Dll-Gr6-English-Wk 6-Q2

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Daily Lesson Log Week/Teaching Date Dec.4-8, 2023/WEEK 6 Quarter SECOND


A. Content Standards demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of demonstrates understanding of
the various forms and the various forms and the various forms and the various forms and
conventions of print, non-print, conventions of print, non-print, conventions of print, non-print, conventions of print, non-print,
and digital materials
and digital materials and digital materials and digital materials
B. Performance Standards evaluates effectively the message evaluates effectively the message evaluates effectively the message evaluates effectively the
constructed and conveyed in constructed and conveyed in constructed and conveyed in message constructed and
various viewing texts various viewing texts various viewing texts conveyed in various viewing
C. Learning Competencies EN6SS-IIc1.4.2 EN6SS-IIc1.4.3 EN6SS-IIc1.4.2 EN6SS-IIc1.4.3 EN6SS-IIc1.4.2 EN6SS-IIc1.4.3 EN6SS-IIc1.4.2 EN6SS-
Gather relevant information from Gather relevant information from Gather relevant information from IIc1.4.3 Gather relevant
various sources - -Almanac - various sources - -Almanac - various sources - -Almanac - information from various
Encyclopedia Encyclopedia Encyclopedia sources - -Almanac -
D. Learning Objectives  Identify the different  Identify the different  Identify the different  Identify the different
sources of PRINT sources of PRINT sources of PRINT sources of PRINT
information information information information

II. CONTENT Special Non-

( Subject Matter) Sources of Information Sources of Information Sources of Information Sources of Information Working Holiday
(PRINT) (PRINT) (PRINT) (PRINT) (Feast of the
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Learner’s Material pp.28-30 Learner’s Material pp.28-30 Learner’s Material pp.28-30 Learner’s Material pp.28-30
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
LR portal
B. Other Learning
A. Drill/Reviewing previous
Lesson or presenting new “Whenever you do your “Whenever you do your Review of the previous Lesson Review of the previous
lesson assignments, what reference assignments, what reference Lesson
materials do you usually use?” materials do you usually use?”
B. Establishing a purpose for
the lesson
C. Presenting examples/
instances of the new

D. Discussing new concepts

and practicing new ACTIVITY 3. QUIZ.
skills.#1 Journal Writing Activity. Choose the letter of the
correct answer.
E. Discussing new concepts
“If would become a refence
and practicing new skills
material, what would you be and 1. People use an atlas when
why?” they want to find:
F. Developing Mastery (Be ready to share your answers A. maps B. pictures
(Lead to Formative in front of the class) C. words D. stories
Assessment 3)
2. If you want to find out
Dictionaries Dictionaries
where the Indian Ocean is, you
 give an alphabetical list  give an alphabetical list
should look in:
of words and their of words and their
A. a dictionary
definitions definitions
B. a thesaurus
Handbooks Handbooks
C. an atlas
 contains facts about a  contains facts about a
D. a storybook
specific subject or specific subject or
3. If you wanted to find out
instructions that can be instructions that can be
what lives in an ocean, you
used to accomplish used to accomplish
should look in:
something. something.
A. a telephone book
Yearbook Yearbook
B. an encyclopedia
 are annual  are annual
C. a thesaurus
documentary, documentary,
historical, or memorial historical, or memorial D. an atlas
compendiums of facts, compendiums of facts,
photographs, statistics, photographs, statistics, 4. Where would you look to
and other information and other information find the definition of ocean: A.
from the preceding from the preceding a thesaurus
year year B. a dictionary
Encyclopedias Encyclopedias C. an encyclopedia
 contain full coverage  contain full coverage D. a reading textbook
of information about an of information about an
area of knowledge. area of knowledge. 5. People would use a science
Atlases Atlases book when they want to find:
 contain an organized  contain an organized A. out about fables
group of pictorial or group of pictorial or B. the life cycle of a butterfly
illustrated political, illustrated political, C. how to play basketball
cultural, physical, road, cultural, physical, road, D. how to spell dragonfly Page
and/or thematic maps. and/or thematic maps. 2 of 3
Almanacs Almanacs
 are not usually used for  are not usually used for 6. If you want to find the
extensive research , but extensive research , but definition of butterfly, you
are good for looking up are good for looking up should look in:
specific facts, statistics, specific facts, statistics, A. a dictionary
tables and lists about tables and lists about B. a thesaurus
people or places. people or places. C. an atlas
D. a storybook
Fill in the blanks with the correct Fill in the blanks with the correct 7. Where would you look to
reference material being reference material being find the name of the
referred . referred . constellations?
A. a sports magazine
1. A book that contains 1. A book that contains B. a dictionary
information on all branches of information on all branches of C. an atlas
knowledge. knowledge. D. an encyclopedia
2. A reference material to build 2. A reference material to build
your vocabulary your vocabulary 8. To find out why dogs dig,
3. A book of maps 3. A book of maps you would look in:
4. An annual publication 4. An annual publication A. an encyclopedia
specializing in current specializing in current B. a dictionary
information. information. C. a telephone book
5. A reference material used for 5. A reference material used for D. an almanac
tables and Statistics. tables and Statistics.
9. To find a synonym for the
word smart, you would look in:
A. an atlas
B. a dictionary
C. an encyclopedia
D. a thesaurus

