SomeAnswers To Eneo Customers Questions
SomeAnswers To Eneo Customers Questions
SomeAnswers To Eneo Customers Questions
Control, Standardization and
Safety of Installations
Eneo Prepaid Solution
To Questions Our Customers Are Asking
We understand customers who complain when they receive their first bills
late. Therefore, we grant commercial facilities to customers who find them-
selves in this situation, for convenience.
However, we are working at limiting this type of risk that is relatively margin-
al. Through several reforms, we have been able to increase to over 95% the
rate of first bills issued to customers within the deadline prescribed by the
Electricity Rules of Service, i.e., 03 months.
For example, we have just put in place a reinforced measure to track all oper-
ations to be carried out by the various teams that intervene in the process
related to the issuance of the first consumption bill. This includes an internal
objective to reduce this deadline to one or two months.
Furthermore, as with all billing-related cases, the customer can contact Eneo
through MyEasylight. Our monitoring mechanism that we are about improv-
ing on makes it possible to examine cases and provide solutions.
Billing errors can occur. We deplore the inconveniences caused to our cus-
tomers. Our wish is for the customer to take control of his/her consumption
and billing by following up the entire process with Eneo. Thus, in case of
doubt with regard to a step, they can contact Eneo for verification, with the
objective of responding in less than 20 days as indicated by the Rules of
Concerning the perception of over-billing, it is quite possible amongst certain
customers lately.
With a view to improving customer service and safety, Eneo is committed to
a comprehensive approach aimed at replacing and modernizing its equip-
ment in all segments of its business. In Generation: Rehabilitation of big
dams, replacement of gensets of thermal power plants and installation of so-
lar facilities. In Distribution: replacement of wood poles including the intro-
duction of concrete and metal poles into the distribution networks, change of
outdated meters, etc.
The modernization of the meter pool can come with perceived variations. It
could entail under-billing or over-billing. Until now, complaints rarely come
from those with cases of under-billing.
NB: Cases of under-billing not reported to Eneo, result later, usually, in high
In fact, all efforts and changes underway are guided by the desire to bill the
customer only what he has consumed. Meters installed since over a decade
ago no longer offer all reliability related guarantees. Most of these meters are
electromechanical (with wheel). Their particularity is that after a 10 to 15-year
lifespan, they become obsolete. Thus, they record either high or low. The new
meters, on their part, capture the real consumption of the customer, hence
this normal immediate perception, which should subside progressively.
Another item to take into consideration is the new approach implemented in
Douala and Yaoundé further to the centralization of billing before the end of
In order to limit teams going to customers’ premises, as a COVID-19 preven-
tion measure, Eneo has been experimenting for some months now a billing
approach. It entails a meter reading system at a frequency of one month on
two or three. Thus, while waiting for the next reading, the customer always
receives his monthly bill, based on an estimated consumption. The estima-
tion principle entails billing the customer on a consumption that is more or
less equal to the average of his last three consumptions. Normally, the con-
sumption of the customer will basically be the same from one month to an-
other. However, sometimes a change in his electricity consumption routine
can generate a drop or rise on his real consumption. This gap, which is not
visible during the estimation, his billing will balance only at the time his index
is effectively read. Depending on the nature of the gap, there might be either
a higher or a smaller bill than usual. Hence, the impression of under-billing or
over-billing, depending on the case. Thus, the balance is immediately re-
stored as soon as the index is effectively read.
F ABilled
consumptions must be just;
Eneo relies on the index read on the meter to establish and charge real
consumption at the end of a given period. In this case, it is two or three
months. In France, for example, it is six months including a system of
meter reading once every six months.
The 2019 Finance Law exempts Value Added Tax on certain consumptions.
Some customers think that Eneo does not apply the text properly. Thus, for
example, for a bill of 300 KWH, they think that Eneo should apply the VAT
only on 80 KWH, leaving out the first 220 KWH.
