Gen Physics 2
Gen Physics 2
Gen Physics 2
General Physics 2
Quarter 4 - Module 6
Photoelectric Effect
General Physics 2 - Grade 12
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 - Module 6: Photoelectric Effect
First Edition, 2020
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General Physics 2
Quarter 4 - Module 6
Photoelectric Effect
Table of Contents
Cover Page i
Copyright Page ii
Title Page iii
Table of Contents iv
What This Module Is About v
How to Learn from this Module v
What I Need to Know vi
What I Know (Pre-assessment) vii
What’s In 1
What’s New 1
What Is It 2
What’s More 2
What I Have Learned 2
What I Can Do 3
What’s In 4
What’s New 4
What Is It 5
What’s More 6
What I Have Learned 7
Assessment (Post-assessment) 14
Answer Key 17
References 18
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What I Know
A. TRUE OR FALSE: Write T, if the statement is true and F, if the statement is false.
1. The KE of emitted electrons depends on the frequency, not the number of photons.
2. The radiation energy is proportional to the wavelength.
3. The KE of photoelectrons emitted by a photo-sensitive surface depends on the
intensity of radiation.
4. Photoelectric effect is a phenomenon in which electrically charged particles are
released from or within a material when it absorbs electromagnetic radiation.
5. All EM radiation is composed of photons.
6. Gamma rays can have the lowest frequency.
What’s In
In the past lesson, you learned about relativity. Relativity is the study of how different
observers measure the same event. Einstein developed the modern theory of relativity.
Modern relativity is divided into two parts:
• Special relativity that deals with observers who are moving at constant velocity.
• General relativity that deals with observers who are undergoing acceleration.
What’s New
In this lesson, you will learn about the concept of Photoelectric Effect. Before
immersing into the very core of this lesson, answer the following activity.
Rearrange the letters in each following items in order to form words that are related to
Photoelectric Effect.
1. NOTHOP - _______________
3. TOIOINZNIA - _______________
4. AITANODRI - ________________
What is It
When light strikes materials, it can eject electrons from them. This is called the
photoelectric effect, meaning that light (photo) produces electricity. If you direct a beam of
light of short enough wavelength onto a clean metal surface, the light will cause electrons to
leave that surface (the light will eject the electrons from the surface). This photoelectric effect
is used in many devices, including TV cameras, camcorders, and night vision viewers. Einstein
supported his photon concept by using it to explain this effect, which simply cannot be
understood without quantum physics.
What is really important about the photoelectric effect is what Albert Einstein deduced
from it. Einstein realized that there were several characteristics of the photoelectric effect that
could be explained only if EM (Electromagnetic) radiation is itself quantized: the apparently
continuous stream of energy in an EM wave is actually composed of energy quanta called
photons. In his explanation of the photoelectric effect, Einstein defined a quantized unit or
quantum of EM energy, which we now call a photon, with an energy proportional to the
frequency of EM radiation. In equation from, the photon energy is:
E = hf
Where E is the energy of a photon of frequency f and h is Planck’s constant. This
revolutionary idea looks similar to Planck’s quantization of energy states in blackbody
oscillators, but it is quite different. It is the quantization of EM radiation itself. EM waves are
composed of photons and are not continuous smooth waves as described in previous chapters
on optics. Their energy is absorbed and emitted in lumps, not continuously. This is exactly
consistent with Planck’s quantization of energy levels in blackbody oscillators, since these
oscillators increase and decrease their energy in steps of hf by absorbing and emitting photons
having E = hf. We do not observe this with our eyes, because there are so many photons in
common light sources that individual photons go unnoticed.
Figure 1
Photo retrieved from
The photoelectric effect has the properties discussed below. All these properties are
consistent with the idea that individual photons of EM radiation are absorbed by individual
electrons in a material, with the electron gaining the photon’s energy. Some of these properties
are inconsistent with the idea that EM radiation is a simple wave. For simplicity, let us consider
what happens with monochromatic EM radiation in which all photons have the same energy
The photoelectric effect has the properties discussed below. All these properties are
consistent with the idea that individual photons of EM radiation are absorbed by individual
electrons in a material, with the electron gaining the photon’s energy. Some of these properties
are inconsistent with the idea that EM radiation is a simple wave. For simplicity, let us consider
what happens with monochromatic EM radiation in which all photons have the same energy
1. If we vary the frequency of the EM radiation falling on a material, we find the following: For
a given material, there is a threshold frequency for the EM radiation below which no electrons
are ejected, regardless of intensity. Individual photons interact with individual electrons. Thus
if the photon energy is too small to break an electron away, no electrons will be ejected. If EM
radiation was a simple wave, sufficient energy could be obtained by increasing the intensity.
2. Once EM radiation falls on a material, electrons are ejected without delay. As soon as an
individual photon of a sufficiently high frequency is absorbed by an individual electron, the
electron is ejected. If the EM radiation were a simple wave, several minutes would be required
for sufficient energy to be deposited to the metal surface to eject an electron.
3. The number of electrons ejected per unit time is proportional to the intensity of the EM
radiation and to no other characteristic. High-intensity EM radiation consists of large numbers
of photons per unit area, with all photons having the same characteristic energy.
