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ft Page PARLIAMENTARY ELECTION URGENT GOVT OF ASSAM OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT COMMISSIONER & DISTRICT ELECTION OFFICER :CACHAI (PARLIAMENTARY ELECTION PERSONNEL CELL'2024) ORDER In view of the smooth conduct of the Parliamentary Election'2024, the following Officers & Staffs are hereby detalled for the duties at Distribution & Receiving Counters for Distribution of poling materials & Receiving of polled materials as per Schedule below: - 4) VENUE: - ISTT, RAMNAGAR, SILCHAR, 2) DATE OF DISTRIBUTION FOR LAKHIPUR, KATIGORAH & DHOLA (EXCEPT WOMEN & Pum S):- 24/04/2026 3) DATE OF DISTRIBUTION FOR SILCHAR, SONAI, UDHARBOND & BORKHOLA :- 2810412024 4) DATE OF RECEIVING FOR ALL LA. SEGMENTS :- 2sioa2024 §5) REPORTING TIME FOR DISTRIBUTION: - 6 -30 AM ON 24/04/2024 & 25/08/2024 6) REPORTING TIME FOR RECEIVING OF EVM & POLLED MATERIALS: - 3-30 PM SHARP ON 26/04/2024 7) BRIEFING SESSION FOR OFFICERS & STAFF :- ON 21.04.2024 AT 10.00 AM onwards for Officers & Gril staff deployed for Siichar, Sonal, Udharbond & Borkhola LAA, Constituency and Officers & Gril staff deployed for Lakhipur, Katigorah & Dholal L.A. Constituency at 2.00 P.M. onwards. 8. BRIEFING VENUE :-D.NN.K, GIRLS H.S, SCHOOL, SILCHAR (1ST FLOOR) Officers | Staff are directed to release the Prosiding Officers after recelved the Polled EVM & materials in full and proper from the respective counter. Officers and Staffs to move for ISTT, RAMNAGAR, SILCHAR, Shuttle Buses will be available at Dak-Bungalow / D.C's Office Campus, Silchar forthe day of Distribution ie, on 24/04/2024 & 26/04/2024 from 5 - 00 AM onwrards ‘and also Shuttle Buses willbe availabe atthe seme place on the day of Receiving of Polled EVM & other Materials i.e. on 26/04/2024 from 2-00 PM onwards. Further, all officers and staff are directed to attend photo session at the Pass & Photography Cell functioning et Unnayan Bhawan (Ground Floor), Silchar & collect their necessary passes well in advance. st] Name of Name & Designation of Dtrbuvon —[LASegment aE No | _transitofier RecoWving Stat E.cevter ||ESN®)| Vorme) | | Det - 2 3 4 5 6 z srl ahaskar Barman, Sr DAA (3401294294) {Gfo Dist Relstrar (Registration), Cachar, sichar Sri Sunny Saha, Technical 5" Dibyendu: opt Jr. Asstt. \anaranty 14 err [crores 4 Officer-i (8011896649) Mian Ea oe eta (takiBU | 5 45.20 Fanon 25-04-2024 Cloke PH Sew OMen] snap en uae) | ometN® Be cio hepa Reta Cr, lhe Saran Kay HOSA Te sonora Terkel Ron Di ‘alana Srl a UDA TORESTER ome ‘Draco tandem & Tere, Shar kina Mow suas ‘Sri Bablu Kanti Das, AAO (9954824114) C/o EE, WR Divn, Silchar 14 eorrted 2 (9436566085) {takhieur) | 23 e940 |Ramng t (Clo Branch Manager, LIC! sy pajesh Ceti, Peon (8638477085) | Counter No. Silenar | 26-04 SoarBr : jaw | 26-0800 job tegnar Reta xr, eae 57 Mritunjoy Bhattacharjee, Peon (9132415187) C/o EE, PWD BorkholsKatlgorah Territorial Road Divn,Katigorah sri Tuakanta Saki, Demo (8638860424) C/o Asst Director, Handloom & Textiles, Silchar Sr sisinn Shashikon, Asstt, | _ Sel Ammalendu Sen, Jr. Asst. (9401238608) rots coesosagy) c/o | C/0€E PRD Ona ona Tero! ond | 24 Seed 3. | Branch manager, Cental Dien, Dhol 2 | extoe0 [Ramnaar| ah ee ‘1 Ryaluddin Ahmed, Peon (7896100866) i bee arse C/o Dist Reelstrar (Registration), Cachar, Silchar 51 rohan Lal Bhar, Duftry (8473947933) C/o EE. PWRD, Lakhipur Civil Sub-Divn,Lakhipur[SS a rece creas ram Das SCFW 613 ee viral crSotcoeraten on, 116 0as, Manager om sale (9365733459) SeAvinash Kr Pathak LOAT7OOZA9S57| | 118 C/o sr. Divisional mi jonal Manager, e e 1st, | 24-08-2026 i Peon ichar | 26.06.20 a Glo Dist Registrar (Registration), Cachar,sichar | revi lee cant Si Pradip Kumar Ovs, Dury (6399887915) Co Divn Silchar SeIKanti Lal Kur) Se, Asst, (863848960) Jo Principal, Govt. Gin HS & MP School, ie “char Krltman Roy, Technical SH Rahul Ghose Adhikar SCPMA aia Officer (7002386946) _|C/0 Divisional oie, Sol Conservation Dision| (akhipur isrr,_ | 2404-2024 Jot, (PHE| Slichar Ouison Sicha counter No, [2222 209 & No.l Sichar Phwilao Boro, Peon (9394481888) 5 are C/o Dist Registrar Registration}, Cachar, Silchar Sri Dipankar Mandal Peon (6486580193) C/o EE, PHE Divnsl Sichar Sildoydeep Choudhury, Tech. Asst (9435170201) |__co Resistor, Assam Universit char —_| ‘Sri Bikram Nath, JE |” SrisamuilAlom Laskar, Tracer (9854se1128) | 114 srr, | 2082024 (0435070747) C/o SE, PWD Silchar Bldg, Circle, Silchar | (Lakhipur) | 101 to ar | earn cee Clo DEEO cum DMC, coanea Wal | izay [Pat SSA, Cachar ‘i SemianKalta, Peon (8538278826) 6 siletar | 26-04-2024 C/o Dist Registrar (Reglstation),Cachar, Silchar Rafiq dn Lala, Peon 701641973) Clo EE, PHE Divo Shar [i Subhas Roy Choudhury, HA (7003330270) |___c/ocm, piace, cachar sichar _| stissjt Choudhury ant | StAseef bal Choudhury, ta(9859089125) | 34 ser, | 24-06-2028 (7002375643) cle DiS, cle ea (iakhipu) | 12110 |e, | 25/08/2028 C/o AGM, Silchar Electrical counter o.