8L Earth & Space
8L Earth & Space
8L Earth & Space
(b) State how much time the Earth takes to go once around the Sun.
2 The UK is in the northern hemisphere of the Earth. In the middle of summer, there are over 16
hours of daylight in the UK.
(a) How is the number of hours of daylight in the UK different in the winter? Tick one box.
A more hours
B fewer hours
D 12 hours
(d) Give one reason why the Sun feels hotter in summer than in winter in the UK.
(Total for Question 2 = 4 marks)
3 The Earth has one moon called the Moon.
5 Many other stars are much bigger and brighter than our Sun.
Give one reason why our Sun looks brighter than other stars.
6 State whether these pairs of magnets will attract or repel each other.
Write either ‘attract’ or ‘repel’ underneath each pair of magnets.
. .
(b) The compass is then placed next to a magnet as shown
in the drawing.
(a) (i) On the diagram, draw an arrow to show the force of the moon on the spacecraft. Draw
your arrow so that the length of the arrow represents the size of the force.
Label the arrow M.
(ii) Draw another arrow to show the force of the spacecraft on the moon. Draw your arrow
so that the length of the arrow represents the size of the force. Label the arrow S.
(b) How would the size of forces M and S change if the spacecraft had a greater mass? Tick
one box.
(c) How would the size of forces M and S change if the spacecraft was further away from
the moon? Tick one box.
(Total for Question 9 = 4 marks)
(a) Name the moon you would expect to have the biggest mass.
(b) Give one reason for your answer to part (a). Tick one box.