10. To find out what the

weather would be like in
March you might look in:
A. a dictionary
B. an almanac
C. a phone book
D. an atlas
G. Finding practical
application of concepts “Getting Information from the “Getting Information from the “Getting Information from the Discussion of the correct
and skills in daily living internet is like taking a drink internet is like taking a drink internet is like taking a drink answers.
from the fire hydrant.” from the fire hydrant.” from the fire hydrant.”
H. Making Generalizations Recording of Scores
and Abstraction about the

I. Evaluating Learning ACTIVITY 2. ACTIVITY 2. ACTIVITY 4.

Do this activity in your Do this activity in your
notebook. notebook. 1. Which of the following is a
4. Additional Activities for reference tool to build your
Application or Among the reference Among the reference vocabulary?
Remediation materials mentioned, which do materials mentioned, which do a. Atlas c. Dictionary
you usually use? Why? you usually use? Why? b. Almanac d. Handbooks

2. Which of the following is not

found in a dictionary?
a. Parts of speech
b. Pronunciation
c. Example usage
d. elation to similar words

3. Which is NOT an example of

print text?
a. letter c. poem
b. essay d. graphics

4. What is the right word for

someone who studies history?
a. Author c. Diarist
b. Historians d. Journalist

5.What reference material will

you use if you would like to
know the map of a certain
a. Atlas c. Dictionary
b. Almanac d. Handbooks


A.No. of learners who earned ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned ___ of Learners
80% in the evaluation above ___ of Learners who earned above 80% above who earned 80%
80% above above
B.No. of learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners
additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for who require
remediation who scored below remediation remediation remediation remediation additional
activities for
C.Did the remedial lessons ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
work? No. of learners who have ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught ____ of Learners
caught up with the lesson the lesson the lesson the lesson up the lesson who caught up the
D.No. of learners who continue ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue ___ of Learners
to require remediation require remediation require remediation require remediation to require remediation who continue to
E.Which of my teaching Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used
strategies worked well? Why did __Group collaboration __Group collaboration __Group collaboration __Group collaboration that work well:
these work? __Games __Games __Games __Games __Group
__Power Point Presentation __Power Point Presentation __Power Point Presentation __Power Point Presentation collaboration
__Answering preliminary __Answering preliminary __Answering preliminary __Answering preliminary __Games
__activities/exercises __activities/exercises __activities/exercises __activities/exercises __Power Point
__Discussion __Discussion __Discussion __Discussion Presentation
__Think-Pair-Share __Think-Pair-Share __Think-Pair-Share __Think-Pair-Share __Answering

F.What difficulties did I __Comprehension __Comprehension __Comprehension __Comprehension __Comprehension

encounter which my principal or __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest
supervisor can help me solve? of pupils

G.What innovation or localized Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned
materials did I use/discover __Fashcards __Fashcards __Fashcards __Fashcards Innovations:
which I wish to share with other __Pictures __Pictures __Pictures __Pictures __Fashcards
__Learning Activity Sheets __Learning Activity Sheets __Learning Activity Sheets __Learning Activity Sheets __Pictures
__Math Module __Math Module __Math Module __Math Module __Learning
__Tarpapel __Tarpapel __Tarpapel __Tarpapel Activity Sheets
__Drill Cards __Drill Cards __Drill Cards __Drill Cards __Math Module
__Powerpoint Presentation __Powerpoint Presentation __Powerpoint Presentation __Powerpoint Presentation __Tarpapel
__Drill Cards

Prepared by: Checked by:

Teacher Head Teacher III

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