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Internship Report On "Employee Engagement & Job Satisfaction Level in Apex Footwear Limited"

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Internship Report

“Employee Engagement & Job Satisfaction Level in Apex Footwear limited”

Antara Tabassum Alam


An internship report submitted to the BRAC Business School in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of

Bachelors of Business Administration


BRAC University


© 2021 BRAC University

All rights reserved


It is hereby declared that.

1.The internship report submitted is my/our own original work while completing degree at Brac University.

2.The report does not contain material previously published or written by a third party, except where this is
appropriately cited through full and accurate referencing.

3.The report does not contain material which has been accepted, or submitted, for any other degree or
diploma at a university or other institution.

4.I have acknowledged all main sources of help.

Student’s Full Name & Signature:

Antara Tabassum Alam


Antara Tabassum Alam

ID: 16104123

Supervisor’s Full Name & Signature:


Mayesha Tasmin

Lecturer, BRAC Business School

BRAC University
Letter of Transmittal

11th May 2021

Ms. Mayesha Tasnim
Lecturer, BRAC Business School
66 Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212

Subject: Submission of Internship Report.

Dear Ma’am,
With due respect, I would like to inform you that I have completed my internship report.

This report contains all my experiences and research results which I gather through doing
internship in Apex Footwear Ltd. Bangladesh. The topic of the report is “Employee engagement
and Job satisfaction level in Apex Footwear”. In order to complete it I am thankful to
Assaduzzaman Munna, Ashiq Mahbub and Zakaria Zahir who were my supervisors and reporting
boss during my internship period. I was part of the daily activates of HR department and it helped
me to gain corporate experience.

I would like to thank you for your support and kind supervision throughout completing BUS400
(Internship) I
have given my level best effort and without any doubt, this experience enriched my knowledge
in a greater aspect. If you have any query over any aspect of my report, I would gladly receive
Therefore, I hope that you would be kind enough to accept this report.

Antara Tabassum Alam (16304097)
BRAC Business School
BRAC University
19th June 2021
Non-Disclosure Agreement
This agreement is made and entered into by and between Apex Footwear LTD. and the undersigned
student at BRAC University Antara Tabassum Alam.
This study examines the relationship between HRM practices on the basis of employee engagement
and job satisfaction. Purpose this paper is made to investigate Employee engagement and job
satisfaction of Apex Footwear limited.
In BRAC University, internship is an integral part of The BBA Program. To fulfill the requirement,
I have completed 3months of internship in Apex Footwear limited. I was honored to be a part of
this company as they allowed me to showcase my skills, upgrade them and trained to do excellent
job in real life business world. Apex aims to bring positive change in this sector of our country.
Serving their customers sincerely is one of the motto. They have a lot of retail stored around the
country which ensures that they are able to sere larger portion of the mass and include them in
Apex Happy Family. I was assigned at the Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka-1229 Branch of the Company.
The topic of my report is the “Employee engagement and job satisfaction of Apex Footwear
limited”. The report is divided into three parts which includes-
1. Overview of Internship,
2. Organization Part: Overview, Operations and a Strategic Audit,
3. Theoretical aspects of my Internship activities
4. In this part I have discussed on the analysis of the data & process of data gathering, Findings &
Suggestions for improvement and Conclusion.

Keywords: Employees Engagement, job satisfaction, Apex, Bangladesh.

Chapter 1 ......................................................................................................................................... 9

1.1 Student Information .............................................................................................................. 9

1.2 Internship Information .......................................................................................................... 9

1.3 Internship Supervisor Information ...................................................................................... 10

1.4 Responsibilities ................................................................................................................... 10

1.5 Benefits to the student ......................................................................................................... 10

1.6 Problem Faced during the internship .................................................................................. 11

Chapter 2 ....................................................................................................................................... 12

2.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 12

2.2 Origin of the report ............................................................................................................. 13

2.3 Company Portfolio .............................................................................................................. 13

2.3.1 Vision ........................................................................................................................... 14

2.3.2 Mission......................................................................................................................... 14

2.3.3 Moral standards ............................................................................................................ 14

2.4 Product and facility ............................................................................................................. 14

2.4.1 Share, Production capacity and Competitors ............................................................... 14

2.4.2 Business ....................................................................................................................... 15

2.4.3 Identities ....................................................................................................................... 16

2.4.4 Apex Footwear Ltd.'s Subsidiaries .............................................................................. 17

2.5 Environment, Labor rules, Facilities ................................................................................... 18