| 40 |R2MBN) g lice fee Sr Santanu Gogol, Peon (3854965961) i siehar | a5 oe p078 C/o Dist Resstrar (Re “ri Siadek Mannan, Peon (986277534) 0 DC Taxes, Silchar Zone, Silchar “x Abul Kalam Choudhury, St ASS, (9859557617) C/o EE, Sorkhola Katigorah Dion (teigation), Borlatrapur ration), Cachar, Silchar Si Hema Kata Nath, AE 114 . Raat antl De, LOA (700269167 : SE, PO Roads, eachoe : counter No. j close rvotee a eS cimerto| 360 |e | onsen : C/o DC Taves, Sichat Zone, Schar Sri rar aul, Peo 6127018057) C/o C0?O, Sachapra CDS Prec Salehanra Si Subhankar Das, Sr, ss. (9403484615) (JOE, Pe Scar Dison Sekar Si iowa Shattachare, I. AS 5 Shlsceya Sear Das A (9950341543) us ism, | 24082028 5 (roas2s7292) /o00,tathipur bev. Block, athipur | Cuakipu) | 610 [0 | 0 oS, Cachar Kaige coumerNo.| 178 i Ce ae ctor | _ St AmieKumar Dat, Peon (401276354) 5 Siehar | 26:08-2024 : {C/o 0C Tacs, Siehar Zone, Shar 51 sukanta Singh, Peon (9018745992) Jo COP0,SalenapraiCOs Project, Slcapra Si Sayan Poul Ass 84867A7EED) cle Principal, Gov. Gis HS & MP School, Siehat Si Soumyadeep Bhattacharee, Ast sr rast Baik, DO (9435775276) use is, lee ie (5435070829) Joes, pHe sicher Dison sienar | (akbipu) | 17900 Lane) g 0 ar Branch counter No.| 195 4 Coen, ie, Sa Sti Mahesh singh, Peon i Silchar | 26-04-2024 Jo OC Taxes, Silchar Zone, Silchar Sei Mofizur Rahman Laskar MTS (9854585679) ‘Cfo Inspt. of Schools, COC siichar3 Pores Swi Prasanta Kummnar Paul, Officer (8638540063), c/o Branch Manager, Bank of India, Ghungoor Branch Sal sbananda Bhattacharjee, Assistant C/o Sr. Branch Manager, LiCl Siehar Branch Sr Vikram Deb Roy, To (easotz6466) thipur Dav, f Sr Sugrb Oas, MTS (6001420835) Insp. of Schools, DC Silchar 116 (Katigoran) Counter No. 1 Se Prabir Rn Das, CM (9127238874) \smr Ramngor, siichar 24.08.2026 * 26-08-2024 Sel Raktim Barman, Officer (9864983763), c/o chiet Manager, Punjab National Bank Silchar Branch si ‘Hi Mustaque Ahmed Barbhuiya, Sk (9435373526) 116 _C/a ASO. Sonal “i Hilal Robes, LDA (8472813400) C/o st. DHS, Cachay, Silchar (Katigorah) Counter No. ‘manish Bormans, MTS (7002961038) C/o insptof Schools, CDC Silchar 2 “i Prabr as, Gr-lv (7086362881) 1ST, Remagar, silehar 24-042028 a 26.04.2024 ‘1 Subhrangsu Das, Asst B00 (9435075191) /o 800, Sichar Dev Block Co. OHS, cachar, ichar ‘SHDp Kumar Singha, SA (8485992970) o EE, PWRD Silchar & Udharbond Terai ‘1 Tenging Eng, computor (8803879393) Clo Addl Chief & Medical Health Oficer (FW) 16 (Katigorah) ‘ri Utpal Das, Grav (7002335145) C/o. DHS, Cathar, Sichar Counter No. 3 Barman, Gri (8399949512) C/o Ast, Dikector of Seriulture Sichar 411060 TT, Ramngar, Silchar 24-04-2026 a 26-04-2024 $1 Danial Said, Technical Officer (9102039861) ‘lo BE, (HE) Slchar Division No. Silchar 5) Hironmoy Malakar, LDC (9401402040) (lo Regerar, Assam University Silchar “i Faruk ahmed Laskar, VFA (7002057581) C/o (0.C, CDP Ah & ety. Dept. Ghungoor, Silchar 16 (atigorah) Si Diganta Gogo, Peon (8135836338) C/o Divisional Engineer, R/W, SHTO Ghungoor, Si Debatsh Das, Peon (9101143831) ‘lo Se. let. Insp, chat Counter No. 4 sm, Ramnger, sicher 244 25/08/2024 a 26-08-2024 Sti Nazml Hague Laskar, JE (9435171122) ‘Glo DEEO cum DMG, SSA, achar ‘Si Hilal Kurm, VFA (3613656041) C/o 0.C, IcDP Ah & Vety. Dept, Ghungoor, Sichar Si Afalul Ahmed Mazumder Jr. Asstt (8751852127) C/o Inspt of Schools, CDC Silchar ‘7 Sanatamba Singha, TO (9984824020) C/o E,Aariculture,Cachar Dn, Sichar ‘Bit Kumar Paul, YO (9954140987) C/o E, Agriculture, Cachar Div, Slehar 116 (katigorsh) Counter No. s Tr, Ramnger, silchar 2a 25/08/2024 & 26.08-2024 1S. Basumatary, Farm Manager (7002733260) C/o ‘Sr Selenis,KVK, Arunachal Sri Souvik Das, J Asst 2876828785) C/o Insp. of Schools, COC Silchar Si Kalpaayan Bhattacharjc, I. Ast (8099145930) C/o Inspt. of Schools, CDC Sicha 116 (Katigorah) Si Nayan Kumar Sharma, Peon (3394482325) lor, Elect. Insp, Scher Counter No. 6 ‘Si Pinu Das, GraV (9859115500) fot. DHS, Cachar, ilehae Tr Ramngar silchar 24.04-2024 8 26-08-2024, ‘1 Debabrata Deb, Assistant Cfo Sr. Branch Manager, LCI Sichar Branch sti Gautem Deb, AO (0436462428) ‘i Romen Hot Computor (9954868175) C/o Addl Chief & Medical Health officer (FW), silchar u6 (Katigorah) C/o. Branch Manager, LiCl Silchar Bel S7iSwarnajyot Sen, MTS (6003412675) Co ‘Adal Chief Engg. WR Dept, Barak Vally WR Zone, Silchar Counter No. 7 Sr Swapan Singha, Gr-lV (6638732406) Cfo. DHS, Cachar, Slchat ‘sm, amngar, Silehar 2404-2028 a 2606-2024, 18 “rBiswajit Dey, SA (7637058103) /o EE. Cachar WR Di chat. ‘1 Siddharth Da, LM (99567190822) “i Blswalit Dhar, LDA (7002736184) ‘fo. DHS, Cachar, Silchar 16 (Katigorah) Cfo Asst. Controller of Legal Metrology Sichar Sr Pranab Chakraborty, Gr-1V (9435178108) (Cfo DHS, Cachar, Silchar Counter No. 8 “i rakash Kut, Gr (6900536008) ‘fo i. OHS, Cashar, Slehar 24-08-2024 & 26.08-2024[rr 70 z Srllovdeep Yadav, Feet 943517@795) See - Sh Stkanta Deb 7 St indrajt Dey, DUHC nath Sk (2101420545) (osasizosya) ‘©/0CO, Udharbond Revenue Circle, Udharbond ra a fy | see | BT C/o OHS, cathar,Sichar |) sa Ang erator | 3842? ramos, har, Silchar Srl Amar Das, Ma (7002180365) CounterNo.