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Characteristics and Manufacture of Spherical Smokeless Powders

Article in Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management · December 2015

DOI: 10.5028/jatm.v7i4.466


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3 authors, including:

Erick Galante Álvaro José Boareto Mendes

Instituto Militar de Engenharia (IME) Instituto Militar de Engenharia (IME)


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doi: 10.5028/jatm.v7i4.466

Characteristics and Manufacture of

Spherical Smokeless Powders
Fernanda Diniz Botelho1, Erick Braga Ferrão Galante1, Álvaro José Boareto Mendes1

ABSTRACT: Smokeless propellants have been studied and

manufactured for many decades. They can exist in various INTRODUCTION
physical forms and also can have different properties
according to the use of each propellant. One important form Smokeless powders are a class of propellants that were
of smokeless powders is the ball powder, which has spherical
grains. The manufacture process of the ball powder has many
developed in the late 19th century to replace black powder.
advantages over the usual way to manufacture a smokeless There are patents regarding smokeless powder dating back to
powder. For example, unstable and even deteriorated the beginning of the 20th century (Piper 1953; Boddicker 1940).
nitrocellulose, after being stabilized again, can be used to
The term “smokeless” refers to the minimal residue left in the
produce spherical powders. Also, the process to produce
them requires less water and energy, which can result in gun barrel following the use of smokeless powder (Heramb
a cheaper way to manufacture powders. In this review, the and McCord 2002).
spherical powders manufacturing process is described, as Smokeless propellants can be found in many physical
well as the characteristics and advantages of this specific
forms: single or multi-hole cylinders, thin sheets, strips and
form of a double-base powder.
others. An important type of smokeless propellants that has
KEYWORDS: Double-base propellants, Single-base powders, been studied and manufactured for more than 70 years is the
Spherical powders, Smokeless powders. spherical powder, also called ball powder. This variation of
smokeless propellants was first studied by Fredrich Olsen and
peers (Olsen et al. 1936, 1939; Olsen and Tibbitts 1938; Olsen
1942). By the early 1930s, the first patent about the manufacture
spherical powder was published (Valença et al. 2013). It was noticed
that spherical powders had some advantageous characteristics
such as progressive burning rate and high loading density
(U. S. Army 1964), which made it possible to use them in small
ammunition guns.
The history of explosives started with black powder, which
was probably the first explosive to be manufactured. Accidents
involving black powder were reported in 220 BC in a Chinese
document (Akhavan 2004; Valença et al. 2013), when some
alchemists mixed potassium nitrate, sulfur as well as charcoal,
and a big explosion was the result. Black powder was used for
blasting for many years, but the limitations of this explosive became
apparent in the 19th century. For example, mining and tunneling
operations using black powder were very difficult (Akhavan 2004).

1.Instituto Militar de Engenharia – SE/5 – Seção de Engenharia Química – Rio de Janeiro/RJ – Brazil
Author for correspondence: Erick Braga Ferrão Galante | Instituto Militar de Engenharia – Seção de Engenharia Química | Praça General Tibúrcio, 80 | CEP:
22. 290-270 – Urca – Rio de Janeiro/RJ – Brazil | Email: erickbfgalante@gmail.com
Received: 02/15/2015 | Accepted: 11/02/2015

J. Aerosp. Technol. Manag., São José dos Campos, Vol.7, No 4, pp.398-403, Oct.-Dec., 2015
Characteristics and Manufacture of Spherical Smokeless Powders