2.5.1 Labor rules ................................................................................................................... 18

2.5.2 Additional Facilities ..................................................................................................... 19

2.6 Corporate Social Responsibilities ....................................................................................... 19

2.7 Management Activities ....................................................................................................... 20

2.8 Recruitment ......................................................................................................................... 20

Development ......................................................................................................................... 21

Rewards Systems .................................................................................................................. 21

Training ................................................................................................................................. 21

Trade Unions ......................................................................................................................... 21

Measuring performance ........................................................................................................ 21

Motivation ............................................................................................................................. 22

Selection ................................................................................................................................ 22

Keeping and Maintenance of HR Inventory ......................................................................... 22

2.9 Marketing Practices ............................................................................................................ 23

Pricing ................................................................................................................................... 23

Product .................................................................................................................................. 23

Locations & Retail outlets .................................................................................................... 23

How APEX Should Fight Their Competitors ....................................................................... 25

2.10 Financial Analysis ............................................................................................................. 26

2.11 SWOT Analysis ................................................................................................................ 27

2.11.1 Strength ...................................................................................................................... 27

2.11.2 Weakness ................................................................................................................... 28

2.11.3 Opportunities.............................................................................................................. 28

2.11.4 Threats........................................................................................................................ 28

CHAPTER 3 ................................................................................................................................. 30

3.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 30

3.1.1 Background of the study .............................................................................................. 30

3.1.2 Objectives .................................................................................................................... 30

3.1.3 Significance of the study.............................................................................................. 30

3.2 Methodology ....................................................................................................................... 31

3.2.1 Sources ......................................................................................................................... 31

3.2.2 Data collection, procedure and questionnaire design .................................................. 31

3.3 Background of Respondents ............................................................................................... 31

3.3.1 Demographic Characteristicsof Respondents .............................................................. 32

3.3.2 Gender of Respondents ................................................................................................ 32

3.4 Findings and Analysis ......................................................................................................... 33

3.4.1 Employee Engagement ................................................................................................ 33

3.5 conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 38

3.5.1 Recommendations ........................................................................................................ 38

BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................................... 39

APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................... 41

QUESTIONNAIRES ................................................................................................................ 41
Chapter 1
Overview of Internship

1.1 Student Information

Name & ID: This is Antara Tabassum Alam. I admitted myself as a student at BRAC University
in the Summer of 2016. I choose BRAC Business School to pursue my BBA Degree. MY Student
ID was 16304097.

Program & Major: BRAC University offers 3 choices to the admission willing students. I choose
3 different departments to pursue my degree amongst which I was selected for English and BBA.
My grandfather wanted me to do English Hon’s but my heart felt like I should explore the world
of business. Hence I decided to opt for BBA. Later on, when I exploring all the fields of business
through the wonderful and supportive faculties of our university I realized there the two particular
fields I felt excited about. One of them is Human Resource Management and another one is
Marketing. I decided to do major in both of these subjects.

1.2 Internship Information

As it is mandatory to complete an internship to pursue a BBA degree I have done my internship at
a reputed retail company APEX Footwear limited. Apex Footwear Limited is Bangladesh’s most
loved shoe brand. During my internship, I worked in the Human Resource Department of Apex
footwear limited. I assisted in the sales associate recruitment process all over the country, I
prepared questionnaires for their employee satisfaction project called “Hashi”. Helped in designing
the ‘Dhonnobad” card and also worked as a data entry operator for their internal system IFS.
I joined Apex Footwear limited for an internship of 3 months which started on 5th January 2021
and ended on 5th April 2021. The office address of Apex Footwear limited is House # 06, Road
# 137, Block # SE(D), Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212. Bangladesh.

1.3 Internship Supervisor Information

During the duration of my internship, I was supervised by Mr. Assaduzzaman Munna who is the
executive of HR in Apex footwear limited. I learned how to operate their internal employee data
management system IFS. Later on, I worked for their talent accusation team lead by Mehnaz Jannat
and had hands-on experience in recruitment. I also worked for Mr. Ashfi Mostak, Executive HR,
under home I was trained to write proper appointment letters, transfer letters and had to experience
in-store visits.

