Showpou Pump
Showpou Pump
Showpou Pump
We appreciate for you selection ofour plirnp for use. Before you using it, we swgcs!
you to read this booklst earefi.rlly, ifyou had any question, pleas€ refer to our
distdbutor, they mighl give you satisfactory inskuctions. And, befors or in use, if
maintain the original state of situation, contact oul disuibutor or the &aler, or you
may osk &e techniciaDs ni$ arE sp€cialized in electlic machircries.
The co.rect use will ensure the pump always in good coDdition and enlong the
serviciag life,
Before irstgll this pump makc sune to nead sDd follow this h3truction carcfully.
5. If the pump is interded tbr se$,age pupose, then the tank is to be vented in
a.rordance with local plu&bing codes.
6. WARIIING: The plrmp is not to be installed in locatiom clarsifie-d as hazardous
in ac.tordarlcl with the Natiolal Electrical Code, ANSI NFPA 70,
7. CAUTION: Risk ofelectric shock. Do not rcmove cord and sh"aia rclief. Do
not coffiect corduit to Fllnp. (for three phase cord-cornected submersible
8. CAUTION: This pump has beenevaluated for use with waler or y.
(A) Note before using
(l) Never pull the cable to move or ilstall the pump; by usiog the pump baEdle to
caxry it. Pulling lhe cable may rosult in electdcity leskage.
(2) Properly locared *rc pump duling the shiprllent, also avoid the pump being
(3) Please install a Ground Fault Circuir tderrupt in circuit to ensure tlle safety
operatiotr. Due to loig-igrm use, the cable may have detection of the surface, the
Grcund Fadt Circuit Intemrpt is ofan importanl device.
(4) Confinn the supply voltage c{mply with specified h thc name plate.
(5) Check the pump is in aonnal nmaing when the po$lr stads on. lfthe pump ca.d
nol flm smoothly, pleas€ ch€aL whether tle impeller squeezed b€cause of rust.
(6) Confrm the xootor is rotatirg in correct direclion
(a) Single phrs€ : dte single phase ootor has a fixed rotati4 dircction io spite of
cable cooeotion,
(b) 3 pbrse motor : iflhe motor runs reyeB€ly , il only needs to changed any two
wires connectioo @otlg the 3 wiEs.
Note: [fthe motor turos reveIsely, abnorfial sound snd vibralion c.Il be found;
and lhe walF-! yoluln! is obviously reduced. Also the motor's service life
will bo sbortrned.
(B) Note iB ollng
No esttea \afiat kind ofpump, it always accompasies with a nomul sound while
the pump works. Any of atrnormal sound, vibmtioD, aBperage, or less watea
output, is the sigoal of latter breakdowrl Stop the pump at once by switch ollthe
powsr. Refer to the oext page for trouble-shootiog.
(C) Notcs &tt€r uriry
(l) Do not leave the purnp in water when the putBp to b€ rlot for use for a c€rtai[
pcriod of time, so as to Fevenl inside/outside b€ing austed arused by wster
(2) Was Se puop ia cles! wd€r by lutrdng it fo, a feu miautes; clea, up
m&terial in stsainer or on impeller. Store tie pump itr dry plac€ affer totally
(1) All ofotr distributo.s will rcsqve sufticieot spar€ parts fo. servicing the
customels. This will ptovide the users quick, bett€r replacemettt and
rDniIltenarce .
(2) tr lrcn you use the puep, ifyou fiad it works out oforder, pleas€ conttct your
dealer as soon as possible.
(3) ADy failurc caus€d by human-erro! in-coEect power souce o, natural disaster;
this is out ofour liability ofwarranty.
Descriptions ol Troubies Dsposition Meloii
Mootor prot€ct€r hol+ over burden due to heavy sand i,ater Use water filter ot replace a higher wattage
ing otr or no funcrtion
Lorked inpeUer Clean up impeller house
Protector burned-out
Wearins out o{ i mpeUer Ied&e m" impelk & hla covrr, .djusl ga! hlfqe& im9elle' & cffi
Chang ons phasc witi the other phase of the power lim
ChrDg€ one phase wi$ lhe orher phas€ of lhe loPer line
Reverse Ruflnins
Cable 15 l0l Bolr
ll 55 Termina] 125
26 14 Outlet Rubber
21 i5 Shafr Rubber
35 Pressuft Swilci 8l
I 84
31 { Pkrtic Membrane E6
39 valve Co\er 87
{0 Spring 88
41 Ch€ck Valr€ E9