Mitzvot Guide
Mitzvot Guide
Mitzvot Guide
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The Talmud (the Oral Law that accompanies the Written Law, or Torah) explains that there are 613
mitzvot. The Talmud refers to the number 613 as taryag mitzvot. Jewish culture teaches the connection
of numerical values to Hebrew letters, words, and phrases through a system called gematria. The basis of
gematria is the concept that words or phrases with the same numerical values are related to one another.
Using the principle of gematria, the word “taryag” is related to the word “torah.” The word “taryag”
( )ּתַ ְריַגhas the gematria value of 613, and the word “torah” ()ּתֹורה
ָ has the gematria value of 611. Jewish
tradition teaches that “taryag” (613) is equal to “Torah” (611) plus two (the two commandments that
existed before the Torah: “I am the Lord your God” and “you shall have no other gods before Me”).
And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in
Paradise.” (Luke 23:43).
The word paradise is the Greek word paradeisos (Strong’s number G3857), whose equivalent Hebrew
words include eden (Strong’s number H5731) and pardes (Strong’s number H6508). Yeshua gave the man
another chance to learn the ways of Yahweh because the man recognized Yeshua for who He really was.
Depending on the level interpretation used when reading scripture, one receives a corresponding
level of revelation and understanding. When scripture is taught and understood at the sod level of
interpretation, there exists a greater power of the Word that brings light and life to regenerate and
transform our minds and the way we live. Yeshua taught His disciples in the sod level, and likewise, His
disciples (apostles) taught their disciples in the same fashion. The sod level of interpreting scripture is
the living Torah.
Such is also true when it comes to learning the mitzvot. When understood at the p’shat level, the
mitzvot may seem like a list of seemingly impossible rules, and one may wonder if it is even physically
possible to abide by all 613 commandments. However, when understood at the sod level – by recognizing
and opening each commandment from its hidden parabolic form – one soon sees that the 613 mitzvot are
repeated statements from Yahweh to His children to turn away from false doctrine and the following of
one’s own carnal desires to begin partnering with Yahweh to fulfill His ultimate divine plan to restore His
kingdom and glory back into the earth.
It should be noted that some discrepancies in chapter and verse numbering occur between the New
King James Version (NKJV) Bible and the Hebrew Bible. The chapter and verse numbers in these
workbooks are based on the NKJV Bible. Figure 1 shows the format in which the aforementioned
elements are presented.
You are encouraged to use the rest of the space on each page to continue unveiling deeper facets of the
scripture. It is recommended to utilize some tools in your search. Some useful online tools are: TheWord
(, MySword ( and e-Sword (https:// e-Sword is a platform that contains parallel Bibles (including Bibles in modern
and ancient Hebrew) with and without Strong’s Concordance numbers, commentaries, dictionaries,
reference materials, and many other useful elements. Where before Concordances were only available in
book form, now software such as e-Sword offers the ability to search for words in their original Hebrew
or Greek forms at the click of a computer mouse. This tool can help break down individual words and
phrases all the way back to their original roots and meanings. Figures 2, 3 and 4 show screen shots of the
e-Sword platform.
Fausset Dictionary
Figure 4: Fausset Bible Dictionary definition of the phrase “different sorts” (H8162).
A good starting point in the study of the mitzvot is to list out key words and phrases and to search out
their meanings. As we dive deeper into the Word of Yahweh, we soon begin to see recurring symbolism
in scripture. Recall that Yahweh speaks in parables:
I will open my mouth in a parable; I will utter dark sayings of old. (Psalms 78:2).
We begin to see that everything – from animals to plants to food and more – are all representations
of other things. For example:
The Hebrew language in which the entire Old Testament was written in, is also very rich in symbolism,
and you do not need to speak or read Hebrew fluently in order to reap the revelation that can be found
within the Hebraic scriptures. For this reason, we have included both the modern and ancient written
forms of the Hebrew verses for every mitzvah verse. You might be surprised to learn that the ancient
paleo Hebrew is written in pictographs. These pictographs provide us with deep spiritual significance
when interpreted prophetically. Therefore, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with the Hebrew
Aleph-Bet and the Hebraic meanings of the words as you study the verses. In the e-Sword software, we
recommend downloading the Ancient Hebrew Lexicon Bible (AHLB) by Jeff A. Benner, which will appear
under the Dictionaries tab (figure 2).
Thus, in the study of the mitzvot, you will begin to recognize hidden layers of symbolism interlaced
throughout the scripture. You may also consider some other helpful resources on Biblical symbolism,
including (but not limited to):
• Understanding Types, Shadows and Names: A Biblical Guide by Dr. Kelley Varner (examines the
main definitions and meanings of biblical terms in an 8-book series)
• The Epistle of Barnabas (depicts the representations of animals and elements in nature)
• On the Jewish Meats by Novatian (early church father writing on the deeper meaning behind the
dietary commandments)
During your journey to gain understanding through the mitzvot, it is our prayer that you receive
revelation of truth to live out this covenant as a lifestyle. May you be transformed by the renewing of
your mind as these life-giving commandments water your garden down to the marrow of your bones to
produce the fruits of the Spirit of life.
Gematria Values
Modern Ancient Ancient Hebrew Picture Meaning Name Sound
Single Spelled
כ, ך k Open palm - bend, open, allow, tame kaph k, kh 20 100
ל l Shepherd staff - teach, yoke, toward, bind lamed l 30 (30+40+4)
צ, ץ y Man on his side - wait, chase, snare, hunt tsadey ts 90 104
ש s Two front teeth - sharp, press, eat, two shin, sin sh 300 360