| 184 bpetahen rare C/o Asstt.Controler of Legal Metrology, Sichar |? 4 pe Borah, MTS (8638876761) 7 L Shi lpia Das, HA (9435596532) C/o St. Branch Manager, LIC Shar Branch Si Dipak Kumar Sinha, AUP (8365359081) St Prabhakar chokrabor i abhakar Chakraborty, | C/o Addl. Chie! & Medical Health Officer (FW), | 116 20 | cjg eamsenszzs Sieh (Watigorah) | sasto [STE | 2ron2024 EE, PHE, Slchar Dision- amngar,| 8 Maes Panna Dey, Grav eorwaesazey | owner Ho.) 205. | sitar | e402 Glo DHS, cachay, Silchar St Paabon Swarlary, Peon (6471886037) C/o EE, PWD, Ucharbond Lakhipur,Borkhola& Katigorah Euidng Div, Ucharbond “i Somachanra Sinha, UDA 6134605047) : me, Sih SH Amunul Haque Laskar, Steno cum Typist Sti Mainak Ghosh, AO (9435129767) (7003847885) C/o Adsl chit & Medica Heath officer fw), | 226 istr, | 2a.04-2028 21 | Clo Deputy Manager, New cha (eatizoran) | 20610 |p .erra, | India Assurance Cod, SHiNobojtOas, Peon (s876i21659) | S™MMEFND.) 226 | sichar | 26-04-2028 Hospital Road C/o E,PWO, Usharbond Laknipur, Borkrola& | 17 Katigorsh Buing Dn, Udharbond i Nihed ved, Gav (6401857368) ot. DHS, Cathar, Silchar Sr Baidyanath Barman, Asst (9435656600) cle e ranch Manager, LI, Slehar Br, Sicar si Aloysurachar AE | 7 Far udm ust, Sx 7000578298) | 136 a (pee 2 {9401132102) | eco, Udharbond Revere Circle, Udharbond | (#316070) | 227% Iramngar,| 8 Clo E, Cachar WR Dvn, counter No.| 247 [RIB tg Silchar Si wihar Ranjan Barman, Griv (9401323268) | 32 C/o.t. DHS, Cathar, Slehar “a Naljeaniong Kamel CM (6003864168) 50, Silchar Sadar Cele rdatarl Hassan Garbhulya, GP Secy (6001247770) Clo CEO, cachar Za Pershed Sichac si Tuhin Chakraborty, aa | SHAPE Laskar, Tracer (940146147) 120 ior, | 24042004 33, |(7002357487) c/o, Shar Sicha von siehar__} (oholafSC) | 51529 |pammean | 22202 WUdharbond Tertoriel Road | __ S#Jitw Sala, Peon (8876226695) | counter No ue ie Diva Silchar C/o EE, PND, Usharvond, Lakhipur, Sorkhola & | a slehar | 26-08-2028 Katigorah Building Div, Udharbond ‘SH Jhant Sil, MTS (6000833269) C/o. aktipue Din (eration, Laktipur “ri Debalsh Sharm, Patwari (9954832085) ‘oO, Sonal S11 Pradip Paul, Techoical eee SrifkarAlom Laskar Resource Person | 120 srr, | 24-08-2024 24 (600360985) Jo DMC SSA, Cachan (PhS 242040 [Ramngar] —& c/o e, (PME slenar Divsion-| _S# Jeevan Tantubay, GV (8720815820) Silchar | 26-04-2024 aa ot. OHS, Cathar, Silchar 2 4 Titatn Chandra Sib, GeV 5435430988) 70 £0, SMe sichar 7 Abel Karim, se Asst (7002362686) C/o E, PWD, lakhipur Cl sub-OWision Tetra Rd. Wn, akhipur srimisbahual slam, | SrSelmUdcin Choudhury, VFA (940137788) | unreal ofncersn | C/oProjct Offer, 1E& PP cum Marksti“g | inysisiecy 1st, | 24082028 8 (7002118439) Centre Sichar (Protas | 43 960 |Rarmgar,| & joe, (PH) Sichar Oiviton-| a Taher Aa Barbhulya, Ms (0522346873) | °\"S) sicher | 26.08.2028 1 Silchar C/o EE, PWO Borkhols& Katigorah Territorial Road Du Katigorah Fitnarat Goals, Gr1v (9435258693) ‘Jost DHS, Cachar, leharTH : SHORE sia Das. Ast (9435987217) / C/o EE PWO, Lakdipu cil Sub-Obsion 4 yn Dati 1 NekIbut Zaman, ADO Fl Subrata Maik, LDA (9401987388) 120 24-04-2024 # Y 2 Posoint recta of Weath ervics, char, | (OhoalSC) | gs wo 99 |aasear | 2-04 2024 setae ____ counter no| ©1100 |Pareemr| a ‘SHa] Ah Laibar, GrlV (7086583002) 4 Slehar | 26.04.2024 ‘Jost, DHS, Cacha,Sichar ‘SH HTak pot Daley, Grav (9707658364) fo tH, Cachar, Silehar S16, Aa Rongma, Ha (9401428916) ‘fo Asstt Controller fo Legal Metrology, Shar SH San Kanu, J€ Sri ene Honsain MasarbhuWa, VA | 429 oy (9835074405) {8486041698} C/o Project oer, 1E & PFU | (opgisc) isrr, | 2404-2024 C/o E,PHE, Shar Dhsion- Markating Centre, Slehar {Prolett) Verto 101 Ramngar| & 1, Slenar Si ripada Deb, Griv (7388465852) P silenar | 26-08-2024 C/o. HS, Cachar, Silchar ‘ri Sialque Mazumder, Peon (7002488657) C/o EE, PWD, Doll & Sona eritoril Road ~ vn, Sichae Hi Partha Chand, CO (9954365487) C/o OAEO, | Silchar Se Rab Paul, ABM Sr Debayan Nand) LDA um Typist ee (435604489) (9954712691) c/o COPO, Banskandl CDS ist, | 2404-2008 28 | Close. Divisional Manoger, Project, Banskanl (oat | a Rares UC Silchar Divisional office, ‘11 Dulal Gogol, Gr-lV (8471947816) eam Silchar | 26-04-2024 Sieh C/o.t. OHS, Cechar, Slehar 57 Dipak kr Das, GV (8435071685) Clot DHS, achat Slehar ‘Dilip Tolukder, Sta. Ast. (9435230825) C/o {COPO, Rajabstar ICDS Project, Ralabazar StAmeatmed tats, sijgsraney tas CSHOORSOTES | 120 eel eae 29 | officer (8753910522) WA Mech, Din Shae (DholaNSC) | 12310 bpamngar | 8 Cee ae eaton| Stent Polar, Gv (eoossor720)— |CounterNo.