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First edition - November 2011

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Mario Rossi

First edition - November 2011


Delegations to meet in Malta at the end of November
The application pack of the second call for standard projects will be proposed for approval to the Joint Monitoring Committee convened in Malta on 28th, 29th and 30th November. The launch of the call, foreseen by the end of the year, represents a new opportunity for potential beneficiaries of the eligible areas to work together on concrete challenges. Whilst being the last of the three Programme calls for the 2007-2013 period, the experiences and best practices capitalized on during the first two calls will surely prove useful for applicants in drafting their proposals. The Joint Managing Authority wishes all participants a successful endeavour and is sincerely grateful for the strong interest expressed up to now in the Programme.

From sustainable tourism to local governance


Enhancing cooperation, addressing common issues and strengthening synergies with other initiatives are the Programmes main challenges
In this first edition of the ENPI CBC Med News Live, the Joint Managing Authority (JMA) opens a new phase of communication with the aim of telling the story of the Programme and diffusing the results achieved to a larger audience. This is an important moment for the Programme: besides the second call for standard projects to be launched by the end of the year for an amount of 43 million, the implementation of the 37 projects funded under the 2009 call is now starting. These cross-border cooperation initiatives, which have been selected amongst 600 proposals, engage 50 million in key sectors for the development of the EuroMediterranean area. In the meantime, the selection process of the 300 projects presented within the strategic call is ongoing: agro-food industry, sustainable tourism, integrated coastal zone management, waste treatment, water management and solar energy are the topics considered as top priority by the 14 countries participating in the Programme. The budget dedicated to this call - 62.4 million - fully reflects a common strategy that intends to invest in large projects having a stronger impact on the territories. The mission of the Programme, enhancing cooperation and addressing common issues, constitutes a great challenge that the Joint Managing Authority, together with the participating countries, will pursue in the future by strengthening the synergies with other significant initiatives operating in the Mediterranean Sea Basin.


The Programme attracts 300 proposals

Marsaxlokk Harbour, Malta


The philosophy of the CBC programmes addresses exactly the core of the new EU approach to its changing Neighbourhood


Mediterranean sea urchins In 2011 both the ENPI CBC Med and the European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) Med programmes launched calls for strategic projects investing almost 100 million for the development of the Mediterranean area. These projects focus on issues considered as strategic priorities by the countries participating in the respective programmes with the aim of bringing joint solutions to common cross-border challenges such as water management, energy efficiency, transport/logistics and competitiveness of transMediterranean clusters.


Delegations to meet in Malta at the end of November

Programmes share their experience on strategic projects

A comparative study, prepared by the Liaison Office (located in Valencia) of the two programmes, was published in 2011 in order to analyze the synergies and complementarities between the strategic calls, exchange best practices and improve coordination mechanisms between the two initiatives. This study constitutes the first step of a collaboration process between the two programmes which will continue through the capitalisation of the results of the strategic projects, providing key information for interpreting the expectations of the relevant stakeholders in the perspective of the next programming period.


Programmes share their experience on strategic projects

Anna Catte Director of the Joint Managing Authority

Traditional Tuscan earthenware sculptures By the beginning of November 2011, 22 of the projects funded under the first standard call had signed a Grant Contract with the Joint Managing Authority. Promotion of new forms of tourism, innovative management of water at urban level, valorisation of the Greco-Roman heritage, reinforcement of cooperation in the audiovisual sector: these are just a few examples of the topics tackled by these initiatives which involve all 14 countries participating in the Programme. The first project kick-off meetings took place from the second half of September both in European and

First edition - November 2011


First edition - November 2011


From sustainable tourism to local governance
Partner countries. In the coming months, all projects will start their activities ensuring effectiveness and visibility of the EU funding. The Joint Monitoring Committee, also given the quality of the 600 proposals submitted, decided to increase the budget allocated to 50 million allowing the financing of 6 additional projects which are currently negotiating their Contract. Should you wish to know more about the running standard projects, some fact sheets are available on the Programme website (www.enpicbcmed.eu) where you can discover their objectives, expected results and information about the partnership.


The philosophy of the CBC programmes addresses exactly the core of the new EU approach to its changing Neighbourhood
The Joint Managing Authority had the honour of interviewing Mr. tefan Fle, EC Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy. Commissioner Fle explained that following the review of the Neighbourhood Policy and the recent events in the Mediterranean region, the European Union has adopted a new approach allowing for greater support to partners engaged in building deep democracy and real partnerships, not only with governments but also with societies. While highlighting that the EU is ready to support these more ambitious objectives with increased resources and better incentives, Commissioner Fle said that Europe has moved to an understanding that the new scenarios are people-driven. In this context, CBC programmes perfectly represent the EU's new approach of fully inclusive cooperation with its Neighbours, whereby societies and citizens are fullyfledged partners in EU programmes, said tefan Fle. Cross-border cooperation concentrates on building direct contacts between societies and local administrations. It strives to stay away from big politics and provides a valuable tool for the cooperation of people on the ground for the benefit of local populations. Commissioner Fle also stressed the progress made by the ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme, warmly welcoming the substantial interest for the calls for proposals and acknowledging the strong commitment of the Joint Managing Authority and of the 14 participating countries. The full interview of Commissioner tefan Fle can be consulted on the Programme website.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Mario Rossi

Agro-food industry

Sustainable tourism

Integrated coastal zone management Waste treatment and recycling


The Programme attracts 300 proposals
The call for strategic projects, launched in May 2011, was a success as highlighted by the 300 applications received, involving around 3000 Euro-Mediterranean actors. This substantial interest is reinforced by the fact that 43% of the participants come from Mediterranean Partner Countries. Another significant result which confirms the relevance of the call is the value of the submitted proposals: 1.18 billion, representing more than 16 times the budget available ( 62.4 million). Agro-food industry and sustainable tourism were the most popular topics. The events organized to promote the call also proved successful. Almost 700 people actually took part in the 4 seminars hold in Cyprus, Lebanon, Spain and Tunisia having the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the call and share project ideas. The evaluation process is going ahead: the Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC), scheduled in Malta on 28th, 29th and 30th November, will examine the proposals recommended by the Projects Selection Committee. By mid-December, the preselected projects will be invited to submit a full proposal.

Water management

Solar energy

Strategic projects communication campaign ENPI CBC MED PROGRAMME

Call for strategic projects
Valencia, 18th May Tunis, 1st June Nicosia, 3rd June Beirut, 6th June

Together for the Mediterranean

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Mario Rossi


tefan Fle Member of the European Commission

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