A second big event in the history of explosives was the discovery because it is more stable at lower temperatures than nitroglycerine
of sulphuric and nitric acids. With these two substances, it was (Valença et al. 2013).
possible to nitrate many compounds, making new ones, which
were frequently very unstable and would explode, so they could
eventually replace black powder. In 1861, Alfred Nobel built a SPHERICAL SMOKELESS POWDERS
small manufacturing plant to make nitroglycerine, a liquid with CHARACTERISTICS
an explosive nature. Nitrocellulose was discovered a few years Spherical smokeless powders were first studied by Fredrich
after nitroglycerin (Valença et al. 2013), and then scientists around Olsen and peers (Olsen et al. 1936, 1939; Olsen and Tibbitts
the world developed many other important explosive substances 1938; Olsen 1942). Olsen worked for Western Cartridge Company,
such as trinitrotoluene and ammonium nitrate. an ammunition industry (Hodgdon Powder Co. 2014), and he was
The great number of new explosives resulted in the replacement studying new ways to stabilize nitrocellulose because its decom-
of black powder as a blasting explosive. However, this compound position was a problem during World War I. Olsen observed that
is still used in fireworks and in rockets as fuel (Valença et al. 2013). a mixture of nitrocellulose, ethyl acetate and water, when agitated,
After the development and manufacture of many explosive tended to form small spheres that did not last when the
compounds, it became necessary to separate them into groups agitation was interrupted. This fact motivated Olsen to start
in accordance with their properties, for example, their burning studying new ways to manufacture a propellant in a spherical shape.
characteristics and stability. A classification by performance The spherical powder manufacture process provided many
and uses of explosives divides those substances into three advantages over common extruded-type powders that were quickly
groups: primary explosives, secondary explosives and propellants. taken advantage of by ammunition factories. Its key advantages
Primary explosives differ from secondary explosives in that they include: stable long life; high density (ideal for rifle calibers);
undergo a very rapid transition from burning to detonation adjustable chemistry, which allows the powder to be tailored to
and can transmit the detonation to less sensitive explosives specific cartridge applications through chemistry and geometry;
(Cooper 1996; Akhavan 2004). Secondary explosives are less and lower flame temperature, which allows longer barrel life in
sensitive than primary explosives and do not initiate by heat or service (Barzanjy 2011; Tao et al. 2010).
shock. Propellants are combustible materials that do not usually The spherical powder is not only substantially spherical in
detonate; they only burn in high velocity (which is defined shape but uniformly dense. It, therefore, has advantages not only
as deflagration). The most common way of initiate them is by from a ballistic standpoint but also from a loading standpoint.
using a blasting cap generating heat (Valença et al. 2013; Akhavan Spherical grains of the same size and composition burn at the
2004; Cooper 1996). Propellants may be named as powders or same rates. That is impossible with angular or oblong grains due
gunpowder by some literature. Regarding United Nations risk to their varying shapes having different volumes, even though all
classifications, propellants are hazardous goods classified in may pass through the same screen opening (Olsen et al. 1936).
general as 1.3C, but depending upon conditions, they can burn Another important characteristic that is the progressive
to detonation and are classified as 1.1C (United Nations 2015). burning rate (Department of the Army 1984; Meyer et al. 2007;
Nitrocellulose and nitroglycerin are energetic bases for Valença et al. 2013). This is possible because, while a powder
smokeless powders, because they can be used as propellants, grain burns from the outside towards the inside, it reaches
and their burning produces much less residues than that of different layers with higher burning rates, as well as higher
black powder (Valença et al. 2013; Heramb and McCord 2002). temperatures. The modifying agents and surface coats burn
All smokeless powders can be placed into one of three different first, and then the inner part of the grain, made of nitrocellulose
classes according to the chemical composition of their energetic (which has a higher burning heat), is reached. A progressive
ingredients. A single-base powder contains nitrocellulose, burning is advantageous because it makes possible to keep
whereas a double-base powder contains nitrocellulose and the pressure inside the barrel high for a longer time, and a
nitroglycerine. Nitroguanidine can also be included as a higher pressure peak is avoided. In general, the behavior of the
third energetic base, forming a triple-base propellant (Valença burning allows the formation of a plateau at a high pressure,
et al. 2013; Akhavan 2004; Heramb and McCord 2002; Cooper which gives the same overall energy under the curve if there
1996). In some cases, nitroglycerine can be replaced by nitroglycol was a single higher pressure peak. This is advantageous because

J. Aerosp. Technol. Manag., São José dos Campos, Vol.7, No 4, pp.398-403, Oct.-Dec., 2015
Botelho FD, Galante EBF, Mendes AJB