1.4 Responsibilities
During my internship period, I got the opportunity to work in 2 HR core functions. Frist month, I
worked with Mr, Assaduzzaman Munna for maintaining and updating the employee personal
database of the head office of Apex Footwear Limited. During this, I learned different software
functions including Oracle software and IFS to maintain the database. I got the opportunity to
update data of new employees as well as old employees. I also managed the leave applications of
the employees. I had to receive files of new employees and update their qualifications, personal
contact number, previous employment history, etc. Afterward, I assisted in the recruitment of new
sales associates all over Bangladesh as Apex has over 350 outlets’ all over Bangladesh. I collected
resumes from different job portals as well as a hard copy of CVs dropped directly into stores of
Apex and sorted more than 300+ CVs. I arranged and assisted in the interview as well.

1.5 Benefits to the student

First of all, this internship was part of my BBA degree and I completed it as a Bus-400 course.
However, it helped me to gather real-life experience in a retail company. I loved the environment
of the office. My supervisor and other senior employees were really helpful. This internship has
added a lot of benefits which is going to work as a treasure in my future work life. Some of those

I learn how to observe and then reflect my observation in my work. In corporate life observation
is important. It created an opportunity to learn and understand the situation and work accordingly.
It helped me to create and develop a professional network. It will help me to go further and able
to establish more opportunities for myself.

It boosted my confidence level as I have learned to overcome different work-life situations it

encouraged me to work hard and look positively towards future challenges.

It helped me to add experience in my which will make my CV attractive to future employers. A

positive recommendation is another plus that I acquired from my internship.

1.6 Problem Faced during the internship

Despite of being an intern in a really well-reputed organization I faced some difficulties which
hamper my full potential,

The role of the intern was not organized, someday they had a lot of issues for which I could not do
my work properly and waited for the next day to resolve the issue so that I can start working. Their
internal web connectivity was really poor and due to Covid 19 situation the office canteen was
closed and I had to carry my food every day. The working hours were long.
Chapter 2
Organization Part

2.1 Introduction
Apex Footwear Plc. is a global limited company situated in Dhaka, Bangladesh, that was
incorporated in 1990. It makes, distributes, as well as exports leather shoes including shoe parts
all over the world. Apex provides shoes and boot for both men and women and also for children,
including moccasins, as well as artificial footwear as well as other items. In the title of Gallerie
Apex, the firm offers its items through retail locations, regional selling warehouses, as well as bulk
warehouses. Apex markets its items through a chain of 191 owned retail locations and 380
authorized distributors underneath the Venturini, Apex, Sprint, Maverick, Moochie, Nino Rossi,
Sandra Rosa, Twinkler, SchoolSmart, and Dr. Mauch brands. Apex Adelchi Footwear Limited was
the business's previous name until December 2013, when it switched to Apex Footwear Limited.
To assure high-quality footwear, the firm has followed worldwide manufacturing practices as well
as the best available techniques. Uv Drying Tunnels, Micropak systems, and moisture controllers
have also been included in the manufacturing and warehousing. Apex Footwear also adheres to
the most recent product content and limitation criteria, such as Chrome VI, PCP Formaldehyde,
and Lead VOC. Apex Footwear Ltd., as a responsible business, is committed to safeguarding
human life, mineral wealth, as well as the domestic and international environment via the
implementation of its Environmental Management System. AFL seems to have been a major
footwear brand in Bangladesh for about 3 decades. Apex Footwear Ltd. seeks to assure sustained
development, get to be a supplier of selection for its clients, and generate value for its shareholders
through its mission of "Honest Growth."
2.2 Origin of the report

The internship program enables students to expand knowledge and skills by incorporating
theoretical data in the real-life corporate world. This program provides more knowledge and gives
ideas on how to plan one's activities before joining a company. BRAC University is one of the
renowned non-public universities in the People's Republic of Bangladesh. It has designed the BBA
program to help create efficient graduates of the international standards. After finishing 120 credits,
one student must choose a further four-credit internship program in a company. My faculty
supervisor, Ms Mayesha Tasnim, Lecturer, BRAC grad school, BRAC This topic was accepted by
the university, as well as I was permitted to prepare this paper to complete the employment

2.3 Company Portfolio

Apex Footwear Limited (AFL) is Bangladesh's top leather footwear producer, having major shoe
stores in Western Europe, North America, and Japan. Apex offers Bangladeshi clients high-quality
and contemporary style footwear. Apex offers statewide coverage of its diverse range of footwear
for its clients with over 220 own stores and 380 licensed resellers.
2.3.1 VISION

 Honest Growth


 Ensuring long-term expansion

 Their goal is to become their clients' favourite provider.
 To generate value for our shareholders
 To operate as a responsible corporate citizen by being proactive in conforming to
international quality management systems.


