2024 X 1st Term Paragraphs

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Class: Ten

English 1st Paper

A Bus Stand
A bus stand plays an important role in the field of communication. It is a place from where
buses stop and start for the passengers in a fixed time. A great number of up and down buses
touch the stand at different hours of the day and night. It is generally situated besides the
road. From here buses go for various destinations and buses come here from different
places. A bus stand is a busy and noisy place. It remains crowed almost at all hours of the
day. There are some ticket counters in a bus stand. People are found standing to buy tickets
in a long line. Sometimes passengers exchange hot talk for breaking the line. The drivers and
conductors remain very busy. They shout loudly to get as many passengers as they can. The
passengers wait impatiently for the buses in the bus stand. All the passengers are in a hurry.
They become very busy in taking seats when a bus comes or starts. Around a bus stand some
stationary shops, restaurants, saloons, book-stalls and tea-stalls are found. Even magazines
and seasonal fruits are also sold here. Besides, rickshaws, vans, auto-rickshaws are seen
standing for the passengers. Some hawkers cry out to sell tea, cigarette, newspaper,
magazine and various articles to the passengers and some beggars sing for begging. Actually
a bus stand is a very noisy and dirty place. In spite of being a noisy and dirty place it helps
us a lot in many ways. In fact, a bus stand is a useful place. It is a part and parcel of bus
communication of a country.

A Railway Station
A railway station is a place from where service trains stop and start for the passengers in a
fixed time. A great number of trains touch the railway station at different hours of the day
and night. It is a part and parcel of train communication of a country. From here trains go
for various destinations and trains come here from different places. A railway station is a
busy and noisy place. It remains crowed almost at all hours of the day. There are some ticket
counters in a railway station. People are found standing to buy tickets in a long line. There
are bookstalls, book-sellers and waiting rooms in a rail way station. Around a rail way
station some stationary shops, restaurants, saloons, book-stalls and tea-stalls are found.
Even magazines and seasonal fruits are also sold here. Besides, rickshaws, vans, auto-
rickshaws are seen standing for the passengers. The passengers wait impatiently for the
trains in the rail way station. When the train reaches at the station, the place becomes very
busy and noisy. At this moment some potters come out, some hawkers cry out to sell their
goods and some beggars sing for begging. The passengers are found getting down from the
train and getting into the train. Actually a railway station is a very noisy and dirty place. In
spite of being a noisy and dirty place it helps us in many ways. In fact, it is a useful place. It
plays an important role in communication of a country.
A Tea Stall
A tea stall is a small shop where hot tea and other things are sold to the passers-by. It is a
common place to all classes of people. It is usually found at the turn of the road, bus stands,
railway stations, bazar or even beside an office where the common people are available. It
opens early in the morning and closes at late night. Biscuits, bread, bananas, betel leaf and
different kinds of handmade snacks are available there. In a tea stall there are some benches
and tables. A boy is employed in a tea stall to serve the customers. The manager sits behind
the cash box and collects the money from the customers. An ordinary tea stall is dirty. A
kettle is always kept hot on the stove. A tea stall is popular place. People of different ages
and classes come here and refresh themselves by taking tea. Nowadays almost every tea stall
has a TV set which remains on all the time to draw the attention of the customers. So the
people who come here usually do not leave the place immediately after taking a cup of tea.
The take tea, watch programs on TV and talk with one another about different issue. They
talk about village politics, national and international politics, games and sports, and on
current affairs. Sometimes customers raise a storm over a cup of tea. This is why it is called
a ‘Mini Sangsad’. Actually a tea stall is a gathering and noisy place. However, a tea stall is
an important place of social gathering. It is also a place of charm for the common people
and boys. So the popularity of a tea stall is increasing day by day.