the gun barrel will not have to tolerate very big pressures Regarding the production of the smokeless powder, Olsen
(U. S. Army 1964). and his co-workers developed a process to manufacture a
In small arms ammunition, particularly where progressive smokeless powder in a manner so as to secure a superior
burning powder is used as the propellant, it often happens product irrespective (within limits) of the base. The base
that the propellant charge does not completely burn inside the may be nitrocellulose, and its kind and character, as well as
barrel and that combustion thereof is prolonged even after composition, may be varied; it may be wholly or partially
the projectile or shot charge has left the barrel. This prolonged purified fibrous nitrocellulose; it may be dense colloided
combustion is objectionable because the burning particles nitrocellulose in the form of existing powder, or of good, poor
of powder are expelled from the barrel of the arm behind or indifferent stability (Silk 1945; Olsen et al. 1936). Also,
the projectile, and the energy which would otherwise be during the course of operations, the product is purified and
imparted to the projectile is lost. In accordance with Olsen’s stabilized, and the incorporation of additional ingredients,
invention (Olsen and Tibbitts 1938), the spherical powder such as stabilizers and modifying agents (burning regulators
charge is also clean burning and is completely consumed by or accelerators), are added (Olsen et al. 1936).
combustion by the time the projectile or shot charge leaves In accordance with Olsen’s invention (Olsen et al. 1936),
the barrel whereby the objectionable conditions, such as a greatly simplified procedure can be used for accomplishing
deposits in the barrel and the ejection of luminous particles of the desired purification of the nitrocellulose as well as the
powder from the muzzle of the gun, are substantially reduced. gelatinization thereof and the formation of grains. If the
nitrocellulose is impure and in an unstable condition, it is
PRODUCTION treated with a suitable solvent to form a lacquer from which the
Spherical smokeless powder is generally made from impurities are then removed by agitation in a suitable non-solvent
nitrocellulose as the base material. The nitrocellulose may be derived bath, such as water. By distilling off a sufficient amount of the
from purified cellulose, such as from cotton linters or wood, solvent during continued agitation, the gelatinized nitrocellulose
which is then nitrated by being treated with nitric and sulfuric acids becomes converted to preliminary grains. If the solvent for
(Olsen 1942; Valença et al. 2013; Department of the Army 1984). the powder base is selected so that it will be substantially
In the manufacture of nitrocellulose, it is necessary to subject immiscible with the non-solvent bath, and conditions tending
the nitrated cellulose to extensive purification treatments in to produce an emulsion with the powder base in the solution as
order to remove the residual acid and unstable esters from the the internal phase are maintained, the preliminary grains may be
nitrocellulose fibers. A large amount of water is required for these resolved into globular form and may, if desired, be completely
purification treatments, and a considerable consumption of heat solidified and employed as a propellant powder in this shape,
is necessary (Olsen 1942). In order to convert nitrocellulose, without further operations of grain formation (Olsen 1942).
which has been purified, into gelatinized or colloided smokeless To protect the resulting powder against autocatalytic
powder grains, it is customary to replace the water contained decomposition, one of the usual stabilizers as, for example,
in the nitrocellulose with alcohol by means of a displacement the centralities or diphenylamine, may be added to the lacquer
process (Olsen et al. 1936). so that the desired amount becomes incorporated within the
Nitrocellulose which has deteriorated or contained centers individual particles of lacquer (Olsen 1942). The stabilizer is not
of high acid concentration, as is frequently present in aged only uniformly distributed throughout the globules formed within
cannon powder, may be purified and stabilized to an extent the medium and the grains thereafter formed from globules, but
sufficient to for use as propellant. This may be rendered suitable any acidic or deteriorated elements present will be distributed
by grinding the deteriorated nitrocellulose powder in water throughout the vehicle or medium (Olsen et al. 1936). The
slurry and thereafter agitating the slurry in a sufficient quantity modifying agents such as deterrents or accelerators may also
of a solvent, such as water, to wash out and disperse the centers be incorporated with a grain and distributed throughout the
of high acidity. It is also desirable to add to the slurry a sufficient grain in a manner similar to that of incorporating the stabilizer.
quantity of a neutralizing agent, such as calcium carbonate or In general, the desired formation of the grains is accomplished
other mild alkali, so as to neutralize the acid which may be washed by dispersing globules of the base (such as nitrocellulose) in
out of the nitrocellulose spheres/pieces (Olsen et al. 1939, 1940). a medium. This is accomplished by subjecting the base and a

J. Aerosp. Technol. Manag., São José dos Campos, Vol.7, No 4, pp.398-403, Oct.-Dec., 2015
Characteristics and Manufacture of Spherical Smokeless Powders