• Be respectful

• Reliability

• Importance

• Self-determination

• Bravery

2.4 Product and facility

APEX Footwear Ltd. offers all types of footwear and non-shoe accessories to its customers. They
provide a wide range of footwear for men, women, and children.


Share: The project's first expenditure is estimated to be roughly 500 million Bangladeshi units of
measurement. Apex Footwear Limited of Bangladesh owns a hundred per cent of the company.

Production Capacity: In 2007 and 2008, Apex's production capacity soared to ten thousand pairs
of complete shoes each day and 15,000 sets of half-shoes each day, respectively. It increased the
capability of its mill by 5000 pairs per day in 2012. To meet the growing demand, it now
manufactures 20000 pairs of full shoes every day.
Competitors: AIMCO Footwear Limited, Deity Shoes Limited, Shampan Shoes Limited, Titas
Footwear Bangla Desh, and Bay Emporium are Apex Footwear Ltd.'s key rivals in Bangladesh.


Apex Footwear Ltd. has the subsequent businesses furthermore,


The following brands have been established by Apex Footwear.


Apex has many factories that help the company achieve its important goals. The following are the

1. Sole Molding Plant (TPR)

2. Plant materials (insole, counter, and toe puff)

3. Machining Dies Plant

4. Plant for Leather Finishing

5. Plant for Effluent Treatment

6. Purification Plant that Is Drinkable

7. Bonded storage facility

8. Power Supply for Full Standby

9. Child care and medical centre

10. Training grounds

2.5 Environment, Labor rules, Facilities

ALF has made strides toward producing goods that are free of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
in its production process. Furthermore, AFL has taken measures such as incorporating a more
environmentally friendly atmosphere, which has made the surrounding area greener. The
Bangladeshi Department of Environment has already given it the "Green" category approval.


Apex is implementing a concept across the board, encompassing hiring, training, career
development, and a succession plan. It's the policies that govern employee rights and benefits. The
following are the most commonly utilized labour laws:

The company has clear rules referring to operating hours, breaks, etc.

- Job postings ensure equal access to all or any capable candidates, as well as their right to interview.

- Apex evaluates labour-related hazards, for which they require dedicated personnel to track and
report on environmental and safety hazards.

- The organization has a good mechanism in place to capture the staff's valuable feedback.

- Given the possible risk in the world of utilizing children under the age of eighteen, the corporation
posts on the bulletin board that children under the age of eighteen are not to be used.

- The company observes strict rules concerning donations, further as for political parties,
guaranteeing transparency.

- Keep all suppliers and partners up to date on corporate purchases and anti-corruption policies.

- Supporting the United States' Federal Corrupt Activities Act (FCPA), the UK's Criminology Act,
as well as other anti-bribery or anti-corruption laws in Bangladesh, and also comparable national

- The American Federation of Labor encourages employees to be involved in politics and


Apex Footwear LTD. provides different facilities to its employees. The facilities are as follows:

-Medical facilities on the premises.

-Free immunization for employees' children -Free vaccination for employees' children

-Care shelters for the children of employees

-All employees have a lifetime contract.

-Worker Participant Fund (non-profit)

2.6 Corporate Social Responsibilities

Apex is a supporter of a variety of CSR initiatives.

 There are medical facilities within the factory

 Free immunizations for employees' adolescents

 All female employees receive a free Tetanus immunization.

 Child-care centers.
 Apex Footwear Limited, a member of the LFMEAB, gave Tk. 5 million to the
victims of the Rana Plaza tragedy in Savar. Stipends were given to the children of
local labourers.

2.7 Management Activities

HRM is also a brand new concept that provides importance to overall employee management. The
HRM manages employees in such a way that's a competitive advantage to the organizations. The
essential functions of this department include recruitment and selection, arranging training
sessions, doing performance appraisal, ensuring compensation benefits, motivating employees for
better performance, etc. HRM is that the responsibility of managers in any respect level. Major
activities of HRM are given below:

2.8 Recruitment

• The primary step before recruitment is to provide proper advertisements for the post.

• Then, the most vital part is to rearrange the task description.

• Lastly, the person specification where the qualification of the candidates is printed Employment

• It means providing civil rights to the organizations' workers regardless of age, gender, and

• It also means to create sure health and safety of the staff.

• Discipline

• Organization maintains strict discipline in recruitment and dismissing of employees.