What is exactly written in the 2019 Finance Law in its article 128 paragraph 9,
is: « Shall be exempted from Value Added Tax, water and electricity con-
sumptions of households when the latter do not exceed: 220 KWH per
month for electricity and 20 m3 per month for water»
NB: « consumptions when the latter do not exceed 220 KWH ». Hence, if
these consumptions exceed 220 KWH, they are not exempted.
Thus, we think there was certainly a misunderstanding of this text. For the
case mentioned in the question, the consumption that stands at 300 KWH
exceeds 220 KWH, the entire 300 KWH will not be exempted (VAT will be
applied to the entire 300 KWH).
This exemption, as the law states, applies only to households. Hence, an
Eneo customer who uses energy for business or industry supply needs will
not benefit from this exemption.
This law concerns only the application of the VAT, and has nothing to do
with electricity tariffs. Tariffs are still those provided for in the decision of the
Regulator (ARSEL) taken in May 2012. They have not changed until now.
When we compare these tariffs in force with the provisions of the 2019 Fi-
nance Law, we can thus come up with the table below for households.
It remains constant that the VAT collected by Eneo does not enter into its
books. It is paid back entirely to the State, which carries out periodic tax au-
dits at Eneo, like in all enterprises.
Finally, here below are our tips to electricity consumers to better enjoy this
Ensure that you have a single household for one meter, so as to con-
F AGet
your meter from Eneo, if you do not have one yet;
Save energy; control your consumption.
Non-adherence to these tips can lead to an increase of about 4% on
consumption bills.
The period for the resolution of a claim depends on the nature of the prob-
lem posed. Eneo provides for a minimum deadline of 48 hours for simple
problems. However, if the resolution would take a relatively long time, provi-
sion is made to serve the customer a letter with registered delivery, less than
20 days, in accordance with the Rules of Service.
This falls within the general framework of the electricity network standardi-
zation and safety. It is in line with operations of rehabilitation, replacement
and modernization launched in all areas of Eneo activity, i.e., from generation
to commercial through distribution.
Upstream, we are introducing solar, rehabilitating Songloulou to maintain it
in full generation capacity; we are reinforcing the distribution network with
bigger cables, new transformers, and concrete poles here and there. In order
to ensure the safety of these distribution components and the quality of en-
ergy supplied to households and businesses, we have to act in the same
The issue of fake control workers is something we are taking seriously and
which we are combating, through our technical compliance unit - our internal
police - associated with the forces of law and order, with the support of pub-
lic authorities.
Our advice to customers is to ask persons who approach them on behalf of
Eneo to identify themselves. It is their right; and it is simple. They must ask
for their badges, national identity cards and service or mission order. On the
badge, there is an employee ID number that the customer can request and
send through SMS via 8010, or through WhatsApp via 699119911 in order to
verify the identity of the individual. Where you find yourself in front of mali-
cious persons, the only thing you should do is to call the forces of law and
There is also a number administered by an independent monitoring body on
proven bad practices (acts of corruption, racketeering, intimidation, etc.) of
Eneo employees or its partners. The number is 698 000 000. The customer
can also use for whistleblowing.
Today like never before, meter reading and distribution are undergoing rapid
changes aimed at, in the long-term, significantly reducing a multitude of vis-
its to customer premises. Dematerialization, at the core of these two pro-
cesses, is going to lead to a reduction of the number of workers who visit
customers. We wish to limit the movements of customer to our offices, and
of our workers to their premises. This should only be done in cases of need
like installations, repairs, inspections and standardizations…
Numerous Eneo teams visit the premises of customers, sometimes for meter
reading, for distribution of bills and sometimes for fraud control, etc. Is this
not too much, and does this not encourage the multiplication of fake employ-
ees in the field?
Some customers point an accusing finger at the Eneo control teams who
blame landlords whose tenants get power supply from other sources. You
call them parallel connections. These landlords say they do not understand
why they are being blamed for their tenant's decision to get power supply
from their neighbors.