solvent to agitation in a non-solvent medium (such as water) so vaporization at a rate decreasing from the beginning to the end of
as to produce globules that are individually consolidated in order the vaporization period and at a rate less than the rate of diffusion
to form grains which are spherical (Carlucci and Jacobson 2008; of the solvent from the interiors to the exteriors of the globules.
Olsen et al. 1936; U. S. Army 1964). A volatile solvent may also Such a distillation secures a solid grain as distinguished from
be used to produce globules, being before vaporized by heating one which is hollow and porous (Olsen et al. 1936).
(Olsen et al. 1936). Suitable solvents include ethyl acetate, isopropyl After formation of the globules in the medium or vehicle,
acetate, methyl isobutyl ketone, as well as other organic liquids and after distillation of the solvent from the several globules to
which are solvents for nitrocellulose not completely miscible with form grains, the medium is permitted to cool to a temperature
water (Coffee 1964; Silk 1945), and are sufficiently volatile so that sufficiently low to permit any modifying agent or stabilizer
they may be vaporized without having to resort to temperatures dissolved in the normally non-solvent medium to separate
which are unsafe or inconvenient. The treatment with the solvent out at the lower temperature. In the case of the modifying
is preferably carried out to an extent sufficient to convert all of agent, such as deterrent, it will become deposited on the grains
the nitrocellulose present in a lacquer (Olsen 1942). so as to provide a surface treatment in the form of a coating
The desired amount of solvent may be added to the slurry of or impregnation (Olsen et al. 1936). Figure 1 represents a
nitrocellulose dust in the form of a spray and, in this manner, small manufacture process of spherical grains of smokeless powders.
globules of the solvent may be readily distributed throughout The finishing operations are similar to the ones that are usually
the mixture. During agitation and heating, the surfaces of the carried out during the manufacture of a single-base smokeless
particles of nitrocellulose dust become softened due to the powder. After cooling of the medium, and when the grains have
gelatinizing action of the solvent and tend to coalesce, forming become consolidated or hardened, they may be subjected to a
clusters comprising a number of dust particles. This action screening operation, in which the oversizes can be sent back for
may be explained since all liquid or plastic two-phase systems reworking and the screened grains can be subjected to a wringing
tend to a condition of minimum surface energy which can be operation and thereafter to a drying operation. The grains may
accomplished by coalescence (Olsen et al. 1936, 1940). be surface treated prior to drying with a suitable modifying
The production of globules or the production of the
quasi-emulsion may be secured in various ways. In accordance
with Olsen’s invention (Olsen et al. 1936), the base is dissolved
in a solvent and the colloidal solution or lacquer is agitated
Deterrent Solvent
rather violently in a non-solvent vehicle in the presence of the
protective colloid and a neutralizer to form the globules. The
protective colloid performs the function of effecting a quasi- Solvent Colloid
emulsion between the base and solvent and the non-solvent
medium, with the base and solvent as the internal phase. The Stabilizer Neutralizer
base is agitated with a solvent distributed in the non-solvent
vehicle so as to form an emulsion with the medium as the internal Aqueous solution
phase; upon the addition of the protective colloid the emulsion (water)
is broken and under agitation inverted with the medium as the
external phase. The neutralizer is added to remove the high-
acidity centers. A suitable neutralizer is calcium carbonate in
Reactor Distill
the form of purified prepared chalk (Olsen et al. 1936, 1939).
The globules, which are distributed throughout the medium, Cool
are then subjected to treatment to extract the solvent, through
distillation of the solvent secured by heating the medium to near Finishing operations
the vaporizing point of the solvent. The distillation is so carried
Based upon the work of Olsen et al. (1936).
out as to effect a gradual vaporization of the solvent from the
several globules; the process is preferably carried out by effecting Figure 1. Spherical powder manufacturing process.

J. Aerosp. Technol. Manag., São José dos Campos, Vol.7, No 4, pp.398-403, Oct.-Dec., 2015
Botelho FD, Galante EBF, Mendes AJB

agent, such as a deterrent or an accelerator. The coating may carried out using Fig. 2, which shows the difference between the
comprise nitroglycerin which acts as an accelerator; in that it thrust produced by propellants with different burning characteristics.
allows the powder to be more readily ignitable and also acts as Progressive burning occurs when the thrust produced increases
a waterproofing agent, rendering the powder non-hygroscopic. with time and with distance traveled, inside the barrel (Kosanke
A suitable deterrent such as dibutylphthalate may be used along 2012). During a regressive burning, the surface area decreases
with the nitroglycerin or other accelerator and waterproofing with time, and so does the thrust. The neutral burning happens
agent. The grains may be then dried and glazed in the usual when the burning area is approximately constant, which results
manner and thereafter blended if desired (Olsen et al. 1936, 1940). in a constant thrust over the burning period. The pressure peak
The size of the grains is a function of the extent and the violence is higher and is reached first in a regressive burning rate because,
of the agitation as well as the amount of protective colloid and the as the burning area decreases, the gas production lowers, so the
viscosity of the dissolved base (Olsen et al. 1936; Valença et al. maximum pressure occurs in the very beginning of the barrel. On
2013). The grain size decreases with the increase of rotor speed, the other side, if a progressive burning propellant is used, the peak
the increase of percentage of the colloid and the viscosity of the pressure is limited to a value that may be tolerated by the gun
nitrocellulose. Furthermore the amount of solvent employed (Moss et al. 1983; U. S. Army 1964). It is also important to address
affects not only the size, shape and surface of the resultant grains, the effect of adding high explosives in the composition on the
but also the gravimetric density thereof (Schaefer 1939; Olsen et propellant performance (Zhu et al. 2012).
al. 1940). Small amounts of solvent give a small rough cluster of
Table 1. Comparison between spherical powders and
particles as the grains while larger amounts of solvent give more common powders.
spherical smoother grains. The rate at which the temperature is
raised during evaporation of the solvent affects both the granulation Powder Advantages Disadvantages