A Street Hawker
A man who sells various things by moving from street to street is a street hawker. He is a
familiar figure in towns and cities. He is the vendor of a variety of things. He carries his
goods sometimes on his head, sometimes in his hands and sometimes in a small hand-cart.
He generally sells toys, bangles, ribbons, clothes, sweets, ice-crimes, fruits, vegetables,
utensils, newspapers, and things of domestic uses by bringing them up to people’s doors. He
is a clever fellow who knows his business well. He buys goods at a cheap rate from the
market and sells them at a high price. The quality of his goods is not always good. The
women and the children are his main customers. When he passes along the street, he makes a
peculiar cry to draw the attention of his customers. Hearing his voice, the women and the
children stop him and gather round him to buy their desirable things. The women always
bargain with him regarding the cost of the goods. A street hawker generally chooses his time
when the master of the family is away from home and the women are free from their
household work. A street hawker is a poor man. His earning is very small. He leads a simple
and miserable life with his family. Sometimes he has to starve during rough weather. He
lives in a dirty slum. However, a street hawker renders a great service to us providing us
with small but necessary things to our door. We should show him due respect and honour.

Tree Plantation
Tree plantation means to plant trees more and more. Now- a- days it has become a social
movement in our country. Trees are very useful for our existence. They are related deeply
with our life and well-being. They are our best friends. Trees provide us shelter, food, fruits,
firewood, timber and oxygen. We get vitamins from fruits. They prevent soil erosion, air
pollution and floods. They also effectively prevent the spread of the desert and landslides.
They help us in many ways. Human beings, birds, domestic and wild animals are dependent
on trees. A country needs 25% forests to keep ecological balance. But we have only 16%
forests. People are cutting down trees at random unwisely for firewood urbanization and
industrialization. So we all should plant and grow trees more and more to maintain
ecological balance. We also create awareness among the whole people about tree plantation.
Lands of our country are highly suitable for the growth and development of trees. Sea
beaches, low-lying unused lands, sides of the highways and roads can be brought under the
scheme of tree plantation. Generally, June and July are the most suitable period for planting
trees in our country. The government has taken a massive program for tree plantation. We
can also create awareness among people about tree plantation through mass media like TV,
newspaper and arranging seminars. At the same time, we should not ruin the forests and
destroy the trees. Everyone must come forward in this regard so that we can make our
country a land of green beauty.

English 2nd Paper

Mobile Phone
Mobile phone is an electronic device which is portable easily from one place to another. It is
one of the wonders of modern science. It has added a new dimension to our communication
system. It is a telephone system that works without any wire. It works through a SIM card
and a rechargeable battery. It is more convenient than telephone call. The person who calls
and sends the message has to pay the bill but the receiver can respond to the call and
message without any payment. Through mobile phone, we can communicate with the people
living in very distant places in the shortest possible time. We can share information and chat
to people of distant places by using social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter
YouTube, Google+, LinkedIn etc. We also send massages, play games and sports, know
about time, solve the works of calculation, read newspapers, watch movie and listen to music
send picture, video call etc. Around the world, the popularity of mobile phone is increasing
day by day. Many companies are also being set up for selling mobile phone sets and
connection. These companies are offering new packages with attractive facilities. The price
of mobile phone is also decreasing day by day. People are being encouraged to buy
a mobile phone and connection at a cheaper rate. To speak the truth, the advantages
of mobile phone cannot be described in words. But it has some disadvantages too. It has
become a fashion for young generation. They are wasting their valuable time by using
Facebook, Twitter YouTube etc. By using the Mobile phone, the terrorists and criminals
carry out their evil designs and commit crimes. Moreover, mobile phone produces one kind
of ultra-magnetic wave which may cause brain cancer. However, in spite of all these
disadvantages, there is no alternative of mobile phone to ensure rapid communication.

Tree Plantation
Tree plantation means to plant trees more and more. Now- a- days it has become a social
movement in our country. Trees are very useful for our existence. They are related deeply
with our life and well-being. They are our best friends. Trees provide us shelter, food, fruits,
firewood, timber and oxygen. We get vitamins from fruits. They prevent soil erosion, air
pollution and floods. They also effectively prevent the spread of the desert and landslides.
They help us in many ways. Human beings, birds, domestic and wild animals are dependent
on trees. A country needs 25% forests to keep ecological balance. But we have only 16%
forests. People are cutting down trees at random unwisely for firewood urbanization and
industrialization. So we all should plant and grow trees more and more to maintain
ecological balance. We also create awareness among the whole people about tree plantation.
Lands of our country are highly suitable for the growth and development of trees. Sea
beaches, low-lying unused lands, sides of the highways and roads can be brought under the
scheme of tree plantation. Generally, June and July are the most suitable period for planting
trees in our country. The government has taken a massive program for tree plantation. We
can also create awareness among people about tree plantation through mass media like TV,
newspaper and arranging seminars. At the same time, we should not ruin the forests and
destroy the trees. Everyone must come forward in this regard so that we can make our
country a land of green beauty.