• Follows HR policies to deal with any varieties of conflicts through informal or formal meetings,
verbal warnings, grievance procedures, etc.

• This section of HR includes Promotion

• They also emphasize on Personal Development

• They also focus on succession planning or Continuing Professional Development (CPD)


• The reward packages include travelling abroad, gifting with different monetary


• Through different rewards, they keep motivating employees


• The training includes developing any employees through providing necessary information.

• Training gives employees current and advanced information required for the post.

• It also increases efficiency.

• It could also be in house or by external trainers


• Trade unions help to create strong relations with the authorities and workers.

• Negotiation is made on different issues through Trade Unions


• Measuring performance is an incredibly important aspect of HR

• Through performance appraisal, the strength and weaknesses of employees are determined.

• Motivation techniques are being followed to remain employees working smoothly and perfectly.

• Employees are being praised supported by the appraisal forms, and if the results are positive,
they're positively motivated.

• Through the increase in compensation and benefits packages, employees are motivated


• It’s a procedure to select the proper candidates.

• Eligible applicants are being shortlisted and entailed further procedures.

• Through different tests like Aptitude tests and presentation, different

• Skills are being tested.


Apex Footwear Ltd.’s HR Department keeps an HR Inventory. As part of their HR inventory, they
store a non-public file for each employee that contains this information. It is a day-to-day HR
activity of Apex Footwear Ltd.

• Assist in the creation and revision of job descriptions.

• Every function's staff competence gap is measured.

• Assist in the standardization of KPIs

• Create a performance improvement strategy for the applicants who are doing poorly.

• Work on a succession plan for long-term success.

• Providing identification cards Arrangements for Seating

• Inside the IFS POS program, enter the worker's personally identifiable details

• Maintain a record of daily vacation, technology upgrades as well as the end up leaving the
• Maintain canteen-related matters by creating and maintaining a confidential file for each
employee (Id punch record, token providing).

2.9 Marketing Practices


Apex shoes have always had a premium price tag attached to them. The diversity of shoes was even
beyond the means of bourgeoisie people. They priced their shoes solely based on their quality and
target market. Apex was slipping behind in the market since people in our nation are increasingly
price-conscious, and they couldn't cut the cost of their footwear following the buying power of the
general public. As a consequence, they will be able to stay competitive and attract more customers.
Even though Apex's cost is already cheap when compared to outside brands such as Nike, Adidas,
and others, the company is dropping its price and looks to be tracking market conditions.


Because its leathers are acquired from many other countries, Apex shoes seem to be more advanced
than competing local shoe design in our country; aside from that, Apex footwear's longevity may
well be greater than those of other shoe firms. Fitbit, apex petals, conform collection,
Biomechanical Footwear, and more collections are available for ladies. They provide Boots, Active
Walkers, Athletic Runners, and many more items for men. The Ariya Hiking Boot, Breeze Athletic
Knit - A-Last line, and petal boots are among their most recent creations. They ensure that its shoes
seem to be of excellent quality and also have a long lifespan to retain their brand image.


Apex has opened its showrooms around the country, and most of them are well designed. Apex
continues to expand its showrooms, and its locations are now accessible from nearly every section
of the country. They have distinct self for different items in each of their showrooms. As a result,
it's customer-friendly, making it simple to find the product they want and select the best option.
And the majority of Apex showrooms seem to be located in the town's or area's centre.
Promotion and Discounts

Apex has always followed various discount offers on various occasions, similar to their
competitors, to attract more customers and grow sales. On major holidays such as Eid, Ramadan,
Puja, Christmas, and others, they provide substantial discounts. Some apex sneakers are currently
on sale at a 70% discount.

Innumerous Designs

Apex continues to create new and different designs of shoes to attract customers. They feature
footwear for men, women, and children in a range of styles. In addition, they have the latest and
most up-to-date sneakers on hand to meet consumer expectations.

Creating Own Brand Personality

Regularly, they specialize in creating shoes that represent their band's individuality. They're
attempting to provide distinct shoes from other brands such as Bata and others in terms of quality,
colour, style, and pricing. Shoes come in a variety of styles.

Target Market
Apex is performing fairly well in terms of its target market. However, they are still not ready to
become an effective premium brand in our country's footwear sector. The majority of peak clients
are upper-class individuals. Thus the cost of their shoes is easily affordable to them. They do,
however, have shoes for those of lesser socioeconomic status.