The concession agreement between Eneo and the State of Cameroon stipu-
lates in its article 11 relating to the right of the Concession Holder that the
a. Is bound to respect the exclusive distribution right of Eneo on its Distri-
bution Perimeter as defined in article 3 of these Rules. Consequently,
Users are strictly prohibited from distributing electrical energy beyond
the Eneo supply point;
b. Cannot perform any operation on the connection upstream of a supply
point (bypasses, disassembly, etc.);
c. Cannot transfer electricity or supply it to a third party outside the prop-
erty served.
Each compound or building can only have one connection. The connection is
made in the name of the owner. From this connection, we can derive as
many additional panels as the owner wishes for the different apartments or
studios. The landlord of a compound will therefore prevent his tenants from
getting power supply from parallel connections. It is up to him to request ad-
ditional panels for his apartments/tenants, to enforce the rule of one apart-
ment or house/one subscription/one meter.
In the event of non-compliance with these provisions, the User is liable to
suspension of his power supply, or to the removal of the connection, and to
At Eneo, the installation of a new meter is done in strict compliance with the
provisions of the Rules of Service, in the presence of the subscriber or his
representative. It consists in verifying the physical integrity of the meter
(presence of seals, traces of tampering, etc.), followed by its commissioning;
a joint report on its proper functioning and verification of the installation/
initial index. It is materialized with the issuance of the jointly signed commit-
ment form, while a copy is given to the customer, who must keep it carefully.
Is it true that there are meters that continue to run during a power outage?
An outage means absence of power. Since a meter needs energy both from
the grid and the subscriber's internal load to operate, it is therefore impos-
sible for an electricity meter to continue operating when there is a power
However, we have realized that some customers have generator sets are
improperly connected. Since they install their genset upstream the Eneo
electronic meter, it supplies power to the meter causing it to run as soon as
it takes over following a power outage.
À Eneo, la pose d’un nouveau compteur se fait dans le respect strict des dis-
positions du Règlement de Service, en présence de l’abonné ou son
représentant. Elle consiste en la vérification de l’intégrité physique du
compteur (présence des scellés, absence de traces d’effraction, etc.), suivi de
sa mise en service ; du constat contradictoire de son bon fonctionnement et
de la vérification de l’index de pose/départ. Elle est sanctionnée par la dé-
livrance de la fiche d’engagement conjointement signée, dont une copie est
remise au client qui doit la garder précieusement.
The conditions for installing and checking electricity meters are defined by
the Rules of Service, in particular in its Article 9, paragraphs 1 and 2 which
define the prerogatives and responsibilities of the parties (Distributor and its
Subscribers). It is obvious that it is not the Distributor's responsibility to give
authorizations for such checks.
Eneo has an internal specialized Laboratory, which ensures Metrological
Quality Control of all new and used electricity meters used on its Distribu-
tion network.
This laboratory is well known to ARSEL (Electricity Sector Regulatory Agen-
cy in Cameroon) and the Public Services in charge of Legal Metrology in Cam-
eroon. As part of their missions, these two State bodies have the power to
initiate audits of our Laboratory at any time; and they often do it.
Who is responsible for the electric meter installed at the customer’s premis-
The Rules of Service stipulate that the meter is the property of Eneo and
must be accessible to the later at all times without prior notification; it is
also under the responsibility of the customer who must jealously take care
Fraud in a broad sense mainly benefits consumers who practice it, and who,
in the majority of cases recorded on the field, refuse to recognize their ac-
tions. Some will even start smear campaigns against the company.
It can be done by anyone with knowledge of electricity/electronics. Third
parties, and sometimes Eneo staff and partner companies are involved in it.
All these malpractices are provided in Article 13 of the Rules of Service and
sanctioned by Articles 318 and 319 of the Cameroonian penal code.