A Rainy Day
A rainy day is a day when it rains all day long. It is a common scene during the rainy season
in Bangladesh. Sometimes, it rains in torrents and sometimes, it drizzles. On a rainy day, the
sky is overcast with thick and black clouds. The sun is hardly seen in the sky. Often there are
flashes of lightning and roars of thunder in the sky. The day looks dull and gloomy. Birds are
hardly seen to fly. Cattle keep standing in their sheds. Tanks, ponds and rivers become full to
the brim due to heavy rain. The roads go under water and become muddy and slippery.
People have to remain indoors. Those who have offices and other business go out with
umbrellas over their head, shoes in hand and clothes folded upto knee. Sometimes, people
slip and fall on the muddy road. Sometimes, people get drenched and stop midway. A rainy
day brings misery to the poor because they can’t go out to earn their livings. But the rich
enjoy much having delicious foods, gossiping and listening to music. School going boys and
girls don’t go to school. They enjoy taking bath and plying in the rain. It is a great joy to
them. Those who have imaginary bent of mind enjoy the beauty of nature being drenched in
rains. A rainy day comes to different classes of people in different ways. It has good effect on
the soil. It helps plants to grow, flowers to bloom and nature looks fresh, clean and beautiful.
Indeed, a rainy day shakes our mind and reminds our childhood.

Independence Day
The day on which the independence of a country is declared is called the ‘Independence
Day’ of that country. The 26th March, 1971, is the day on which the independence of
Bangladesh was declared. So the 26th March is our Independence Day. Our Independence
Day is a glorious day in the history of Bangladesh. It is the biggest state festival. The day is
celebrated every year in the country with great enthusiasm and fervour. It is a national
holiday. All offices, educational institutions, shops and factories remain closed on this day.
The day begins with 31 gunshots. Early in the morning the President and the Prime Minister
on behalf of the nation place floral wreaths at the National Memorial at Savar. Then
diplomats, political parties, social and cultural organisations, and freedom fighters pay
homage to the martyrs. People from all walks of life also come there with rallies and
processions. There are several cultural programmes throughout the day highlighting the
heroic struggle and sacrifice in 1971. The country also witness a smartly dressed parade of
defence forces, border guards, police, ansars and the VDP (Village Defense Party) at the
National Parade Ground near the National Parliament. In Bangabandhu Stadium, school
children, scouts and girl guides take part in various displays to entertain thousands of
spectators. The educational institutions also organise their individual programmes. Sports
meets and tournaments are also organised on the day including the exciting boat race in the
river Buriganga. In the evening, all major public buildings are illuminated with colourful
lights. Bangla Academy, Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy and other socio-cultural
organisations hold cultural functions. Similar functions are also arranged in other places in
the country.
A Rickshaw Puller
A rickshaw puller is a man who pulls rickshaw for earning his living. He is a familiar figure
in towns and cities. He is seen waiting for passengers at the gate of school, college,
university, office, shopping mall, at the corner of the road and market place. He is a poor
man. His dress is very shabby and dirty. His income is very low. He supports his family
through much hardship. Most of a rickshaw puller has no rickshaw of his own. He pull
rickshaw by renting. There is no time table of his work. He usually pulls his rickshaw from
morning to midnight. He carries passengers and goods from one place to another. He is seen
carrying passengers in both good and bad weathers. He carries passengers under the hot sun
and also in the heavy rain. He bargains with his passengers. He demands more when the
weather is very hot and foul. Sometimes he tries to cheat passengers. But most often he is
cheated by passengers. He starts working early in the morning and finishes at dead night.
Sometimes he is seen taking rest lying on his rickshaw under a tree. A rickshaw puller leads
a very simple life. He works hard but his earning is very small. He lives in a dirty slum with
his family. He lives from hand to mouth. His face beams with smile if he earns much. He
suffers much if he fails to go to his work due to his illness or hartal. Then he and his family
have to starve. However a rickshaw puller renders a great service to us carrying us to our
destination. We should not neglect him. We should behave well with him and show him due
respect and honour.

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