Several fires at the site in 1999 followed by a large unknown fire in 2000
Wind gusts of hurricane strength spread toxic smoke and ash to nearby
farmlands and villages
A few days later, the site flooded, interfered with cleanup after the fire and
increased the risk of downstream contamination by waterborne hazardous
Alternatives to Land Disposal of
Hazardous Waste
1. Source Reduction
The object of source reduction in hazardous-waste management is to
reduce the amount of hazardous waste generated by
manufacturing or other processes. For example, changes in the
chemical processes involved, equipment and raw materials used,
or maintenance measures may successfully reduce the amount or
toxicity of hazardous waste produced.
2. Recycling and Resource Recovery
Hazardous chemical waste may contain materials that can be recovered
for future use. For example, acids and solvents collect contaminants when
they are used in manufacturing processes. These acids and solvents can
be processed to remove the contaminants and then be reused in the
same or different manufacturing processes.
3. Treatment
Hazardous chemical waste can be treated by a variety of processes to
change its physical or chemical composition and reduce its toxicity or other
hazardous characteristics. For example, acids can be neutralized, heavy
metals can be separated from liquid waste, and hazardous chemical
compounds can be broken up through oxidation.
4. Incineration
High-temperature incineration can destroy hazardous chemical waste.
However, incineration is considered a waste treatment, not a disposal
method, because the process produces an ash residue that must itself be
disposed of in a landfill. Hazardous waste has also been incinerated offshore
on ships, creating potential air pollution and ash-disposal problems in the
marine environment.
Ocean Dumping
Oceans cover more than 70% of Earth. They play a part in maintaining
our global environment and are of major importance in the cycling of
carbon dioxide, which helps regulate the global climate.
1988 algal bloom was responsible for killing nearly all marine life to a
depth of about 15 m
2. In addition, beaches and harbors polluted by solid waste, oil, and other
materials may not only damage marine life but also lose their visual
appeal and other amenities.
faced with the disposal of about 2,000 gallons a day of a salty solution
generated during the cheese-making process
modify its cheese-making processes to recover salt from the solution and
reuse it in production
Sustainable Resource Management
Through human ingenuity, we learned that we can use raw mineral
materials more efficiently. For example, in the late 1800s when the Eiffel
Tower was constructed, 8,000 metric tons of steel were used. Today the
tower could be built with only a quarter of that amount.
A measure of how much time we have for finding solutions to the depletion of
nonrenewable reserves is:
R:C (ratio)
R is the known reserves (for example, hundreds of thousands of tons of a
C is the rate of consumption (for example, thousands of tons per year used by
This measure will provide a view of how scarce a particular mineral resource
would be
In sum, we may approach sustainable development and use of
nonrenewable mineral resources by developing more efficient ways of
mining resources and finding ways to more efficiently use available
resources, recycling more and applying human ingenuity to find substitutes
for a nonrenewable mineral.