4. If we vary the intensity of the EM radiation and measure the energy of ejected electrons, we
find the following: The maximum kinetic energy of ejected electrons is independent of the
intensity of the EM radiation. Since there are so many electrons in a material, it is extremely
unlikely that two photons will interact with the same electron at the same time, thereby
increasing the energy given it. Instead (as noted in 3 above), increased intensity results in
more electrons of the same energy being ejected. If EM radiation were a simple wave, a higher
intensity could give more energy, and higherenergy electrons would be ejected.
5. The kinetic energy of an ejected electron equals the photon energy minus the binding
energy of the electron in the specific material. An individual photon can give all of its energy
to an electron. The photon’s energy is partly used to break the electron away from the material.
The remainder goes into the ejected electron’s kinetic energy. In equation form, this is given
KEe = hf – BE
Where KEe is the maximum kinetic energy of the ejected electron, hf is the photon’s
energy, and BE is the binding energy of the electron to the particular material. This equation,
due to Einstein in 1905, explains the properties of the photoelectric effect quantitatively. An
individual photon of EM radiation (it does not come any other way) interacts with an individual
electron, supplying enough energy, BE, to break it away, with the remainder going to kinetic
energy. The binding energy is BE = hf0, where f0 is the threshold frequency for the particular
material. Figure 2 shows the graph of maximum KEe versus the frequency of incident EM
radiation falling on a particular material.
Figure 2
Photo retrieved from
Einstein’s idea that EM radiation is quantized was crucial to the beginnings of quantum
mechanics. It is a far more general concept than its explanation of the photoelectric effect
might imply. All EM radiation can also be modeled in the form of photons, and the
characteristics of EM radiation are entirely consistent with this fact. (As we will see in the next
section, many aspects of EM radiation, such as the hazards of ultraviolet (UV) radiation, can
be explained only by photon properties.) More famous for modern relativity, Einstein planted
an important seed for quantum mechanics in 1905, the same year he published his first paper
on special relativity. His explanation of the photoelectric effect was the basis for the Nobel
Prize awarded to him in 1921. Although his other contributions to theoretical physics were also
noted in that award, special and general relativity were not fully recognized in spite of having
been partially verified by experiment by 1921. Although hero-worshipped, this great man never
received Nobel recognition for his most famous work—relativity.
What’s More
Answer the following questions:
1. In your own words, discuss the photoelectric effect.
What’s In
What’s New
In this lesson, you will learn about the Photon Energies and the Electromagnetic
What is It
Ionization Radiation
where E is the energy of a single photon and c is the speed of light. When working with
small systems, energy in eV is often useful. Note that Planck’s constant in these units is
h = 4.14 x 10-15 eV · s
Since many wavelengths are stated in nanometers (nm), it is also useful to know that
hc = 1240 eV · nm
These will make many calculations a little easier.
All EM radiation is composed of photons. Figure 3 shows various divisions of the EM spectrum
plotted against wavelength, frequency, and photon energy. It is noted that these types of EM
radiation have characteristics much different than visible light. We can now see that such
properties arise because photon energy is larger at high frequencies.
Figure 2
Photo retrieved from
Example 1
a. What is the energy in joules and electron volts of a photon of 420-nm violet light?
b. What is the maximum kinetic energy of electrons ejected from calcium by 420-nm violet
light, given that the binding energy (or work function) of electrons for calcium metal is 2.71
To solve part (a), note that the energy of a photon is given by E=hf.
For part (b), once the energy of the photon is calculated, it is a straightforward application of
KEe=hf – BE to find the ejected electron’s maximum kinetic energy, since BE is given.
Finding the kinetic energy of the ejected electron is now a simple application of the equation
KEe= hf – BE. Substituting the photon energy and the binding energy yields.
The energy of this 420-nm photon of violet light is a tiny fraction of a joule, and so it is no
wonder that a single photon would be difficult for us to sense directly-humans are more attuned
to energies on the order of joules. But looking at the energy in electron volts, We can see that
this photon has enough energy to affect atoms and molecules. A DNA molecule can be broken
with about 1 eV of energy, for example, and typical atomic and molecular energies are on the
order of eV, so that the UV photon in the example could have biological effects. The ejected
electron (called a photoelectron) has a rather low energy, and it would not travel far, except in
a vacuum. The electron would be stopped by a retarding potential of but 0.26 eV. In fact, if the
photon wavelength were longer and its energy less than 2.71 eV, then the formula would give
a negative kinetic energy, an impossibility. This simply means that the 420-nm photons with
their 2.96-eV energy are not much above the frequency threshold. You can show for yourself
that the threshold wavelength is 459 nm (blue light). This means that if calcium metal is used
in a light meter, the meter will be insensitive to wavelengths longer than those of blue light.
Such a light meter would be completely insensitive to red light, for example.
What’s More
1. For the same monochromatic light source, would the photoelectric effect occur for
all metals?
TRUE OR FALSE: Write T, if the statement is true and F, if the statement is false.
1. The photoelectric effect is the process that disregards EM radiation that ejects
electrons from a material.
2. Einstein proposed photons to be a quanta of EM radiation having energy E = hf, where
f is the frequency of the photons.
3. A fraction of EM radiation is composed of photons.
4. Photon energy is responsible for many characteristics of EM radiation, being
particularly noticeable at high frequencies.
5. Photons have both wave and particle characteristics.
6. A photon is a quantum of EM radiation.