Hybrid Automation Framework (Steps)

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Hybrid Automation Framework

(Java, Selenium, TestNG, Maven & Page Object Model)

Create a new Maven Project
Add required dependencies in po.xml (Please check links below)
Create Folder Structure
Development of Hybrid Driven Framework
1) Test case: Account Registration
1.1: Create BasePage under "pageObjects" which includes only constructor. This will be invoked by
every Page Object Class constructor (Re-usability).
1.2: Create Page Object Classes for HomePage, RegistrationPage under pageObjects package.
(These classes extends from BasePage).
1.3: Create AccountRegistrationTest under "testCases"
1.4: Create BaseClass under testBase package and copy re-usable methods.
1.5: Create re-usable methods to generate random numbers and strings in BaseClass.

2) Adding logs to test case (log4j2)

2.1: Add log4j2.xml file under src/test/resourses.
2.2: Update BaseClass.
2.3: Add log statements to AccountRegistrationTest.
3) Run Tests on Desired Browser/Cross Browser/Parallel
3.1: Create testng.xml file to Run Test Cases and parameterize browser name and OS to BaseClass
→setup() method.

3.2: Update BaseClass →setup() method, launch browser based on conditions.

3.3: Maintain separate xml to run tests multiple browsers parallelly.

4) Read Common values from config.properties file.

4.1: Add config.properties file under src/test/resoures.
4.2: Update BaseClass →setup() method, add script to load config.properties file.

4.3: Replace hard coded values in Test Cases like url, username, password etc...

5) Login Test Case

5.1: Create and update page object classes. LoginPage, MyAccountPage – new classes HomePage –
update by adding login link element

5.2: Create LoginTest

5.3: Add entry testng.xml

6) Data Driven Login Test
6.1: Prepare test data in Excel, place the excel file inside the testData folder.

6.2: Create ExcelUtility class under utilities package.

6.3: Update Page Object class MyAccountPage , add logout link element)

6.4 : Create DataProviders class in utilities package to maintain data providers for data driven tests.

6.5: Create LoginDataDrivenTest under testCases package.

6.6: Add an Entry in testng.xml file

7) Grouping Tests.
7.1: Add all test cases into specific group ( sanity, regression , master etc.).

7.2: Also add BaseClass methods setup() & teardown() to all groups.
7.3: Create separate TestNG xml file(grouping.xml) to run groups and include groups which we
want to execute.

8) Add Extent Reports to Project

8.1: Create ExtentReportUtility utility class under utilities package.
8.2: Add captureScreen() method in BaseClass

8.3: Add ExtentReportUtility (Listener class) entry in testng.xml file.

8.4: Make sure WebDriver is static in BaseClass, we refer same driver instance in

9) Run Failed Tests.


10) Run Tests on Selenium Grid

Grid Setup:

• Download selenium-server-4.15.0.jar and place it somewhere.

• Run below command in command prompt to start Selenium Grid
java -jar selenium-server-4.15.0.jar standalone
• URL to see sessions: http://localhost:4444/

10.1: Add execution_env=local/remote in config.properties file under resources folder.

10.2: Update setup() method in the BaseClass (capture execution environment from
config.properties file then add required capabilities of OS & Browser in conditions).
10.3: Run the tests from testing.xml

11) Run Tests using Maven pom.xml, Command Prompt & run.bat file.

12) Push the Code to Git & GitHub Repository

13) Run Tests using Jenkins.

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