| 143. |"Sfrar'| 2e.o4 2028 en sata ‘Clo. DHS, Cachar,Sichar 7 Srl Karnendu Das Thakur, Gr-lv (8101722265) ‘fo Prinepa DIET, Udharbond Srl Faruk Ahmed Laskar, VFA (7002097551) C/o (4c, ICOP Ah & Vety, Dept. Gungoor Sichar Srl Rajdeep Roy, Technical i eettthg) | (298145820) coInpt of schol, cocsiehar| (OlaSE) | 148° Trang] Counter o.| 164 " Clo SE, (PHE) Cachar Crees | s,i Deep Narayan Goala, Gr-lV (9435180585) 8 foaiat | [henataeny ea C/o. ONS, Cachar, Shar Sr Debasish Das, Gr (6001694537) (/o.t. OHS, Cachar, Silchar Si irl Kuri, VFA (9613656083) C/o. ICOP Ah & Vel. Dept. Ghungoo, Silchar sei Chandra kumar, se |S S80 D3, Asstt. 8876528785) C/o spt] 32, is, | 24042008 31 (7002612478) of Schools, COC Slchar Protas) | 155% |pamnean| 8 fost. OHS, Cachar, Silchar | SiDamu Sarma, Gr (6002368453) 4 Sliehar | 26-04-2024 ‘Jost, OHS, Cachar, Silchar SiSaharul Alom Choudhury, GrlV (954348276) C/o EE, WR iv, Slehar Si Afalul Ahmed Mazumer Jr. AS. (751852127) C/o nspt.of Schools, COC Sehar saw apenumee Sch, RUREMaRMA,eR (ARETE) C/O DAO,] ce sa |, 8809 (9082897623) ST reece | Oe eed 3 9800, Borkhola Dev Block] St Blswalt Roy, Peon counter No, 206 "nt eae fo Principal, Panchayati Ka) Traning entre, | 10 a | oe ‘arnachal ‘7 Biswalit Chakraborty, Gr (9706495331) ‘fol. DHS, Cachar,Schar Lsit le Chokraborty, AOM (oaasso7anay €/084 Branch Manager, UC Siler ew 511 Rat Manunder, AD. (095800225) C/o 5, Branch Manager, LCI Silehar Br /o 81 ranch Manager, LIC Sha Branch ‘BiiPratap Long, Ms [oiaDONABO) ‘11 Pranja Borah, GrA¥ (9101068017) 110 (siebar) Counter No, 4 25.08.2024 m4 £ siiehar | 26-04-2026 BAZoMque Honma kasha, Je AST (oaaso05390) C/o Fang, Panchayat a Training Centro, “ii nirh Dhowinls, GP Secy (0707703759) S53 Sut Ohor, Peon (9707042291) C/o Et, PWD, Udharbond,takhpur, Borkhola & Katigorah Guilng Dvn, Udharbond “Abdul Jabber, Gr (9707110700) C/o Et, PRD, Dhol & Sona Tetoral Road 118 (siehor Counter No. 2 —_—- srt, | 2500-2024 romogar] ‘sichae | 26-04-2026 Se Noel islam Laskar JE (uansora75y) fot, PHE Silchar Dvn, Silchar bln Seat “1 Break Kumar Oas, AO (9435555001) fo Se Branch Manager, LC Silchar Branch, Fi Pronovend Hh sr, OA (9101859609) ‘51 Sut Kumor D4, Peon (6000536079) Joby, Resta, Cachor (eglstzatlon, Scher CO ————<——| St Sut Kr Das, Peon (6000836079) c/o Sub Registrar takhipur (Registration), Cachar 118 (siehar) Counter No. a is, 4310063 | Ramnear, silchor shake! Ahmed acumder, Tech. OF (030243297), C/o Et, PHE Sichar Diva silenor ‘i Ebadul aque Barbhulya, AEA (9435627367) C/o SOAO, Lakniput, Cachar ‘1 Bljay Kumar Deb, OAA (7086349872) C/o $00, Cv, Lakhipur Si Subhas Ranjan Das, CM (9984298282) C/o ASO Sona Circle 118 sien) counter Ho. 511 Subarna Barmon, Gr (9864247424) C/o, DHS, Cachor Silchar Isrr, | 25-04-2024 Rangers) & Silchar | 26042026 Sit Params Paul, Tech, Off) (700s484408) C/o E, PHESlchar lyn, sila ‘Kamar Uddin, Tax Daroga (9435073758) C/o £0, SMD, Silehor ‘i Sourav Deb, rast (9901242302) C/o £0, M0, Silchar ‘sr sira)Chowlon, CM (9395345432) {fo ASO Udharbond Cele Si siddartha Sarah, Gr-1V (9101407328) (C/o. ONS, Cachor Silchar 418 silehar) Counter No. 5 wsrr, | 25-08-2024 185 t0105| Ramngar,| siichar | 26-04-2026 ‘511 Bhaskar Chakraborty, DO (aaso7i278) C/o Sr, Branch Manager, LICl ‘lehar Br ‘5 Surojit Choudhury, Sr Ast. (9854993487) C/o EE, PWD Sichar & Udharbond Tertoria! oud Diy, slehar| ‘1 Swapan Kr Nog, PS (9706247333) C/o 50, Cachar & Hallokand! Dist, char 71 Shibu Das, GrIV (0577692318) “sv sham Seal, Peon (8638711099) C/o EE, PWD, Lathipur Sub-Dissln Territorial hood Dim, Lakhipur 118 (silchar Counter No. 6 Isr, | 25-04-2024 Ramnesr,|& Silchar | 26-04-2026 5 Biplob Kr Patwo, AAO 19435073669) {fo st Branch Manage, LIC 5 shankar Chakraborty, Supdt (6136032703) ‘Co £0, SMb,Sichor i Monotoah Das, Elect (6002580284) {fo Realsea, Assam University, Sichar Sn Shohrul Aim, GrIV (7900105901) SrSaran Noth, GV (8636209378) 118 (siehar) 25.042024 a 2606-2026 Clas, DHS, Cachar, charws STaEET. Taare z SA Rhotan Kar PPO (435073774) aun en cn ee sine Oa ata (0959542398) 04-2024 ag |_ fer (6003173545) Me 1815] sap aa Joe, PHE Si Se aaa Counter nes Taster onsesayaatn snes ems) |e” | [sew [ee os loo, Reis, Cachar(Reg'straton Seba SiSoni Dey, Gr (9864974650) C/o. NS Cacar, Shae ail Satan Setar Sen, HA (3438973469) ost Branch Manage, UC Sear Sranchl SevTapan Sarkar, JM Srisurai oy Ast. (495074217) i Teoma M | scoinapasnedumadhabclete, sitar [1281] eo |, Te, aroszom a1 | clo asst General Manager, Se ramen (eons) a8 "anne cacao one. General Manat | san uma aman, GR ° Slehar rises Ct HS, cacha, leh Tbs Udan Moaumde Peon BBSSEINZ) Jott, PunDsichr& Udharbond Tero Rous 0, Schat i Somura Gupta Singha UDA (8751833260) ‘io DHS, Cachar