Optimization of Tropical Fruit Juice Based On Sens
Optimization of Tropical Fruit Juice Based On Sens
Optimization of Tropical Fruit Juice Based On Sens
DDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1678-457X.24716
The objective of this study was, through mixing design and response surface methodology, to optimize a reduced calorie mixed
juice of persimmon, orange and pineapple based the sensory and nutritional characteristics. This study also aimed to carry out
the survey of the physicochemical characteristics that are desirable in this product. It was found that juice of these fruits, when
combined, have better sensory and nutritional characteristics than when isolated. The consumer has a preference for mixed
fruit juices made up of orange, pineapple and persimmon that are sweeter and more acidic and regarding color, consumers
prefer a juice with less intense red color. According to evaluation, the most recommended mixed juice formulations are 50%
pineapple and 50% persimmon, and 33% pineapple, 33% persimmon, and 33% orange.
Keywords: mixed juice; persimmon; mixture design; response surface.
Practical Application: This study may contribute to increase the persimmon availability to the consumer and even add more
value to the end product.
1 Introduction
The consumption of fruit juices and nectars has increased and moreover, mixed-fruit juices are an alternative for adding
in recent years driven mainly by higher consumer awareness nutritional value (Sobhana et al., 2015). According to Zotarelli et al.
about the importance of choosing healthy foods to reduce (2008) mixed fruit products join nutritional characteristics of
the risk of developing diseases and improving quality of life two or more fruits, and provide pleasant sensory characteristics
(Carbonell-Capella et al., 2015). Consumers are increasingly in order to gradually gain prime space in the consumer market.
concerned about their nutrition and fruit juice can be a great The combination of fruit can also contribute to reducing costs
ally for a healthy diet. The fruit juices are sources of vitamins, of some products by the addition of cheaper fruits to high cost
minerals, organic acids and fiber whose effect on human health fruits, fill shortages.
is fundamental (Jiménez-Sánchez et al., 2015).
In the preparation of mixed products, the food industry
Processing also allows adding economic value to raw should make use of optimization tools, so that, based on the
materials, transforming perishable products into storable and nutritional and mainly sensory characteristics; they can determine
marketable products (Paula et al., 2015). The processing of pulp exactly the right proportion of ingredients (Lagrange & Norback,
and fruit juices is an important agro-industrial activity in that 1987). The mixed design is a very powerful tool, highly used in
adds economic value to the fruit, avoiding waste and minimizing optimization of products, and briefly, which allows to determine
losses that may occur during the marketing of the fresh product, which combinations of factors and levels provide the best
while also providing the producer with an alternative use for the responses (De Ketelaere et al., 2011). Experiments involving this
fruit. The use of fruit species, which are often rich in vitamins, methodology are suitable for the study of products involving
minerals and bioactive compounds, reflects in offering new more than one ingredient, such that the levels and proportions
alternatives of fresh fruits for consumption and raw materials for of the components in the mixture are dependent on each other,
agro-industry, constituting a precious source of food (Oludemi and the sum of all components always equals 1 or 100% (Cornell,
& Akanbi, 2013). 1983). Experiments involving mixture designs are commonly
analyzed using response surface methodology (RSM), which is
Industries are always looking to develop differentiated
one of optimization techniques most widely used (Souza et al.,
products that meet the changing demands of consumers. In the
2012; Tahmouzi, 2016).
beverage segment, a new market that is opening up is that of
juice originating from mixed fruit (Matsuura et al., 2004). Persimmon is a highly nutritious fruit and greatly appreciated
The development of mixed fruit juice or nectar is a resource by many customers because of its taste and pleasant aroma
available to the industry to develop unique drinks such as, for (Chen et al., 2016). The Brazilian production of persimmons
example, those with new flavors, improved color and consistency, has grown in recent years (Brackmann et al., 2013). However,
because the harvest is concentrated in just three months of the The obtained juice was then finely strained and mixed
year and this fruit is very perishable, this hinders their marketing according to Table 1, subsequently homogenized, subjected
and consumption throughout the year (Vieites et al., 2012). Thus, to heat treatment at 90 °C/30s and then bottled in 500 mL
one way to increase the availability to the consumer and even sterilized glass bottles. The juice was stored under refrigeration
add more value to the end product is persimmon processing from 4-8 °C until analysis (12 to 24 h). The juice formulations
or industrialization, and the development of mixed juices with obtained were subjected to physicochemical analysis which were
traditionally accepted, inexpensive fruits, with low perishability performed in the Post Harvest Laboratory in three repetitions
that are offered practically all year round, such as oranges and and submitted to sensory analysis which was conducted in the
pineapple, are excellent choice. Sensory Analysis Laboratory.