In this study, I attempted to uncover APEX Footwear Limited's whole marketing approach. We
went over the PESTLE analysis to get a thorough view of their firm and the SWOT analysis, which
revealed which criteria they excel at and which they need to improve on. I also looked at the BCG
Matrix to figure out how APEX Group and its SBUs differentiate their products from others,
transmit and distribute items, and h I also attempted to keep an eye out for their special offer. We
also conducted extensive market research by asking them pertinent questions about their product's
performance and quality.

By examining all of the criteria mentioned above, we can see that they have become the market
leader or are fighting the competition to stay in the market by following these three steps:

1. Quality of the Product

2. Strong Presence in the Market

2. It satisfies the Shareholder's interest

During my study, I discovered that APEX has continuously been the market leader for the past two
decades. This is made feasible by retaining the product's quality. Maintaining product quality is the
easiest and most straightforward strategy for any business or organization to survive and compete
with its counterparts.

Inside the footwear sector, APEX has the biggest market share, whereas its strong market presence
has helped them maintain that position. They are vigorously selling their goods through numerous
methods, such as physical billboard billboards, internet commercials, and so on, to achieve this.
They have an unlimited amount of commercials and promotional materials as a market leader. Their
marketing efforts are also assisting them in maintaining a strong representation in the marketplace.

Finally but not least, companies demand Honest Growth, as stated in their goal, and that is why,
such as the buyer, those who are cautious with their shareholders or owners. They use their net
income to pay the promised dividend to their shareholders. They primarily compete with the
competition by keeping these three steps.

2.10 Financial Analysis

As we all know, the higher the current ratio, the better the company's ability to meet its
commitments. A ratio of less than one indicates that the company would be unable to pay its debts
if they become due at that time. While this indicates that the company isn't in excellent financial
shape, it doesn't necessarily imply that it will fail. It is certainly not an honest indication. The
corporation may well have trouble meeting brief obligations when operating expenses outweigh
current assets (the average figure is or less one). We also understand that this ratio indicates the
creditor's margin of safety or cushion. It's a measure of a company's financial stability. It's also a
technical solvency index as well as an asset strength index. If this percentage is almost too huge,
the business may not have been making much use of its current assets or short-term financing
choices. This might also be a sign of issues with capital management. A company with a current
ratio of three or four will desire to be disturbed. Variety this high implies that management has the
most cash on hand; they will be doing a poor job of investing it. During this period, I saw that their
current ratio was growing from 2016 to 2020, with a ratio of above one but less than 3 or 4,
indicating that the company could meet its commitments. The corporation was in good financial
shape, and that was an unmistakable indicator. The company has made good use of its present assets
and short-term funding options. This translates to better capital management. We all know that
increasing both current assets and current liabilities by the same amount reduces the ratio. We also
saw that from 2016 to 2020, current assets increased progressively once a year, implying that the
company is extending its asset, which is certainly a good indicator. On the other hand, from 2016
to 2020, current liabilities are steadily increasing every year, indicating that the company has short-
term obligations for commercial purposes, which is also a good indicator of the growing current
asset. So we can conclude that there is a growth in both current assets and current liabilities, which
leads to an increase in the ratio. Still, the gap between these two is narrowing over time when
comparing 2017 and 2018 ratios to 2016 ratios.
2.11 SWOT Analysis

We conducted a SWOT analysis of APEX through research and with the help of the product
manager. The SWOT technique is used to analyses APEX's capabilities, vulnerabilities,
possibilities, and challenges. A SWOT analysis is as follows:


 Market Leader: APEX is one of Bangladesh's leading shoe manufacturers. Apex

provides high-quality products using sophisticated technology that provides the
least amount of harm to the character. As a result, they will continue to be the market

 Distinctive design: APEX created a unique shoe style that set them apart from their
competition. As a result, customers have the chance to select their chosen goods
from a reasonable selection.

 Best quality: APEX has maintained its high level of excellence. They constantly
provide the highest quality products and services to their customers while
maintaining an appealing appearance.

 Reliable brand: In Bangladesh, APEX is one of the oldest footwear brands.

Purchasers choose the Apex brand and charge a premium for its products because
the company is dependable, and the things last longer than those of its competitors.

 Keeping the brand alive: Since APEX is the industry leader, it must invest heavily
in Promotion, marketing, advertising, and other areas to maintain its position. In a
word, we'll state that they need to spend a lot of money to be a top footwear brand
and keep market share, which is why preserving for the business is indeed a
challenge for marketers.