Shae rina ath Aste sSojoy mar De, HCA (9435568736) | 118 (sehar srr, | 25.08-2024 da. | meme ennceci | cose ane mages ucisrosarctil Yesowerne| “Thy! MIME od oae cemnave.nin | oreramcweanie |! soar | 290822 care Cou OHS, ach Scat Sorta Sinha, LA (970539628) Cie rind, 6 Colge, Shae Trey, as (603254757) Cloris Ge. Colese Sear i salt Ah ask, UDA 876383859) Sti Ananda Roy, AE Clon OHS, Coch Shar phe: ism, | 25082006 pessoa Cott, eaten | 222° framnase| 8 ao | CERO sszanmed sabe ron assests) COMME] 289 |S] aco 20 Brin a | cloccchr i. (WA) oon Badpur | ear Saar Bra, Feon (HO07S2395) jot, PRO, Dron & Sona Teri Road Din Slee Fant Karras, SCO 7O7SAT7=S). c/o bstorer S0Conseraton Dito, Sichae ssiabnytts em, ato | spear Hoa Ronee Ast 485688265) 149 onal) Bae ers ce | team) | corinceas aarasactes 24" | Cpertie| 14020 |fonnee| 8 lost. Branch Manager, UC! ; Shar SeRajon Bu, Gra (600363640) 5 CHE ese Clo ROHS, Cathar, Sar Si Roja Goal, Gr (401358642) Clo NOS, achat, Shar Si hibend Ds, SAS 9957253820) CloPrncal Womens Coleg, Scher lata Sian sn Pe sanunder, Teh fF ee 119 (Sonal ism, | 2508-2008 as | (ossesisss a = unter No, | 2040 | Ramage a {oacte5e352 C/o Princ Cathar Colles, sina Si Roeep Ons, GV 536022920) Clot DHS, Coch Shar Si Fatan Chanda, HOA clos. ranch Manager, UC Sicha Brant oS Nasr iba Lsr, Seimascabl sian ME Saat Gangme) lb Ast 2954036025) | 129 (Sora ism, | 2501-2008 (9438732074) Cote f as | ORSTRTOCOEE | ania tama coer shor Comte | 411060 amram) 3 Slehar | 26042026 “(urigstion, Boriatrapur ii Panka] Deb, 1A (9854990613) LGC College, Scher Ti Puspok Gogol, Gv 7002889734)a7 3 Pure Sj} 6 Sr kash Paul, Asstt, ‘Manager, (8638552008) C/o BM, AGVB, rongmars Branch, lrongmara Sr Uysses Milard Phoulosa Jr. Asstt (9613993890) C/o Asstt Controlier of Legal Metrology, Slehar Sr] Uma Kanta Barman, St. Asstt (9435943605) /o-sstt. Director of Employment, Dist. Employment Exchange, Sichar 119 (Sonal) ‘counter No. ‘SH Nabam Das, MTS (6002827912) C/o EE, PWD Borkhola & Katigorah Territorial Road OW. Katigorah 4 SH Mohibur Rahman Barbhulys, Gr1V (9812968168) Clo Secy. Cachar Dist 1M, Committee, 611080 ism, amg silehar 25.04-2024 & 26-08-2026 1 Sall Chakrabaorty, 0.0,9435072418) (fost. Branch Manager, LIC) Silehar Br ‘Ghungoor “Si zoVfiqur Rahman Laskar, VFA(9954341178) Cla Project officer, I & PP cum Marketing entre, Silchar Tri Hobibul Rahman Mazumder, VFA (7002457906) C/o Project Officer, IE & PP cum ‘Marketing Centre, Silchar 119 (Sonal) Counter No. ii Miran Das, Peon (9954642081) C/o £0, SMB Sichar 5 Sri Mashuk Ahmed Barbhuiys, Gr (9854339954) C/o. DHS, Cachar, Silchar 81 t0100 sm, Rammer silehar 25-08-2028 a 26-08-2026 43 Sr Deepak kr Das, AO (9435555693) Clo Sr. Branch Manage, LIC! Sichar Br 7 Rohim Uddin Choudhury, Patwarl (9435276302) Jo ASO, Sonal SiiWripendra Sinha, LOA (8402018946) ‘a Joint Director of Health Services, Cachar, siichar 119 (Sonal) [5a Manju Kumar Berah, Peon (8638785843) C/o EE, PWO, Uchatbond,Lakhipur, Borkhola & Katigorah Bulidng Diva, Udharboné Counter No. 6 ‘ri Manindra Chandra Das, Grav (7896140724) ‘Clo.t. DHS, Cachar, Silchar 201t0 120 1st, Rama, Slehar 25-04-2024 a 26-08-2026 50 Sr Jahid Hussain, JE (@753953747) Je 800, Uaharbone Dev. Bloch, Udharbond ‘ri Mull Sinha, UDA (8872808920) C/o EE, PWD, Shar, onal & DholaiTeritrrial Bldg, Dvn, Silchar ‘7 Dipankar Dey, LDA (9864767365) C/o oint Director of Heath Services, Cathar, Silchar 119 (Sonal) Counter No. ‘+i Mana} Dhub), Gr-iv (8749971802) Jost DHS, Cachar, Silchar 7 “1 Dipankar Barman, MTS (9435389677) C/o Asst. Labour Commissioner (Central), Kenda Sadan, Chirkandl, Ramanagr aaito 140 sm, Ramngar, Silchar 25-08-2024 & 26-04-2026 st ‘Hilal Uddin Laskar, DFPC (g95132232)C/oJt DHS, Cachar, Silchar ‘ri Subasish Nath, Sr Ast, (9435807193) C/o Asst. PE Commissioner, ATEPF Organization, Sieh ‘ri Shyamal Kant Nath, Gp Secy. Cfo CEO, Cachar Zila Parishad, Silchar 4118 (Sonal) ‘Counter No. Si Labu Ds Peon (9854630518) C/oED, SMB Silchar Ti Kripamoy Nath, EM (9401959166) C/o ASO Silchar Sadar Circle ait 160 sm, Rarnngar, Silchar 25-04-2028 & 26-04-2026 52 “ri Dulal Ch. Das, GP Secy. (6000987133) ‘Jo CEO, Cachar Zila Parishad, Silchar sr Rohit Deb, Technical Officer. (6000855112) ri Debasish Das, ar. Assit (7738550503) Jo EE, PWO, Sicha, Sonal & DholalTerltorial Bldg. Div, Silchar 119 (Sonal) Counter No, C/o EE, (PHE) Sichar Dison No, Siichar 'r Kishore Robidas, CM (9435201055) C/0.ASO, Silchar Sadar Circle Kaushik Borall, Gr. (7399843693) C/o. DHS, Cachar,Sichar 161t0 1s, Ramnea Silchar 25-09-2024 & 26-04-202533 sa ea Sr al Mla Laskar, ,0(9435072786), C/o st. Branch Manager, uct Silehar Br. SrLAtiqut Rh, Barbhuiya, GP Secy (9864757327) ‘C/o.CEO, Cachar Zila Parishad Sichar 5 Gautam Bora, J. Asstt (9394760012) fo O/C Voccational Training Centre, salchapro $51 Kalyan Das, Grav (7002504649) fost. DHS, Cachar Sichar ‘1 Kallash Doley, Grav (6001088092) Gio.t. DHS, Cachar, Silchar 4119 (Sonal), Counter No. 10 1s1t0 201 IstT, Ramnea,| siichar 25-04-2028 a 26-04-2026, SAV Sarkar, AD (7003596350) S11 Anjan kr. Dhar, GP Secy (7002340273) Cfo CEO, Cachar Zl Parishad sicher Si Subrata Das, SA (9301063361) Clo EE, Assam Urban Water Supply & Sewer Boar, Silchar C/o Branch Manager, Lic! Silehor Br 511K Joy Babu Singha, GV (9365735556) C/o Secy, Cachar Dist RM. Committee, Ghungoor ‘SilJohn Rongmel, Gr-lV (9435419775) C/o. DHS, Cacha, Silchar 129 (Sonal) ‘Counter No. n 2210 m2 silenar 2504-2024 a 26-04-2026 85 Sr Javed Hussain Mazumder, Technleal Officer) (6001444085) C/o Ee, (PHE) Silchar Dvision| 1, Silchar Si Purnendu Das Sr. Asst. (9954870122) C/o Principal, Radhamadhab College, Sle ‘i Kalo] Choudhury, Asst (9435596388) C/o Sr. Branch Manager, UC, Silchar Branch Sichar 15 [Udharbona ‘Sr Blswalt Bora, Gr-lv (8013287457), {o.t. OHS, Cachar, Silchar Counter No. a ‘1 inode Kanu, Gr-V (97060474 4 Silchar 1) €/0 EO, 11020 \stT, amness, Silchar 25-04-2024 & 26.06-2026 56 Sr Mitul Boro, AAO. (8761092773) C/o EE, PHE Din, Silchar ‘Sriavabindo Dhar, Sr. Ast. (9957032891) C/o 080, Cachar, Silchar “SWIADHIIE Dey, RC (9435723535) Jost. Branch Manager, UC Slchar Branch Sichar us [udrarbona ‘1 Bliram Robidas, Peon (8101605080) C/o EE, PRD, Lakhipur Sub-DWislon Territorial oad Div, Lakhipur Counter No. 2 “i Bidhan Paul, MTS (0365300131) C/o Adal. Clef Engg, WR Deptt. Barak Vally WR Zone Silchar 22 toto ist, Rang, silenar 25.04.2024 a 26.06-2026, 57 “Sajal Deb, LDA (9435625079) C/ost. DHS, Cachar, Silchar ‘1 Sajal Kantl Barman, UDA (9101235812) {Cla $0, Cachar & Halakandl Dist lchar sr Subhankar Paul, Extension Inst, (9864547290) C/o Deputy Director (Extn, Coffee Board, Silchar ‘Sr Bhupen Chandra Nath, Peon (8134049550) C/o Et, PWD, Udharbond, Lakhipur, Borkhola & Katigorah Building Divn, Udharbond Sr Bakar Uddin Mavarbhulya, GrAV (995481823) ‘lo Secy, Cachat Dist RIM, Committee, “Ghungeor us (usharbond)| Counter No. 3 411060 1st, Rammer, Silchar 25-04-2024 8 25-04-2025 58 “Sr Mua Nath Choudhury, HGA (9435565676) fat. Branch Manager, LCI. Bri Silchar Si Rajesh Bhattacharjee, Data Manager IDS? (9435370574) fo DHS, Cachar, Silchar ‘ii Narayan Das Uttam Chand, Ub. Asstt. (9476826408) fo Prinelpal, Womens’ College, Sichar $l Baharul slam Barbhulys, Peon (9085246630) C/o EE, PWAD Slichar & Usharbond Teritorial Road Di, Silchar us (Udharbond) Counter No, 4 ‘Ayub Hussan,GriV (8706611417) ot. OHS, Cachar, Silchar 61toso 25-08-2024 & 26-06-2026Jot, DNS, Cachay, Seba 161 [evo Ee, PWRO, Dhol! & Sona (7002037609) ‘S01 Amal PRangeho, IN (9577494863) Jo AGM Slchar Electrical ‘Dh (CAR), Slehar Sv) Noeul slam Laskar, JE (473926840) Teritrial Road Dison, sich ‘7 Sanj Kumar Deb, St Asst, (94854619270 a Sj ‘SHISuypy DhOWINIK, AST (9954160087) C/o Sr Branch Manager, LLC) Orth Silchar ‘Srl tyotirmoy Medhl, 26 “SMANit Paul, Jr, Asstt, (995494300) ES C/o Principal, Womens’ Cottage, Silchar Weaeesra . Coynte NO [SV Ashu Ranjan Das, GHIV(9NSDBO7EA7)C7OKO,)— g Mi ichar ‘STATA Nath, Gray (0957249212) font ONS, Cachar,Sehat Jo Prinepal, GC. College lchor ‘Sudip Bhattacha C/o sr. Branch Manager, LCI. Br char ‘SH Apurbo Barman, GrAV (401959862) C/o. ONS, Cachor Siehat “Ap Das, Peon (0438864248) C/oO, SMB Slehar ty, (9435375798) fo Registrar, Assom University, Sehor “SH Pattosh Dey, HOA Si Man - raneh Manager, UCI, Bn Silchar ‘7 Anlmesh Gogol, GV (9365418761) C/o ONS, Cachar, Shor 7 ‘SH Art Paro, Grav (7636842814) C/o. NS, Cachar, Silchar Raat 15 (9435078988) (udharbond Counter No, us (9495436126) (udharbond) Counter No. vsrr, | 25082024 11 t0 100] Romo & silehar | 26-08-2026 5.042024 20100 J pamnger] M22 |" guenar | 26-04-2026 25.042024 & 2604-2026 a ‘i ajoy Bown, Asst (9954160387), {fe r. Branch Manager LCI Branch =I Hehar ‘71 Nimal Duta Sec. Officer (9485522861) {fo Registra, Assam ‘Unversity, Sichar “HL Amaresh Das, Gr (6900667378) 8 C/o.X. DHS, Cachar, Silchar STATA Tapadar, Gr (8486108619) fo t.YS, Cachr. Slehar ‘Penh Goal, Nina Translator us (486398150) (udnarbond) {fo Rogar, Assam Unversity, Sea ‘Counter No, 25.04.2004 & 26.04.2026 14510 166 8 si Partha Choudhury, JE (9435885099) (fo E,Cachar inv. (WR) Wisin, Badarpur ‘TH Tami Anes Barbhulya, Pvt. SBey- (9706193750) fo Resta, Assam University, char {/oNM, Fubar Public High Shoo, Fulbar Ti Ajay Kumar Das, GoW (9495732245), 9 C/o, DHS, Cachar, Silchar "Hi Abul Mona, GV (9677394381) fost, NS, Cachar Silchar ‘Sri Helle AkIntar Choudhury, O/A (9101389560) ay athe 1 |(udharbond)] 167 to Counter No. Isr, | 25-08-2024 Rammer) & 388] sichar | 26-02-2026 Si Bul Roy, ABM (9735448000) C/o Branch Manage, UC Sichar Bet Si Aish Kumar Dey, Pvt, ecy, 945072016) ‘fo Registra, Assam University, Sichar sian Clot. DHS, Cachar, sla “Abbas Ud, Gr (7086351052) Cfo X.DNS, Cachan Sichae attachoree, ALT (6003644739) | 345 C/oWh, Fubar Public High Schoo Fulbor! | Ugharbond)| 189 t0 “Hr Abdal Kalam Arad Borbhuiya, GV | CounterNo.] 