3 digits in a monadic manner and in a balanced order. The test equations for each response were created using the Chemoface
was carried out in individual booths under white light and with software (Nunes et al., 2012b).
adequate ventilation at 25 °C. The tasters were instructed in the
use of the hedonic scale and to drink water between samples. 3 Results and discussion
The sensory analysis was performed according to the Ethics 3.1 Sensory and physicochemical analysis of fruit juice
Committee of the Federal University of Lavras, approval number formulations
Mean scores and mean test for sensory characteristics and
physicochemical properties of the mixed fruit juice formulations
2.7 Statistical analysis
are shown in Table 2. Figure 1 shows the 3-way external map
Initially, for easy viewing of the juice formulation sensory that represents the distribution of consumers, samples, consumer
acceptance and to correlated with the physicochemical parameters, sensory attributes related to acceptance and physicochemical
a 3-way external preference map obtained by PARAFAC properties. The PARAFAC was fixed with 2 factors, which led
(Nunes et al., 2012a) was elaborated using the SensoMaker to a concordia value of 77.06% and a variance value of 37.32%.
software, version 1.6. A 3-way array was arranged from matrices
of i rows (i samples) and j + m columns (j consumers + m
physicochemical measurements). These matrices were stacked
according to k consumer attributes (color, taste, consistency, and
overall liking), resulting in the 3 way array with i, j + m, and k.
The individual i × j + m matrices of the consumer acceptance
attributes were previously standardized (correlation matrix).
The i × m portion was the same for each i × j portion of the
individual matrices (Nunes et al., 2012a). The PARAFAC model
was optimized using the value of Core Consistency Diagnostics
(CORCONDIA) to choose the number of factors (Bro, 1997;
Nunes et al., 2011). PARAFAC procedures and the construction
of a 3-way preference map and 3-way external preference map
were previously reported in detail (Nunes et al., 2011, 2012a).
For a first view of the nutritional characteristics correlation
with the different juice formulations, the physicochemical and
texture data were analyzed by principal component analysis
(PCA). Data were arranged in a matrix of 7 lines (samples) and
4 columns (bioactive compounds and antioxidant). Data were
standardized (correlation matrix) and PCA was applied. Lastly,
the predicted equation for the physicochemical characteristics,
nutritional parameters and consumer acceptance was obtained
using regression analysis. Based on the predicted model
Figure 1. Three-way external preference map (TWEPM) for sensory
equation, a contour plot of the overall liking was generated attributes (color, taste, consistency and overall liking [OL]) and
and the optimum region for sensory acceptance obtained. Also physicochemical properties (color L∗, a∗, and b∗, pH, total acidity
based on nutritional characteristics, the optimized mixed juice [TA], and soluble solids [SS]) for the mixed fruit juice formulations.
formulation was determined. Both the analyses of variance F1 - orange; F2 - pineapple; F3 - persimmon; F4 - 50% orange and 50%
used to examine the significance of the data fit to the model pineapple; F5 - 50% orange and 50% persimmon; F6 - 50% pineapple and
and the triangular contour plots generated from the polynomial 50% persimmon; F7 - 33% orange, 33% pineapple and 33% persimmon.
Through the TWEPM (Figure 1) and the averages table higher soluble solids content and higher acidity. As the sugar
for the sensory and physicochemical parameters (Table 2), it concentration is related to sugars and organic acids levels,
can be seen that the most accepted juice formulations were consumers have a preference for sweeter juices. However, higher
F1 (orange), F2 (pineapple), F4 (orange and pineapple) and F7 acidity may be desirable by the fact that, to some extent, this
(orange, pineapple and persimmon) followed by F5 formulations parameter can contribute to enhance the flavor of the fruit.
(orange and persimmon) and F6 (pineapple and persimmon). Regarding the color of mixed fruit juice, the consumer prefers
These formulations showed good acceptability with average scores a lighter juice with less intense red color. The consumer does
located between the hedonic terms “liked slightly” and “liked not seem to really like juice that presents a darker and reddish
very much”. The less accepted formulation was F3 (persimmon), color, coloration typical of persimmon.
with average sensory scores lower than the others, with a mean
located between the hedonic terms “disliked slightly” and “liked 3.2 Nutritional characteristics
very much”. It can be clearly seen that the juice prepared with
only persimmon has the lowest acceptance, when persimmon Mean scores and mean test for bioactive compounds and
is mixed with orange (F3) or pineapple (F4) in equal parts antioxidant activity of the mixed fruit juice formulations are
(50% each) the acceptance tends to increase and finally when shown in Table 3. The principal component analysis (PCA) was
persimmon is mixed with orange and with pineapple (F7) in generated to correlate the bioactive compounds and antioxidant
equal parts (33.33%) the acceptance tends to be greater, equating activity with mixed fruit juice formulations (Figure 2).
