Investigation - IB DP Biology SL - HL FE2025 (NEW)
Investigation - IB DP Biology SL - HL FE2025 (NEW)
Investigation - IB DP Biology SL - HL FE2025 (NEW)
© 2024
B3.2 Transport
IB learner profile attribute: Thinkers
Approaches to learning: Thinking skills – Reflecting at
all stages of the assessment and learning cycle
Time required to complete activity: 40–60 minutes
Activity type: Individual activity
Your task
In this activity you will be given a number of photomicrographs of transport vessels.
For each photomicrograph: 1/3
16/4/24, 7:30 Investigation | IB DP Biology SL/HL FE2025 (NEW)
by Berkshire Community College Bioscience Image Library is licensed under CC0 1.0
and-vein-showing-three-distinct-layers-or-royalty-free-image/139812233) 2/3
16/4/24, 7:30 Investigation | IB DP Biology SL/HL FE2025 (NEW)
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