In the past 12 months, about 60 fraud barons have been taken to court; giv-
en that a baron is an actor who illegally has an electrical network of at least
100 households. More than 10 Eneo staff have been dismissed for their
complicity in these illegal networks.
No. Before shipment, the meters are checked and certified in the factory, ac-
cording to international standards. When they arrive at Eneo, they are still
tested, in our laboratory, through sampling, before they are sent to the field.
We are talking about the new electronic meters. What is the difference with
the old ones?
What are the benefits of the new meters to the customer and Eneo?
To the customer:
Facilitation of monitoring and control of consumption;
Exact bill thanks to a good level of reliability of these new technol-
ogy meters and remote acquisition of indexes (reduction of erro-
neous reading)
Discipline in consumption habits (reduction of non-essential con-
Budget control;
Reduction of visits by Eneo staff.
For Eneo:
Better load management, since it is useful in demand and supply
Better visibility of the data used for billing;
Remote data acquisition (index) from the meter, making it difficult
to have an erroneous index.
You have launched your prepaid-meter solution. Where are you with this
What feedback are you getting from your customers already using these
When you come to a customer with the prepaid solution, do they have a
choice? Shouldn't they normally make the request? What does the Rule of
Service provide?
Eneo first comes to a customer to raise awareness on the prepaid solution.
In this case, we present the advantages of the prepaid meter. At the end of
our discussions, more than 80% of customers subscribe to the solution.
Some property owners have adopted the prepaid solution, and have request-
ed that all their property on rent be converted to prepayment.
In this case, this awareness phase will be an information campaign on the
prepaid solution.
It may actually happen that the system encounters hitches from time to
time, and we truly regret it. However, the online connection solution is in-
tended to simplify the procedures to be followed by the customer to have a
meter installed.
In the past, our customers had many difficulties in obtaining a connection
estimate (difficulties linked to procedures, people, logistics, environment,
etc.). There were numerous meetings, several middle persons in the decision
-making chain, and it took on average 20 days to obtain an estimate.
Eneo has created the online application for connection estimate (via
WhatsApp) to simplify the reception of files and to facilitate access to elec-
tricity. The online connection solution has the advantage that it allows for
close tracking and breaks the chains of administrative bottlenecks that may
Currently with the Online Agency, the weekly application-processing rate is
90%. The deadlines may be extended due to some temporary supply prob-
lems, as well as the shortage of wood poles, if the connection requires them.
Our IT Teams are working to improve the solution, so that customers are re-
assured that their applications are taken into account always, and that pro-
cessing is done on a first-come, first-served basis.
In the meantime, we advise our customers who contact us online for their
connection requests to always remind us 3 to 4 days later, if they have not
received a response or acknowledgment of receipt, if they do not receive the
expected estimate.
To make life easier for our customer, the idea was to get connection esti-
mate payment online, and not at the physical agency as is the case now.
When some customers apply for their connection, they are told that they
cannot be connected because there are no networks in their neighborhoods.
What is Eneo planning to do here?
With the expansion of cities on the outskirts, the need for network expansion
is indeed a constant concern. Through the implementation of its distribution
network expansion plan, Eneo Cameroon has since 2014 contributed to the
growth in the access to electricity in Cameroon with an average of +2% annu-
ally. Since 2014, about 90 000 households and businesses on average an-
nually have had safe access to electricity. This momentum was relatively
slowed down since 2019 due to the difficulties faced in the supply of wood
poles because of the security crisis in the North West, which is the main
source of wood poles in Cameroon.
Eneo is working with the State to find alternative solutions in the West re-
gion. With the approval of the Ministry of Forestry, the company has just
started logging wood in the Baleng forest in Bafoussam. Negotiations are
underway to expand the supply with logging other forests in the West.
In the meantime, Eneo launched its concrete-pole-manufacturing project, in
partnership with local investors. A dozen factories are operational in the
different regions, and the concrete poles produced are injected progressively
into the network, either to strengthen the existing networks, or build the re-
quired extensions to grant new households and businesses access to the