and density of the resultant powder (Schaefer 1939). Unstable nitrocellulose can
The process for the manufacture of spherical powder, which be used. The plant to
Deteriorated nitrocellulose produce cannot be
Olsen and his co-workers have devised, combines nicely with from cannon powders can be used to produce
Olsen’s process for the quick stabilization of nitrocellulose to form a Spherical reused. other types of
powder Loading spherical grains is powders.
sequence of operations by which a finished powder may be produced easier. Can only be used
more rapidly and more safely than by the usual process. It supplies The grain formation is carried in small caliber
in only one reactor. ammunitions.
a convenient means of making up a powder which contains non- Progressive burning rate.
volatile solvents throughout the mass of the grains or deterrent or Many physical forms can be High consumption
accelerant coatings upon their surface (Urbanski 1967). Other
produced. of water and
It can be used in bigger energy during the
Although the spherical powder starts as pure nitrocellulose, double-base
ammunition calibers. production process.
the finished product is a double-base propellant, since The same plant can be used to Stable nitrocellulose
produce different powders. is necessary.
nitroglycerin is added after shaping and its content is created
by surface impregnation.

Pressure Neutral burning
Table 1 provides a comparison between spherical powders limit of gun
Regressive burning
and other common double-base smokeless powders with
Progressive burning
respect to manufacture process, characteristics and uses.
It aims to briefly compare spherical powders against other
double-base propellants. This is important since their production Shot start
is more complex (hence expensive) than that of extruded
propellants. Due to this, they are used mainly when the Shot start position Muzzle Time

ammuntion does so requires.

Based upon the work of Moss et al. (1983).
Another important comparison aspect between propellants is
the effectiveness and burning characteristics. This comparison is Figure 2. Pressure-time curves for different burning rates.

J. Aerosp. Technol. Manag., São José dos Campos, Vol.7, No 4, pp.398-403, Oct.-Dec., 2015
Characteristics and Manufacture of Spherical Smokeless Powders

In Fig. 2, “Shot start position” and “Muzzle” correspond to the time nitrocellulose stabilization process, that requires a big quantity
when these positions are reached. The curves shown in Fig. 2 can be of water and energy, is not necessary since the process of making
determined using a closed vessel. The spherical powder can be used the propellant spherical already stabilizes the nitrocellulose.
in small ammunitions to provide a greater muzzle velocity, which Hence the process to make the powder spherical substitutes
will result in a bigger kinetic energy being transferred to the target. the stabilization process. One disadvantage is the fact that the
A typical peak pressure for a 5.56-mm ammunition is spherical powder production plant cannot be used to manufacture
354 MPa (Moss et al. 1983); it is considered when designing other types of powder, due to the specificity of equipment and
a new gun or barrel, hence this is the value considered to be the lack of machinery to extrude propellants.
compared against. Regarding ballistic characteristics, the spherical powders are
appropriate for use in small ammunitions (usually up to 50-mm
caliber rounds) because of their progressive burning rate and
CONCLUSION high loading density, which will result in a high muzzle speed.
It is therefore undeniable that they are very important in the
The great advantage of the spherical powder manufacture propellants field and should not be neglected by ammunition
process is the possibility of using deteriorated and unstable and propellant industries. This is major when it comes to small
nitrocellulose. Aged powders that would be destroyed can rounds that benefit most from the burning behavior of the
be reused, which results in a lower production cost. Also, the spherical powder.

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J. Aerosp. Technol. Manag., São José dos Campos, Vol.7, No 4, pp.398-403, Oct.-Dec., 2015

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