Chap2 Summary Gr09
Chap2 Summary Gr09
Chap2 Summary Gr09
The definitions of Personality and Traits are provided in the first part, which helps to differentiate
between both terms and their connections. Our image is greatly influenced by our Traits. Personality
is an assortment of traits categorized into each person's behaviors, which are shaped by both
hereditary factors and environmental effects. Comprehending an individual's personality may aid in
clarifying and foreseeing their behaviors along with job performance. As in the section on
Leadership Trait Universality, while successful leaders share certain traits, being an excellent leader
does not always mean having such traits. Indeed, there are always exceptions to the rule.
The Big Five Model of Personality is a widely accepted classification system that categorizes human
personality traits into five dimensions: surgency, agreeableness, adjustment, conscientiousness, and
openness to experience. Surgency encompasses traits like dominance, extraversion, and high energy
with determination, reflecting assertiveness and positive drive. Agreeableness includes sociability,
sensitivity, and emotional intelligence, emphasizing the importance of pleasant social relationships
and understanding others. Adjustment involves emotional stability, self-control, and self-confidence,
influencing how individuals handle emotions in various situations. Conscientiousness focuses on traits
like dependability and integrity, indicating reliability, commitment, and ethical behavior. Openness to
experience includes flexibility, intelligence, and internal locus of control, highlighting adaptability,
cognitive abilities, and a sense of control over one's destiny.
Achievement Motivation Theory and the Leader Motive Profile are components of an Effective
Leaders personality profile. Based on an individual's desire for achievement, power, and affiliation—
needs that are formed as we interact with our surroundings—the Achievement Motivation Theory and
Leader Motive Profile Theory aim to explain and forecast behavior and performance. In the
Achievement Motivation Theory, The Need For Achievement from one's own efforts, which is
categorized as conscientiousness, is known as the drive for accomplishment. The surgency, or the
Need for Power, is the concern about others and the pursuit of positions of authority. Concerned with
creating, preserving, and repairing intimate human relationships, the Need for Affiliation is classified
as agreeableness. In the Leader Motive Profile Theory, it consists of moderate need for achievement
combined with a high, socialized need for power that outweighs the need for affiliation. Leaders
require Power, or the ability to influence subordinates, superiors, and peers, as a way to thrive.
Leaders possess Socialized Power, which includes the traits of stability in constructive emotional
intelligence relationships and sensitivity to others, and they may utilize this power for their own
benefit as well as the benefit of others. Leaders must possess moderate Achievement, great energy,
self-assurance, openness to new experiences or conscientiousness. Affiliation is less important to
effective leaders than power, so this allows them to influence followers without hindrance.
Positive or adverse feelings about people, things, and issues are referred to as attitudes. It has been
said that employee attitudes are the most crucial component in an organization's success. Theory X
and Theory Y can be utilized to forecast the behaviour of leaders based on their attitudes toward their
followers. Theory X assumed that workers should be closely tracked since they hate work. On the
other hand, Theory Y argued that workers like their jobs and don't require close supervision to
complete them. Additionally, the Pygmalion effect explains and forecasts the behaviours of followers
by demonstrating the attitudes of leaders toward and expectations from their followers. Self-concept is
another theory that illustrates an individual's positive or negative attitudes. In other words, favorable
traits related to self-confidence are often possessed by someone who has a favorable confidence. Self-
efficacy, which is based on one's self-concept and self-confidence, indicates one's belief in one's
capacity to act in a certain context.
Unethical choices can have disastrous consequences, leading to scandals, distrust, and financial
losses. Several factors influence ethical behavior, including individual traits, moral development, and
the surrounding environment. People with strong integrity and positive ethical attitudes are more
likely to make ethical decisions. Additionally, a strong sense of right and wrong and a commitment to
acting accordingly are crucial. Finally, situations play a significant role. There are three levels of
Moral development: Postconventional, Conventional, and pre-conventional. At The lowest level of
moral development, preconventional behavior is motivated by self-interest, seeking rewards, and
avoiding punishment. At the second level, conventional behavior is motivated by meeting the group's
expectations to fit in by copying others’ behavior. At the highest level, post-conventional behaviour
is motivated to do the right thing, at the risk of alienating the group.The higher the level of moral
development, the more ethical the behaviour. To navigate the complexities of ethical decision-
making, individuals can utilize various guides. The Golden Rule, the Four-Way Test, and established
codes of ethics can provide clear frameworks for evaluating choices.
In reflection, finding the most suited and enjoyable occupation in the future requires a deep grasp of
personality. The chapter gives us additional specific information about the relationship between
personality and work performance. But personality does not determine an effective leader; it just
predicts whether a person can be a leader. Thus, the first step in being a great leader is to identify
one's strengths and shortcomings and then develop a strategy to change one's behaviour to improve
relationships and leadership abilities. Equally important, always keep our attitude positive and
pessimistic, leading to success and exploring more aspects of ourselves as well as improving our self-