212 |i (9435062758) 10 a isrr, | 25-08-2028, Ramngar, 6 ‘oft (2670035980) C/o E,PHE Siehar Div, Slchor sti Nasi Akar tasar, Tech| ginal ey, Ast 0435723220) ‘char | {Borkhola) Counter No. ‘ldayanta Kumar Das, Pvt. Seey. (9835231706) ‘C/o Registra, Assam University Slchor | {fo Pinclpa, GC, Coll “Si Taher Ale Laskar, Gv (9678892723) {C/o EE, WR Ob char sr Rathin Das, GrIV (9401480493) C/o EO, SMB Silchar a7 isrr,_ | 25-08-2024 11020 |Ramngar,) —& silehar | 26-04-2026,we z ‘511 Ajay Kumar Roy, Pvt, Secy. (0401352882) C/o Replstear, Assam University, sichar Si Preetam Deb, At ‘1 Ar Kr, Das, Asst (8698840593) (8011617888) Cann Cant alee te: | yest aso.zn C/O EE, Silchar Mechanical Counter No, 11040 ei C/o EE, Dhvolal Sonal Divn, irrigation, Silchar WR DIvn, Silchar siichwr | 26:082026 ‘Wi Siar Pal Grav G870302008) gee C/o Ut, WR Divn,Sichor SH Tun Kumar Or, Pt Sey (438177265) Joe, Asam Unersy,Slehar our Db Teka! sraRfarDa bn aT BOT | yy an, |e JOE, PAE) Shor DWslon loo. totgcteh Counter No Fee | a ‘siichar | 26-04-2026 Neh teh STi Abdul Kalam tasar, Grav (soonB0«4H) | C/o, Dhol Sonal Dra, eh SH Same Hh, Gr (987939746) Yo.GM, DIR, Cah, le ‘SeINIlu Kanta Das, Pvt. Secy. (9435276834) Cfo Regt, ass Univers, Shae srtDevasshacharje, at) SH SHanes Das Pawar (724906098) aw er arouits Ee Sr RTT | eat, | sto |temnes | fo EE, Cachar WR Din, 1 Munna Das, Gr ounter No, i Bemis Cote, RON Shwe er Stehar | 26042026 SHIN h, Ds, Poon 88765407 cfosunat. cent Dt Home Heber Sih ‘Santon Singha, Pvt. Socy (9401317882) Cfo Registrar, Assam University, Shar 1) Thongam Holen, ADO (7005389542) fo sr. Branch Manager, UC) Silchar Br SH Amarendra Kura Dos Pawo 1” (ooiasses)cfovs0 tag | oro) Vp, 4 scglacSan| ok I Pinka Ds, Pon (9954012978) | Counter No a Jo. Dison C0 Cl Sehr 5 ‘11 Abdul Karim Barbhulya, Peon (9954018643) C/o ARCS, Silchar “ria Malakar, Pu, Sey (9435376522) fo Reglstrar, Assam University, Sichar Sr Gout Sankor Ohar, Jr, Asstt (9864229895), SniSantosh Kurml, AE | c/o Principal, Radhamadhab College, Silchar (9706033150), C/o Reglonal EF, RLO Sichor Ey srt, | 25-00-2004 tenn ramngor,| Counter No, i 1 Pradumonya Dutta, Peon (6003251899) ‘i Silchar | 26-08-2026 ‘Co EE, PRD, Mech, Div Shar Si Swopan Kumor Duta, PSP (9854800019) C/o ORCS, Silchar Si Satiiban Purkayastha, Pvt. Secy. (9859948840) fo Registrar, Assam Univesity, Silchar sh ipak Dasgupta, Aso | _SilJatan Kempri Act. (9401941045) 4 (9435370692) 3a, IET,Uharbond fen) 25.06.2024 /ost Distonal Monager, | Sr Amalendu Barman, PSP (7577045648) | counter No, a Uc Silchar Divislonal OMe, (C/o ORCS, Schar 4 26-08-2026 a SHAS Md, Mutzakr Mazumder, GV (9678593909) ‘Jo Ee, Assom Urban water Supply & Sewerage Board ichar ‘Johar Ud, Po. Secy. (9435375798) ‘fo Registrar, hssom University, Silchar Si Naushad Ahmed. arbhulya, Technical officer (orkhola) 25-04-2028 ea soessarea SriNimal sinha, Peon (8876220612) | Counter No A C/o E, (PHE) Sichar Division) c/o EE, PWRD, Mech, vn Sichar 8 aeouaie No, Slehar ‘sr Haridas Sharma, Steno (7002405020) a C/o Prinelpal, DIET, Udharbond i ‘uddin Choudhury, PSP (9435989816) {fo ORCS, ScharPRARCS ‘71 Sanjt Kumar Deb, Pi Secy (9435416750) C/o Registrar, Assam University, Sichar ‘S11 Barnaba L khawburg, J. Ast. (7002785995) fo Principal, Narsing HS School, Silchar Si Sumitra Shekhar Roy, a7 srr, | 25-04-2024 ease cer Ren sri Ahamadul Haque Laskar, Gr-Iv (8876412128)} (Borkholal Ramngar| & missioner of | c/o EE, Assam Urban water Supply & Sewerage | Counte” No Silchar | 26-04-2026 Taxes, Cacha, Silchar Aree sicer 9 37 aur Rahman Ra] Barohulya, MTS (6001370787) C/o Asstt, Director Audit, Local Fund iehar cl. ib Sri Sujit Bhattacharjee, Pvt. Secy. (9435989706) sy Cloregira, Asa Unvesty, Slhar Sibel la sta, i esc Tecnicalofieer! | SaMaaihar Chowan WA(635372729)_| gop) | 2508 (9101874318) C/o Pincpa, DIET, Usharbond (eMleins No) Perea esas Clo, (Hest Dison — 5 ipa us, GV 5600537) 0 i rena C/o Principal, Silchar Polytechnic, Silchar Si Shon as, Peon (4018539) chr atin =| Sor akon, 5 (3507050) Jo Registrar, Assam University, Silchar masta oy Chhay AT (8875723426) syasr ton choshury, | Clon Yewsinchouchuy Hehseheek | ga7 jee Tectia Uiarrnapr ea ae ee ten 209518 | ars na Pen ESSE) | ae Ne ees procs OHH scar Ben] eyo agg cette PAE, aaa | 12 oi eho i isa bh, eon (812010822) cio vocational aig Cer, Sako “iT Avup Kamar Barman, Admin, AST (9581028194) Co Regional Executive Engineer, Pollution ead Assam 810. Sicha se Aditya Kumar Bava, FOO ae isrr, | 25-04-2026 12365780262) | SNawul Slam Barbhulya Asstt. (9858382763) 6) C/o Dist. Fishery Clo Registrar, Assam University, shar | (aren Ramngar| —& Develo: ee Ce SaaS a ‘ienar | 2602-2026 