DOM - Procedures For Quality Preventive Actions - 0
DOM - Procedures For Quality Preventive Actions - 0
DOM - Procedures For Quality Preventive Actions - 0
1. Background
1.1. Quality preventive action is a proactive process to identify opportunities for
improvement. All Department of Forensic Sciences (DFS) personnel are
encouraged to identify needed improvements and potential sources of non-
conformities, either technical or concerning the management system.
2. Definitions
2.1. For the purposes of this document, the following terms shall have the designated
3. Scope
3.1. These procedures are applicable to quality preventive actions identified by all
DFS personnel.
4. Responsibilities
4.1.3. Specify the response due date and the time frame for the follow-up.
4.2.1. Ensure the progress of the quality preventive action is tracked and
timelines are adhered to.
4.3. Individual(s) and designees responsible for quality preventive action will:
5. Procedures
5.1. If a condition or situation exists that may be improved, the DFS employee
identifying the opportunity will notify their Manager/Supervisor, Division Director
or the Deputy Director. If a quality preventive action is identified through an
internal audit or assessment, the Manager/Supervisor and/or Directorate or
designee member will initiate the Q-PAR.
5.2. Q-PAR
5.3.2. When the effectiveness of the quality preventive action has been
verified, the Manager/Supervisor, Division Director, Deputy Director or
designee shall inform the laboratory staff and/or individual analyst of the
completion of the process. Memoranda are the method used to convey
this information.
5.4. Monitoring
5.4.1. All approved action steps will be evaluated for completion and monitored
for effectiveness. The Deputy Director or designee will ensure all due
dates are monitored and adhered to. After a quality preventive action is
completed and closed out, the Manager/Supervisor, Division Director,
Deputy Director or designee will ensure monitoring is performed within
the established time frame as necessary to assess its continued
effectiveness. The monitoring may be accomplished by subsequent
6. Documentation
6.1. The following records shall be generated and retained for at least one
accreditation cycle or five years, whichever is longer:
7. References
7.1. ISO/IEC 17025– General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and
Calibration Laboratories, International Organization for Standardization, Geneva,
Switzerland, (current revision)
7.3. Quality Assurance Standards for Forensic DNA Testing Laboratories, Federal
Bureau of Investigation, (current revision).