to juices made with oranges, pineapple or a combination of both
Through the PCA (Figure 2) and the averages table for
(Table 2 and Figure 1).
bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity (Table 3), one
It was possible to verify that the persimmon, when can see that the F1 formulations (orange) and F4 (orange and
combined with other fruits such as oranges and/or pineapple, pineapple) characterized by having the highest vitamin C
gives rise to a sensorially acceptable juice, proving that the content. The formulations F6 (pineapple and persimmon) and
combination of fruit is extremely interesting and can promote F7 (orange, pineapple and persimmon) characterized by having
the development of a more sensorially acceptable product than higher phenol content and antioxidant activity.
when made with only one fruit. This fact has been observed in
several other studies, such as those of Souza et al. (2014) and In general, as with the sensory acceptance, the combination
Pereira et al. (2015). The improvement in sensory quality with of fruit seems to give rise to more nutritionally rich juices than
the addition of persimmon to orange and pineapple juice was those prepared with single fruits. For example, the phenolic
due to the combination of characteristics of fruits. Regarding compound content in the F6 (pineapple and persimmon) and F7
the physicochemical characteristics, through TWEPM (Figure 1) (orange, pineapple and persimmon) formulations is higher than
and the averages table for the sensory and physicochemical the phenolic compound content in the juice formulations prepared
parameters (Table 2), it can be seen that the most accepted with one of either of these fruits. According to Sobhana et al. (2015)
formulations were characterized by having the highest levels of the development of mixed fruit products is an alternative to add
soluble solids, particularly those juice formulations containing nutritional value since, mixed fruit products unite nutritional
pineapple (F2, F4, F6 and F7) and higher acidity, that is, higher characteristics of two or more fruits. The increase or decrease
total acidity and lower pH values. in the content of bioactive compounds or antioxidant activity,
when elaborating a mixture of two or more fruits, can be related
Regarding color, the F3 formulation (persimmon) was
characterized by the lowest L* value. It can be seen that the
formulations that have 50% persimmon in their composition Table 3. The total phenolics, antioxidant capacity (dpph and ß-carotene
(F5 and F6) are characterized by the second group with higher method) and ascorbic acid content of the mixed fruit juices.
red-color intensity followed by the formulation that has 33.33%
persimmon (F7) (Table 2 and Figure 1). Thus, the more added Antioxidant
persimmon in the juice, the higher the intensity of red color Total capacity –
F capacity – Ascorbic acid
phenolics ß-carotene
while also promoting browning, these characteristics appear to DPPH
contribute negatively to the acceptance of the product. Finally,
F1 50.74b 4174.4b 27.24a 44.23a
the color parameter b* is situated close to the formulations that
F2 38.45b 3964.6cd 45.28c 28.41d
have orange and persimmon in their composition, (Figure 1) so
F3 27.20c 3862.11de 27.35b 17.41e
that the formulation F1 (orange), F3 (persimmon) and F4 (orange
and persimmon) are the formulations with higher intensity of F4 45.19b 5509.91a 33.11b 41.30b
yellow coloration. The formulations that have not persimmon F5 39.35b 4121.46c 22.42 b 31.48c
and orange in their composition (F2 and F6) are characterized F6 70.70a 3730.42de 43.66a 23.82e
by a less intense yellow coloration. As orange or persimmon are F7 67.10a 3756.39e 38.44a 27.32d
added it increases the intensity of the yellow color of the juice. Mean values with common letters in the same column indicate that there is no significant
difference among samples (P > 0.05) from Tukey’s mean test. Abbreviations: DPPH:
Because of the location of the parameter b* in the TWEPM, it 2-diphenyl-1-picryhydrazyl radical scavenging activity; GAE: gallic acid equivalent. Total
was not possible to affirm if the consumer had a greater or lesser phenolics (mg GAEs/100 g f.w.); Antioxidant capacity – DPPH (EC50 – g f.w./g DPPH);
preference for yellow color. Antioxidant capacity – ß-carotene (% protection); Ascorbic acid (mg/100 g f.w.);
F1 - orange; F2 - pineapple; F3 - persimmon; F4 - 50% orange and 50% pineapple; F5 - 50%
From these data we can see that the consumer has a preference orange and 50% persimmon; F6 - 50% pineapple and 50% persimmon; F7 - 33% orange,
for mixed fruit juices (orange, pineapple and persimmon) with 33% pineapple and 33% persimmon.