fo Pincpa, Sichar Polytechnic, Silchar 7 Sukanta Choushury, Peon (7086386846) C/o Addl. Chief Engineer, PHE, Sarak Valley Zone Sha RESERVE STAFE Grade Stat Grade Si ‘S11 unit Dusad, Lab Bearer (8822692021) ‘el Abhishek Roy, Adl.Patwar (8721058348) C/o Prinepa, Cathar College, Sichar C/0.ASO, Sehar Sadar Circle “i Utam Garman, Peon (658765769) ‘jy Barman, Patwarl (9365120866) Cjehsoeksneadsr ck eA ce ae PAE bk Ve Zong =a SS vs ol Wes He oe az] Dee eee ces Gate toot Ome geo poe Srl a Feo OTA aera st [Sota ha, are oma | lot tres Pe ae 2% Election Personnel Cell at podso, aimcmrn gil silehar pee ST Rammason2t ied ay awa aie) | BD Pea 7550) oe Eysaso sors Sie oe sao reson Si Rau Rar Peon (002386359) Sr nba Barman, awa (6002589263) See Cf Po, Dhl Bon Tero Ron Se Drea as eV (ESOTSTABSE) 1 RajeepSinho, Adel Potwar (7896839202) C/o ASO, Scher Sadar Cirle Cfo, Fo, ol 8 orl Terr ond Sr Rajomar Sinha, Patwar (8803876577) | sri Fall Ha Choudhury, Peon (9435382985) Cloasosicharsadercicle | C/o EE, SilkharDivn rigatonTy ante TOTTI | SiNtarRonen na Rian | yp ge' mrt ono Sona Tera ond (9101447522) C/o ASO Sadar Circle 3 Sanita, Peon (COO22ATI9I9) ‘1 Shyamal Kumar Ohar, Patwar (9435373476) | 7g asst Director of Employment, Dit Clo aSO Sader Circle Employment xchange, Sichar__} Sancho wom tsk, MT (6900220875) “The Reserve Stattare {srt Moinul Ha. Laskar, Patwari (7002452448) C/o] C7 pss. Director of Employment, istrict mere ents peers ‘Employment Exchange, char iy {tection Personnel Cell at FrDigarta Gogo, Peon (8195896390) Invi, Rerwager en aeth,_ [57 Minna) Un Laskar, Patwar (9101021561) | 6), Syatenal Engineer, R/W, SHTO Ghundoor, 25h, 826th Ap/ 2038 ‘lo AS0, Seda Cle " “Sri Nurul Hq. Barbhuiya, Patwari (9103372471) C/o ASO, Sodar Cre Sy Boal Nor askr, Pata (9577346422) Clons0 Sadar Gree anadha sha Sarma, Pawar (7002869533) Cloas0 SaderGrcle ta ‘1 Oebasish Das, Peon (9301143634) (for Elect. Insp, Sich ri Nayan Kumar Sharma, Peon (9204482125) Cfo St. Elect. Insp, Silchar ‘0 wit Kumar Paul, TO (9954240987) C/o EE, Agrculture, Cachar Divn, Sichar A Sub-DivisionefOtficer (Civil), Lakhipur ic, Election Personnol Coll, Parliamentary Election, 2024 ‘Memo No, CELIPERIHP/2024/1/58 Dated Siichar the 18th Aprili2024 Copy “The District Election Officer, Cachar, Silchar for favour of kind information. ‘The Diatict Development Commissioner, Cachar, Sihar & Uc. Material Cell, Parlamentary Election’2024 for Information and necessary action “The Addl. District Commissioner, Cachar, Ve-Transport Cel, Pariamentary Election'2026, He is requested to provide to {A Tro shuttle bus services for the employees concer as per date and time mentioned above to enable them to move ‘rom Dak Bungalow/.C’s Office Campus to ISTT, Rarmnagar, Sichar & back. ‘The Addl. Distt Commissioner, Cachar & Ue, Construction Cell, Parliamentary Election’2026. He is requested to provide necessary & adequate siting arrangements, sufficient ight & fans and drinking water facility for the employees once, counter wise as per above schedule in consultation with Officer in-charge Material Cell ‘The Adal. District Commissioner, Cachar, Uc. Pass & Photography Cell, Pariamentary Election / 2024, for information & necessary action, ‘The Addl. Distriet Commissioner, Cachar, Vc. Training Cell, Parlamentary Election / 2024, for information & necessary ‘action. He is requested to provide Master Trainer for briefing session tothe aforesaid officers & staff 2s per dete, ime ‘venue mentioned above, “The Adal, District Commissioner, Refreshment Cel, Parlamentary Election, 2024. He Is requested to provide Tea, ‘Snacks, Refreshment, Lunch on 24/04/202 & 25/04/2024 and on 28/04/2024 Le. on the day of receiving evening tea, Saneks and Dinner tothe employees concern as per above schedule, as also requested to provide tea and snacks at NNK Girs HS School, Sichar Curing briefing session as scheduled above, ‘Toe Superintendent of Police, Cachar, Silchar. He Is requested te provide adequate secunty as per date, time and venve specified above, The Election Officer, Sichar. He Is requested to arrange DNNK Girls HS School, Sichar on the date as fixed for Imparting biting session to the above mentioned officers & staff along with P.A. system. The DDLPR, Barak Valey Oven, Casha, leh & Uo. Media & Pubty Cel, Pariameniary Electon2024 wih a {eqs rain we publey one ateresad mat tough FL & rn Media coneequevs}y for tee) day for Deter comenoenee fe enpajees cencermed engaged forthe purpose ‘All Heads of Departments concerned with a request to direct the concerned offic for Baieeds titer ffcals/Staff to report for duties ‘Allthe Incumbents concerned for strict compliance without fl Guard File Ke OY Sub-Divieloval Oftcor (Civ), Lakhipur We, Election Personnel Call, Parllamontary Election, 2024
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