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Rugs guide

Are you planning on investing in a rug?

Congratulations on making this smart
choice! But what about the material, size
and style? In this guide, we help you with
all the preparations, so it will be easier to
© Inter IKEA Systems B.V. 2024

choose the right rug.

Everything you need to know about rugs
A rug is quite a fantastic interior A rug also adds to the style and
detail. Not only does it make a expression of the entire room, making
room cosier and more snug, it also it such an effective choice when you
dampens sound, protects the floor want to update a room.
and feels comfortable to walk on.

Besides adding colour and a soft bring to the room. Read here about
touch to a room, a rug can tie your materials and care so that you choose
interior together and even divide a a rug that suits your lifestyle and that
room into zones. For example, a large you can enjoy for a long time.
rug under the sofa or dining table can
border off and create a room-in-a-
room, while a rug in the middle of the
children’s room becomes the given
and cosy surface to play on.
Round or square, flatwoven or fluffy,
with muted tones or colourful? The
choices can feel overwhelming, so
start by thinking about what you want
to achieve with the rug – what it will

Choosing the size
All sizes are needed in one way or another. From the small soft rug next to the
bed to the large living room rug that ties the area of the sofa and coffee table
all together. However, when buying a rug, it can be difficult to imagine how
much space it will take up in the intended room. That’s why it’s important to
first take some accurate measurements at home.

Living room
When choosing the size of the rug, a sofa. Keep in mind that two smaller
good rule of thumb is that it should rugs can function as a larger one if
be longer than the sofa. It gives an they are next to each other (if the
airy impression and frames the space rugs have a long pile, the edges will
well. In terms of width, it’s good if the not be visible).
rug extends under at least 1/3 of the

Living room size guide

2-seat sofa

195×133 cm 240×170 cm 300×200 cm

3-seat sofa

240×170 cm 300×200 cm

2-seat sofa and 3-seat sofa with chaise lounge

240×170 cm 300×200 cm 350×250 cm

2+3 corner sofa

Ø195 cm 240×170 cm 300×200 cm

Isn’t it nice to be able to put your feet the bed, it should extend about 50 cm
on something soft when getting up from the outer edge of the bed. If you
from the warm and snug bed? A rug choose a small rug next to the bed
also adds a cosy feeling and dampens instead, an anti-slip underlay is extra
the sound level – so that you improve important so that it stays firmly in
your sleeping environment and the place.
chances of getting a good night’s
sleep. If you want a larger rug under

Bedroom size guide

Double bed

80×50 cm 170×240 cm

200×300 cm Ø130 cm

Single bed

133×195 cm 80×150 cm

Ø130 cm 55×85 cm

Dining area
The rug is good at tying together than what the dining table and chairs
and bordering off the dining area. measure together when the chairs
A flatwoven rug or a rug with a very are pulled out. So count on needing
low pile is best suited for this area. It between 60 and 80 cm of rug on
makes it easier to pull out the chairs each side of the table. If the rug is too
as well as to vacuum and clean. When narrow, your chair risks getting stuck
it comes to the size of the rug, it in the edge of the rug when you move
needs to be both longer and wider it in.

A good tip!
If you have small children, you can
place one KOLON floor protector
under the highchair that is easy to
wipe dry.

Firstly, here you need a door mat. A place a slightly larger hallway rug
durable mat just inside the entrance further in. Keep in mind that it also
protects the floor and gathers most needs to be hardwearing since the
of the gravel and dirt brought in by hallway is one of the areas in a home
shoes. If there is space, you can also that is used most frequently.

A good tip!
For increased safety, always use
STOPP anti-slip underlay on the
underside of rugs that are in areas
with high traffic, like in the hallway.

Hallway size guide

133×195 cm 80×150 cm

Even on a balcony and terrace, a rug withstand rain, snow and sun. Since
can add a more personal and cosier outdoor rugs are extra hardwearing,
feel. Especially if you have a hard and they are also well-suited for certain
cold floor in stone or concrete. Just indoor spaces – like under the dining
remember to choose a rug that is area where the risks of wear and spills
made for outdoor use so that it can place extra demands on the rug.
Outdoor size guide

80×150 cm 133×195 cm

170×240 cm 80×150 cm
Choosing the material
Rugs are available in many different materials. What you choose depends
partly on where it will be used – whether the rug is to be placed in the
bedroom or in a more frequently used part of the home. Of course, your style
preferences also matter if you choose something like a handwoven rug in wool
or a rug with a long pile made of recycled polyester.

Cotton Synthetic fibres

Cotton is a soft and natural material that The advantage with a rug in synthetic fibre
is commonly used to weave rugs in many is that it’s hardwearing and doesn’t shed
parts of the world. The classic rag rug lint. It’s also quite stain resistant and easy
is often woven from cotton scraps left to clean. This is why durable and easy-
over from other textile production. A big care synthetic fibres are optimal for rugs
advantage with cotton is that it’s durable placed in areas with a lot of traffic, like
and easy-care – and if your cotton rug isn’t the kitchen, children’s room and hallway –
too big or thick, you can machine wash it. and for outdoor rugs. Common synthetic
Keep in mind that cotton can shrink, so materials are polypropylene, polyester and
you might need to pull and stretch the rug nylon.
out a little after you’ve washed it.

Wool Skins and hides

Rugs in wool are durable and beautiful Materials like sheepskins and cowhides
– and they feel warm in the winter and are unique and timeless interior details
cool in the summer. The wool fibre that add character to a room. But they are
naturally repels dust and stains, and if you not suitable for damp areas and are not
happen to spill, the stain can be wiped off very stain resistant. If you spill anything on
immediately before it penetrates too deep the skin or hide, try to wipe it off as soon
into the rug. When a wool rug is new, it as possible.
often sheds excess fibres from production.
They disappear over time or if you vacuum
the rug regularly.

Natural fibres
Jute, sisal, seagrass and other natural
fibres are hardwearing and recyclable
materials that add a beautiful texture and
warm feel to rugs. These rugs often have
natural colour variations that make each
rug unique. Natural fibres are not very
good at repelling water, but stains can be
removed with a little water and soap on a

Cleaning and care
The lifespan of a rug depends a lot on how well you take care of it. Most
rugs, especially if they are made of natural materials like wool or cotton, are
happiest and last longer if they are not washed too often. Vacuuming often
goes a long way. If you have a rug with a long pile, turn it upside down from
time to time to get rid of dust and dirt that the vacuum cleaner has missed
or can’t reach. Rotate the rug at regular intervals to reduce the risk of uneven
wear and uneven bleaching by the sun.

Vacuuming Keeping the rug fresh for longer
Regular vacuuming is good for the • Many rugs are the same on both
rug. Use the flat nozzle, not the sides, which means you can turn
brush, and vacuum at low power. Also them over at regular intervals.
vacuum the underside from time to
• A handmade or larger rug that is
time – and if the rug has piles, finish
extra dirty should be washed by a
by vacuuming in the direction that the
professional dry cleaner.
piles lie.
If possible, avoid placing your rug in
direct sunlight since this will bleach
Removing stains the rug.
Dry stains should be scraped gently
towards the centre of the stain. Wet
Anti-slip underlay
stains should not be rubbed, soak
up the stain with paper towels or a With one of our anti-slip underlays,
damp white cloth before the stain STOPP or STOPP FILT, under the rug,
penetrates too deep into the rug. it stays firmly in place when you
vacuum. You also reduce the risk of
tripping or slipping on the rug. The
anti-slip underlay protects both the
floor and the rug, and the rug will
also feel a little softer to walk on if
you choose STOPP FILT.

© Inter IKEA Systems B.V. 2024

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