 Shops that are just not all over everything: APEX includes locations in the county's
centre and on the outskirts prominent locations, although they are not available
everywhere. They need to provide additional stores so that people may pleasantly
buy their shoes.


 New machinery: Some modern machinery for advanced leather tanning and cutting
are present in other countries, while others are developing. If they introduce this
machine to our nation, it will make it easier for them to develop things.

 Purchasing capability: Bangladesh is now a lower-middle-income nation, but that is

about to change since our government has made efforts to transform it into a middle-
income country by 2020. People will buy more expensive products as their
purchasing power grows. APEX is benefited in this way since it manufactures high-
end footwear. This might be one of the most significant prospects for APEX.

 Taste: People's lifestyles and preferences are evolving. People nowadays desire to
wear designer shoes regularly. One of the most important aspects of correct attire is
the shoe. This might be one of many chances for APEX to create some distinctive
and high-end designer items.

 Online shopping: People are now purchasing their necessities via Internet shopping.
Apex has recently established Apex4u.com, their internet presence. People should
be able to acquire shoes from a wide selection on this website with ease.

2.11.4 THREATS
 Local shoemaker: The local shoe manufacturer may pose a danger to us since they
will sell shoes at a lower cost. Many local shoemakers are currently accessible, and
the number is growing.

 Tannery industry to relocate outside of Dhaka: According to government decree, the

tannery industry, which is now located in Dhaka's Hazaribagh region, must relocate
outside the city. Consequently, the assembly cost should rise, and as a result, the
goods price should rise as well. This is frequently one of several hazards they must
carefully manage.

Main competitors: APEX's key rivals, such as Bata, Lotto, Bay Emporium, and Orion, bring new
technologies to the market while still supplying high-quality shoes to customers. APEX wants to
continue offering high-quality products using cutting-edge technology to maintain its position as a
market leader
Employee Engagement & Job satisfaction of Apex Footwear limited.

3.1 Introduction


To attain competitive advantage employees are the key resource for an organization that can be
strategically placed. Through the quality and efficiency of an organization’s human resources, the
organization can increase and sustain competitive advantage.

Among the academic researchers, employee engagement is a popular topic now a day. It is now
considered as a road to success and it is assumed essential to gain competitiveness of an

This study targets to dig deep into the reasons which engages a person most at work so that
motivating factor behind good performance and job satisfaction can be measured. This section will
focus on analyzing the data and discussing the findings with illustration of tables and charts.


Primary Objective:

• To study the Employee engagement and job satisfaction of Apex Footwear Limited.
Secondary Objectives:

• To study and observe the adequacy of employee engagement towards their work.
• To assemble the feedback of employee regarding job satisfaction.
• To make recommendations, built on employee response and other information collected
with a vision to improve the system in the organization.


This research offers employees, and managers with an essential insight of examining the
influence the practices on EWE in their organization and to pinpoint the critical practices
for increasing employee participation rate in their work & job satisfaction as well
developing a good relationship among employers & employees that contribute to manage
better Employee work engagement.

The study helps HR managers to overcome challenges to develop employee’s behaviors,

internal HRM practices that create an ownership mentality within the employee’s
behavior’s & increase work engagement rate.

3.2 Methodology


Two sources of data and information have been collected during my internship:
Primary Data

 Observation by the practical work.

 Face to face discussion with the employees.
 Technically visiting the company and personally observe on different department.

Secondary Data

 Monthly Statement of Apex Footwear Ltd.

 Official Files.
 Other manual information.
 Websites.
 Books.


Through questionnaire survey the primary data was collected from the respondents.

There are three parts in the questionnaire. First one is Demographic part which includes Age,
Gender & Management level. Another part of the questionnaire is Employee engagement and in
the final part job satisfaction.

3.3 Background of Respondents

The study involved all employees of product development department in Apex footwear limited.
150 questionnaires were sent out and 112 were returned complete and useable. This represents
74.67% response rate.


A. Gender of Respondents


Table 3.1 shows that 71% of respondents were male and 28.57% were female. These results

suggest that the department work force in Apex is dominated by male.

Table 3.2 indicates that 39.29% of respondents are 30 – 40 years’ age category, 25% in below 30

years old, 21.43% are above 50 years and only 14.29% 40 to 50 years’ category. The results

suggest that employees are in between the age of 30-40 which is considered most productive age.

In this age people remain energetic are able to handle work demands.