to chemical reactions (synergistic effect) that can occur among R2 values greater than 0.8 and significant (p ≤ 0.05) regressions
the fruits, which should be better studied. and no significant lack-of-fit (p ≥ 0.05), indicating that they
were suitable for predictions (Henika, 1982). In general, one can
3.3 Optimization notice that the orange and pineapple has a major contribution
to the sensory acceptance for taste, consistency and overall
The sensory and physicochemical data were subjected to linking attributes than the persimmon, due to higher values
response surface methodology analysis using response surface of the coefficients of the predicted models (Table 4). This fact
regression (RSREG), and a predicted equation was developed only confirms what had already been seen in the TWEPM,
for each attribute (Table 4). The nutritional data of bioactive persimmon has a positive contribution to the juice acceptance,
compounds and antioxidant activity was not adjusted to any but this acceptance tends to decrease as the amount of persimmon
model, i.e., the lack of fit for all models tested were significant. increases. As studied by Souza et al. (2012) the three-way
Moreover, it was not possible to adjust the sensory data of the internal preference map is an alternative tool for a pre-analysis
attribute color in a satisfactory model. of the mixture design data. It cannot optimize a formulation,
A complete quadratic model was adjusted to the dependent but through it one can clearly see the contribution of the factors
variables, except for consistency, soluble solids, total acidity and studied in sensory acceptance.
pH, which were adjusted to linear models. All models presented Regarding the physicochemical properties, it can be seen
through the predicted equations (Table 4) that the pineapple
has a major contribution in soluble solids content of the juice,
followed by orange and finally the persimmon. Regarding the
acidity of the juice, pineapple and orange have a much higher
contribution to the acidity than the persimmon. In relation to
pH, all the fruit had a significant positive contribution.
Finally, considering the L* color parameter, due to the
higher coefficient the pineapple contributes more to obtaining a
clearer juice followed by orange and finally persimmon (Table 4).
Regarding the color parameter a*, persimmon fruit is the only
one having a positive coefficient, thus, this fruit contributes to
the higher intensity of red color (Table 4). Regarding the color
parameter b* all fruits contribute to a more intense yellow color,
with orange and persimmon having a greater contribution than
pineapple (Table 4). Briefly, the addition of persimmon promotes
an increase in the intensity of yellow/red and promotes browning
of the juice. A contour curve was then plotted (Figure 3) using the
equation for predicted overall liking (Table 4). The contour curve
shows the optimal region where the average sensory acceptance
scores obtained of were between 6.46 and 6.67, containing 0% to
Figure 2. Principal component analysis (PCA) for the different samples of
mixed fruit juice formulations and bioactive compounds and antioxidant 100% orange, 0% to 100% pineapple, and 0% to 40% persimmon.
activity. Total phenolics (TP); Antioxidant capacity – DPPH (DPPH); As noted previously, it was expected that the orange, pineapple
Antioxidant capacity – ß-carotene b-carotene; Ascorbic acid (AA). and a combination of both juice would be within the optimal
F1 - orange; F2 - pineapple; F3 - persimmon; F4 - 50% orange and 50% sensory region, as they are very common fruits, well established
pineapple; F5 - 50% orange and 50% persimmon; F6 - 50% pineapple and and widely accepted by consumers. What was interesting was
50% persimmon; F7 - 33% orange, 33% pineapple and 33% persimmon. the fact that the addition of up to 40% persimmon in juice with
Table 4. Predicted models for sensory and physicochemical data from mixed juice samples.
Attribute Predicted model R2
Taste Y = 5.99X1* + 6.54X2* + 4.79X3* + 1.24X1X2 + 2.34X1X3 + 3.24X2X3 83.91
Consistency Y = 7.37X1* + 6.91X2* + 5.15X3* 86.20
OL Y = 6.43X1* + 6.53X2* + 5.08X3* + 1.20X1X2 + 2.10X1X3* + 1.70X2X3 88.86
SS Y = 6.47X1* + 11.80X2* + 2.87X3* 80.18
TA Y = 0.49X1* + 0.55X2* + 0.08X3 * 92.33
pH Y = 4.85X1* + 3.98X2* + 4.88X3* - 0.12X1X2 - 1.52X1X3* – 0,45X2X3 70.01
L* Y = 33.35X1* + 67.37X2* + 31.11X3* - 66.11X1X2 + 18.51X1X3* – 19.87X2X3 98.41
a* Y = - 1.70X1 - 2.48X2 + 0.20X3 - 0.67X1X2 - 2.89X1X3 - 0.07X2X3 83.14
b* Y = 10.35X1* + 6.54X2* + 10.20X3* + 2.74X1X2 + 2.10X1X3 – 13.83X2X3 70.29
* significant coefficient (p≤0.05); Orange (X1), pineapple (X2) and persimmon (X3).
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