C. Respondents’ Position

Table 3.3 shows that 57.14% of respondents are officers, 28.57% are executive, 14.28% are

3.4 Findings and Analysis

This report aims to find out the perception of the employees of Apex about the dimensions which
is adopted by dividing the topic. The questionnaire survey was prepared by using those
dimensions- employee engagement and job Satisfaction. In the questionnaire the average scores
of Apex are on the basis of questionnaire rating from 1-5 following Likert scale. The questionnaire
rating is given below:


I have included seven questions under Employee Engagement dimension for conducting this
survey. The average points score of questionnaires in the Involvement dimension are given below-

Table 3.4: Respondents scores in the Employee Engagement Dimension

Perception Statements in the Employee Engagement Dimension
Q.1 At my work I know what is expected from me 4.71

Q. 2 At my work, have the opportunity to do the best I do 3.89

Q. 3 your supervisor or other, do care about you as a person 3.98

Q.4 people at your workplace, do encourages of your work 3.32

Q.5 You feel that your job is important to the organization 4.07

Q.6 Your opinion is count in your workplace 3.36

Q.7 In last three months anyone from workplace discussed with you about your 3.57
progress in work

Employee Engagement






Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7
Employee Engagement 4.71 3.89 3.98 3.32 4.07 3.36 3.57

Respondents scores in the Employee Engagement Dimension

Here, in the table 3.4 and in the chart 3.1, My observation is, that the employees feel Apex is
responsive in most of the activities such as- work expectation from them, importance of their work
and care. Contrary, employees are not that much satisfied with the opportunities, importance of
their opinions and encouragement of work.

Job Satisfaction
I have included five questions under Job Satisfaction dimension for conducting this survey.
According to the ratings given by the employees of Apex Footwear limited I have tried to draw
the results. The average points score of questionnaires in the Involvement dimension are given

Respondents scores in the Job Satisfaction dimension

Perception Statements in the Job Satisfaction Dimension Average

Q.1 You feel encourage to come up with ideas to do your job in a better manner 4.14

Q. 2 You receive fair and honest performance evaluation 4.1

Q. 3 You get the feelings of personal accomplishment from your work 3.98

Q.4 You receive the recognition your deserve for your contribution 3.68

Q.5 Get a fair amount for the work 4.43

Job Satisfaction






Q.1 Q.2 Q.3 Q.4 Q.5
Job Satisfaction 4.14 4.1 3.98 3.68 4.43

Respondents scores in the Job Satisfaction dimension

Here, in the table 3.5 and in the chart 3.2 So, we can assume after observing this that the employees
of APEX are satisfied and appreciate the methods that are being used in the organization. So, on
the basis of job satisfaction dimension we can say that the employees are satisfied.

Overview of the two Dimensions:

From the survey, we can say that overall the employees of Apex are very satisfied in terms of
providing quality services and getting that much recognition. They have a satisfactory outlook on
the basis of overall perception. With the questionaries’ I focused mainly on the employee
perception. Average of each dimension has been calculated.
Overview of the two Dimensions

Dimensions Average Score

Employee Engagement 3.84
Job Satisfaction 4.07
Overview of the two Dimensions

4.07 3.84

Employee Engagement Job Satisfaction

Figure 3.3: Overview of the two Dimensions

Summary of findings

1. Apex should give opportunities to every employees to talk and share their opinion so that
company can find many ideas or information if they picked good ones which is appreciation for
the employees and which can be more productive for the organization as well.
2. Apex can provide the facilities by which employees can do their best at the work which can
better for the organization.
3. if anyone doing their job well the company should recognized that person and if anyone couldn’t
do their best the company can train them. Such as
3.5 conclusion
The perception of employee job satisfaction & employee’s work engagement of Apex in average
is good, so is in the organizational culture practices have a direct influence positively and
significantly on employee’s engagement. Most of the employees have a pretty satisfied; it means
that good human resource management practices of apex and employees’ engagement can still be



Apex Footwear Ltd. is a leading footwear company of the country though its overall performance
is well some extra points are given to accelerate the present position:
Results of this current study is going to assist in different fields including the through
understanding of HRM practices and employee engagement as employee work engagement is a
critical factor for achieving competitive advantage for a human resource based business
organization like Apex.
The company have to be more conscious about allocating the employee recognition and
development program. The employees and executives are very much satisfied with the company
so the company should take ideas from different level so that they can know what the employees
are thinking and collect new ideas to improve the workplace.
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Dear respondent,
Part: C (Job satisfaction)

Questionnaire Ends
‘Thank You’ for your kind cooperation all the way

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